Trump kills more civilians in 8 mos than Obama did in 8 years

Mad Dog turned loose the military might of the US
Hmmmm...the "military might" many people think that "military might" is some cool game and not the blood and guts of their fellow Americans....the ones who actually serve. The brave ones, not the cowardly ones who only pay lip service to our vets....when it's convenient.....
everyone who has had family in it. Along with many million who don't.
I'm not bothered in the slightest if any muslims are no longer with us, civilian or not. With all their first-cousin inbreeding, it improves the human gene pool.
Remember the phony outrage from the RW nutters about dead civilians? Why aren't they 8 times more outraged about this?

Because they are hypocritical liars.

IMO, killing civilians is horrible and tragic and we should do all we can to lessen those numbers. Using drone instead of bombs does exactly that.

(While we're at it, how about we stop the endless and pointless wars? )

RWNJs will surely whine about the source so I'm posting several. Notice that the number vary slightly from one site to another.

RWNJs called President Obama "The Drone King" but trump is well on his way to being The Atrocity King.

Trump Has Killed More Civilians with Illegal Drone Strikes in 9 Months Than Obama Did in 8 Years

More Civilians Killed by U.S. in 7 Months Than in Previous 8 Years

In fight against ISIS, more civilians have already been killed under Trump than under Obama

New data about airstrikes under Donald Trump should sound alarm bells | Opinion

US airstrikes are killing more civilians under the Trump administration

Trump is dropping bombs at unprecedented levels

No one gives a shit about Muslim animals, except leftwing traitors like yourself.

Muslims murder Westerners all the time, and no one ever does anything about it. They hold candle vigils and use a Facebook filter.

Finally we have a leader who will show Muslims we will fight back, no matter what cowardly tactics they use. Those Muslim animals are lucky President Trump hasn’t carpet bombed every Islamic country pillar to post.
Remember the phony outrage from the RW nutters about dead civilians? Why aren't they 8 times more outraged about this?

Because they are hypocritical liars.

IMO, killing civilians is horrible and tragic and we should do all we can to lessen those numbers. Using drone instead of bombs does exactly that.

(While we're at it, how about we stop the endless and pointless wars? )

RWNJs will surely whine about the source so I'm posting several. Notice that the number vary slightly from one site to another.

RWNJs called President Obama "The Drone King" but trump is well on his way to being The Atrocity King.

Trump Has Killed More Civilians with Illegal Drone Strikes in 9 Months Than Obama Did in 8 Years

More Civilians Killed by U.S. in 7 Months Than in Previous 8 Years

In fight against ISIS, more civilians have already been killed under Trump than under Obama

New data about airstrikes under Donald Trump should sound alarm bells | Opinion

US airstrikes are killing more civilians under the Trump administration

Trump is dropping bombs at unprecedented levels

Good for Trump. Let's get this war ended.

uh the only way THAT will happen is Trump doesnt continue the war Bush got started and Obama expanded on.expanding the war which is what he appears to be doing is what Obama wisely so,got crucified for. Trump needs to get our military out of there to do that.He isnt.
Remember the phony outrage from the RW nutters about dead civilians? Why aren't they 8 times more outraged about this?

Because they are hypocritical liars.

IMO, killing civilians is horrible and tragic and we should do all we can to lessen those numbers. Using drone instead of bombs does exactly that.

(While we're at it, how about we stop the endless and pointless wars? )

RWNJs will surely whine about the source so I'm posting several. Notice that the number vary slightly from one site to another.

RWNJs called President Obama "The Drone King" but trump is well on his way to being The Atrocity King.

Trump Has Killed More Civilians with Illegal Drone Strikes in 9 Months Than Obama Did in 8 Years

More Civilians Killed by U.S. in 7 Months Than in Previous 8 Years

In fight against ISIS, more civilians have already been killed under Trump than under Obama

New data about airstrikes under Donald Trump should sound alarm bells | Opinion

US airstrikes are killing more civilians under the Trump administration

Trump is dropping bombs at unprecedented levels
Another morally reprehensible member of the cult.

Another cowardly "Lefty" who has never ONCE been in a fire fight.
If you think that Wars can be fought and won using "proportional responses", restrictive "Rules of Engagement", or in a "clean" manner you are simply ignorant of reality. Shit happens, it's sad, it's wrong, but it happens.

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