Trump laws

In the aftermath of trump, it's clear that our laws are not sufficient to stop an immoral, unethical president, who cares more about his own brand than he does about the country. By right, those should be called " trump laws ", because he exposed our need for them. We can start by requiring all tax records from candidates, and requiring real, verified divestment of ALL investments, and strengthening our emoluments laws. Both parties should be interested in limiting the extralegal shenanigans we have seen because the next loose cannon could be from either party. Any ideas for more laws that should be enacted to assure the integrity of our politics?

Our laws have proven insufficient to stop fascist extremism by the Democrat party to dehumanize anyone who disagrees with your politics then destroy us and commit violence against us and steal elections. That's a lot more imminent problem then that you can't just spend four years lying about what Trump said and attacking him with it

Fascist extremism? Please give specific examples of that. I suggest you look up the word Fascism first, so we will be talking about the same thing. That word isn't really a catch all for everything you don't like, as you seem to think it is.

Right, because you don't see Democrats going after getting conservatives fired, kicked out of school cancelled and you don't hear the silence about violence against anyone who disagrees with you or even wears red hats. Sure you don't, fascist

Make up your mind what you want to talk about and try again. I have no intention of following you as you bounce from one subject to the next for no logical reason.
There you go again. Tossing Communism and Socialism around. Hate to break it to you but Communism and Socialism are not forms of Government. They are Economic methods. Neither can exist for longer than a very short time. Sort of like saying that we can have a Capitalist Government. The real grave mistake is when most people actually believe your tripe. Most are no longer drinking from the Koolaid trough of the JBS, QAnon and Party of the Rump. Time for you to take that walk of shame. The same one I took almost 4 years ago.

I don't care if you believe me. Watch what happens these next two years and my words will be haunting you.

You mean right after they follow the money for Jan6th? They are just starting to and the Indy Commission is a good start. Notice how quiet the Rumpers in Congress are right now? And how quiet Rump is as well. When they follow the money, they also follow the planning leading up to the event and guess what's behind it the money? Primarily, Rump Reelection Funding and the Koch Industries with some smaller ones as well. And when the look into the isurrectionists financials , guess what they find? Most were in serious personal and business financial trouble. When they look at the organizers, what do they find? Most were working for the Rump Reelection as late as Nov 30th. IF you want to get to the bottom of a criminal business (and Rump has made it a business) just follow the money. And they are starting to.
In the aftermath of trump, it's clear that our laws are not sufficient to stop an immoral, unethical president, who cares more about his own brand than he does about the country. By right, those should be called " trump laws ", because he exposed our need for them. We can start by requiring all tax records from candidates, and requiring real, verified divestment of ALL investments, and strengthening our emoluments laws. Both parties should be interested in limiting the extralegal shenanigans we have seen because the next loose cannon could be from either party. Any ideas for more laws that should be enacted to assure the integrity of our politics?
Then let's see all Biden's transcripts to his calls to Ukraine while he was vice president.
You mean right after they follow the money for Jan6th? They are just starting to and the Indy Commission is a good start. Notice how quiet the Rumpers in Congress are right now? And how quiet Rump is as well. When they follow the money, they also follow the planning leading up to the event and guess what's behind it the money? Primarily, Rump Reelection Funding and the Koch Industries with some smaller ones as well. And when the look into the isurrectionists financials , guess what they find? Most were in serious personal and business financial trouble. When they look at the organizers, what do they find? Most were working for the Rump Reelection as late as Nov 30th. IF you want to get to the bottom of a criminal business (and Rump has made it a business) just follow the money. And they are starting to.

They're not going to find anything. You're dreaming again. But even if anybody funded the protest, they wouldn't be able to prove that they knew about the attack, because Trump nor anybody would fund such a thing.

Yes, they will keep going after Trump because they are scared to death of the guy. They want him beat down one way or another so he doesn't come back after Biden screws up this country as bad as he plans to. A $15.00 national minimum wage will chase jobs out of the country. Those who can't leave will replace humans with machines, and use outsourcing which will greatly reduce employment. This is on top of all the immigrants the Biden administration will welcome in taking jobs Americans need right now. If this commie gun bill passes, any Independent gun owner will vote to get Biden out next election, and likely vote Republican for congressional races.

The Democrats are quite aware of this so they need to do as much damage as possible before they lose total power.
You mean right after they follow the money for Jan6th? They are just starting to and the Indy Commission is a good start. Notice how quiet the Rumpers in Congress are right now? And how quiet Rump is as well. When they follow the money, they also follow the planning leading up to the event and guess what's behind it the money? Primarily, Rump Reelection Funding and the Koch Industries with some smaller ones as well. And when the look into the isurrectionists financials , guess what they find? Most were in serious personal and business financial trouble. When they look at the organizers, what do they find? Most were working for the Rump Reelection as late as Nov 30th. IF you want to get to the bottom of a criminal business (and Rump has made it a business) just follow the money. And they are starting to.

They're not going to find anything. You're dreaming again. But even if anybody funded the protest, they wouldn't be able to prove that they knew about the attack, because Trump nor anybody would fund such a thing.

Yes, they will keep going after Trump because they are scared to death of the guy. They want him beat down one way or another so he doesn't come back after Biden screws up this country as bad as he plans to. A $15.00 national minimum wage will chase jobs out of the country. Those who can't leave will replace humans with machines, and use outsourcing which will greatly reduce employment. This is on top of all the immigrants the Biden administration will welcome in taking jobs Americans need right now. If this commie gun bill passes, any Independent gun owner will vote to get Biden out next election, and likely vote Republican for congressional races.

The Democrats are quite aware of this so they need to do as much damage as possible before they lose total power.

They've already found it. And they have where people from the Rump Campaign also helped to put things together including the invasion. First comes the criminal then comes the civil. All those hundreds of millions that the Party of the Rump has will be drained and a lot of the leaders are going to prison. And I doubt if any Judge or Court will buy that Rump wasn't aware of all this. Playing stupid won't work. It only works for Reagan.
They've already found it. And they have where people from the Rump Campaign also helped to put things together including the invasion. First comes the criminal then comes the civil. All those hundreds of millions that the Party of the Rump has will be drained and a lot of the leaders are going to prison. And I doubt if any Judge or Court will buy that Rump wasn't aware of all this. Playing stupid won't work. It only works for Reagan.

They did, huh? Do you have a reliable source that's not some left-wing BS outlet?
They've already found it. And they have where people from the Rump Campaign also helped to put things together including the invasion. First comes the criminal then comes the civil. All those hundreds of millions that the Party of the Rump has will be drained and a lot of the leaders are going to prison. And I doubt if any Judge or Court will buy that Rump wasn't aware of all this. Playing stupid won't work. It only works for Reagan.

They did, huh? Do you have a reliable source that's not some left-wing BS outlet?

Just sit back and enjoy the floor show. It's just getting started. This is right up there with "They Stole the Election with Fraud".
In the aftermath of trump, it's clear that our laws are not sufficient to stop an immoral, unethical president, who cares more about his own brand than he does about the country. By right, those should be called " trump laws ", because he exposed our need for them. We can start by requiring all tax records from candidates, and requiring real, verified divestment of ALL investments, and strengthening our emoluments laws. Both parties should be interested in limiting the extralegal shenanigans we have seen because the next loose cannon could be from either party. Any ideas for more laws that should be enacted to assure the integrity of our politics?

"Show me the man, I'll show you the crime", eh Komrade

You fuckers can start your own country once the military escorts Biden and his cabal far far away
In the aftermath of trump, it's clear that our laws are not sufficient to stop an immoral, unethical president, who cares more about his own brand than he does about the country. By right, those should be called " trump laws ", because he exposed our need for them. We can start by requiring all tax records from candidates, and requiring real, verified divestment of ALL investments, and strengthening our emoluments laws. Both parties should be interested in limiting the extralegal shenanigans we have seen because the next loose cannon could be from either party. Any ideas for more laws that should be enacted to assure the integrity of our politics?

"Show me the man, I'll show you the crime", eh Komrade

You fuckers can start your own country once the military escorts Biden and his cabal far far away

You let me know just as soon as that happens, BooBoo.
Just sit back and enjoy the floor show. It's just getting started. This is right up there with "They Stole the Election with Fraud".

That was a lot of typing just to say "no." :eusa_shhh:

I don't have the time nor the inclination to do your research for you so we'll just leave it at that for now. It's going to be fun watching the Donkey and the courts make the Ringmaster do the jumping through the hoops and then being locked up with the Lions and Tigers.
In the aftermath of trump, it's clear that our laws are not sufficient to stop an immoral, unethical president, who cares more about his own brand than he does about the country. By right, those should be called " trump laws ", because he exposed our need for them. We can start by requiring all tax records from candidates, and requiring real, verified divestment of ALL investments, and strengthening our emoluments laws. Both parties should be interested in limiting the extralegal shenanigans we have seen because the next loose cannon could be from either party. Any ideas for more laws that should be enacted to assure the integrity of our politics?
So, none of those things you listed are required by the constitution to be president. However, let's run with that idea. Why stop at the presidency? Why not make these things a requirement for EVERYONE in government, since transparency should not stop at the president.
In the aftermath of trump, it's clear that our laws are not sufficient to stop an immoral, unethical president, who cares more about his own brand than he does about the country. By right, those should be called " trump laws ", because he exposed our need for them. We can start by requiring all tax records from candidates, and requiring real, verified divestment of ALL investments, and strengthening our emoluments laws. Both parties should be interested in limiting the extralegal shenanigans we have seen because the next loose cannon could be from either party. Any ideas for more laws that should be enacted to assure the integrity of our politics?
So, none of those things you listed are required by the constitution to be president. However, let's run with that idea. Why stop at the presidency? Why not make these things a requirement for EVERYONE in government, since transparency should not stop at the president.

I don't have a problem with that. Do you?
I don't have the time nor the inclination to do your research for you so we'll just leave it at that for now. It's going to be fun watching the Donkey and the courts make the Ringmaster do the jumping through the hoops and then being locked up with the Lions and Tigers.

What are you talking about? You had to do the research in the first place to know this, correct? All you have to do is give me a link to this research if it's true, because it's the first I heard about it, and I go through the news every day.

So let's just conclude that you made it all up.
I don't have the time nor the inclination to do your research for you so we'll just leave it at that for now. It's going to be fun watching the Donkey and the courts make the Ringmaster do the jumping through the hoops and then being locked up with the Lions and Tigers.

What are you talking about? You had to do the research in the first place to know this, correct? All you have to do is give me a link to this research if it's true, because it's the first I heard about it, and I go through the news every day.

So let's just conclude that you made it all up.
In the aftermath of trump, it's clear that our laws are not sufficient to stop an immoral, unethical president, who cares more about his own brand than he does about the country. By right, those should be called " trump laws ", because he exposed our need for them. We can start by requiring all tax records from candidates, and requiring real, verified divestment of ALL investments, and strengthening our emoluments laws. Both parties should be interested in limiting the extralegal shenanigans we have seen because the next loose cannon could be from either party. Any ideas for more laws that should be enacted to assure the integrity of our politics?
So, none of those things you listed are required by the constitution to be president. However, let's run with that idea. Why stop at the presidency? Why not make these things a requirement for EVERYONE in government, since transparency should not stop at the president.

I don't have a problem with that. Do you?
Not at all. First, make it constitutional, then apply it to all members of congress and the president. I'll give you a hint though, a requirement like that will never make it through congress.

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