Trump Jr. And Kellyanne Conway Were Personally Involved In Spreading Russian Propaganda During Elect

Trump would have to marry Putin and have his children to be more involved with him than Obama and Hitlery were..
The obsession the Democrats have with Putin and the Russians somehow getting Trump elected is borderline psychotic.

But on the positive side, it keeps them too busy to focus on real issues. .... :cool:
Trump Jr. And Kellyanne Conway Were Personally Involved In Spreading Russian Propaganda During Elect
Source: politicaldig

Trump Jr. And Kellyanne Conway Were Personally Involved In Spreading Russian Propaganda During Election: Report

Lance Perriman
Oct 19, 2017
According to a new bombshell report by The Daily Beast, Members of Trump’s family and campaign staff, including Donald Trump Jr. and Kellyanne Conway, promoted tweets affiliated with a Russian “troll farm” during the 2016 presidential election.

According to the report, Trump Jr. had followed the account and had retweeted their posts on several different occasions. One week before the election, he retweeted, “BREAKING: #VoterFraud by counting tens of thousands of ineligible mail in Hillary votes being reported in Broward County, Florida Please, RT.”

Former National Security Advisor Michael Flynn also retweeted the account on at least one occasion, and his son retweeted the account a total of 34 times.The account, which was created in Nov. 2015 and attracted more than 100,000 followers, was suspended in August, according to the Daily Beast.

The Senate Intelligence Committee met with Twitter earlier this month to discuss how Russia interfered with the election on Twitter. The Committee also invited Twitter, Facebook, and Alphabet, Google’s parent company, to testify publicly on Nov. 1.

Read more: Trump Jr. And Kellyanne Conway Were Personally Involved In Spreading Russian Propaganda During Election: Report

The whole rats nest was in on it.

Trump Jr. And Kellyanne Conway Were Personally Involved In Spreading Russian Propaganda During Elect
Source: politicaldig

Trump Jr. And Kellyanne Conway Were Personally Involved In Spreading Russian Propaganda During Election: Report

Lance Perriman
Oct 19, 2017
According to a new bombshell report by The Daily Beast, Members of Trump’s family and campaign staff, including Donald Trump Jr. and Kellyanne Conway, promoted tweets affiliated with a Russian “troll farm” during the 2016 presidential election.

According to the report, Trump Jr. had followed the account and had retweeted their posts on several different occasions. One week before the election, he retweeted, “BREAKING: #VoterFraud by counting tens of thousands of ineligible mail in Hillary votes being reported in Broward County, Florida Please, RT.”

Former National Security Advisor Michael Flynn also retweeted the account on at least one occasion, and his son retweeted the account a total of 34 times.The account, which was created in Nov. 2015 and attracted more than 100,000 followers, was suspended in August, according to the Daily Beast.

The Senate Intelligence Committee met with Twitter earlier this month to discuss how Russia interfered with the election on Twitter. The Committee also invited Twitter, Facebook, and Alphabet, Google’s parent company, to testify publicly on Nov. 1.
still no quid pro quo proof. If Mueller can find that, then I suspect he'll indict people in the admin and Trump family. The gop House will not impeach him, but the House is up for grabs.

Read more: Trump Jr. And Kellyanne Conway Were Personally Involved In Spreading Russian Propaganda During Election: Report

The whole rats nest was in on it.
Do you realize that Russia is currently doing this in elections all over west? Germany, Britain, France, etc. There's no question it is occurring.

Russia is also supporting secession movements to weaken countries like the one in Spain and Northern Iraq.

Yeah boo fucking hoo. We in the west just overthrow governments, back terrorists like ISIS to take leaders we don't like and get leaders assassinated.

Putin uses troll farms. BIG FUCKING DIFFERENCE.


That doesn't mean we should sit by and allow Putins Troll farms to control us and undermine our democracy.
I love the part where the right says "You have not proof". Just because ads are paid with Rubles doesn't mean anything.
Is it propaganda about Russia or is propaganda created by Russia? Will lefties have to go back to their crazy blog sites to check? A civilian can spread anything he/she wants under the 1st Amendment. The problem for Hillary/Hussein is that they sold out 20% of America's uranium sites for kickbacks to the scam known as the "Clinton Foundation".
Do you realize that Russia is currently doing this in elections all over west? Germany, Britain, France, etc. There's no question it is occurring.

Russia is also supporting secession movements to weaken countries like the one in Spain and Northern Iraq.

Yeah boo fucking hoo. We in the west just overthrow governments, back terrorists like ISIS to take leaders we don't like and get leaders assassinated.

Putin uses troll farms. BIG FUCKING DIFFERENCE.


That doesn't mean we should sit by and allow Putins Troll farms to control us and undermine our democracy.

Our political systems now are influenced by the global community. I don't like it but there is no way to control it.

You had Russians influencing that election in more than one or two ways. Think about this. A Democrat operative associated with the DNC was assisting in fabricating stories about Paul Manafort out of the Ukraine. The Ukrainian government was actively involved in trying to get Hillary elected.

As far as a Russian link to influencing the election look no further than another D supporter of Hillary paying a fortune to Fusion GPS to pay a Brit spy to pay Russian informants for the lies that formed the dossier.

The stakes are so high in elections world wide every key player is trying to influence the outcomes.
Do you realize that Russia is currently doing this in elections all over west? Germany, Britain, France, etc. There's no question it is occurring.

Russia is also supporting secession movements to weaken countries like the one in Spain and Northern Iraq.

The Trump campaign were stooges of the Russians

Regardless of the personal involvement of Trump.......
The stink of Russian intervention hangs over his presidency

Trump Campaign Staffers Pushed Russian Propaganda Days Before the Election
Kellyanne Conway and Donald Trump Jr. pushed messages from an account operated from Russia’s ‘troll farm’—including allegations of voter fraud a week before Election Day.

Some of the Trump campaign’s most prominent names and supporters, including Trump’s campaign manager, digital director, and son, pushed tweets from professional trolls paid by the Russian government in the heat of the 2016 election campaign.

The Twitter account @Ten_GOP, which called itself the “Unofficial Twitter account of Tennessee Republicans,” was operated from the Kremlin-backed “Russian troll farm,” or Internet Research Agency, a source familiar with the account confirmed with The Daily Beast.

The account’s origins in the Internet Research Agency were originally reported by the independent Russian news outlet RBC. @Ten_GOP was created on Nov. 19, 2015, and accumulated over 100 thousand followers before Twitter shut it down. The Daily Beast independently confirmed the reasons for @Ten_GOP’s account termination.

The discovery of the now-unavailable tweets presents the first evidence that several members of the Trump campaign pushed covert Russian propaganda on social media in the run-up to the 2016 election.

Trump Campaign Staffers Pushed Russian Propaganda Days Before the Election ~ The Daily Beast Exclusive


Trump and his merry band of sheep: The Russian investigation is a hoax!

I love the part where the right says "You have not proof". Just because ads are paid with Rubles doesn't mean anything.

dopes want proof then totally deny anything you give them.


Yes that is the way it is with you far left drones!

Yet you drones still run your debunked religious narratives even 30 years later!
Do you realize that Russia is currently doing this in elections all over west? Germany, Britain, France, etc. There's no question it is occurring.

Russia is also supporting secession movements to weaken countries like the one in Spain and Northern Iraq.
But yet, you were silent when Obama. Interfered in Israel's elections. I see as long as it's your side doing it, it's okay?
Republicans Stay Silent as Trump Destroys the Party
October 19, 2017 at 11:12 am EDTBy Taegan Goddard123 Comments

Matt Bai: “Whatever his impact may be on the country or the world, Donald Trump’s presidency imperils the future of his party, and there isn’t a serious-minded Republican in Washington who would tell you otherwise, privately.”

“Trump doesn’t care what happens to Republicans after he’s gone. The party was always like an Uber to him — a way to get from point A to point B without having to find some other route or expend any cash.”

“Which leads to the question I hear all the time these days. Why aren’t more Republicans separating themselves from Trump? And why aren’t they doing more with the power they have to get in his way?”

Key takeaway: “The real fear for most elected officials in Washington isn’t that they may say something to offend persuadable voters… No, the fear now, if you’re sitting on either end of the Capitol, is that some no-name activist will decide to primary you, because you’ve somehow run afoul of extremists with followings on Twitter and Facebook, and you’ll have to spend all your time and money holding onto a job that you might very well lose, since it takes only one fringe group or millionaire and a few thousand angry voters to tip the balance in your average congressional primary.”

As a progressive dem I would think that you would love to see the repub party destroyed. What gives?

Rather than concentrate on REAL important matters that affect the people in this country, the democrats are further digging their own hole by devoting their time, energy and money pursuing this nonsense.

There is an investigation going on right now and it seems to being hitting both sides of the isle. I'm willing to wait for the investigation to be finale before claiming it is nonsense why aren't you?
Do you realize that Russia is currently doing this in elections all over west? Germany, Britain, France, etc. There's no question it is occurring.

Russia is also supporting secession movements to weaken countries like the one in Spain and Northern Iraq.

Yeah boo fucking hoo. We in the west just overthrow governments, back terrorists like ISIS to take leaders we don't like and get leaders assassinated.

Putin uses troll farms. BIG FUCKING DIFFERENCE.


That doesn't mean we should sit by and allow Putins Troll farms to control us and undermine our democracy.

The Russians “control us”?

The only people undermining our democracy are those claiming the election wasn’t legit, the lunatic left.
Putin uses troll farms. BIG FUCKING DIFFERENCE.


That doesn't mean we should sit by and allow Putins Troll farms to control us and undermine our democracy.

Man riding my bicycle

A Missionary on the South Pacific Island was walking with the Village Chief teaching him English.
As they passed a stream the missionary pointed and said to the chief “Stream”
… The Chief looked and repeated “Stream” …
They walked a little further on the path and the Missionary pointed to a bird and said “Bird”
… The Chief looked and repeated “Bird” …
A little further down the path the missionary spotted a couple making love in the grass. Not really knowing what to say to the chief … the missionary said “Man riding Bicycle” …
… The Chief looked and pulled 2 blow darts out and shot both of them dead.
The missionary was horrified and asked the chief why he did it

… The Chief replied “Man riding My Bicycle”
There is an investigation going on right now and it seems to being hitting both sides of the isle. I'm willing to wait for the investigation to be finale before claiming it is nonsense why aren't you?
Both "for-profit" parties are leading their flock to adopt intransigent positions on mere social issues to the total neglect of focusing on jobs, economic concerns, health care concerns, tax concerns, war concerns, et al, that they deliberately want to avoid. Governing by presidential orders is NOT the way to go. LAWS have to be hashed out and passed. Laws that cannot be easily erased at whim of any president.
There is an investigation going on right now and it seems to being hitting both sides of the isle. I'm willing to wait for the investigation to be finale before claiming it is nonsense why aren't you?
Both "for-profit" parties are leading their flock to adopt intransigent positions on mere social issues to the total neglect of focusing on jobs, economic concerns, health care concerns, tax concerns, war concerns, et al, that they deliberately want to avoid. Governing by presidential orders is NOT the way to go. LAWS have to be hashed out and passed. Laws that cannot be easily erased at whim of any president.

Agreed, but I would like to know if these buffoons are unfer any influence of a foreign power.

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