Trump - Is This the kind of person for President?


Cat Lady =^..^=
Apr 27, 2013
Had forgotten about this incident.....imagine Trump as President being able to push the red button! Yikes!

In 1989 Donald Trump took out a full page ad in four New York City newspapers calling for the execution of the alleged rapists in the infamous Central Park Jogger case.

All five of the suspects were convicted, largely because of confessions which they later recanted and which are now believed to be the result of coercion by the NYPD detectives investigating the case. In 2002, a man already in prison on other charges confessed to the crime and said that he acted alone, a fact confirmed by DNA tests that showed that only one person had raped the victim, and that person turned out to be the person who confessed after tests were performed.

The convictions of the five men were voided, but if Trump had his way they all probably would’ve been dead before the actual rapist confessed.
Donald Trump Once Called For The Deaths Of Five Innocent Men
Excellent point.

Oh the Dumbnald, he knows all about "who's doing the raping", don't he?
What a freaking idiot.
We are finishing up with one narcissist, not really ready for another one just yet.
Knowing when and how to use power for good or compromising outcomes while maintaining principles do not appear to be his strong suit.
Excellent point.

Oh the Dumbnald, he knows all about "who's doing the raping", don't he?
What a freaking idiot.

He saw it....

---- on TV, in Jersey City. There were "thousands and thousands". Kill 'em all. :death:

Yanno if he got his way and those guys were sent to the chair, I bet they woulda looked like this:

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Allow me to remind you liberal hacks it was Hillary who threatened to obliterate Iran. Link to Trump threatening to obliterate an entire country? She's bat shit crazy.
Let's just leave the job open for four years and see how it works without a president.
Maybe if we just make college students work 40 hour McDonald's jobs for $15/hr., this whole f'ing mess will get better?
Of course Hillary fails for me in much the same way.

I seriously doubt that you can come up with some proof that Hillary has made an accusation about someone and asked for their death only to find out later they were innocent. This guy doesn't think before he speaks, says whatever comes to his mind, and some people are cheering him for the most absurd stuff he says.
Of course Hillary fails for me in much the same way.

I seriously doubt that you can come up with some proof that Hillary has made an accusation about someone and asked for their death only to find out later they were innocent. This guy doesn't think before he speaks, says whatever comes to his mind, and some people are cheering him for the most absurd stuff he says.

Excuse me, but perhaps one of you liberal backstabbing ass wipes can tell me where you found your 20/20 hindsight glasses? Mine don't seem to be working every well.

I probably don't like Trump any more than you do, but why do you have to be so fucking dishonest?
Uh...didn't they confess?
Didn't you read the article? Yeah, they were co-erced by the police but later the real perpetrator confessed and his DNA matched that found on the woman, their convictions were voided. Says a lot about our police, too.

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