Trump Lawyer Shares Image Of Hillary Saying She ‘Murdered An Ambassador’

Nah. Anyone with any common sense knows incompetence when they see it.

Apparently you have no common sense.

Common sense? That a person hoping to be the next president of the America spends time murdering people and pedaling uranium to Russia?

That's some uncommon-fucking-sense to me.

Now, if beyond your ridiculous claim to commonality, do you have ANY actual evidence for us to consider?

Oh look it up yourself idiot. The rest of us are sick of your bullshit.
Case in point why Trump campaign keeps churning out pure bs - these people are eating this shit up like it's a free lunch on a Sunday.

Let me explain to you how the world works Claudette:

"Murdering people", like "Selling Uranium to Russians through fake charity" lands you in prison for a very long time. The fact that Clinton faces exactly ZERO criminal charges should point you not to the nearest tinfoil stand, but to re-consideration of these ridiculous claims.

For you to claim that someone is "blind" for not acknowledging this baseless bullshit is textbook definition of irony.

Nah. All it means is that you won't believe anything detrimental to Hitlery.

You want to believe she's a stand up lady and would never do anything to get folks killed.

She didn't kill those men, but she did absofuckinglutely nothing to prevent what happened even though they had warnings up the ass.

If she's the kind of person you want as POTUS one has to wonder about your sanity.

you mean normal people are bored of rightwingnut lies that never go anywhere?


Nah. Anyone with any common sense knows incompetence when they see it.

Apparently you have no common sense.
The word murder is being used, not incompetence. Murder is used to demonize. Demonization is a standard propaganda method. By demonizing you allow hatred to be a motivating force to attack your opponent. Demonization draws support from weak individuals who have a genuine psychological need to fill a void in their persona for aggressive activity to give them a sense of security and self-worth. Hatred is usually the sign of a mental illness, hence, the propagandist plays on members of society who are susceptible and weak. Demonization works, as can be seen by posters in this thread. They feel no shame in declaring a person is a murderer, despite the claim being completely factually untrue. Hatred allows them to justify their dishonesty.

Well they are dead because of that incompetence.

You can slice the rotten meat any way you want but it still stinks
I am not the kind of person that would slice the rotten meat, nor are most people. The rotten meat should be trashed, not sliced. Only those with the delusion that somewhere in the stinking rotten meat there is a nice smell to be found would think of slicing into it. That would be you and your kind who would be doing the slicing.
Calling Clinton a murderer is bearing false witness. Stop trying to justify a biblical interpreted sin.
Well they are dead because of that incompetence.

So then you agree, a claim that Clinton murdered ambassador is exactly the bullshit I originally described it as and not at all a "fact" that you described it as here:

Trump will repeat it as if it is fact.

Its is fact..

Egg meet face.

Oh I agree all right but incompetence is what killed them.

Egg meet face. Its a fact.
Nah. Anyone with any common sense knows incompetence when they see it.

Apparently you have no common sense.

Common sense? That a person hoping to be the next president of the America spends time murdering people and pedaling uranium to Russia?

That's some uncommon-fucking-sense to me.

Now, if beyond your ridiculous claim to commonality, do you have ANY actual evidence for us to consider?

Oh look it up yourself idiot. The rest of us are sick of your bullshit.
Nah. All it means is that you won't believe anything detrimental to Hitlery.

You want to believe she's a stand up lady and would never do anything to get folks killed.

She didn't kill those men, but she did absofuckinglutely nothing to prevent what happened even though they had warnings up the ass.

If she's the kind of person you want as POTUS one has to wonder about your sanity.

you mean normal people are bored of rightwingnut lies that never go anywhere?


Nah. Anyone with any common sense knows incompetence when they see it.

Apparently you have no common sense.
The word murder is being used, not incompetence. Murder is used to demonize. Demonization is a standard propaganda method. By demonizing you allow hatred to be a motivating force to attack your opponent. Demonization draws support from weak individuals who have a genuine psychological need to fill a void in their persona for aggressive activity to give them a sense of security and self-worth. Hatred is usually the sign of a mental illness, hence, the propagandist plays on members of society who are susceptible and weak. Demonization works, as can be seen by posters in this thread. They feel no shame in declaring a person is a murderer, despite the claim being completely factually untrue. Hatred allows them to justify their dishonesty.

Well they are dead because of that incompetence.

You can slice the rotten meat any way you want but it still stinks
I am not the kind of person that would slice the rotten meat, nor are most people. The rotten meat should be trashed, not sliced. Only those with the delusion that somewhere in the stinking rotten meat there is a nice smell to be found. That would be you and your kind who would be doing the slicing.
Calling Clinton a murderer is bearing false witness. Stop trying to justify a biblical interpreted sin.

Oh she's not a murderer. But she is incompetent and the incompetence of her and her State Department got four good men killed.

Slice it any way you want but the rotten meat still stinks.
So then you agree, a claim that Clinton murdered ambassador is exactly the bullshit I originally described it as and not at all a "fact" that you described it as here:

Well sure, Clinton's politicking and incompetence got heroes killed. She didn't murder them, she just failed to dispatch backup, which got them killed.

You think that makes her look good?
Oh I agree all right but incompetence is what killed them.

Egg meet face. Its a fact.

Ahh, I see so everything you claim as fact, is in fact a fact, because when you say "fact" you get to secretly pick in your head what the word refers to and don't have to actually address the context of the post you are responding to.

So very clever. :rolleyes-41:
Oh I agree all right but incompetence is what killed them.

Egg meet face. Its a fact.

Ahh, I see so everything you claim as fact, is in fact a fact, because when you say "fact" you get to secretly pick in your head what the word refers to and don't have to actually address the context of the post you are responding to.

So very clever. :rolleyes-41:

Nope. Nothing clever about it. I just know incompetence when I see it. You apparently don't.
We Democrats would like to tell the Hillary-haters "Thanks for the votes, bedwetters!".

Yes, we understand you Hillary-haters have to keep crying and lying. Your cult demands it, and none of you has the brains or guts to break with your cult. Don't worry, nobody ever expected ethical behavior from you anyways, so you're not disappointing anyone. And you're performing a valuable public service by causing people to leave the Republican Party.
We Democrats would like to tell the Hillary-haters "Thanks for the votes, bedwetters!".

Yes, we understand you Hillary-haters have to keep crying and lying. Your cult demands it, and none of you has the brains or guts to break with your cult. Don't worry, nobody ever expected ethical behavior from you anyways, so you're not disappointing anyone. And you're performing a valuable public service by causing people to leave the Republican Party.

Oh grow the fuck up. Jeeze you are a hoot. LMAO
WASHINGTON — An attorney for the presumptive Republican presidential nominee tweeted an image Tuesday accusing former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton of murder.

Donald Trump lawyer Michael D. Cohen tweeted the image of a joyful Clinton saying, “I presided over $6 billion lost at the State Department, sold uranium to the Russians through my faux charity, illegally deleted public records, and murdered an ambassador. Elect me!”

“This picture says it all!” Cohen said in the tweet.


Trump Lawyer Shares Image Of Hillary Saying She 'Murdered An Ambassador'

Damn, that is really sick. Republicans have no honor. Will Trump condemn this - or simply laugh about it?


Ambassador Stephens was dead by the time Hillary gave the stand down order that got the two heroes killed.

Really? Give us some "credible" proof.

You mean like YOUR credible proof? Damn Chief Shitting bull, get your act together.

Was I addressing you, Randy? BTW, at the time that President Clinton could have possibly killed bin Laden - he had not committed any crimes against the United States. Oh, and what about Tora Bora?
1992 and 1993. Yes he attacked US interests. Clinton failed as bad as your post.

Credible experts say differently.
Nope. I just know incompetence when I see it. You apparently don't.

Ta Ta

Well competency specialist, why don't you tell me if this person seems competent to you:

this person:

1. Claims that Trump's lawyer assertion that Clinton murdered ambassador is a fact.
2. Concedes that Clinton didn't actually murder ambassador.
3. Claims to not having said it was a fact, despite clear record of saying exactly that.
4. Proclaims to have ability in incompetency spotting.

So lets see if you can spot incompetency here.
Nope. I just know incompetence when I see it. You apparently don't.

Ta Ta

Well competency specialist, why don't you tell me if this person seems competent to you:

this person:

1. Claims that Trump's lawyer assertion that Clinton murdered ambassador is a fact.
2. Concedes that Clinton didn't actually murder ambassador.
3. Claims to not having said it was a fact, despite clear record of saying exactly that.
4. Proclaims to have ability in incompetency spotting.

So lets see if you can spot incompetency here.

Well if you can't spot incompetence don't expect me to do it for you.

Little man.
Well if you can't spot incompetence don't expect me to do it for you.

Little man.

Oh stop it, everyone has noticed your clear intellectual incompetency many posts ago...except you, the ironic incompetency spotter.
Oh she's not a murderer. But she is incompetent and the incompetence of her and her State Department got four good men killed.

Slice it any way you want but the rotten meat still stinks.

Vince Foster says hi!

And of course the body count is starting to pile up again...

John Ashe had his throat crushed, I mean had a heart attack, right before he was due to testify against Clinton.

Edit: and as usual Lakhota thinks its funny another Clinton associate was found dead. Sick little freak.
I wonder when the republicans will place the same Standard on those who ignored 9/11. Oh right, that was only 3000 dead Americans its not like it was 4 whole people
I agree. A lot of Republican's are hypocrites.

I place the blame solely at the Bush Admins feet for 9/11 and Clinton needs to own her lies about Benghazi. Plain and simple.

What say you?

Oddly, 8 different investigations, including the latest one, couldn't point to one case of wrong doing by Hillary. Do you have more information than those investigations had?
She lied to those families about what caused the attack. This is an undeniable fact. It is what it is. I don't think there is much more she could have done during to save those lives ,however her LIES to the families is unforgivable.
I wonder when the republicans will place the same Standard on those who ignored 9/11. Oh right, that was only 3000 dead Americans its not like it was 4 whole people
I agree. A lot of Republican's are hypocrites.

I place the blame solely at the Bush Admins feet for 9/11 and Clinton needs to own her lies about Benghazi. Plain and simple.

What say you?

Oddly, 8 different investigations, including the latest one, couldn't point to one case of wrong doing by Hillary. Do you have more information than those investigations had?
She lied to those families about what caused the attack. This is an undeniable fact. It is what it is. I don't think there is much more she could have done during to save those lives ,however her LIES to the families is unforgivable.

There were a few things she could have done.

Beef up security with Americans, not locals.

Either that or pull out people out like the Brits and the Red cross did.

She did neither. Her and her State Departments incompetence caused those four deaths and lying to the family members was the cherry on top.
There were a few things she could have done.

Beef up security with Americans, not locals.

Either that or pull out people out like the Brits and the Red cross did.

She did neither. Her and her State Departments incompetence caused those four deaths and lying to the family members was the cherry on top.

They couldn't pull out. How would they have armed ISIS (AKA the good moderate Muslims) if they left?

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