Trump Junior mocks near rape victim Dr Ford on Instagram

The one witness she is relying on says it never happened there was never a party as she described. No one was attacked.

He's was a self admitted "drooling black-out drunk" at the time according to a book HE wrote -
Yet they still defend him.

No words

Wow really? Most everyone has been “drooling blackout drunk” before. It happens to the best of us.

Most of us are not and WERE not CHRONIC drooling blackout drunks. Mark Judge wrote a book about his problems. Catch up

And she can't tell us where it happened or when it happened....was she a black out drunk too?
The one witness she is relying on says it never happened there was never a party as she described. No one was attacked.

He's was a self admitted "drooling black-out drunk" at the time according to a book HE wrote -
Yet they still defend him.

No words

Wow really? Most everyone has been “drooling blackout drunk” before. It happens to the best of us.

Most of us are not and WERE not CHRONIC drooling blackout drunks. Mark Judge wrote a book about his problems. Catch up

And she can't tell us where it happened or when it happened....was she a black out drunk too?

If she'd been drunk, she'd very likely have been raped
Hell. I'd mock her to. She's plenty mockable.

I sincerely hope that if you, your daughter, or your sister ever try to share a sexual assault experience......that they aren't mocked. But are listened to and treated with respect.

You mean like how Hillary Clinton mocked a 12 year old girl that was raped by her client by laughing about it?

It’s amazing how liberals just dismiss the fact that Hillary defended an actual rapist of a young girl, got him off with a slap on the wrist, and laughed about it on tape. And yet according to them Republicans are evil and support rape because they aren’t believing a baseless accusation of groping, not rape, 40 years after the fact.

Widely DEBUNKED A-Hole ^ So why the REPEATS?

Trump wrongly says Clinton laughed at rape victim
Did Clinton laugh about a rapist’s light sentence and attack sexual harassment victims?
The Story Behind A Campaign Line: Did Clinton Laugh At A Rape Victim?
AP FACT CHECK: Trump says Clinton laughed at rape case
Trump is wrong: Hillary Clinton did not laugh about the rape of a 12-year-old

She DID laugh about the fact her client, an accused rapist, passed the polygraph, said it “forever destroyed my faith in polygraphs.” That’s what it says it your first “debunking” article. LOL you’re just not smart enough to figure out these “fact-checks” tell the truth while attempting to debunk whatever can be debunked about the statement in question. Politifact rated the claim false bc while Trump said she laughed AT the victim, they say technically she wasn’t laughing AT the victim, but the fact remains she DID laugh about getting a rapist off and she DID laugh about the fact her guilty client passed a polygraph.

Now go ahead and rate this comment funny and try and scrub it from your mind bc that’s exactly what you’ll do.
Hell. I'd mock her to. She's plenty mockable.

I sincerely hope that if you, your daughter, or your sister ever try to share a sexual assault experience......that they aren't mocked. But are listened to and treated with respect.

You mean like how Hillary Clinton mocked a 12 year old girl that was raped by her client by laughing about it?

It’s amazing how liberals just dismiss the fact that Hillary defended an actual rapist of a young girl, got him off with a slap on the wrist, and laughed about it on tape. And yet according to them Republicans are evil and support rape because they aren’t believing a baseless accusation of groping, not rape, 40 years after the fact.

Widely DEBUNKED A-Hole ^ So why the REPEATS?

Trump wrongly says Clinton laughed at rape victim
Did Clinton laugh about a rapist’s light sentence and attack sexual harassment victims?
The Story Behind A Campaign Line: Did Clinton Laugh At A Rape Victim?
AP FACT CHECK: Trump says Clinton laughed at rape case
Trump is wrong: Hillary Clinton did not laugh about the rape of a 12-year-old

Debunked? How about listening to her laugh about it yourself, dumbass:

She laughs about the “miscarriage of justice”.

I highly doubt he read one word of any of those “fact-check” articles he cited.
Hell. I'd mock her to. She's plenty mockable.

I sincerely hope that if you, your daughter, or your sister ever try to share a sexual assault experience......that they aren't mocked. But are listened to and treated with respect.

You mean like how Hillary Clinton mocked a 12 year old girl that was raped by her client by laughing about it?

It’s amazing how liberals just dismiss the fact that Hillary defended an actual rapist of a young girl, got him off with a slap on the wrist, and laughed about it on tape. And yet according to them Republicans are evil and support rape because they aren’t believing a baseless accusation of groping, not rape, 40 years after the fact.

Widely DEBUNKED A-Hole ^ So why the REPEATS?

Trump wrongly says Clinton laughed at rape victim
Did Clinton laugh about a rapist’s light sentence and attack sexual harassment victims?
The Story Behind A Campaign Line: Did Clinton Laugh At A Rape Victim?
AP FACT CHECK: Trump says Clinton laughed at rape case
Trump is wrong: Hillary Clinton did not laugh about the rape of a 12-year-old

She DID laugh about the fact her client, an accused rapist, passed the polygraph, said it “forever destroyed my faith in polygraphs.” That’s what it says it your first “debunking” article. LOL you’re just not smart enough to figure out these “fact-checks” tell the truth while attempting to debunk whatever can be debunked about the statement in question. Politifact rated the claim false bc while Trump said she laughed AT the victim, they say technically she wasn’t laughing AT the victim, but the fact remains she DID laugh about getting a rapist off and she DID laugh about the fact her guilty client passed a polygraph.

Now go ahead and rate this comment funny and try and scrub it from your mind bc that’s exactly what you’ll do.

^ ^ ^ BAH - Fact checkers - Who needs 'em! :rolleyes:

The thing with polygraphs about things that happened that long ago is that a person can make themself believe something happened, even if it didn't.

I don't disagree with that Marty, but Dr Ford went through it and so should he. We're going to get nothing from the Senate Judiciary Committee on Monday other than a partisan shit-show. Best thing to do would be to have the FBI do the initial interviews, find potential witnesses, etc and present those findings PRIOR to the Senate hearing. It could be done in a week or less. But of course, that would have to be ordered by the president and he's not a bit interested in the truth.

The FBI has already passed on the opportunity to investigate. There's just not enough evidence to move on. Any investigation would just be a circus.

At whom's instruction do you suppose? :rolleyes-41:

The FBI is supposed to be independent. Are you suggesting that the president can instruct the FBI on who to go after and who to ignore?

They are supposed to be, but they aren't. The FBI didn't lift a single finger to make so much as a phone call - so how would they know there isn't any evidence.
In this case, Trump would issue that instruction - You weren't familiar with that?

Terms of Service Violation

So if Trump controls the FBI, so did Obama. Interesting.
I said NEAR rape victim. She has been quite specific about what happened. Doesn't remember - WTF?
Don't you have new NRA propaganda or something to post? Carry on ...

Would she be wiling to take a lie detector test and if she fails she agrees to go to jail for slander? Fair?

She already took one - Catch the fuck up

She also saw a therapist about it in the past.

She's not lying.

Women know about men who do this sort of thing. We all knew about boys who did it when we were young. Those boys grow up to me men who don't belong on our supreme court.

My question is what was he doing drinking at a party when he was just a teenager? Why question her actions without questioning his?

Those who are questioning her about drinking and being at a party at 16 are only admitting they believe he did do that to her and are only trying to justify it by blaming the victim/survivor.

Sounds like you believe her just because in the real world it’s possible for a 16-year-old girl to be raped at a party. It COULD happen and it’s happened to others so it must be true, right?

Seriously where did you learn reasoning skills?

It's never a good idea to put words in people's mouths or posts. You usually get it wrong.

Like this time.

I believe her because she took a polygraph test and passed. I believe her because she went to a therapist about it in 2012. I believe her because kavanaugh already lied to congress in the bush boy years so he's a proven liar and once a person is a proven liar to me I stop believing anything they say unless they provide honest proof.

kavanaugh and everyone who supports him have offered zero proof of his claims.

Meanwhile Ms. Ford has proof through passing a polygraph test and going to see a therapist about it in 2012.

Yes things like this happen. I remember when I was in high school and we all knew about the boys who did things like this. We knew their names and knew to stay away from them.

I know the type of boy who does this. kavanaugh is a grown man who shows to me the behavior of a man who was a boy who did things like that. His lying and past behavior in his court have shown me that yes, he's the type to do this type of thing. I've read transcripts from a couple of cases he presided over in court. In my opinion his behavior in those cases disqualify him from presiding on any court in America. Those transcripts also show his very low opinion of women and how he believes that women are stupid.

It's never a good idea to think that you can tell me what my motivation is and what I'm thinking.

You're wrong.

When I say “sounds like” that means it “sounds like” and does not mean “it is,” okay?

How can he adequately defend himself if she can’t even provide the date or location it happened?

I was raped as a teen so you don’t need to tell me “things like this happen.” And no I’m not wrong. You’re acting like you know Kavanaugh personally and you don’t. Have you spent a lot of time with rapists in your life? Have you studied criminology or the science of what makes a rapist? If not, and considering you don’t know Kavanaugh, I don’t know where you get off saying he’s the type of guy who rapes women.

His lying tells you he’s the type of guy to rape a woman? And what “past behavior in his court” leads you to believe he’s a rapist? Based on your comments here it seems to me you’re declaring him guilty as least in part bc you don’t agree with him politically.

Every time I end a sentence with a question mark I’m not putting words in your mouth.
or maybe Feinstien could have released this shit months ago instead of being a political hack-twat.
She was honoring the victim's wishes to be anonymous dumb-ass.

Who is dumb enough to believe that someone really thinks they can remain anonymous if they accuse a nominee to the SC of sexual harassment and want it to keep them off the bench?

If anyone uses their allegation, it is automatically rejected if the accuser remains anonymous. Thus, the ONLY way this gets used is if the accuser is identified. When it comes to he said/she said and there's no other corroboration, we can only go by the public character of the parties involved.
As Ben Shapiro pointed out, Aldritch Aimes, the FBI agent who was a Russian spy passed at least 2 lie detector tests when he was giving secrets to the Russians...lie detector tests mean nothing, which is why you can't use them in court. And in a friendly environment they mean even less.
Ben Sharpiro...HILARIOUS!!!


There is a reason we have statutes of limitations. Witnesses are not reliable when something happened 30 yrs ago.
Speaks to Kavanaugh's character, which is already non-existent as he's been PROVEN to be a liar, lying to Congress and all.
Who is dumb enough to believe that someone really thinks they can remain anonymous if they accuse a nominee to the SC of sexual harassment and want it to keep them off the bench?

If anyone uses their allegation, it is automatically rejected if the accuser remains anonymous. Thus, the ONLY way this gets used is if the accuser is identified. When it comes to he said/she said and there's no other corroboration, we can only go by the public character of the parties involved.
Punching down? Check.
Kissing up? Check.

Yep, the poster going by the moniker hadit is a Republican
As Ben Shapiro pointed out, Aldritch Aimes, the FBI agent who was a Russian spy passed at least 2 lie detector tests when he was giving secrets to the Russians...lie detector tests mean nothing, which is why you can't use them in court. And in a friendly environment they mean even less.
Ben Sharpiro...HILARIOUS!!!



Ben's bio on Rational Wik is hilarious! :lol:

Ben Shapiro

Ben Shapiro, president of youth who already look like old men.

“”The immature rantings of Shapiro as a college student weren't something he grew out of. Instead, his dumbest beliefs were reinforced by a right-wing culture that nurtured every nutty idea he had, and pressured him never to stray from a far right ideology. As a result, Ben Shapiro has become a professional idiot.
—John K. Wilson[1]

“”I genuinely dislike Ben Shapiro
—Captain America[2]

Ben Shapiro (1984–) is a conservative talker, UCLA- and Harvard-educated lawyer, founder of Truth Revolt (2013-2018) and The Daily Wire (ongoing), catcaller[3], and dogwhistler[4][5]. He is also an insufferable asshole, a pseudointellectual hack, and a terrible author. Shapiro identifies as Jewish. He is best known for his outspoken and almost entirely inaccurate criticisms of "left-wing" ideas; in particular, he is famous for the phrase facts don't care about your feelings, which he rarely upholds. Shapiro's shtick is to whine about the persecution of straight, white, conservative men in Hollywood and academia where "coastal elites" are hard at work, indoctrinating the unwitting public into communism.

Well known, for building so many strawmen, even he's starting to wonder if he'll eventually burn Edward Woodward to death in one final massive version - Shapiro earned his spurs as a writer for Townhall and WND but is better known for his close association with Andrew Breitbart, even becoming an editor (and then editor-at-large) for He acrimoniously resigned after Breitbart refused to defend one of their own reporters after she accused Corey Lewandowski (then Trump's campaign manager) of forcefully manhandling her. Since then, Shapiro has been a frequent (and pointed) critic of Steve Bannon and the alt-right movement.[6]

Shapiro has also written several (horrible) books, including a cringy "Post-Obama thriller" called True Allegiance and a smug manual titled How to Debate Leftists and Destroy Them.

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