Trump is Winning Over Women with Families

What you want is a bunch of spoiled rotten humans occupying this place, otherwise the kind that would catch a cold if some sneezes from 50' away, and looks like a frail and pale no protein eating rabbit food eating junky, who is confused, still living in mom & dad's basement, and are the anti-anything that moves type of individuals who stay angry at the world, and don't really know why... They are the type who will be weak, deviant types by conditioning, and for whom couldn't or wouldn't work in a pie tasting job..They wouldn't get a job that might get their hands dirty, much less want to do a job they look down on Mexicans for doing.

Uh, guy, nobody wants to do these menial jobs and you know it. so you are kind of babbling here and not making a point.

Nobody wants a job cleaning toilets or picking lettuce for minimum wage. If you are doing that job, it's because you really don't have the skills to do anything else.


Are you really this out of touch with the Working Poor?

My mother AND mother in law were both Nurse's Aids. As they were not in high immigration areas, they were able to make a wage that, combined with another working class wage, was enough to support their families.

If we had NOT spent the last 40 years, importing Third World labor and exporting jobs, entry level jobs would still be able to do that.

If we reverse those policies, they can again.

if you're concerned about the working poor, why would you vote for the guy who sends all of his manufacturing contracts out of the country?

the joke is that you think *he* gives a rat's patoot about working people. given his history of cheating contractors, that's kind of misguided.

what he tells you is that he's for "white males". so you don't care what else he says.
New poll shows only 36 percent of married women support Clinton

This should not surprise anyone. They're concerned about the futures of the children and clearly see what the future holds with a continuation of Obama's policies.

A new CNN poll shows that while Hillary Clinton largely has the support of unmarried women, she is highly unfavorable among married women. Though nearly three-quarters of unmarried women — 73 percent — favor Clinton, only 36 percent of married women share that enthusiasm.

More of the story @ Trump is Winning Over Women with Families

Yeah, if they want their kids to go into cheap menial labor, Trump's their man.

Manufacturing jobs are not cheap menial labor.

Menial labor, in a labor short economy, is not that cheap.

Unless you're manufacturing crap, which seems to be what Trump wants.

Your words have no visible connection to reality.

So Trump isn't talking about trying to bring manufacturing jobs back to the USA? He isn't talking about jobs going to China?

Why Donald Trump Is Wrong About Manufacturing Jobs and China - The New Yorker

They produce a lot of things in China, and many of the crap things that are produced are produced in China. But Trump wants those jobs in the USA>

Not reality?

maybe he should start with his own companies.
HRC will win women, going away.
Yet another fact filled candycorn post.

Careful, you have blood coming out of your whatever.

Which has what to do with women voting for a woman who defended her rapist husband.

where is that rape conviction?

you need to stop repeating lies, dum dum.

in fact, isn't dumb donald the rapist who has a thing for his own daughter?

now be quiet. :cuckoo:
New poll shows only 36 percent of married women support Clinton

This should not surprise anyone. They're concerned about the futures of the children and clearly see what the future holds with a continuation of Obama's policies.

A new CNN poll shows that while Hillary Clinton largely has the support of unmarried women, she is highly unfavorable among married women. Though nearly three-quarters of unmarried women — 73 percent — favor Clinton, only 36 percent of married women share that enthusiasm.

More of the story @ Trump is Winning Over Women with Families

Yeah, if they want their kids to go into cheap menial labor, Trump's their man.

Manufacturing jobs are not cheap menial labor.

Menial labor, in a labor short economy, is not that cheap.

Unless you're manufacturing crap, which seems to be what Trump wants.

Your words have no visible connection to reality.

So Trump isn't talking about trying to bring manufacturing jobs back to the USA? He isn't talking about jobs going to China?

Why Donald Trump Is Wrong About Manufacturing Jobs and China - The New Yorker

They produce a lot of things in China, and many of the crap things that are produced are produced in China. But Trump wants those jobs in the USA>

Not reality?

Manufacturing jobs are not cheap menial labor.

Your words are incoherent.

I get the feel that you are disagreeing with me, but I cannot tell on what grounds.

Deport the illegals, increasing jobs and wages and working conditions for the Working Class and Middle Class Americans.

Bring back manufacturing jobs, increasing jobs and wages and working conditions for Working Class and MIddle Class Americans.
Yeah, if they want their kids to go into cheap menial labor, Trump's their man.

Manufacturing jobs are not cheap menial labor.

Menial labor, in a labor short economy, is not that cheap.

Unless you're manufacturing crap, which seems to be what Trump wants.

Your words have no visible connection to reality.

So Trump isn't talking about trying to bring manufacturing jobs back to the USA? He isn't talking about jobs going to China?

Why Donald Trump Is Wrong About Manufacturing Jobs and China - The New Yorker

They produce a lot of things in China, and many of the crap things that are produced are produced in China. But Trump wants those jobs in the USA>

Not reality?

maybe he should start with his own companies.

A single businessman can't make the rules, he has to play by them.

A President can.

YOur point is wrong.
What you want is a bunch of spoiled rotten humans occupying this place, otherwise the kind that would catch a cold if some sneezes from 50' away, and looks like a frail and pale no protein eating rabbit food eating junky, who is confused, still living in mom & dad's basement, and are the anti-anything that moves type of individuals who stay angry at the world, and don't really know why... They are the type who will be weak, deviant types by conditioning, and for whom couldn't or wouldn't work in a pie tasting job..They wouldn't get a job that might get their hands dirty, much less want to do a job they look down on Mexicans for doing.

Uh, guy, nobody wants to do these menial jobs and you know it. so you are kind of babbling here and not making a point.

Nobody wants a job cleaning toilets or picking lettuce for minimum wage. If you are doing that job, it's because you really don't have the skills to do anything else.


Are you really this out of touch with the Working Poor?

My mother AND mother in law were both Nurse's Aids. As they were not in high immigration areas, they were able to make a wage that, combined with another working class wage, was enough to support their families.

If we had NOT spent the last 40 years, importing Third World labor and exporting jobs, entry level jobs would still be able to do that.

If we reverse those policies, they can again.

if you're concerned about the working poor, why would you vote for the guy who sends all of his manufacturing contracts out of the country?

the joke is that you think *he* gives a rat's patoot about working people. given his history of cheating contractors, that's kind of misguided.

what he tells you is that he's for "white males". so you don't care what else he says.

I will vote for him because his policies are designed to help the "Working Poor", the Work Class and the Middle Class.

I made no comment on his emotional commitment to the issue. That was all you.

I have never heard him say anything about "white males". I certainly did not see anything about that on his publicly posted platform on his web site.

Oh, and before I forget.

Yeah, if they want their kids to go into cheap menial labor, Trump's their man.

Manufacturing jobs are not cheap menial labor.

Menial labor, in a labor short economy, is not that cheap.

Unless you're manufacturing crap, which seems to be what Trump wants.

Your words have no visible connection to reality.

So Trump isn't talking about trying to bring manufacturing jobs back to the USA? He isn't talking about jobs going to China?

Why Donald Trump Is Wrong About Manufacturing Jobs and China - The New Yorker

They produce a lot of things in China, and many of the crap things that are produced are produced in China. But Trump wants those jobs in the USA>

Not reality?

Manufacturing jobs are not cheap menial labor.

Your words are incoherent.

I get the feel that you are disagreeing with me, but I cannot tell on what grounds.

Deport the illegals, increasing jobs and wages and working conditions for the Working Class and Middle Class Americans.

Bring back manufacturing jobs, increasing jobs and wages and working conditions for Working Class and MIddle Class Americans.

Manufacturing jobs are not cheap in the US, but in other countries they are, hence the reason why they've left the US. Not all manufacturing jobs are cheap jobs. But what are we talking here? We're not talking BMW, Ferrari, we're talking lower paid manufacturing jobs that have gone to China, Vietnam and the like.
That's what Trump is railing against isn't it? That's what he's demanding that comes back.

Why Most U.S. Manufacturing Jobs Are Gone Forever

"To the extent Sunbelt states attracted manufacturing in recent decades, they touted their low-wage, low-tax, minimal-regulation business climates to attract clothing, textile and furniture manufacturers, many of which have since moved on to even lower-cost locales in Mexico, Central America, Southeast Asia and China."

Clothing, textile and furniture manufacturing. Menial? Probably. Low paid, definitely, hence why they were in the southern states in the first place and why they've moved out and gone to cheaper places. These are the jobs Trump wants back.

"The bounce back has been led by those parts of the semiconductor and computer and electronics industries that are highly automated, capital intensive and depend on skilled, not cheap labor."

These are the jobs that stay. Jobs that require workers with high levels of skill.

Now, Germany has made sure it has a workforce that has the skills to do the high tech manufacturing jobs. The US hasn't. Sure, some people have these skills, some will be foreigners who got these skills in their home country and moved to the US.

Trump's not calling for education to be overhauled in order to promote high tech manufacturing. He's calling for the crap jobs to come back, the ones that went to China or Latin America because US workers are TOO EXPENSIVE to hire and compete in the market.

If you think my words are incoherent, then I guess you have a problem. You could ask me questions about what I have said if you don't understand, I'll be happy to respond. But to tell me it's incoherent is a waste of time.
HRC will win women, going away.
Yet another fact filled candycorn post.

Careful, you have blood coming out of your whatever.

Which has what to do with women voting for a woman who defended her rapist husband.

where is that rape conviction?

you need to stop repeating lies, dum dum.

in fact, isn't dumb donald the rapist who has a thing for his own daughter?

now be quiet. :cuckoo:
Nobody prosecutes a case against the Clintons and lives.
When Trump considered running as a Democrat in 2000, blacks were in favor of Trump, it all depends on the letter after your name that makes you favorable and unfavorable to Democrats and Republicans. You assholes are all crazy.

Uh, the thing is, Trump didn't run as a Democrat in 2000. He found there was no interest in supporting him.

This was also before Trump decided to be the Godfather of the Racist Birther Movement. So if there was a black person who considered him in 2000, they were over it by 2012.

I said when Trump was "considering", comprehend what you read.
Manufacturing jobs are not cheap menial labor.

Menial labor, in a labor short economy, is not that cheap.

Unless you're manufacturing crap, which seems to be what Trump wants.

Your words have no visible connection to reality.

So Trump isn't talking about trying to bring manufacturing jobs back to the USA? He isn't talking about jobs going to China?

Why Donald Trump Is Wrong About Manufacturing Jobs and China - The New Yorker

They produce a lot of things in China, and many of the crap things that are produced are produced in China. But Trump wants those jobs in the USA>

Not reality?

Manufacturing jobs are not cheap menial labor.

Your words are incoherent.

I get the feel that you are disagreeing with me, but I cannot tell on what grounds.

Deport the illegals, increasing jobs and wages and working conditions for the Working Class and Middle Class Americans.

Bring back manufacturing jobs, increasing jobs and wages and working conditions for Working Class and MIddle Class Americans.

Manufacturing jobs are not cheap in the US, but in other countries they are, hence the reason why they've left the US. Not all manufacturing jobs are cheap jobs. But what are we talking here? We're not talking BMW, Ferrari, we're talking lower paid manufacturing jobs that have gone to China, Vietnam and the like.
That's what Trump is railing against isn't it? That's what he's demanding that comes back.

Why Most U.S. Manufacturing Jobs Are Gone Forever

"To the extent Sunbelt states attracted manufacturing in recent decades, they touted their low-wage, low-tax, minimal-regulation business climates to attract clothing, textile and furniture manufacturers, many of which have since moved on to even lower-cost locales in Mexico, Central America, Southeast Asia and China."

Clothing, textile and furniture manufacturing. Menial? Probably. Low paid, definitely, hence why they were in the southern states in the first place and why they've moved out and gone to cheaper places. These are the jobs Trump wants back.

"The bounce back has been led by those parts of the semiconductor and computer and electronics industries that are highly automated, capital intensive and depend on skilled, not cheap labor."

These are the jobs that stay. Jobs that require workers with high levels of skill.

Now, Germany has made sure it has a workforce that has the skills to do the high tech manufacturing jobs. The US hasn't. Sure, some people have these skills, some will be foreigners who got these skills in their home country and moved to the US.

Trump's not calling for education to be overhauled in order to promote high tech manufacturing. He's calling for the crap jobs to come back, the ones that went to China or Latin America because US workers are TOO EXPENSIVE to hire and compete in the market.

If you think my words are incoherent, then I guess you have a problem. You could ask me questions about what I have said if you don't understand, I'll be happy to respond. But to tell me it's incoherent is a waste of time.

1. Not all the jobs that went overseas were lower level manufacturing jobs.

2. Even lower level jobs are jobs. ANd in a labor short environment can command more than minimum wage wages.

3. The US has a lot of crappy schools. The US also has a lot of very good schools. Our University system is world class. It is absurd to say that the US cannot compete based on the skills and productivity of our workforce.
Unless you're manufacturing crap, which seems to be what Trump wants.

Your words have no visible connection to reality.

So Trump isn't talking about trying to bring manufacturing jobs back to the USA? He isn't talking about jobs going to China?

Why Donald Trump Is Wrong About Manufacturing Jobs and China - The New Yorker

They produce a lot of things in China, and many of the crap things that are produced are produced in China. But Trump wants those jobs in the USA>

Not reality?

Manufacturing jobs are not cheap menial labor.

Your words are incoherent.

I get the feel that you are disagreeing with me, but I cannot tell on what grounds.

Deport the illegals, increasing jobs and wages and working conditions for the Working Class and Middle Class Americans.

Bring back manufacturing jobs, increasing jobs and wages and working conditions for Working Class and MIddle Class Americans.

Manufacturing jobs are not cheap in the US, but in other countries they are, hence the reason why they've left the US. Not all manufacturing jobs are cheap jobs. But what are we talking here? We're not talking BMW, Ferrari, we're talking lower paid manufacturing jobs that have gone to China, Vietnam and the like.
That's what Trump is railing against isn't it? That's what he's demanding that comes back.

Why Most U.S. Manufacturing Jobs Are Gone Forever

"To the extent Sunbelt states attracted manufacturing in recent decades, they touted their low-wage, low-tax, minimal-regulation business climates to attract clothing, textile and furniture manufacturers, many of which have since moved on to even lower-cost locales in Mexico, Central America, Southeast Asia and China."

Clothing, textile and furniture manufacturing. Menial? Probably. Low paid, definitely, hence why they were in the southern states in the first place and why they've moved out and gone to cheaper places. These are the jobs Trump wants back.

"The bounce back has been led by those parts of the semiconductor and computer and electronics industries that are highly automated, capital intensive and depend on skilled, not cheap labor."

These are the jobs that stay. Jobs that require workers with high levels of skill.

Now, Germany has made sure it has a workforce that has the skills to do the high tech manufacturing jobs. The US hasn't. Sure, some people have these skills, some will be foreigners who got these skills in their home country and moved to the US.

Trump's not calling for education to be overhauled in order to promote high tech manufacturing. He's calling for the crap jobs to come back, the ones that went to China or Latin America because US workers are TOO EXPENSIVE to hire and compete in the market.

If you think my words are incoherent, then I guess you have a problem. You could ask me questions about what I have said if you don't understand, I'll be happy to respond. But to tell me it's incoherent is a waste of time.

1. Not all the jobs that went overseas were lower level manufacturing jobs.

2. Even lower level jobs are jobs. ANd in a labor short environment can command more than minimum wage wages.

3. The US has a lot of crappy schools. The US also has a lot of very good schools. Our University system is world class. It is absurd to say that the US cannot compete based on the skills and productivity of our workforce.

Wasn't it liberals that were crying and full of doom and gloom when they claimed Republicans were sending jobs overseas.

So apparently Republicans really know what they are doing. Lol!
New poll shows only 36 percent of married women support Clinton

This should not surprise anyone. They're concerned about the futures of the children and clearly see what the future holds with a continuation of Obama's policies.

A new CNN poll shows that while Hillary Clinton largely has the support of unmarried women, she is highly unfavorable among married women. Though nearly three-quarters of unmarried women — 73 percent — favor Clinton, only 36 percent of married women share that enthusiasm.

More of the story @ Trump is Winning Over Women with Families
Working class Americans are lining up behind Trump. Sick of elitist liberal eggheads who's idea of getting their hands dirty is going to Starbucks for a cafe latte.
Your words have no visible connection to reality.

So Trump isn't talking about trying to bring manufacturing jobs back to the USA? He isn't talking about jobs going to China?

Why Donald Trump Is Wrong About Manufacturing Jobs and China - The New Yorker

They produce a lot of things in China, and many of the crap things that are produced are produced in China. But Trump wants those jobs in the USA>

Not reality?

Manufacturing jobs are not cheap menial labor.

Your words are incoherent.

I get the feel that you are disagreeing with me, but I cannot tell on what grounds.

Deport the illegals, increasing jobs and wages and working conditions for the Working Class and Middle Class Americans.

Bring back manufacturing jobs, increasing jobs and wages and working conditions for Working Class and MIddle Class Americans.

Manufacturing jobs are not cheap in the US, but in other countries they are, hence the reason why they've left the US. Not all manufacturing jobs are cheap jobs. But what are we talking here? We're not talking BMW, Ferrari, we're talking lower paid manufacturing jobs that have gone to China, Vietnam and the like.
That's what Trump is railing against isn't it? That's what he's demanding that comes back.

Why Most U.S. Manufacturing Jobs Are Gone Forever

"To the extent Sunbelt states attracted manufacturing in recent decades, they touted their low-wage, low-tax, minimal-regulation business climates to attract clothing, textile and furniture manufacturers, many of which have since moved on to even lower-cost locales in Mexico, Central America, Southeast Asia and China."

Clothing, textile and furniture manufacturing. Menial? Probably. Low paid, definitely, hence why they were in the southern states in the first place and why they've moved out and gone to cheaper places. These are the jobs Trump wants back.

"The bounce back has been led by those parts of the semiconductor and computer and electronics industries that are highly automated, capital intensive and depend on skilled, not cheap labor."

These are the jobs that stay. Jobs that require workers with high levels of skill.

Now, Germany has made sure it has a workforce that has the skills to do the high tech manufacturing jobs. The US hasn't. Sure, some people have these skills, some will be foreigners who got these skills in their home country and moved to the US.

Trump's not calling for education to be overhauled in order to promote high tech manufacturing. He's calling for the crap jobs to come back, the ones that went to China or Latin America because US workers are TOO EXPENSIVE to hire and compete in the market.

If you think my words are incoherent, then I guess you have a problem. You could ask me questions about what I have said if you don't understand, I'll be happy to respond. But to tell me it's incoherent is a waste of time.

1. Not all the jobs that went overseas were lower level manufacturing jobs.

2. Even lower level jobs are jobs. ANd in a labor short environment can command more than minimum wage wages.

3. The US has a lot of crappy schools. The US also has a lot of very good schools. Our University system is world class. It is absurd to say that the US cannot compete based on the skills and productivity of our workforce.

Wasn't it liberals that were crying and full of doom and gloom when they claimed Republicans were sending jobs overseas.

So apparently Republicans really know what they are doing. Lol!

Some of the dems were.

They were no more in charge of their party than the protectionists in the GOP.

Dukakis was the last dem of any stature that I recall making an issue of it, and he lost badly.

At this time the Free Traders have lost the battle in teh GOP and have won it is the Dem Party.

This is called Change.

You libs are supposed to be so open minded to change and happy to adapt.
HRC will win women, going away.
Yet another fact filled candycorn post.

Careful, you have blood coming out of your whatever.

Which has what to do with women voting for a woman who defended her rapist husband.

where is that rape conviction?

you need to stop repeating lies, dum dum.

in fact, isn't dumb donald the rapist who has a thing for his own daughter?

now be quiet. :cuckoo:
Nobody prosecutes a case against the Clintons and lives.

Ken Starr says hi.
So does Newt Gingrich
HRC will win women, going away.
Yet another fact filled candycorn post.

Careful, you have blood coming out of your whatever.

Which has what to do with women voting for a woman who defended her rapist husband.

where is that rape conviction?

you need to stop repeating lies, dum dum.

in fact, isn't dumb donald the rapist who has a thing for his own daughter?

now be quiet. :cuckoo:
Nobody prosecutes a case against the Clintons and lives.

funny, linda tripp, lucidanne goldberg and genifer flowers are all alive.

and you wonder why we think you're not just uneducated but are truly and deeply stupid?
Working class Americans are lining up behind Trump. Sick of elitist liberal eggheads who's idea of getting their hands dirty is going to Starbucks for a cafe latte.

Uneducated WHITE people are lining up behind Trump.
Ohhhhhhhh those damn hard working blue collar white people. Damn their hard work and patriotism!

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