trump jr. and mtg criticize Zelensky...jr calling him an ungrateful "welfare queen"

You’re a coward who won’t back up your man crush Zelensky. You don’t care where our tax dollars go. Got it.
The tax dollars are going for weapons that are protecting Ukrainians and killing russians.

You just want to kiss the ring again.
The tax dollars are going for weapons that are protecting Ukrainians and killing russians.

You just want to kiss the ring again.
Sure they are moron. Show us the audit showing where all that money is. Wanting to know where you war mongers are sending OUR money does not make anybody a Putin supporter. Not questioning it makes you a brainless sheep.
Interesting that we do just enough to keep Russia from completing it’s take over of Ukraine but not enough for Ukraine to completely drive Russia out.
Sure they are moron. Show us the audit showing where all that money is. Wanting to know where you war mongers are sending OUR money does not make anybody a Putin supporter. Not questioning it makes you a brainless sheep.
You need an audit to oppose authoritarian aggression.

Is this like asking for audit of bullets fired on D-Day before you will agree to more funds to push inland?
You need an audit to oppose authoritarian aggression.

Is this like asking for audit of bullets fired on D-Day before you will agree to more funds to push inland?
Pathetic deflection. An accurate account of where OUR money is going is a good thing. Despite what you Zelensky fluffers seem to think....
Pathetic deflection. An accurate account of where OUR money is going is a good thing. Despite what you Zelensky fluffers seem to think....
"OUR" money?

Every poll of America shows that a clear majority support defending Ukraine.
"OUR" money?

Every poll of America shows that a clear majority support defending Ukraine.
Then you send those crooked morons like Zelensky all your money. Yes moron, tax dollars are indeed OUR money. And we have every right to know where it’s going.
Props for speaking on the actual topic. Even the OP didn't choose to do that.

I would only add that there are a fair amount of Republicans who are equally in favor of the continuation of funding the conflict.

We are all for stopping Putin and degrading his military.
I want us to stop interfering in other country’s affairs. We meddled in Ukraine’s affairs back in 2013 by trying to force them into a trade deal with Western Europe. They refused so the West mobilized to take out its elected president. An insurrection and coup happened, ending their democracy. Since then their eastern provinces refuse to recognize the new government. Most of the citizens in Eastern Ukraine are ethnic Russians and identify as Russians, and they voted to be independent or to join Russia.

But you idiots want to pretend the region doesn’t have decades and centuries of history involving the Russians and so-called Ukrainian peoples. You just parrot the MSM and deep state narrative that Putin is “crazy” and just invaded Ukraine for “no reason”. The reality is of course much more complicated.

But hey, whatever makes it easy for you to adopt the same warmongering foreign policy of John Bolton. If you want a regime change war with Russia, at least just say so. Don’t pretend this is about “democracy” in Ukraine. It’s about making money off more war without any regard to what toppling the government with the largest stockpile of nuclear weapons could lead.

This is 2022. The Ukrainian people have a right to live their life as they see fit. The Ukrainian President was legally impeached in a unanimous vote. Their democracy was not ended. They did not vote to be either independent or join Russia. The vote was rigged.

You are the idiot Putin supporters. Every one of you needs to be deported to Russia. Helping a country being invaded by Putin is not warmongering. Putin is doing this to himself.
Odd, I would have used the term: Nazi Money Bitch. The question is what dirt does this cuck have on the Biden Family and others in politics around the world?

That is where the REAL story is!

You are the Nazis. We should be proud of how other countries are standing up to Putin.
Thanks for proving you are a right wing Nazi.
NAAAAAAZZZZZI. Nazi is da NU Wayyyucccissss.

Or just recognize that if Putin and Zelensky were conspiring to bankrupt the United States they would not do anything differently. Zelensky gets the goods, transfers everything to Russia. Russia sells to the armies in Africa, pays off the democrats and splits the payoff with Zelensky.
The democrats then give more aid to Zelensky.

It's a beautiful plan.
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