Trump is turning to racism to mock Nikki Haley's Indian name. Experts say it could backfire.

But you cannot see the damage Trump is doing to the country. Thus the problem.

Just about nobody actually thinks they are racist. But you will be complicit in its slow destruction by voting for Trump.
The ONLY damage Trump has caused is the brain damage of the demented avenger subverted demoralized Stalinist Marxist Leninist zombie ASSHOLES like YOU!!!!!!
:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:

I find myself being almost envious of you true believers on both sides. Life would be far easier believing that our leaders on either side really gave a fuck about us.

But hey, good on you for having that faith

Yeah, I know. Both sides are "duh debbil." You need a theme song for your life, bro, so here it is...


Just live in reality. Seeing homeless everywhere here. A few years back didn't see any.

I do not know where the fuck you live, but I have seen homeless in America as long as I have been an adult.

Seems to me you and reality are not really all that close if you think that homeless just started in 2021
I do not know where the fuck you live, but I have seen homeless in America as long as I have been an adult.

Seems to me you and reality are not really all that close if you think that homeless just started in 2021
I lived in Simpsonville SC for over 20 years. Never saw a homeless person, now they are all over the place. Bidenomics working I guess.
Morning Chi-co
Now we are going back aways, but.....but I used to go to a favorite lunch spot in Chicago's Loop, The Berghoff.
For lunch they served a great corned beef hash....and a glass of lager. It was standing room only --always elbow to elbow we all ate at stand up tables and narrow wall bars.
As a young 'executive' just outta university.....I loved it. But.......
"But" what? loved the atmosphere of discrimination all the while pretending to be offended by such "Buts" about it chi-co
.......there were absolutely no women allowed for the lunch trade. Verboten. It was all of us men in our suits and ties and wingtip.....gnoshing on man-food....corned beef and beer.
and what kind of man does not want women around even if just to admire?
OK, that's enough nostalgia. Someone above hinted that Trump's rhetoric, as corrosive as it is all by itself, has a more insidious aspect to it. That serves as the imprimatur, the permission, for other racists/bigots/misogynists/xenophobes to then feel free to have their own verbal enemas.....on social media, and occasionally, if they have too many of Milwaukee's Best in 'em....they'll spew to whoever is listening to 'em.
Exactly the point I am making about you
Hopefully, when the Big Macs catch up with Orangejesus, the better angels of our nature will once again emerge, as surely they must.

Now you sound like an evangelists during the AIDS crisis/epidemic.

You're posts reek of white privilege hypocrisy Chi-co
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Just about nobody actually thinks they are racist. But you will be complicit in its slow destruction by voting for Trump.

And just about every Democrat believes that anyone that doesn’t agree with them is racist. Facts, policies and logic don’t matter.

What slow destruction would that be? Do you mean like allowing anybody and everybody to walk across our Southern border? Policies like that?
You're always crying about him. Like the little bitch you are.
I didn't even mention him nor do I ever cry about him. You must have me confused. I think that moron is an endless source of entertainment and the best thing to happen to your people. Anyone who can lead you and your mutant culture more quickly towards your devolution and cultural extinction certainly has my vote, figuratively speaking. :lmao:
I lived in Simpsonville SC for over 20 years. Never saw a homeless person, now they are all over the place. Bidenomics working I guess.

Yes, the problem with most of these people is they have lived in big, blue cities their entire lives and believe that is representative of the rest of the country.

I live in the South in a relatively affluent area. We now see the guys holding up signs wanting money at intersections. We never saw that 5-10 years ago. We still don’t see homeless people on the streets.
And just about every Democrat believes that anyone that doesn’t agree with them is racist. Facts, policies and logic don’t matter.

Very true. Facts and logic have long long ago quit being a part of politics in America

What slow destruction would that be? Do you mean like allowing anybody and everybody to walk across our Southern border? Policies like that?

Illegal immigration under Trump went up every year till 2020 and only slowed due to COVID. But he did slow down legal immigration, so I guess that is something you can hang your hat on....we do not need those non-white people poisoning the blood of our nation now do we
But he did slow down legal immigration, so I guess that is something you can hang your hat on....we do not need those non-white people poisoning the blood of our nation now do we

Are you seriously trying to make the argument that illegal immigration is not far worse under Biden than Trump? If so, you clearly have not done your research. Biden cancelled Trump’s border policies on day one because they were working. Biden and his puppet masters WANT illegal immigration. Some believe it will ulimtately help them at the polls, which it will. In addition, our enemies are taking full advantage of these policies while brain-dead Democrats sit idly by, not recognizing the rather obvious threat.
Very true. Facts and logic have long long ago quit being a part of politics in America

Illegal immigration under Trump went up every year till 2020 and only slowed due to COVID. But he did slow down legal immigration, so I guess that is something you can hang your hat on....we do not need those non-white people poisoning the blood of our nation now do we
Are you seriously trying to make the argument that illegal immigration is not far worse under Biden than Trump?

Yes, it is worse under Biden than it was under Trump, but it was not good under Trump...thus my point. Trump did not do anything to make it better.
I live in the South in a relatively affluent area. We now see the guys holding up signs wanting money at intersections. We never saw that 5-10 years ago. We still don’t see homeless people on the streets.
I look on these bums the same way I do snakes in the barn and pasture. Predators go where there is a food source. Cut off the source and they go hunt elsewhere. The barn cats eliminate the rodents and I haven't had a snake around here in years.
Stop giving the panhandlers money and they go elsewhere.

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