trump jr. and mtg criticize Zelensky...jr calling him an ungrateful "welfare queen"

If it kills Russian troops then I'm all for it. There are no armed troops invading our border.
Then you go ahead and give Zelensky all your money. Some of us actually want an accounting of where our money is going. So when do you leave for Ukraine?
Zelensky's a low-class piece of shit grifter who's robbing the country blind. While his wife is out on a shopping spree buying new dresses, you'd think he could at least show up wearing a fucking suit and tie. But no. He shows up wearing OD green to reinforce the Democrat's notion that he's some kind of a "military hero."

The same Democrats whose 'president" and his botched Afghan withdrawal resulted in the deaths of 13 American soldiers.

Spreading more Putin propaganda. I have no issue how Zelensky was dressed. Take your shit and shove it up your ass.

Of course they do. They are both big fans of Vladimir Putin.


Correct. Like father like son. MTG will do or say anything right-wing controversial just to remain in the news. Does not surprise anybody, she is a Russia lover.

I think junior is trying to take up the mantel of his greasy, lying father. Perhaps he is upset that the money is not flowing into their accounts from Russia, like it was a few years ago.

I hate to break it to him, but the lame trading cards is not going to make up the difference.

Muhammed is a Poootin Lover.

Liars all.
When you leave for Russia. We'll take everything you own.
Go ahead and try that asshole. You Nazi lovers who support Zelensky lack any understanding of the truth about Ukraine and how corrupt that country is. Crawl back under your rock.
Russia already offered a peace deal, all Ukraine had to do was promise they would not join NATO. But of course Ukraine was forced to decline thanks to the US and UK. Warmongers need to keep their defense contractors happy. Similar to how you keep your Wall Street masters happy by shinning their balls.

Because they clearly cannot trust Putin and Putin has proved that. You are a fucking asshole.
Putin is the most evil one on the planet. Second are the Trump supporters.
Putin is also evil.

By lying and demanding NATO action against Russia Zelensky is setting the stage for WW III and 100s of millions dead. Fools like you are also guilty.

As Europe and North America are reduced to ashes and CCP dictators commence their world rule you may realize your mistake though I doubt it.
Yea, 2014 happened. An insurrection and coup to remove a sitting elected president. Where were you to “defend democracy”? Oh that’s right, you were supporting the insurrectionists and violence.

So spare us the lie that you care about “democracy”. You didn’t in 2014, and you don’t today. Now fuck off, you little Marxist queer.

I wonder if you are capable of understanding any Constitution whether it is the US or Ukraine. He was impeached and that has nothing to do with a insurrection or coup. That is a legal process and the vote was unanimous. All you are regurgitating is talking points. You are apparently incapable of doing your own thinking.
By lying and demanding NATO action against Russia he is setting the stage for WW III and 100s of millions dead. Fools like you are also guilty.
so is the majority of Congress

but it always starts this way......

dibs the same jingo's high 5'in it all will be changing their tune in a year or so


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