Trump Just Won Arizona

Whoa, big win.
More than just the delegates, it makes a tremendous statement.
But the delegates themselves are the biggest statement.

Cruz will likely win Utah, and then loses the rest of the states in April and wont have a decent showing till Nebraska May, if I recall correctly.
Sure I do agree delegates is the big message I am more thinking about the party. They need to listen to the people and STFU
Looks like Trump will easily get to 1237

He's now at 739 PLEDGED delegates. Here is a "worst case scenario" - one where Trump doesn't win California, gets ZERO delegates from UT, MT,SD and NE, and the 12 additional MO delegates are stolen from him:

WI 42 - WTA
NY 95 - he will get over 50% and take all
CT 16
RI 11
WV 17
OR 16
WA 26
CA 52
NM 6
= 1237

Good times!
Check out this site

And set Trump to 48%, Cruz at 30% and Kasich at 16%

This projects Trump clinching the nomination by the end of the Indiana primary.
A question for Trump supporters out of curiosity: what are the top three reasons for you to support Trump? Please be honest and specific. Thanks!
A question for Trump supporters out of curiosity: what are the top three reasons for you to support Trump? Please be honest and specific. Thanks!

I like Trump because he is not a professional politician, he speaks plainly and bluntly, and he is going to implement needed security measures that will not kowtow to PC orthodoxy.

But most of all, he will end black market labor, for the most part and will end abuse of the H1-B visa.
A question for Trump supporters out of curiosity: what are the top three reasons for you to support Trump? Please be honest and specific. Thanks!
1. The Wall--closing the border securing our sovereignty.
2. Deporting Wetbacks and Muslims, especially Syrian refugees.
3. Bringing back Nationalism and jobs and rebuilding our military.
A question for Trump supporters out of curiosity: what are the top three reasons for you to support Trump? Please be honest and specific. Thanks!

I like how he shuts up the broads and wetbacks.
Surely he has achieved a remarkable success in this election so far. What else do you like about him? Any position/policy based points?

I didn't think that far ahead.
Fair enough.
A question for Trump supporters out of curiosity: what are the top three reasons for you to support Trump? Please be honest and specific. Thanks!

I like how he shuts up the broads and wetbacks.
Surely he has achieved a remarkable success in this election so far. What else do you like about him? Any position/policy based points?

I didn't think that far ahead.
like a standard ass sniffing liberal, of course.

When do you think ahead, dude?

Dont lie; we already know.
I'll bet those 30 dipshits that blocked traffic in Phoenix added to the turnout for Trump. It's hiliarious that they just don't get it. They don't realize they are campaining FOR Trump.

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