Trump IS the wall.....

It's much cheaper to build a wall then to take care of millions of mexicans
TRUMP is the wall but lets build the actual physical Wall . Until then though TRUMP is the wall and his success on barring illegal aliens is due to his attitude , words and orders that free up the Border Patrol and other immigration law enforcers . See link , --- Federal immigration agents round up 123 people in Texas --- Go TRUMP !!
When is Mexico going to write their check?
They don't need to write a check. Only idiots do not know that there are ways to make Mexico pay.
Please list some of those ways, especially the ones that Americans don't have to pay for.
No. I'm not doing your homework for you.
Of course not, you don't have a single clue.
TRUMP is the wall but lets build the actual physical Wall . Until then though TRUMP is the wall and his success on barring illegal aliens is due to his attitude , words and orders that free up the Border Patrol and other immigration law enforcers . See link , --- Federal immigration agents round up 123 people in Texas --- Go TRUMP !!
When is Mexico going to write their check?
They don't need to write a check. Only idiots do not know that there are ways to make Mexico pay.
Please list some of those ways, especially the ones that Americans don't have to pay for.
No. I'm not doing your homework for you.
Of course not, you don't have a single clue.
You are the one who asked a really stupid question. You are showing your complete ignorance.
President Trump is kicking the illegals ass good job Mr. President :eusa_clap:
Since when?

Fear ICE fool.
Looks like you want to believe anything he tells you.
-------------------------------------- you don't read the news eh you little mexican 'frito' --- anyway , some news for you little 'mex' frito . --- Federal immigration agents round up 123 people in Texas --- day by day , apprehend and deport , deport , deport 'mex' frito !!
When is Mexico going to write their check?
They don't need to write a check. Only idiots do not know that there are ways to make Mexico pay.
Please list some of those ways, especially the ones that Americans don't have to pay for.
No. I'm not doing your homework for you.
Of course not, you don't have a single clue.
You are the one who asked a really stupid question. You are showing your complete ignorance.
Actually, I did do my homework and couldn't find a single way that Mexico could be forced to pay for the wall. Obviously you couldn't either.
When is Mexico going to write their check?
They don't need to write a check. Only idiots do not know that there are ways to make Mexico pay.
Please list some of those ways, especially the ones that Americans don't have to pay for.
No. I'm not doing your homework for you.
Of course not, you don't have a single clue.
You are the one who asked a really stupid question. You are showing your complete ignorance.
------------------------------------------- you read what i posted , if you ignore , its ok with me Muhammed . As i also said , i'd prefer that lefties in the USA pay and that may include YOU mohammad .
President Trump is kicking the illegals ass good job Mr. President :eusa_clap:
Since when?

Fear ICE fool.
Looks like you want to believe anything he tells you.

Illegal crossings are at a historic low under President Trump, tissue?
Are they? For what period of time?
---------------------------------------- for as long as TRUMP and his people do their appointed work mex 'frito' !!
bonehead mex 'frito' just wants to rehash the past . You must be a mrobama supporter eh mex'frito' ??
its hardly surprising that the flow of illegals is slowning down. while I dont necessarily agree with trump's stand on border and immigration entirely, Im glad his presidency has brought this issue to the forefront. Also, some of the illegals who have been here for awhile and have made some money are picking up stakes and going home.
These are good things.
They don't need to write a check. Only idiots do not know that there are ways to make Mexico pay.
Please list some of those ways, especially the ones that Americans don't have to pay for.
No. I'm not doing your homework for you.
Of course not, you don't have a single clue.
You are the one who asked a really stupid question. You are showing your complete ignorance.
------------------------------------------- you read what i posted , if you ignore , its ok with me Muhammed . As i also said , i'd prefer that lefties in the USA pay and that may include YOU mohammad .
Nah, I'm a centrist, not a lefty.
plus they fear to go after benefits that are available to them plus some remain in the shadows hiding . Going back to mexico and other third world lands is good , let them have a revolution in their third world countries .
Please list some of those ways, especially the ones that Americans don't have to pay for.
No. I'm not doing your homework for you.
Of course not, you don't have a single clue.
You are the one who asked a really stupid question. You are showing your complete ignorance.
------------------------------------------- you read what i posted , if you ignore , its ok with me Muhammed . As i also said , i'd prefer that lefties in the USA pay and that may include YOU mohammad .
Nah, I'm a centrist, not a lefty.
---------------------------- I think that you are 'fos' , at least in this thread 'mohammad' !!
plus they fear to go after benefits that are available to them plus some remain in the shadows hiding . Going back to mexico and other third world lands is good , let them have a revolution in their third world countries .
Mexico is far far from a third world country.
centrist is a moderate , moderates are as bad as lefties as they will go / swing both ways Mohammad !!
President Trump is kicking the illegals ass good job Mr. President :eusa_clap:
Since when?

Fear ICE fool.
Looks like you want to believe anything he tells you.

Illegal crossings are at a historic low under President Trump, tissue?
Are they? For what period of time?

Thousands of new ICE agents to be sent to sacntuary cities
Border patrol leader says drop in illegal immigration under Trump is miraculous
ICE hiring 10,000 agents
ICE plans to arrest and deport 400,000 this year
Looks like you want to believe anything he tells you.

Illegal crossings are at a historic low under President Trump, tissue?
Are they? For what period of time?

Thousands of new ICE agents to be sent to sacntuary cities
Border patrol leader says drop in illegal immigration under Trump is miraculous
ICE hiring 10,000 agents
ICE plans to arrest and deport 400,000 this year
Why don't you say arrest and deport 500,000 or a million, any of those numbers are impossible
Fear ICE fool.
Looks like you want to believe anything he tells you.

Illegal crossings are at a historic low under President Trump, tissue?
Are they? For what period of time?

Thousands of new ICE agents to be sent to sacntuary cities
Border patrol leader says drop in illegal immigration under Trump is miraculous
ICE hiring 10,000 agents
ICE plans to arrest and deport 400,000 this year
Why don't you say arrest and deport 500,000 or a million, any of those numbers are impossible

LOL hello earth to frito ICE to hire 10,000 more agents and send them to sanctuary cities to arrest and deport illegals.
plus they fear to go after benefits that are available to them plus some remain in the shadows hiding . Going back to mexico and other third world lands is good , let them have a revolution in their third world countries .
Mexico is far far from a third world country.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [chuckle] yeah , why does every mex and others south of the USA border peasant want to come to the USA . Plus your narcos are drying up your tourist industry in 'cancun' and other areas , nieto is hugely rich while mexicans illegally in the USA send money home to family in mexico . mexican students , think it was 43 in number are tortured , killed , burned and dumped in a river and mexican cops helped do the deed . mexico certainly is third world and tourist should always have some spare 'mordida' money in their pocket to payoff the police and other mexican officials 'frito mex' .

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