Trump Just Won Arizona

Trump wins Arizona.png
Fox News said results for UT would be around 1AM Eastern time.

Online voting stops at 11 p.m. MST (aka 1 AM Eastern)

How important is Utah now tonight, is it worth staying up for or not?

Trumps 739 delegates to Cruzs 425.

Go to sleep and read it in the morning. :)

Cruz would have to pull a rabbit out of his hat now. Kasich is just filling some void he deems important.

Shadow 355
A question for Trump supporters out of curiosity: what are the top three reasons for you to support Trump? Please be honest and specific. Thanks!

I like how he shuts up the broads and wetbacks.
Surely he has achieved a remarkable success in this election so far. What else do you like about him? Any position/policy based points?

I didn't think that far ahead.

No I know you don't think that far ahead, you only think of behind :smoke: :tongue:
Fox News said results for UT would be around 1AM Eastern time.

Online voting stops at 11 p.m. MST (aka 1 AM Eastern)

How important is Utah now tonight, is it worth staying up for or not?

Trumps 739 delegates to Cruzs 425.

Go to sleep and read it in the morning. :)

Cruz would have to pull a rabbit out of his hat now. Kasich is just filling some void he deems important.

Shadow 355

Okay good stuff, I'll do that :smile:
But most of all, he will end black market labor, for the most part and will end abuse of the H1-B visa.
On this point, may I ask for a little more details? Among the following scenarios, which do you believe is an example of abusing H1B? You may select one or multiple options.

a) A Mexican food restaurant hires a chef from Mexico, claiming that the Mexican chef is better because he is native (therefore more experienced) to the cuisine offered in the restaurant.
b) Facebook hires an Indian software engineer with a master's degree in computer science from UC Berkeley, claiming that the Indian engineer is a talent needed for its data mining project.
c) A factory hires a Chinese database manager, claiming that the Chinese manager is better than his American counterpart because he is willing to accept lower wages while working with similar quality.

I would appreciate it if you could also elaborate your standards in deciding whether an H1B case is an abuse of the visa program. Thanks!
Fox News said results for UT would be around 1AM Eastern time.

Online voting stops at 11 p.m. MST (aka 1 AM Eastern)

How important is Utah now tonight, is it worth staying up for or not?

Trumps 739 delegates to Cruzs 425.

Go to sleep and read it in the morning. :)

Cruz would have to pull a rabbit out of his hat now. Kasich is just filling some void he deems important.

Shadow 355

Okay good stuff, I'll do that :smile:

Be worried election night in November.

I am thinking Hillary Vs Trump.

I plan on being glued to the TV with beer, chips, dip, beer pretzels and a racing heart......that will stop if Clinton wins.

Night - Night gal.

Shadow 355
But most of all, he will end black market labor, for the most part and will end abuse of the H1-B visa.
On this point, may I ask for a little more details? Among the following scenarios, which do you believe is an example of abusing H1B? You may select one or multiple options.

a) A Mexican food restaurant hires a chef from Mexico, claiming that the Mexican chef is better because he is native (therefore more experienced) to the cuisine offered in the restaurant.
b) Facebook hires an Indian software engineer with a master's degree in computer science from UC Berkeley, claiming that the Indian engineer is a talent needed for its data mining project.
c) A factory hires a Chinese database manager, claiming that the Chinese manager is better than his American counterpart because he is willing to accept lower wages while working with similar quality.

I would appreciate it if you could also elaborate your standards in deciding whether an H1B case is an abuse of the visa program. Thanks!

Any H1-B hire that was not preceded by a good faith effort to locate an American citizen with the needed skill set, or who has a similar skill set and only requires simple training, is an abuse of the H1-B visa guest worker program.

We need to close the subcontractor loop hole as well.
Fox News said results for UT would be around 1AM Eastern time.

Online voting stops at 11 p.m. MST (aka 1 AM Eastern)

How important is Utah now tonight, is it worth staying up for or not?

Trumps 739 delegates to Cruzs 425.

Go to sleep and read it in the morning. :)

Cruz would have to pull a rabbit out of his hat now. Kasich is just filling some void he deems important.

Shadow 355

Okay good stuff, I'll do that :smile:

Be worried election night in November.

I am thinking Hillary Vs Trump.

I plan on being glued to the TV with beer, chips, dip, beer pretzels and a racing heart......that will stop if Clinton wins.

Night - Night gal.

Shadow 355

That's sure to be a crazy eating habits back to normal in November, so maybe I have the bier and more bier and bier pretzels and ice-cream and perhaps Tequila also :smoke:

Night Night Herr Shadow!
Now Trump has well over 730 delegates now.

Can a Cruz supporter explain to me how this guarantees Cruz winning?

Pssst, can Trump still win without a brokered convention?

It is not about Cruz winning anymore but if Trump can get the number of delegates to win without it being thrown to the floor and even then...
But most of all, he will end black market labor, for the most part and will end abuse of the H1-B visa.
On this point, may I ask for a little more details? Among the following scenarios, which do you believe is an example of abusing H1B? You may select one or multiple options.

a) A Mexican food restaurant hires a chef from Mexico, claiming that the Mexican chef is better because he is native (therefore more experienced) to the cuisine offered in the restaurant.
b) Facebook hires an Indian software engineer with a master's degree in computer science from UC Berkeley, claiming that the Indian engineer is a talent needed for its data mining project.
c) A factory hires a Chinese database manager, claiming that the Chinese manager is better than his American counterpart because he is willing to accept lower wages while working with similar quality.

I would appreciate it if you could also elaborate your standards in deciding whether an H1B case is an abuse of the visa program. Thanks!

Any H1-B hire that was not preceded by a good faith effort to locate an American citizen with the needed skill set, or who has a similar skill set and only requires simple training, is an abuse of the H1-B visa guest worker program.

We need to close the subcontractor loop hole as well.
Theoretically, your standards based on "a good faith effort to locate an American citizen with the needed skill set" align well with the intention of the visa program. However, H1B laws and regulations do not have a clear definition of "a good faith effort". It appears that the verification of whether an employer has made "a good faith effort" is so unreliable and impractical that it has become nothing but a petition drafted by the employer. Has Trump suggested how he would address this issue to make the verification more meaningful and reliable? Is there any resource from which I can learn more about his proposals to prevent abuse of the H1B program?
Theoretically, your standards based on "a good faith effort to locate an American citizen with the needed skill set" align well with the intention of the visa program. However, H1B laws and regulations do not have a clear definition of "a good faith effort". It appears that the verification of whether an employer has made "a good faith effort" is so unreliable and impractical that it has become nothing but a petition drafted by the employer. Has Trump suggested how he would address this issue to make the verification more meaningful and reliable? Is there any resource from which I can learn more about his proposals to prevent abuse of the H1B program?
Yes, there are some ambiguities, and I have no idea how the future legal experts will encode changes in the law, not at all, but currently there are requirements to list the job for some period of time and to not simply close then re-open the job listing if they do find a qualified America.

And certainly they should not be able to force Americans to train their own H1-B replacement.
Theoretically, your standards based on "a good faith effort to locate an American citizen with the needed skill set" align well with the intention of the visa program. However, H1B laws and regulations do not have a clear definition of "a good faith effort". It appears that the verification of whether an employer has made "a good faith effort" is so unreliable and impractical that it has become nothing but a petition drafted by the employer. Has Trump suggested how he would address this issue to make the verification more meaningful and reliable? Is there any resource from which I can learn more about his proposals to prevent abuse of the H1B program?
Yes, there are some ambiguities, and I have no idea how the future legal experts will encode changes in the law, not at all, but currently there are requirements to list the job for some period of time and to not simply close then re-open the job listing if they do find a qualified America.

And certainly they should not be able to force Americans to train their own H1-B replacement.
So far, what I know about Trump's original H1B proposal is largely based on this:
Immigration Reform.

However, Mr. Trump seems to have changed his mind later. For instance, in this debate, Trump clearly stated that he will soften his position on H1B.

What do you think about his change? Do you agree or disagree with his new view on the visa (for highly skilled workers)?
Theoretically, your standards based on "a good faith effort to locate an American citizen with the needed skill set" align well with the intention of the visa program. However, H1B laws and regulations do not have a clear definition of "a good faith effort". It appears that the verification of whether an employer has made "a good faith effort" is so unreliable and impractical that it has become nothing but a petition drafted by the employer. Has Trump suggested how he would address this issue to make the verification more meaningful and reliable? Is there any resource from which I can learn more about his proposals to prevent abuse of the H1B program?
Yes, there are some ambiguities, and I have no idea how the future legal experts will encode changes in the law, not at all, but currently there are requirements to list the job for some period of time and to not simply close then re-open the job listing if they do find a qualified America.

And certainly they should not be able to force Americans to train their own H1-B replacement.
So far, what I know about Trump's original H1B proposal is largely based on this:
Immigration Reform.

However, Mr. Trump seems to have changed his mind later. For instance, in this debate, Trump clearly stated that he will soften his position on H1B.

What do you think about his change? Do you agree or disagree with his new view on the visa (for highly skilled workers)?

Trumps reply was confused, but he clarified later. He is in favor of a student visa that allows foreign students who graduate here in the US and who will start new businesses and become American citizens (immigrating to the US) but he is against ABUSE of the H1-B and his plan to stop the abuse is to compel salaries of H1-B's to be 10% higher than the local average for that trade, and to strengthen verification of no Americans being available locally. The subcontractor loophole would be closed. Note that the H1-B visa is not an immigration visa, which Trump was referring to in your video clip.
I'll bet those 30 dipshits that blocked traffic in Phoenix added to the turnout for Trump. It's hiliarious that they just don't get it. They don't realize they are campaining FOR Trump.
OR...they realize it fully and really ARE for Trump. Something to think about, eh?
Theoretically, your standards based on "a good faith effort to locate an American citizen with the needed skill set" align well with the intention of the visa program. However, H1B laws and regulations do not have a clear definition of "a good faith effort". It appears that the verification of whether an employer has made "a good faith effort" is so unreliable and impractical that it has become nothing but a petition drafted by the employer. Has Trump suggested how he would address this issue to make the verification more meaningful and reliable? Is there any resource from which I can learn more about his proposals to prevent abuse of the H1B program?
Yes, there are some ambiguities, and I have no idea how the future legal experts will encode changes in the law, not at all, but currently there are requirements to list the job for some period of time and to not simply close then re-open the job listing if they do find a qualified America.

And certainly they should not be able to force Americans to train their own H1-B replacement.
So far, what I know about Trump's original H1B proposal is largely based on this:
Immigration Reform.

However, Mr. Trump seems to have changed his mind later. For instance, in this debate, Trump clearly stated that he will soften his position on H1B.

What do you think about his change? Do you agree or disagree with his new view on the visa (for highly skilled workers)?

Trumps reply was confused, but he clarified later. He is in favor of a student visa that allows foreign students who graduate here in the US and who will start new businesses and become American citizens (immigrating to the US) but he is against ABUSE of the H1-B and his plan to stop the abuse is to compel salaries of H1-B's to be 10% higher than the local average for that trade, and to strengthen verification of no Americans being available locally. The subcontractor loophole would be closed. Note that the H1-B visa is not an immigration visa, which Trump was referring to in your video clip.

For the record:
In the above link, Trump campaign clarified that Mr. Trump is against the abuse of H1-B "with no exception".

Additionally, in his twits in Aug 2015, Mr. Trump expressed support for highly-educated international students to immigrate to the US.
Donald J. Trump on Twitter
Donald J. Trump on Twitter

Do you agree with his position on the immigration of international students?
Also, I couldn't find anything other than the twits where Mr. Trump commented on the immigration of international students. Did I miss anything?
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Get out of the sky and back down to earth with the rest of us.

Shadow 355

There will not be a brokered convention and Romney will go back to licking his own ass in Utah.

The media is copying the "Brokered Convention" off of USMB. :)

I read it here first at the suggestion - THEN I seen it on the news - either Fox or CNN, I dont remember which.

Shadow 355

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