Trump Jr sides with Dylan Mulvaney. LMAO.. Seriously

Then why is Trump beating DeSantis in the current polls?

His MAGA cult, like I said.

To be absolutely fair, DeSatan has been kind of stepping in it lately. Signing a draconian abortion law and engaging in an utterly pointless fight with Disney (the state's largest employer). Not to mention ignoring floods that are hitting large parts of the state. He's proving himself to be not ready for prime time.

All that said, most polls show Trump easily losing to Biden while DeSatan has a reasonable chance, assuming people don't realize he's an empty suit like Scott Walker.
Until the Republican Party stands up to him, he'll continue losing elections for you guys.

As for DeSatan, he's already proving to be Scott Walker 2.0. Not ready for the national stage.

The Trumpbots aren't going to stand up against Trump for the same reasons moderate democrats aren't going to stand up against the woke progressive wacko's who claim men can get pregnant.
The Trumpbots aren't going to stand up against Trump for the same reasons moderate democrats aren't going to stand up against the woke progressive wacko's who claim men can get pregnant.

Well, it's not the same reason at all.

I don't think men can get pregnant. I just don't spend a lot of bandwidth worrying about transgender people (other than the sheer enjoyment I get watching wingnuts melt down over it.)

On the other hand, Trump Fanatics have family values types justifying paying a porn star for sex. Security Hawks cheering for Putin, and business attacking big corporations for being "woke".

If Zombie Reagan came back, he wouldn't recognize what the GOP has turned into.
To be absolutely fair, DeSatan has been kind of stepping in it lately. Signing a draconian abortion law and engaging in an utterly pointless fight with Disney (the state's largest employer). Not to mention ignoring floods that are hitting large parts of the state. He's proving himself to be not ready for prime time.

All that said, most polls show Trump easily losing to Biden while DeSatan has a reasonable chance, assuming people don't realize he's an empty suit like Scott Walker.
Desantis is trying to out trump trump. All his recent shenanigans are designed to "stick it to the woke" what ever that means, in order to please the MAGA cult.
This is hilarious. Jr. taking up for Bud Lite and Mulvaney. The Trump brand crow you folks have to chew.

Donald Trump Jr called on conservatives to end their boycott of Budweiser and Anheuser-Busch as many on the right have expressed outrage at the company for partnering with a transgender woman.

“I’m not for destroying an American, an iconic company for something like this,” he said.

LMAO.. Something like this? It's only the VERY thing that's gone way overboard, gotten decent people fired from their jobs, groomed children and has allowed doctors to turn children into baby Frankenstein's.
But it's no big deal to Jr. Maybe he like's trannies. Him and Hunter have probably partied with Epstein.

say it! say it!!
Well, it's not the same reason at all.

I don't think men can get pregnant. I just don't spend a lot of bandwidth worrying about transgender people (other than the sheer enjoyment I get watching wingnuts melt down over it.)

On the other hand, Trump Fanatics have family values types justifying paying a porn star for sex. Security Hawks cheering for Putin, and business attacking big corporations for being "woke".

If Zombie Reagan came back, he wouldn't recognize what the GOP has turned into.

I had no idea you hated Trannies!
Well, it's not the same reason at all.

I don't think men can get pregnant. I just don't spend a lot of bandwidth worrying about transgender people (other than the sheer enjoyment I get watching wingnuts melt down over it.)

On the other hand, Trump Fanatics have family values types justifying paying a porn star for sex. Security Hawks cheering for Putin, and business attacking big corporations for being "woke".

If Zombie Reagan came back, he wouldn't recognize what the GOP has turned into.

I get it. You're a lefty and you ignore the tranny crap that the radical progressive wokers are shoving in our faces. Others aren't ignoring it.
You're doing the same exact thing that Trumpbots do. Ignore important stuff.
You guys ignore when someone gets fired for not pretending one of their co-workers transgenders BS.
And Trump supporters ignore just how liberal Trump is.

It's like you both are sticking your fingers in your ears and screaming "LA LA LA LA LA."

If Reagan came back, he's be proud of the CINO's we have today. Because Reagan was a CINO himself.
I get it. You're a lefty and you ignore the tranny crap that the radical progressive wokers are shoving in our faces. Others aren't ignoring it.
You're doing the same exact thing that Trumpbots do. Ignore important stuff.
You guys ignore when someone gets fired for not pretending one of their co-workers transgenders BS.
And Trump supporters ignore just how liberal Trump is.

It's like you both are sticking your fingers in your ears and screaming "LA LA LA LA LA."

If Reagan came back, he's be proud of the CINO's we have today. Because Reagan was a CINO himself.
Whether someone is a drag queen is unimportant, unless you are a nutbag.
DeSantis isn't even in the race yet. Trump's NAZI's style of campaigning won't fair well this time around.

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Whether someone is a drag queen is unimportant, unless you are a nutbag.

If a drag queen is in a club that's off limits to children, no one has a problem with that. Some call it entertainment. Some call it a freak show. Either way, it sells tickets. It may be fun to go see.
But doing it in front of children is what we oppose about it. We don't want something like that to be normalized in this country.
Seriously the only ones shooting up a gay club, turned out to be gay/bi himself.
And are barefoot and pregnant...
There would be a lot less trouble in the streets if that was true in today's world. Males would have more work with half decent wages and there would be more families. Utopia does not exist. Progs know they destroyed the family unit, so their next step seems to e taking children at birth and warehousing with other infants to live, eat, educated and receive the state propaganda.
To be absolutely fair, DeSatan has been kind of stepping in it lately. Signing a draconian abortion law and engaging in an utterly pointless fight with Disney (the state's largest employer). Not to mention ignoring floods that are hitting large parts of the state. He's proving himself to be not ready for prime time.

All that said, most polls show Trump easily losing to Biden while DeSatan has a reasonable chance, assuming people don't realize he's an empty suit like Scott Walker.

Despite all the massive, undemiable amounts of evelidence being exposed of how the Bidens ate compromised, Influence / classified info-peddling, extorters, money laundeters, and criminals ... despite how weak this nation has become under Biden, it is amazing how blind, willingly ignorant sheep like yourself still remain loyal to Comrade Joe, the dementia-ravaged potato-head.

Compared to Biden, my old Atari computer / game system looks like a 'Super Computer'.
LMAO a scary photo of Biden, making him out to be a sinister leader. When in fact, the guy can't even find his way off a stage.
Everyone knows Pedo Joe is a prop for the unelected people behind the scenes. That’s what that image represents. They picked it …it’s what they wanted to convey.
LMAO a scary photo of Biden, making him out to be a sinister leader. When in fact, the guy can't even find his way off a stage.

Obama used Roman columns to make himself look like an 'emperor'. Joe wanted to out-do Obama, so he used one of Hitler's old speech sets.


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