Trump: I've gotten along with Democrats

Trump used to *be* a Democrat. The Faithful need to remember that.
So did Reagan. As he said "I didn't leave the Democratic Party, they left me".

They were obviously trying to tell him something.
What, that they were really communists and not Democrats?

Your fellow travelers need to learn not to sling terminology around as profligately as they do.
Says the guy who thought the 1980 election was really held in 2004. :lol:
Trump took a bipartisan track, criticizing the Benghazi hearing, criticizing hatred between the parties.

Donald Trump: 'I will be a great unifier' -

What do you right wing whack jobs who claim to be Trump supporters think of that? Reading your posts and listening to right wing talk radio I got the impression you guys think all Democrats and even centrist Republicans should be passionately hated and never cooperated with.

So are you off the Trump bandwagon, or did he misspeak?

Donald Trump is a democrat. He has a well defined history of supporting liberal democrat policies. It's no surprise that he would come to Hillary Clinton's defense. He donated to Hillary's senate campaign fund--heck he even donated to Nancy Pelosi.
Donald Trump Donated Heavily To Democrats, Especially During Election Which Put Reid And Pelosi In Power

But I imagine it's got some REICH wingers having shit fits over it. That's all they want to do is attack Hillary Clinton, it's their past-time. I imagine they thought he was just going to rip into her after the hearing--and they didn't get that loud--obnoxious mouth to go after her. It's because the Clinton's & Trump's are long time friends. Even their very protected daughters (Chelsea Clinton and Ivanka Trump) are best friends,
Political odd couple: Ivanka Trump and Chelsea Clinton -

Trump entered this race after a phone call from Bill Clinton. He immediately went balls out on illegals & Hispanics in this country and illegal immigration. Promised his not so smart supporters a WALL--and mass deportation of illegals. Reich wing radio sang to his choir--and put on some magnificent Trump rallies. Rino & Establishment groupies had found their perfect candidate.

But when the rubber meets the road--we find out that Trump says completely different things when he is on FOX News, as compared to when he is being interviewed on CNN & MSNBC--where he stated he supports a pathway to citizenship. This time period is one day to the next--LOL And as we already know Trump blasted Romney in 2012 for losing citing he was too mean spirited toward illegals as the reason for his loss.
Donald Trump Is Not as Aggressive on Immigration As He Sounds

For Trump all this race was ever about was to drive this race into Hillary Clinton's lap--by sending millions of Latino voters into her column. And he was very successful at doing that. He was able to capitalize on the hate and ignorance of the Reich wing of the party, and they swallowed it hook, line & sinker. Gallop is showing him at a NEGATIVE 51% highest ever. There is no way possible he could win the White House with that, but he never wanted to anyway. This was the Clinton/Trump plan all along.
Shocker: Donald Trump By Far Least Favorable Candidate Among Hispanic Voters

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Trump took a bipartisan track, criticizing the Benghazi hearing, criticizing hatred between the parties.

Donald Trump: 'I will be a great unifier' -

What do you right wing whack jobs who claim to be Trump supporters think of that? Reading your posts and listening to right wing talk radio I got the impression you guys think all Democrats and even centrist Republicans should be passionately hated and never cooperated with.

So are you off the Trump bandwagon, or did he misspeak?

Donald Trump is a democrat. He has a well defined history of supporting liberal democrat policies. It's no surprise that he would come to Hillary Clinton's defense. He donated to Hillary's senate campaign fund--heck he even donated to Nancy Pelosi.
Donald Trump Donated Heavily To Democrats, Especially During Election Which Put Reid And Pelosi In Power

But I imagine it's got some REICH wingers having shit fits over it. That's all they want to do is attack Hillary Clinton, it's their past-time. I imagine they thought he was just going to rip into her after the hearing--and they didn't get that loud--obnoxious mouth to go after her. It's because the Clinton's & Trump's are long time friends. Even their very protected daughters (Chelsea Clinton and Ivanka Trump) are best friends,
Political odd couple: Ivanka Trump and Chelsea Clinton -

Trump entered this race after a phone call from Bill Clinton. He immediately went balls out on illegals & Hispanics in this country and illegal immigration. Promised his not so smart supporters a WALL--and mass deportation of illegals.--Reich wing radio sang to his choir--and put on some magnificent Trump rallies. But when the rubber meets the road--we find out that Trump says completely different things when he is on FOX News, as compared to when he is being interviewed on CNN & MSNBC--where he stated he supports a pathway to citizenship. And as we already know Trump blasted Romney in 2012 for losing citing he was too mean spirited toward illegals as the reason for his loss.
Donald Trump Is Not as Aggressive on Immigration As He Sounds

For Trump all this was about was to drive this race into Hillary Clinton's lap--by sending millions of Latino voters into her column. And he was very successful at doing that. Gallop is showing him at a NEGATIVE 51% highest ever. There is no way possible he could win the White House with that, but he never wanted to anyway. This was the Clinton/Trump plan all along.

Nice try, Jake.
Trump took a bipartisan track, criticizing the Benghazi hearing, criticizing hatred between the parties.

Donald Trump: 'I will be a great unifier' -

What do you right wing whack jobs who claim to be Trump supporters think of that? Reading your posts and listening to right wing talk radio I got the impression you guys think all Democrats and even centrist Republicans should be passionately hated and never cooperated with.

So are you off the Trump bandwagon, or did he misspeak?

At this point cons don't even have a leg to stand on other than they hate the black man in the White House. They would vote for Satan over Hillary or any other Democrat. These people have been completely brainwashed by the right wing media. It's amazing how people can be so stupid, but we have the proof.
Trump took a bipartisan track, criticizing the Benghazi hearing, criticizing hatred between the parties.

Donald Trump: 'I will be a great unifier' -

What do you right wing whack jobs who claim to be Trump supporters think of that? Reading your posts and listening to right wing talk radio I got the impression you guys think all Democrats and even centrist Republicans should be passionately hated and never cooperated with.

So are you off the Trump bandwagon, or did he misspeak?

At this point cons don't even have a leg to stand on other than they hate the black man in the White House. They would vote for Satan over Hillary or any other Democrat. These people have been completely brainwashed by the right wing media. It's amazing how people can be so stupid, but we have the proof.

no they don't. repeating the lib lie does not make it so. They hate his hatred of the USA and his ANTI-American "policies". You know- the fundamentally transform America shit?
Trump took a bipartisan track, criticizing the Benghazi hearing, criticizing hatred between the parties.

Donald Trump: 'I will be a great unifier' -

What do you right wing whack jobs who claim to be Trump supporters think of that? Reading your posts and listening to right wing talk radio I got the impression you guys think all Democrats and even centrist Republicans should be passionately hated and never cooperated with.

So are you off the Trump bandwagon, or did he misspeak?

Interesting, someone who actually gets along with the other party. There's hope for us yet. Now, if Obama could learn a thing or two...
It is utterly amazing at the amount of vitriol that someone stating they will WORK with the other side awakens. It is pathetic.

No one with a brain here harbors any illusion that Trump is a far right candidate - he is about as centrist as they can come. The fact is that if, by some miracle, he actually does gain the presidency it is damn obvious that he would work with the democrats. That is a central part of being the president.

The left whines constantly that the right is not working with the left and then if someone happens to say that they will they whine even more.

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