Trump Killing the GOP

There's always the kid's table forum. <snicker> The election is going to be an international embarrassment.

obama is an international embarrassment leftard
Coming from poor or middle class conservative Republicans you've never been anywhere in the world outside of the United States that comment is laughable. My brother travels internationally and trust me Obama is not the joke but Bush was

I travel internationally. I do business in Asia, South America and Europe and you will be surprise the popularity of Obama in foreign countries.
Yes he is very popular. We constantly asked life, politics, racism, crime here in U.S. and how we disrespect our president. Embarrassing.
See Kiwiman127 posted in General Global Discussion 6/23/15 ( I thought Obama is a joke).

Total bullshit. I too travel extensively in all parts of the world and what I have found is foreigners are confused as to why the USA would elect such a divisive, lying, incompetent, socialist to the presidency twice.

Obama has made the USA the laughing stock of the world.

I'm laughing at your anecdotal opinion. You might have traveled as a tourist but I have businesses in foreign countries for decades Do you talk to locals or political parties?
In reality they are talking about people like you how you disrespect our president just because of your hatred. Cut me that bullshit of yours.
See Kiwiman127 posted in Genera Glibal June 30/15.

both business and pleasure, mostly business. Locals, business people, government officials, bankers, people on the street. The vast majority of them think we have lost our minds in the USA.

A japanese business associate asked me why the USA is allowing the president to ignore the constitution.

A bartender in St. Petersburg asked me why the USA is trying to start a war in the mid east.
Redfish continues to spin his dream life on the Board.

Trump, by the by, is forcing the GOP to confront, not kill, itself. Good thing.
LEFT-WINGERS are too stupid to realize their talking points dont matter to anybody but other left-wingers. Lots of people love a weak American President. They know a weak American President makes America weaker, and they see this as a comeuppance for us; even people in countries that would be speaking German or Japanses if we didnt save their worthless asses.

also left-wingers are too stupid apparently to acknowledge that people have different views in public than they have behind closed doors. Lots of people in the Arab world know obama is a disaster, but they wont say so in public for fear of seeming to be pro-Israel
Redfish continues to spin his dream life on the Board.

Trump, by the by, is forcing the GOP to confront, not kill, itself. Good thing.

Trump is forcing both parties to confront themselves, and that is good for the country.

Obama and Clinton have destroyed the dem party. The party of Truman and Kennedy is now the party of Karl Marx.
LEFT-WINGERS are too stupid to realize their talking points dont matter to anybody but other left-wingers. Lots of people love a weak American President. They know a weak American President makes America weaker, and they see this as a comeuppance for us; even people in countries that would be speaking German or Japanses if we didnt save their worthless asses.

also left-wingers are too stupid apparently to acknowledge that people have different views in public than they have behind closed doors. Lots of people in the Arab world know obama is a disaster, but they wont say so in public for fear of seeming to be pro-Israel

well said and completely true.
Redfish continues to spin his dream life on the Board.

Trump, by the by, is forcing the GOP to confront, not kill, itself. Good thing.

Trump is forcing both parties to confront themselves, and that is good for the country.

Obama and Clinton have destroyed the dem party. The party of Truman and Kennedy is now the party of Karl Marx.
Only a JBS loon thinks such a thing about the dems, not a rational Republican. I am glad we are in agreement about Trump's impact on American politics.
Notice how these losers wont even talk about their own candidates?

4 rich old White people in a pathetic race to outpander each other...........
one actually apologizing to a group of Black, racist bigots shouting him down for the crime of saying aloud "All lives Matter"
Redfish continues to spin his dream life on the Board.

Trump, by the by, is forcing the GOP to confront, not kill, itself. Good thing.

Trump is forcing both parties to confront themselves, and that is good for the country.

Obama and Clinton have destroyed the dem party. The party of Truman and Kennedy is now the party of Karl Marx.
Only a JBS loon thinks such a thing about the dems, not a rational Republican. I am glad we are in agreement about Trump's impact on American politics.

So you don't think the dem party of Truman and Kennedy was different from the dem party of obozo and the hildebeast? Were you alive when Truman and Kennedy were in office?
Both parties are different than what they were in the late forties to early sixties.

Were you alive then.
Both parties are different than what they were in the late forties to early sixties.Were you alive then.
Yes, today Kennedy would be a republican. Truman would be declared a far right war monger by the PC media, and Nixon would be a democrat.
Kennedy was a cold war warrior, a pragmatic liberal, supporter of SS, and wanted a national health care system. Think again. He would have nothing to do with you folks.
In 2008 the early consensus was that it was any Democrats race to lose. This more than anything informed Obama's decision to challenge the Clinton machine.

In 2006, Rahm Emmanuel and the DCCC almost single-handedly handed over a Democratic Congress to any future Democratic President

In 2004 I was with the principles of the Kerry campaign on election night. I was not as shocked as most. Next day I was like -- move on.

2000 - The media put together a consortium to look into who would have won and who did win electorally and with the popular vote. Surprise is that if team Bush had their way on how to count votes, Gore would have won. If team Gore had their way -- yep, opposite effect. And even better, depending on how votes and hanging chads and competing counties were totaled up -- no clear cut decision.

So, Dante always considers people who claim Bush or Gore won in 2000 as complete and utter ignoramuses who never followed up on the event
You are correct on your vote count history. 2014 though saw the largest single off year defeat in fifty years plus. Not going to be a Bush OR Clinton this time as EITHER could make voters bolt FROM the party. Trump is getting support NOT based on his politics but based on the fact he is fed up.

And a majority of Americans as a whole from BOTH parties are fed up as well.
Why is trump fed up? He went from $1 billion to $10 billion.

he fudges his own's in a deposition .. he admits it

wait --- the ads that will eventually come out attacking his bullshit .. if he stays in.

I predict he may drop out before he allows Super PACS to destroy the Trump Brand. If he stays in he's a celebrity as well as a politician. His brand will sink like a stone
Yeah, the attacks haven't even really started yet. Can't even imagine the skeletons he has in his closet. But I'm confident they'll be competing for air time if Trump gets too far.
If I were Trump I would burn them public and cut a deal for my backers and walk. Trump stands to LOSE money if he wins. Ever thought about that?
you just paraphrased what Dante wrote in a post quoted within yours.

brilliant!!! :clap2:
You are correct on your vote count history. 2014 though saw the largest single off year defeat in fifty years plus. Not going to be a Bush OR Clinton this time as EITHER could make voters bolt FROM the party. Trump is getting support NOT based on his politics but based on the fact he is fed up.

And a majority of Americans as a whole from BOTH parties are fed up as well.
Why is trump fed up? He went from $1 billion to $10 billion.

he fudges his own's in a deposition .. he admits it

wait --- the ads that will eventually come out attacking his bullshit .. if he stays in.

I predict he may drop out before he allows Super PACS to destroy the Trump Brand. If he stays in he's a celebrity as well as a politician. His brand will sink like a stone
Yeah, the attacks haven't even really started yet. Can't even imagine the skeletons he has in his closet. But I'm confident they'll be competing for air time if Trump gets too far.
If I were Trump I would burn them public and cut a deal for my backers and walk. Trump stands to LOSE money if he wins. Ever thought about that?
The question is, has Trump thought about that? Of course he has. Why does he need another 10 billion?

Have you been paying attention to reality versus Trump's smoke and mirrors events?

Trump spent a good amount of time during his announcement defending and arguing over how much money he actually has. He has sued and threatened others for claiming he was worth less than he frequently claims.

Trump is abnormally concerned with amounts of money because part of the strength of his 'brand' his how much he is worth.

pay attention
obama is an international embarrassment leftard
Coming from poor or middle class conservative Republicans you've never been anywhere in the world outside of the United States that comment is laughable. My brother travels internationally and trust me Obama is not the joke but Bush was

I travel internationally. I do business in Asia, South America and Europe and you will be surprise the popularity of Obama in foreign countries.
Yes he is very popular. We constantly asked life, politics, racism, crime here in U.S. and how we disrespect our president. Embarrassing.
See Kiwiman127 posted in General Global Discussion 6/23/15 ( I thought Obama is a joke).

Total bullshit. I too travel extensively in all parts of the world and what I have found is foreigners are confused as to why the USA would elect such a divisive, lying, incompetent, socialist to the presidency twice.

Obama has made the USA the laughing stock of the world.

I'm laughing at your anecdotal opinion. You might have traveled as a tourist but I have businesses in foreign countries for decades Do you talk to locals or political parties?
In reality they are talking about people like you how you disrespect our president just because of your hatred. Cut me that bullshit of yours.
See Kiwiman127 posted in Genera Glibal June 30/15.

both business and pleasure, mostly business. Locals, business people, government officials, bankers, people on the street. The vast majority of them think we have lost our minds in the USA.

A japanese business associate asked me why the USA is allowing the president to ignore the constitution.

A bartender in St. Petersburg asked me why the USA is trying to start a war in the mid east.

You are contradicting yourself son. And stop lying it's not good to your health.
1. Japan is begging US to be considered under military umbrella because of Russia and China.
2. Bartender in St. Petersburg. We want war in ME. That is the republicans idea. Not Obama.
3. Vast majority lost our mind in USA......They are talking about republican stupidities, Obama trashing, repubs letter to Iran, serve their own party interest. Not Obama.
On the side. I'm getting a lots of emails from different countries about Donald Trump stupidity.
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Both parties are different than what they were in the late forties to early sixties.

Were you alive then.

Yes, today Kennedy would be a republican. Truman would be declared a far right war monger by the PC media, and Nixon would be a democrat.

My father was a politician. He once told me that both parties work together in the best interest of the country.
Now... The republicans work in the best interest of their party.
Redfish has not been out of the country: he is a stone cold liar like koshergrl. He thinks others are like him.

The graph clearly rebuts and rebukes the foolishness of those like Redfish.
I just told him the exact same thing even before reading your post. I call complete BULLSHIT that he has extensively traveled OR that anyone complained to him about Obama. He must have been in a Nazi german pub. LOL

everything I said is true. your PC bullshit is not going over with the rest of the world. They are laughing at us and our incompetent government, run by our fraudulent president.
My brother is a rich conservative (used to be a liberal before he got rich) living in switzerland. He's a VP for a fortune 500 company. I know what THEY say over in Europe. It isn't nearly as bad as what they say/said about Bush. The fact that you say I'm wrong tells me either you've never been anywhere, wherever you go people agree with you just to be polite, you go visit assholes like you because there are assholes in every country, they are rich conservatives....

Actually, yes, you are probably correct. Don't expect the rich in Europe to like Obama if he isn't for giving the corporations power and control over everything.

So good. That's good to know the rich over in Europe aren't happy with Obama who is clearly concerned more about the middle class than the GOP is. Fact.

Oh, and my brother has been brainwashed by his bosses. The same way I don't speak my mind here at work because my bosses are conservatives too. Go figure. The people who make the most and have the power want to maintain the status quo. Surprise surprise, dummy.
obama is an international embarrassment leftard
Coming from poor or middle class conservative Republicans you've never been anywhere in the world outside of the United States that comment is laughable. My brother travels internationally and trust me Obama is not the joke but Bush was

I travel internationally. I do business in Asia, South America and Europe and you will be surprise the popularity of Obama in foreign countries.
Yes he is very popular. We constantly asked life, politics, racism, crime here in U.S. and how we disrespect our president. Embarrassing.
See Kiwiman127 posted in General Global Discussion 6/23/15 ( I thought Obama is a joke).

Total bullshit. I too travel extensively in all parts of the world and what I have found is foreigners are confused as to why the USA would elect such a divisive, lying, incompetent, socialist to the presidency twice.

Obama has made the USA the laughing stock of the world.

I'm laughing at your anecdotal opinion. You might have traveled as a tourist but I have businesses in foreign countries for decades Do you talk to locals or political parties?
In reality they are talking about people like you how you disrespect our president just because of your hatred. Cut me that bullshit of yours.
See Kiwiman127 posted in Genera Glibal June 30/15.

both business and pleasure, mostly business. Locals, business people, government officials, bankers, people on the street. The vast majority of them think we have lost our minds in the USA.

A japanese business associate asked me why the USA is allowing the president to ignore the constitution.

A bartender in St. Petersburg asked me why the USA is trying to start a war in the mid east.
Where do you think a conservative jap heard about obama ignoring the constitution? From a right wing source.

Did he ask you about Bush at all? Probably easy to tell you are a right wing loon even in person.

And you sound rich. No wonder you buy everything the GOP says. The rest of us aren't rich so don't expect us to agree with your ideas when clearly they work for you but not the rest of us. And if you are not rich, you're dumb.
And when I say rich I mean you make over $100K. That's just enough money to turn a middle class American into a cold uncaring greedy stupid conservative. They don't like paying high taxes and they don't realize that if the real rich get tax breaks, they'll have to pay more. Who will they blame though? Obama.

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