Trump is turning to racism to mock Nikki Haley's Indian name. Experts say it could backfire.

I think the ones who vote for Trump, vote for him because he is Trump and does such things, but he never had the majority even when he defeated Hilary Clinton he didnt won the popular vote, so the majority of americans are not racist
Well, but you and your Dim ilk certainly are.

Trump is turning to racism to mock Nikki Haley's Indian name. Experts say it could backfire.

“Trump is no stranger to turning to racism and name calling against his political foes.”

“A 2021 study led by Aaron Dusso, associate professor of political science at Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis, showed that name-calling did nothing to impact a voter's perception of the insulted candidate.”

“Instead, the name-calling backfired and impacted how the respondents viewed the perpetrating candidate.”

“‘Whatever effect we found was all focused on the actual attacker,’ Dusso told BI in an interview.”

This may be true for other politicians, but not for trump and his devoted fans. Name-calling, bigoted and racial slurs, and his other hate-filled rhetoric are what most impress his supporters. His hate-speech has, in fact, liberated the devout trumpists from polite societal restrictions and has motivated their similar behavior since trump began his first presidential campaign in 2015.

Civil discourse is not anything trump wants and prefers to avoid such situations as in debates and news conferences. With his history of unconscionable behavior, trump’s cult members would lose confidence in their leader should he resort to civil discourse.

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And a TDS one at that.
My family and virtually everybody I know are part of Trump’s base because we can see the damage that Biden is causing to the country.

But you cannot see the damage Trump is doing to the country. Thus the problem.

We are not racists, but we do love our country and won’t be complicit in its slow destruction by voting for Biden.

Just about nobody actually thinks they are racist. But you will be complicit in its slow destruction by voting for Trump.
(1) I am 86.

(2) If I am still alive and physically able to vote in November, I will of course vote for Mr. Trump.

(3) But intellectually honest people admit that he has an obnoxious mouth.

(4) There is absolutely no excuse to ridicule an opponent's name.

(5) He sets a terrible example for children, who -- thanks to social media -- are already rude enough.

Trump is turning to racism to mock Nikki Haley's Indian name. Experts say it could backfire.​

Nimrata throwing down the race victim card is as clear a sign as there could be that she is going down hard and knows it.
Pussy MAGAts are all I see.
But you cannot see the damage Trump is doing to the country. Thus the problem.

Just about nobody actually thinks they are racist. But you will be complicit in its slow destruction by voting for Trump.
The trouble liberals are causing is from their hatred in their hearts. They also want America to fail.
(1) That is correct.

(2) I especially remember what he said about integrated urban high schools. (He was right.)

(3) BUT he has repented.

(4) During the last three years, he has expressed great sympathy and concern for them.

a. He has even expressed his fear that lynchings could occur again.
/——/ A leopard never changes its spots. A racist is a racist till the day he dies.
This Nikki bitch is a stupid RINO. Voting for her is the same as voting for a Democrat. She deserves to be ridiculed. She proved she wasn't worth a shit when she gave into Libtard hate and removed the Confederate flag in South Carolina.

Trump will schlong her just like he schlonged that Crooked Hillary asshole.
The trouble liberals are causing is from their hatred in their hearts. They also want America to fail.

From my vantage points both sides want America to fail and be replaced with their version of utopia
Interesting I recall one of the morons on the View trashing Haley for going by Nikki and not the name on her birth certificate.
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Biden wants us to live in a third world shithole.
Trump wants prosperity for all, there is a difference.
:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:

I find myself being almost envious of you true believers on both sides. Life would be far easier believing that our leaders on either side really gave a fuck about us.

But hey, good on you for having that faith
Another TRUMP IS RACIST thread. :auiqs.jpg: :clap: 🤡

Hope springs eternal.

In 2015, Trump all of a sudden became RACIST! :hyper:

The closer Trump gets to the White House, the more virulent and unhinged the left is going to become.

Even since yesterday I noticed a big difference, after DeSantis dropped out and supported Trump. The Democrats are seeing the walls closing in on them.
LOL her real name is Nimarata. According to the article he called DeSantis Meatball Ron, he called Elaine Chow Coco Chow! I love it.

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