Trump laws

Is Rump a Nazi? You pointing out what splinter group supports what candidate breaks down pretty quick. No Rump is not a Nazi. He's a John Birch Society Card Carrying Member who will refuse to admit it in public just like Cruz. There is no Republican Platform at all publicized. But if you want to see it in stark real life, go to and look at it there. Of course, you won't see what they don't allow outsiders to see. But YOU seem to be following in the JBS line of thinking. Well, and mixing in QAnon a bit as well. Not good for you. And you also support 12 of the 14 points of Fascism that I have published numerous times in here usually. But now you are supporting the other 2 that Rump failed at. We were that close to a Fascist Government save two documents that separate us from the rest of the world. The United States Constitution and the Uniformed Code of Military Justice. And we are a far cry away from having a Communist Government because Communism can't exist for the same reason a Fascist Government can't exist long unless your name is Franco.

We're getting closer and closer all the time thanks to the left. Read the commies gun bill. If it passes, it will be virtually impossible to buy new guns. Taking the liability protection from manufacturers and gun sellers have gives the commies the ability to sue them all out of business. Where will you get guns then? It will be illegal to have any magazine that holds more than ten rounds, and I'm sure they'll decrease it as time goes on. You will need a federal license, and the only way to get a federal license to own a gun is to take a psychological exam by some commie shrink that will cost you 800 bucks. If he says you are psychologically unfit to own a firearm (which I'm sure they will rule most are) you can't legally own a firearm just like a felon. Oh yeah, no (what they consider) assault rifles either.

They are following in the footsteps of Hitler. Before you take total control of the people, make sure they are not armed in which to fight back.
In the aftermath of trump, it's clear that our laws are not sufficient to stop an immoral, unethical president, who cares more about his own brand than he does about the country. By right, those should be called " trump laws ", because he exposed our need for them. We can start by requiring all tax records from candidates, and requiring real, verified divestment of ALL investments, and strengthening our emoluments laws. Both parties should be interested in limiting the extralegal shenanigans we have seen because the next loose cannon could be from either party. Any ideas for more laws that should be enacted to assure the integrity of our politics?
All that should apply to every member of Congress too
Is Rump a Nazi? You pointing out what splinter group supports what candidate breaks down pretty quick. No Rump is not a Nazi. He's a John Birch Society Card Carrying Member who will refuse to admit it in public just like Cruz. There is no Republican Platform at all publicized. But if you want to see it in stark real life, go to and look at it there. Of course, you won't see what they don't allow outsiders to see. But YOU seem to be following in the JBS line of thinking. Well, and mixing in QAnon a bit as well. Not good for you. And you also support 12 of the 14 points of Fascism that I have published numerous times in here usually. But now you are supporting the other 2 that Rump failed at. We were that close to a Fascist Government save two documents that separate us from the rest of the world. The United States Constitution and the Uniformed Code of Military Justice. And we are a far cry away from having a Communist Government because Communism can't exist for the same reason a Fascist Government can't exist long unless your name is Franco.

We're getting closer and closer all the time thanks to the left. Read the commies gun bill. If it passes, it will be virtually impossible to buy new guns. Taking the liability protection from manufacturers and gun sellers have gives the commies the ability to sue them all out of business. Where will you get guns then? It will be illegal to have any magazine that holds more than ten rounds, and I'm sure they'll decrease it as time goes on. You will need a federal license, and the only way to get a federal license to own a gun is to take a psychological exam by some commie shrink that will cost you 800 bucks. If he says you are psychologically unfit to own a firearm (which I'm sure they will rule most are) you can't legally own a firearm just like a felon. Oh yeah, no (what they consider) assault rifles either.

They are following in the footsteps of Hitler. Before you take total control of the people, make sure they are not armed in which to fight back.

I read what Biden said and it's about Regulation not Banning. Sorry, but your commie hunting is stupid. And in case you haven't heard, we came way too close to following Hitlers footsteps on Jan6th. Hitler was a Fascist like Mussolini and they were extreme right wingers before they made the leap into Dictators. Here are a few of what came out of these two fun filled maniacs.

1. If you are going to tell a lie, tell a really big one
2. If you repeat the same lie over and over the people will start to believe it.

Nice of you to follow the Nazi banner like you are.
I've spent my entire life self-employed or working for straight commission.
What do you do for a living?
Guns are banned by stupid-ass buttfucking Democrat federal laws and I'm adjudicated as a mental defective in a court of law. People ever do a background check when they hire? Or what the fuck are you selling? Or are you the hit man who earns a commission for murdering conservatives and arranging accidents on the interstate highways?
Wow, reading your post is like the Wild Toad Ride at Dizzyland.

You accused me of being a commie, but I did a year fighting alleged commies, and after, spent my life as a capitalist. I ask you what you do for a living, and you responded with a game of dodgeball.

Obviously, you're just another punk with a hardon to blame someone for your problems. Sorry friend, this is America, learn to fish or cut bait and jump off the bridge.
I read what Biden said and it's about Regulation not Banning. Sorry, but your commie hunting is stupid. And in case you haven't heard, we came way too close to following Hitlers footsteps on Jan6th. Hitler was a Fascist like Mussolini and they were extreme right wingers before they made the leap into Dictators. Here are a few of what came out of these two fun filled maniacs.

1. If you are going to tell a lie, tell a really big one
2. If you repeat the same lie over and over the people will start to believe it.

Nice of you to follow the Nazi banner like you are.

You obviously didn't read Biden's plans nor the bill the Nazis are trying to pass which is just as bad. Yes, the banning of what they consider assault weapons is in there. Yes, the banning of magazines over 10 rounds. Yes, they are going to remove the liability protection from manufacturers and sellers. Yes, they are going to require you to get a federal license which includes the 800 cost of a psychological exam, which of course, they will tell selected psychologists not to pass most people.
I read what Biden said and it's about Regulation not Banning. Sorry, but your commie hunting is stupid. And in case you haven't heard, we came way too close to following Hitlers footsteps on Jan6th. Hitler was a Fascist like Mussolini and they were extreme right wingers before they made the leap into Dictators. Here are a few of what came out of these two fun filled maniacs.

1. If you are going to tell a lie, tell a really big one
2. If you repeat the same lie over and over the people will start to believe it.

Nice of you to follow the Nazi banner like you are.

You obviously didn't read Biden's plans nor the bill the Nazis are trying to pass which is just as bad. Yes, the banning of what they consider assault weapons is in there. Yes, the banning of magazines over 10 rounds. Yes, they are going to remove the liability protection from manufacturers and sellers. Yes, they are going to require you to get a federal license which includes the 800 cost of a psychological exam, which of course, they will tell selected psychologists not to pass most people.

I not only read what Biden said but saw a vid on it. Are you going to be stupid and make me waste my time locating it? And what a few fruitcake leftees try to get into law doesn't bother any of the rest of us.

And, maybe, they should do an eval on you. But not on me. I am not the one skirting a civil war like you are. Yes, cupcake, supporting this fringe crap is why they can't remove the NG from DC right now. They keep finding rtwingfruitcake gunnutters trying to sneak in ARs into DC. But you support those that are trying to sneak in those ARs even when it's known that if enough of them are snuck in the weapons will start to be used. Once again, you prove to support Fascism and the violent overthrow of the United States of America. I can confortably call you a Traitor and a Terrorist since you support those that ARE RW Domestic Terrorists.
I not only read what Biden said but saw a vid on it. Are you going to be stupid and make me waste my time locating it? And what a few fruitcake leftees try to get into law doesn't bother any of the rest of us.

And, maybe, they should do an eval on you. But not on me. I am not the one skirting a civil war like you are. Yes, cupcake, supporting this fringe crap is why they can't remove the NG from DC right now. They keep finding rtwingfruitcake gunnutters trying to sneak in ARs into DC. But you support those that are trying to sneak in those ARs even when it's known that if enough of them are snuck in the weapons will start to be used. Once again, you prove to support Fascism and the violent overthrow of the United States of America. I can confortably call you a Traitor and a Terrorist since you support those that ARE RW Domestic Terrorists.

I support domestic terrorism because I believe in upholding the Constitution, and you say I'm trying to overthrow America? You are the one who supported an impeachment of a sitting US President for exercising his first amendment rights.

I'm not for a civil war, but what I am for is dividing this country into two countries. One side for the left, and the other side for us. Let's separate and get this over with already.
In the aftermath of trump, it's clear that our laws are not sufficient to stop an immoral, unethical president, who cares more about his own brand than he does about the country. By right, those should be called " trump laws ", because he exposed our need for them. We can start by requiring all tax records from candidates, and requiring real, verified divestment of ALL investments, and strengthening our emoluments laws. Both parties should be interested in limiting the extralegal shenanigans we have seen because the next loose cannon could be from either party. Any ideas for more laws that should be enacted to assure the integrity of our politics?
All that should apply to every member of Congress too
I don't have a problem with that.
I not only read what Biden said but saw a vid on it. Are you going to be stupid and make me waste my time locating it? And what a few fruitcake leftees try to get into law doesn't bother any of the rest of us.

And, maybe, they should do an eval on you. But not on me. I am not the one skirting a civil war like you are. Yes, cupcake, supporting this fringe crap is why they can't remove the NG from DC right now. They keep finding rtwingfruitcake gunnutters trying to sneak in ARs into DC. But you support those that are trying to sneak in those ARs even when it's known that if enough of them are snuck in the weapons will start to be used. Once again, you prove to support Fascism and the violent overthrow of the United States of America. I can confortably call you a Traitor and a Terrorist since you support those that ARE RW Domestic Terrorists.

I support domestic terrorism because I believe in upholding the Constitution, and you say I'm trying to overthrow America? You are the one who supported an impeachment of a sitting US President for exercising his first amendment rights.

I'm not for a civil war, but what I am for is dividing this country into two countries. One side for the left, and the other side for us. Let's separate and get this over with already.

The you do support breaking up the United States of America and disregarding the Constitution of the United States. Let's just process that for a minute. You are part of a minority (yes a minority) that believes the American Experiment has failed and support working extremely hard at making sure it fails. Wasn't that tried starting in 1859 through 1865? I think something said not long ago applies here,"He learned his lesson". Obviously not. I am seeing the definition of a terrorist supporter, ergo, a terrorist traitor here. You aren't even supporting Nationalism.
The you do support breaking up the United States of America and disregarding the Constitution of the United States. Let's just process that for a minute. You are part of a minority (yes a minority) that believes the American Experiment has failed and support working extremely hard at making sure it fails. Wasn't that tried starting in 1859 through 1865? I think something said not long ago applies here,"He learned his lesson". Obviously not. I am seeing the definition of a terrorist supporter, ergo, a terrorist traitor here. You aren't even supporting Nationalism.

I support saving at least part of the country from Communism which is slowly creeping up to takeover this great country. I would rather save half of the country than let the entire Great Experiment end which is what you support.

Biden is talking amnesty for all illegal immigrants. That means they will have a guaranteed 12 to 30 million potential votes which will put them in power for eternity. If they can make DC and Puerto Rico states, then that gives them total power in the Senate for eternity.

From that point on, we will quickly become socialist, then socialist/ communists, and finally just plain Communists. We will eventually be just like any other dictator nation. If you want to live that way, move to North Korea or Cuba, try it out for a few years, and if it's not what it was cracked up to be, you can always move back to the US.............if they let you.

Once you change this place and realize what a grave mistake you made, there will be no USA to move back to. It will be gone forever. There is only one United States of America in the entire world, and you are willing to surrender it. That's why I support dividing this country into two nations instead of having one.

There is a reason people come from all over the world to try and live here, it's because they are trying to escape from a country you wish to create here.
The you do support breaking up the United States of America and disregarding the Constitution of the United States. Let's just process that for a minute. You are part of a minority (yes a minority) that believes the American Experiment has failed and support working extremely hard at making sure it fails. Wasn't that tried starting in 1859 through 1865? I think something said not long ago applies here,"He learned his lesson". Obviously not. I am seeing the definition of a terrorist supporter, ergo, a terrorist traitor here. You aren't even supporting Nationalism.

I support saving at least part of the country from Communism which is slowly creeping up to takeover this great country. I would rather save half of the country than let the entire Great Experiment end which is what you support.

Biden is talking amnesty for all illegal immigrants. That means they will have a guaranteed 12 to 30 million potential votes which will put them in power for eternity. If they can make DC and Puerto Rico states, then that gives them total power in the Senate for eternity.

From that point on, we will quickly become socialist, then socialist/ communists, and finally just plain Communists. We will eventually be just like any other dictator nation. If you want to live that way, move to North Korea or Cuba, try it out for a few years, and if it's not what it was cracked up to be, you can always move back to the US.............if they let you.

Once you change this place and realize what a grave mistake you made, there will be no USA to move back to. It will be gone forever. There is only one United States of America in the entire world, and you are willing to surrender it. That's why I support dividing this country into two nations instead of having one.

There is a reason people come from all over the world to try and live here, it's because they are trying to escape from a country you wish to create here.

There you go again. Tossing Communism and Socialism around. Hate to break it to you but Communism and Socialism are not forms of Government. They are Economic methods. Neither can exist for longer than a very short time. Sort of like saying that we can have a Capitalist Government. The real grave mistake is when most people actually believe your tripe. Most are no longer drinking from the Koolaid trough of the JBS, QAnon and Party of the Rump. Time for you to take that walk of shame. The same one I took almost 4 years ago.

In the aftermath of trump, it's clear that our laws are not sufficient to stop an immoral, unethical president, who cares more about his own brand than he does about the country. By right, those should be called " trump laws ", because he exposed our need for them. We can start by requiring all tax records from candidates, and requiring real, verified divestment of ALL investments, and strengthening our emoluments laws. Both parties should be interested in limiting the extralegal shenanigans we have seen because the next loose cannon could be from either party. Any ideas for more laws that should be enacted to assure the integrity of our politics?
Need a tissue, you big propaganda-pushing puss?

Existing evidence exposed the FBI withheld evidence proving President Trump's innocence in the 1st ADMITTED Democrat political partisan Impeachment attempt, the 1st in US history.

In the end, after it was proven, the Democrats confessed there was NO crime, NO evidence, and NO witnesses...then pfroceeded to argue that none of this was needed to Impeach a President.


1. D-Adam Schiff, Chairman of the House Intel Committee, for example, was caught committing Perjury by claiming a NON-existing whistle blower had provided criminal evidence againstthe President.

2. D-Adam Schiff was caught illegally authoring false evidence and submitting it against the President.

We have, of course, laws against the crimes the Democrats committed; however, they elevated themselves above the law...and owning the proven criminal, treasonouys, complicit DNI, CIA, FBI, and DOJ did not hurt, either.

In this latest treasonous, Socialist, revenge-obsessed Impeachment, Nancy Pelosi was warned of pending Leftist violence prior to 6 Jan, and Pelosi allowed the violence to happen instead of doing something to prevent / protect the Capitol or those inside. Pelosi's hatred and desire for revenge on President Trump that she 'sacrificed' the Capitol in order to blame the President afterwards and then use the event as an excuse to launcha 2nd FRAUDULENT Impeachment.

Prior to the Articles of Impeachment being written Pelosi confessed in an interview the Impeachment had nothing to do with keeping the country safe but instead was an attempt to protect the Democrat Party by eliminating President Trump as a political threat in 2024 and beyond.

Pelosi and the Democrats were eviscerated by the GOP when the GOP played a 13-minute videotape in which the Democrats starred, in which they were shown threatening Americans, threatening the lives of the president and GOP politicians, incited an attempted assassination of GOP politicians, and called for the continued violence perpetrated by foreign-funded Democrats-supported domestic terrorists who caused BILLIONS of dollars in damage in Democrat-run communities across the country....violence that continues as requested by the current VP.

The Democrats were so infuriated by this that they threatened to call witnesses againstTrump. In response to this the GOP informed the Democrats if they did so their 1st witness called would be NANCY PELOSI to testify about how she had learned from the FBI before 6 Jan extremists were 'coming to DC to WAGE WAR' yet did NOTHING to prevent, prepare, and protect...

To protect Pelosi the Democrats folded like a cheap suit...

Your entire thread post is a lie, a pathetic attempt to rewrite history, to protect proven traitors and liars.
In the aftermath of trump, it's clear that our laws are not sufficient to stop an immoral, unethical president, who cares more about his own brand than he does about the country. By right, those should be called " trump laws ", because he exposed our need for them. We can start by requiring all tax records from candidates, and requiring real, verified divestment of ALL investments, and strengthening our emoluments laws. Both parties should be interested in limiting the extralegal shenanigans we have seen because the next loose cannon could be from either party. Any ideas for more laws that should be enacted to assure the integrity of our politics?
Need a tissue, you big propaganda-pushing puss?

Existing evidence exposed the FBI withheld evidence proving President Trump's innocence in the 1st ADMITTED Democrat political partisan Impeachment attempt, the 1st in US history.

In the end, after it was proven, the Democrats confessed there was NO crime, NO evidence, and NO witnesses...then pfroceeded to argue that none of this was needed to Impeach a President.


1. D-Adam Schiff, Chairman of the House Intel Committee, for example, was caught committing Perjury by claiming a NON-existing whistle blower had provided criminal evidence againstthe President.

2. D-Adam Schiff was caught illegally authoring false evidence and submitting it against the President.

We have, of course, laws against the crimes the Democrats committed; however, they elevated themselves above the law...and owning the proven criminal, treasonouys, complicit DNI, CIA, FBI, and DOJ did not hurt, either.

In this latest treasonous, Socialist, revenge-obsessed Impeachment, Nancy Pelosi was warned of pending Leftist violence prior to 6 Jan, and Pelosi allowed the violence to happen instead of doing something to prevent / protect the Capitol or those inside. Pelosi's hatred and desire for revenge on President Trump that she 'sacrificed' the Capitol in order to blame the President afterwards and then use the event as an excuse to launcha 2nd FRAUDULENT Impeachment.

Prior to the Articles of Impeachment being written Pelosi confessed in an interview the Impeachment had nothing to do with keeping the country safe but instead was an attempt to protect the Democrat Party by eliminating President Trump as a political threat in 2024 and beyond.

Pelosi and the Democrats were eviscerated by the GOP when the GOP played a 13-minute videotape in which the Democrats starred, in which they were shown threatening Americans, threatening the lives of the president and GOP politicians, incited an attempted assassination of GOP politicians, and called for the continued violence perpetrated by foreign-funded Democrats-supported domestic terrorists who caused BILLIONS of dollars in damage in Democrat-run communities across the country....violence that continues as requested by the current VP.

The Democrats were so infuriated by this that they threatened to call witnesses againstTrump. In response to this the GOP informed the Democrats if they did so their 1st witness called would be NANCY PELOSI to testify about how she had learned from the FBI before 6 Jan extremists were 'coming to DC to WAGE WAR' yet did NOTHING to prevent, prepare, and protect...

To protect Pelosi the Democrats folded like a cheap suit...

Your entire thread post is a lie, a pathetic attempt to rewrite history, to protect proven traitors and liars.

Obviously you have put a lot of thought into your post. Too bad it was all based on silly misinformation.
In the aftermath of trump, it's clear that our laws are not sufficient to stop an immoral, unethical president, who cares more about his own brand than he does about the country. By right, those should be called " trump laws ", because he exposed our need for them. We can start by requiring all tax records from candidates, and requiring real, verified divestment of ALL investments, and strengthening our emoluments laws. Both parties should be interested in limiting the extralegal shenanigans we have seen because the next loose cannon could be from either party. Any ideas for more laws that should be enacted to assure the integrity of our politics?
Need a tissue, you big propaganda-pushing puss?

Existing evidence exposed the FBI withheld evidence proving President Trump's innocence in the 1st ADMITTED Democrat political partisan Impeachment attempt, the 1st in US history.

In the end, after it was proven, the Democrats confessed there was NO crime, NO evidence, and NO witnesses...then pfroceeded to argue that none of this was needed to Impeach a President.


1. D-Adam Schiff, Chairman of the House Intel Committee, for example, was caught committing Perjury by claiming a NON-existing whistle blower had provided criminal evidence againstthe President.

2. D-Adam Schiff was caught illegally authoring false evidence and submitting it against the President.

We have, of course, laws against the crimes the Democrats committed; however, they elevated themselves above the law...and owning the proven criminal, treasonouys, complicit DNI, CIA, FBI, and DOJ did not hurt, either.

In this latest treasonous, Socialist, revenge-obsessed Impeachment, Nancy Pelosi was warned of pending Leftist violence prior to 6 Jan, and Pelosi allowed the violence to happen instead of doing something to prevent / protect the Capitol or those inside. Pelosi's hatred and desire for revenge on President Trump that she 'sacrificed' the Capitol in order to blame the President afterwards and then use the event as an excuse to launcha 2nd FRAUDULENT Impeachment.

Prior to the Articles of Impeachment being written Pelosi confessed in an interview the Impeachment had nothing to do with keeping the country safe but instead was an attempt to protect the Democrat Party by eliminating President Trump as a political threat in 2024 and beyond.

Pelosi and the Democrats were eviscerated by the GOP when the GOP played a 13-minute videotape in which the Democrats starred, in which they were shown threatening Americans, threatening the lives of the president and GOP politicians, incited an attempted assassination of GOP politicians, and called for the continued violence perpetrated by foreign-funded Democrats-supported domestic terrorists who caused BILLIONS of dollars in damage in Democrat-run communities across the country....violence that continues as requested by the current VP.

The Democrats were so infuriated by this that they threatened to call witnesses againstTrump. In response to this the GOP informed the Democrats if they did so their 1st witness called would be NANCY PELOSI to testify about how she had learned from the FBI before 6 Jan extremists were 'coming to DC to WAGE WAR' yet did NOTHING to prevent, prepare, and protect...

To protect Pelosi the Democrats folded like a cheap suit...

Your entire thread post is a lie, a pathetic attempt to rewrite history, to protect proven traitors and liars.

Obviously you have put a lot of thought into your post. Too bad it was all based on silly misinformation.

Verified, substantiated, documented, evidence-supported fact = 'silly misinformation'

Every time a snowflake destroys their own credibility by exposing their rejection of reality, you have to feel a mix of amusement and pity...

There you go again. Tossing Communism and Socialism around. Hate to break it to you but Communism and Socialism are not forms of Government. They are Economic methods. Neither can exist for longer than a very short time. Sort of like saying that we can have a Capitalist Government. The real grave mistake is when most people actually believe your tripe. Most are no longer drinking from the Koolaid trough of the JBS, QAnon and Party of the Rump. Time for you to take that walk of shame. The same one I took almost 4 years ago.

I don't care if you believe me. Watch what happens these next two years and my words will be haunting you.
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In the aftermath of trump, it's clear that our laws are not sufficient to stop an immoral, unethical president, who cares more about his own brand than he does about the country. By right, those should be called " trump laws ", because he exposed our need for them. We can start by requiring all tax records from candidates, and requiring real, verified divestment of ALL investments, and strengthening our emoluments laws. Both parties should be interested in limiting the extralegal shenanigans we have seen because the next loose cannon could be from either party. Any ideas for more laws that should be enacted to assure the integrity of our politics?

Our laws have proven insufficient to stop fascist extremism by the Democrat party to dehumanize anyone who disagrees with your politics then destroy us and commit violence against us and steal elections. That's a lot more imminent problem then that you can't just spend four years lying about what Trump said and attacking him with it
In the aftermath of trump, it's clear that our laws are not sufficient to stop an immoral, unethical president, who cares more about his own brand than he does about the country. By right, those should be called " trump laws ", because he exposed our need for them. We can start by requiring all tax records from candidates, and requiring real, verified divestment of ALL investments, and strengthening our emoluments laws. Both parties should be interested in limiting the extralegal shenanigans we have seen because the next loose cannon could be from either party. Any ideas for more laws that should be enacted to assure the integrity of our politics?

Our laws have proven insufficient to stop fascist extremism by the Democrat party to dehumanize anyone who disagrees with your politics then destroy us and commit violence against us and steal elections. That's a lot more imminent problem then that you can't just spend four years lying about what Trump said and attacking him with it

Fascist extremism? Please give specific examples of that. I suggest you look up the word Fascism first, so we will be talking about the same thing. That word isn't really a catch all for everything you don't like, as you seem to think it is.
In the aftermath of trump, it's clear that our laws are not sufficient to stop an immoral, unethical president, who cares more about his own brand than he does about the country. By right, those should be called " trump laws ", because he exposed our need for them. We can start by requiring all tax records from candidates, and requiring real, verified divestment of ALL investments, and strengthening our emoluments laws. Both parties should be interested in limiting the extralegal shenanigans we have seen because the next loose cannon could be from either party. Any ideas for more laws that should be enacted to assure the integrity of our politics?

Our laws have proven insufficient to stop fascist extremism by the Democrat party to dehumanize anyone who disagrees with your politics then destroy us and commit violence against us and steal elections. That's a lot more imminent problem then that you can't just spend four years lying about what Trump said and attacking him with it

Fascist extremism? Please give specific examples of that. I suggest you look up the word Fascism first, so we will be talking about the same thing. That word isn't really a catch all for everything you don't like, as you seem to think it is.

Right, because you don't see Democrats going after getting conservatives fired, kicked out of school cancelled and you don't hear the silence about violence against anyone who disagrees with you or even wears red hats. Sure you don't, fascist

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