Trump IS the wall.....

A great quote by Dana Perino and she is dead on. Illegal immigrant crossings are down over 70% at the Southern border. Big deal you say? Consider the other side of the coin. That means thousands of poor ignorant people not dying a hideous death in the deserts or young boys and girls not being kidnapped and sold into slavery or being recruited into gangs.

This is one of many positive effects of the new Trump presidency. Just as Obama motivated the flood of immigrants with his dangerous DACA policies, Trump is slowing the flow without the first brick being laid.
Illegal border crossings have been declining since 2008, so you see that Obama never motivated anyone.
Now tell us the time frame included in this 70 % figure. Does it represent just a single month, or the presidency to date, and what dates are we speaking of?
Crossings declining since 2008? Nonsense, there was an enormous surge of crossings under Obama spurred on by his speeches and his illegal DACA law. Since Donald Trump became president, crossings are down 70%. Google it yourself you will get multiple sources with that number.
Instead of making a fool of your self do a "google search" and in about 10 seconds you will learn that crossings have been declining since 2008
Don's apologists will have to come up with some nonsense like this because THE WALL will never happen and Mexico sure ain't paying for it. And look, it's easy, Don's followers have no idea what the rates were or are anyway.
------------------------------------------------ concerning the WALL , your taxpayer money will work as well as any mexican money Fenton .
So Don was full of shit? Mexico will not be paying for THE WALL? but is was going to be so magnificant, a wall like you'd never seen.
--------------------------------------- don't know Fenton but doing things take time . Trump has said , we build the wall and mexico pays . Not important to me WHO pays . Actually i'd prefer that YOU unamerican lefties pay . But until then , deportation and making illegal lives miserable is good enough for me Fenton .

Don promised "on day one" shoog, and no one deported more than Obama, your story has issues.
A great quote by Dana Perino and she is dead on. Illegal immigrant crossings are down over 70% at the Southern border. Big deal you say? Consider the other side of the coin. That means thousands of poor ignorant people not dying a hideous death in the deserts or young boys and girls not being kidnapped and sold into slavery or being recruited into gangs.

This is one of many positive effects of the new Trump presidency. Just as Obama motivated the flood of immigrants with his dangerous DACA policies, Trump is slowing the flow without the first brick being laid.
Illegal border crossings have been declining since 2008, so you see that Obama never motivated anyone.
Now tell us the time frame included in this 70 % figure. Does it represent just a single month, or the presidency to date, and what dates are we speaking of?
Crossings declining since 2008? Nonsense, there was an enormous surge of crossings under Obama spurred on by his speeches and his illegal DACA law. Since Donald Trump became president, crossings are down 70%. Google it yourself you will get multiple sources with that number.
Instead of making a fool of your self do a "google search" and in about 10 seconds you will learn that crossings have been declining since 2008

Can't, objective reality sodomizes some folk's belief systems.
Don's apologists will have to come up with some nonsense like this because THE WALL will never happen and Mexico sure ain't paying for it. And look, it's easy, Don's followers have no idea what the rates were or are anyway.
If more Americans thought like Trump, we wouldn't need a wall
Trump is President and he is doing fine , and what , did you pick up a little 'mex' ally there Fenton .
Don's apologists will have to come up with some nonsense like this because THE WALL will never happen and Mexico sure ain't paying for it. And look, it's easy, Don's followers have no idea what the rates were or are anyway.
If more Americans thought like Trump, we wouldn't need a wall

You think you need a wall because your "job creator" class wants them here and lobbies hard for it.
Don's apologists will have to come up with some nonsense like this because THE WALL will never happen and Mexico sure ain't paying for it. And look, it's easy, Don's followers have no idea what the rates were or are anyway.
If more Americans thought like Trump, we wouldn't need a wall
------------------------------------------ gotta get the wall though but until then President Trump is doing fine imo Tank .
Trump is President and he is doing fine , and what , did you pick up a little 'mex' ally there Fenton .
Nothing has changed at all except how you feel about who is in the white house hon; Goldman Sachs is all up in it, same as it ever was, same as it would have been had Hilary "won".
Don's apologists will have to come up with some nonsense like this because THE WALL will never happen and Mexico sure ain't paying for it. And look, it's easy, Don's followers have no idea what the rates were or are anyway.
If more Americans thought like Trump, we wouldn't need a wall
------------------------------------------ gotta get the wall though but until then President Trump is doing fine imo Tank .

Gotta get Nieto to send that check.
your tax check will work as good as anyone elses money , feck 'nieto' Fenton !!
A great quote by Dana Perino and she is dead on. Illegal immigrant crossings are down over 70% at the Southern border. Big deal you say? Consider the other side of the coin. That means thousands of poor ignorant people not dying a hideous death in the deserts or young boys and girls not being kidnapped and sold into slavery or being recruited into gangs.

This is one of many positive effects of the new Trump presidency. Just as Obama motivated the flood of immigrants with his dangerous DACA policies, Trump is slowing the flow without the first brick being laid.
And it is also slowing down the flow of Drugs that is coming in from the borders.

A Continuously Updated Global Display Of Major Drug Interdictions
TRUMP is the wall but lets build the actual physical Wall . Until then though TRUMP is the wall and his success on barring illegal aliens is due to his attitude , words and orders that free up the Border Patrol and other immigration law enforcers . See link , --- Federal immigration agents round up 123 people in Texas --- Go TRUMP !!
When is Mexico going to write their check?
They don't need to write a check. Only idiots do not know that there are other ways to make Mexico pay.

Democrats are some stupid motherfuckers.
TRUMP is the wall but lets build the actual physical Wall . Until then though TRUMP is the wall and his success on barring illegal aliens is due to his attitude , words and orders that free up the Border Patrol and other immigration law enforcers . See link , --- Federal immigration agents round up 123 people in Texas --- Go TRUMP !!
When is Mexico going to write their check?
They don't need to write a check. Only idiots do not know that there are ways to make Mexico pay.
Please list some of those ways, especially the ones that Americans don't have to pay for.
TRUMP is the wall but lets build the actual physical Wall . Until then though TRUMP is the wall and his success on barring illegal aliens is due to his attitude , words and orders that free up the Border Patrol and other immigration law enforcers . See link , --- Federal immigration agents round up 123 people in Texas --- Go TRUMP !!
When is Mexico going to write their check?
They don't need to write a check. Only idiots do not know that there are ways to make Mexico pay.
------------------------------ of course we will make them pay but thats just a change in thread that i didn't want to argue with the couple of boneheads . mex 'nieto' will Pay one way or the other Muhammed .
TRUMP is the wall but lets build the actual physical Wall . Until then though TRUMP is the wall and his success on barring illegal aliens is due to his attitude , words and orders that free up the Border Patrol and other immigration law enforcers . See link , --- Federal immigration agents round up 123 people in Texas --- Go TRUMP !!
When is Mexico going to write their check?
They don't need to write a check. Only idiots do not know that there are ways to make Mexico pay.
Please list some of those ways, especially the ones that Americans don't have to pay for.
No. I'm not doing your homework for you.

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