Trump Lawyer Shares Image Of Hillary Saying She ‘Murdered An Ambassador’

WASHINGTON — An attorney for the presumptive Republican presidential nominee tweeted an image Tuesday accusing former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton of murder.

Donald Trump lawyer Michael D. Cohen tweeted the image of a joyful Clinton saying, “I presided over $6 billion lost at the State Department, sold uranium to the Russians through my faux charity, illegally deleted public records, and murdered an ambassador. Elect me!”

“This picture says it all!” Cohen said in the tweet.


Trump Lawyer Shares Image Of Hillary Saying She 'Murdered An Ambassador'

Damn, that is really sick. Republicans have no honor. Will Trump condemn this - or simply laugh about it?

Why apologize? It's the TRUTH! Get over it.

It's only the "truth" to Trump's "poorly educated" thugs.
OK...How about this from the LIBERAL NYTimes:

Do you want to challenge one of your own?

Quote me where in this article it is claimed that Clinton sold the uranium to Russia for personal gain.

One place.

There isn't. Here is what there is:

"Whether the donations played any role in the approval of the uranium deal is unknown."

Thank you! Randy is a rabid loose canon.
Trump will repeat it as if it is fact.

Its is fact. She had ample opportunity to beef up security or pull our people out. She did nothing and that nothing got those men killed.

If you can't acknowledge the facts then you are one blind partisan hack.

Case in point why Trump campaign keeps churning out pure bs - these people are eating this shit up like it's a free lunch on a Sunday.

Let me explain to you how the world works Claudette:

"Murdering people", like "Selling Uranium to Russians through fake charity" lands you in prison for a very long time. The fact that Clinton faces exactly ZERO criminal charges should point you not to the nearest tinfoil stand, but to re-consideration of these ridiculous claims.

For you to claim that someone is "blind" for not acknowledging this baseless bullshit is textbook definition of irony.

Nah. All it means is that you won't believe anything detrimental to Hitlery.

You want to believe she's a stand up lady and would never do anything to get folks killed.

She didn't kill those men, but she did absofuckinglutely nothing to prevent what happened even though they had warnings up the ass.

If she's the kind of person you want as POTUS one has to wonder about your sanity.

you mean normal people are bored of rightwingnut lies that never go anywhere?


Nah. Anyone with any common sense knows incompetence when they see it.

Apparently you have no common sense.
The word murder is being used, not incompetence. Murder is used to demonize. Demonization is a standard propaganda method. By demonizing you allow hatred to be a motivating force to attack your opponent. Demonization draws support from weak individuals who have a genuine psychological need to fill a void in their persona for aggressive activity to give them a sense of security and self-worth. Hatred is usually the sign of a mental illness, hence, the propagandist plays on members of society who are susceptible and weak. Demonization works, as can be seen by posters in this thread. They feel no shame in declaring a person is a murderer, despite the claim being completely factually untrue. Hatred allows them to justify their dishonesty.
I wonder when the republicans will place the same Standard on those who ignored 9/11. Oh right, that was only 3000 dead Americans its not like it was 4 whole people
I wonder when the republicans will place the same Standard on those who ignored 9/11. Oh right, that was only 3000 dead Americans its not like it was 4 whole people


Theres that concern I was talking about right there

I wonder when the republicans will place the same Standard on those who ignored 9/11. Oh right, that was only 3000 dead Americans its not like it was 4 whole people
It is a shame Bill Clinton beat the drums of war with Iraq for years and lied to everyone about WMDS. Why would he do that?
BTW.. during the Clinton term "Able Danger identifies four future 9/11 hijackers, including lead hijacker Mohamed Atta, as a potential threat and members of Al Qaeda."

WASHINGTON — An attorney for the presumptive Republican presidential nominee tweeted an image Tuesday accusing former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton of murder.

Donald Trump lawyer Michael D. Cohen tweeted the image of a joyful Clinton saying, “I presided over $6 billion lost at the State Department, sold uranium to the Russians through my faux charity, illegally deleted public records, and murdered an ambassador. Elect me!”

“This picture says it all!” Cohen said in the tweet.


Trump Lawyer Shares Image Of Hillary Saying She 'Murdered An Ambassador'

Damn, that is really sick. Republicans have no honor. Will Trump condemn this - or simply laugh about it?


Ambassador Stephens was dead by the time Hillary gave the stand down order that got the two heroes killed.

Really? Give us some "credible" proof.

You mean like YOUR credible proof? Damn Chief Shitting bull, get your act together.

Was I addressing you, Randy? BTW, at the time that President Clinton could have possibly killed bin Laden - he had not committed any crimes against the United States. Oh, and what about Tora Bora?
1992 and 1993. Yes he attacked US interests. Clinton failed as bad as your post.
Please explain to me how refusal to believe rediculous, unsupported claims adds up to "won't believe anything detrimental to Hitlery".

I'll be more than glad to review ANY evidence that Hillary intentionally killed (aka murdered) Ambassador, or secretly sold uranium to Russia through fake...holy shit this sentence is just too ridiculous to even fully type out.

Stephens was dead by the time Hillary got involved. The report makes this clear.

What Hillary and Obama did was waste time trying to SPIN the thing to cover for their incompetence by exploring the video as a straw man option. This isn't a stand down order, but has the same effect in that it kept backup from being deployed. Panetta delayed another 10 hours AFTER Hillary and Obama got through playing politics during a fire fight.

I don't care HOW the DNC press spins this, this shows an administration with callous disregard for lives who were so intent on covering their ass that they didn't give a shit who died.

It is absurd to say Hillary killed Sean Smith and Tyrone Woods. BUT her inaction coupled with the ineptitude of the administration directly led to their deaths. She is not qualified to be POTUS.
WASHINGTON — An attorney for the presumptive Republican presidential nominee tweeted an image Tuesday accusing former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton of murder.

Donald Trump lawyer Michael D. Cohen tweeted the image of a joyful Clinton saying, “I presided over $6 billion lost at the State Department, sold uranium to the Russians through my faux charity, illegally deleted public records, and murdered an ambassador. Elect me!”

“This picture says it all!” Cohen said in the tweet.


Trump Lawyer Shares Image Of Hillary Saying She 'Murdered An Ambassador'

Damn, that is really sick. Republicans have no honor. Will Trump condemn this - or simply laugh about it?


Ambassador Stephens was dead by the time Hillary gave the stand down order that got the two heroes killed.

Really? Give us some "credible" proof.

You mean like YOUR credible proof? Damn Chief Shitting bull, get your act together.

Was I addressing you, Randy? BTW, at the time that President Clinton could have possibly killed bin Laden - he had not committed any crimes against the United States. Oh, and what about Tora Bora?
1992 and 1993. Yes he attacked US interests. Clinton failed as bad as your post.

Clinton regarded Bin Laden as a "law enforcement issue".
OK...How about this from the LIBERAL NYTimes:

Do you want to challenge one of your own?

Quote me where in this article it is claimed that Clinton sold the uranium to Russia for personal gain.

One place.

There isn't. Here is what there is:

"Whether the donations played any role in the approval of the uranium deal is unknown."

Among the agencies that eventually signed off was the State Department, then headed by Mr. Clinton’s wife, Hillary Rodham Clinton.

You ISIS supporters just will NOT put the blame where it belongs. DO you HONESTLY believe that some low-level State Department employee made these decisions? Jesus Christ - I can't believe you folks. Lakota - I can believe. That poor SOB is dumber than dirt - but the rest of you fools!?!?!

Are you really that incapable of believing that "DONATIONS" and "Selling Uranium" have nothing whatsoever to do with each other? or you just so goddamned brainwashed that you actually believe that bitch's bullshit!?!?!
Frankly, I don't know anything about any of this - it might be true. But I know the Military. Those guys were chomping at the bit to get over there and help, yet the planes never left the ground. This guy contends that there was never a "stand down" order given - I contend that he is basing his conclusions on semantics. The State Department (I would figure) told the Pentagon to HOLD IN PLACE or RED LIGHT or whatever the hell terminology they used.

Here's the point. There were forces 2-2.5 hours away that could have helped and possibly saved lives. They never left the ground in Turkey or in North Africa. SOMEONE told them not to go.

The problem is, as the report shows, there was no "go" order. Clinton and Obama were too busy trying to blame an internet video to be bothered with saving lives.
I wonder when the republicans will place the same Standard on those who ignored 9/11. Oh right, that was only 3000 dead Americans its not like it was 4 whole people
It is a shame Bill Clinton beat the drums of war with Iraq for years and lied to everyone about WMDS. Why would he do that?
Because at the time Iraq was involved with WMD's, so Bill wasn't lying. Eventually, Clinton bombed Iraq into submitting to the UN inspections.
Nah. Anyone with any common sense knows incompetence when they see it.

Apparently you have no common sense.

Common sense? That a person hoping to be the next president of the America spends time murdering people and pedaling uranium to Russia?

That's some uncommon-fucking-sense to me.

Now, if beyond your ridiculous claim to commonality, do you have ANY actual evidence for us to consider?

Oh look it up yourself idiot. The rest of us are sick of your bullshit.
Its is fact. She had ample opportunity to beef up security or pull our people out. She did nothing and that nothing got those men killed.

If you can't acknowledge the facts then you are one blind partisan hack.

Case in point why Trump campaign keeps churning out pure bs - these people are eating this shit up like it's a free lunch on a Sunday.

Let me explain to you how the world works Claudette:

"Murdering people", like "Selling Uranium to Russians through fake charity" lands you in prison for a very long time. The fact that Clinton faces exactly ZERO criminal charges should point you not to the nearest tinfoil stand, but to re-consideration of these ridiculous claims.

For you to claim that someone is "blind" for not acknowledging this baseless bullshit is textbook definition of irony.

Nah. All it means is that you won't believe anything detrimental to Hitlery.

You want to believe she's a stand up lady and would never do anything to get folks killed.

She didn't kill those men, but she did absofuckinglutely nothing to prevent what happened even though they had warnings up the ass.

If she's the kind of person you want as POTUS one has to wonder about your sanity.

you mean normal people are bored of rightwingnut lies that never go anywhere?


Nah. Anyone with any common sense knows incompetence when they see it.

Apparently you have no common sense.
The word murder is being used, not incompetence. Murder is used to demonize. Demonization is a standard propaganda method. By demonizing you allow hatred to be a motivating force to attack your opponent. Demonization draws support from weak individuals who have a genuine psychological need to fill a void in their persona for aggressive activity to give them a sense of security and self-worth. Hatred is usually the sign of a mental illness, hence, the propagandist plays on members of society who are susceptible and weak. Demonization works, as can be seen by posters in this thread. They feel no shame in declaring a person is a murderer, despite the claim being completely factually untrue. Hatred allows them to justify their dishonesty.

Well they are dead because of that incompetence.

You can slice the rotten meat any way you want but it still stinks
Of course she didn't intentionally kill anyone. I bet she never thought an attack would happen despite all those warnings and the anniversary of 9/11.

You do know that it's impossible to murder someone un-knowingly...right?

Sure. Don't you?? Manslaughter is more apropos.

Not matter what you call it four men died who didn't have to die. If State and Hitlery had done their damned jobs those men would still be alive.

Common sense 101.
I wonder when the republicans will place the same Standard on those who ignored 9/11. Oh right, that was only 3000 dead Americans its not like it was 4 whole people
It is a shame Bill Clinton beat the drums of war with Iraq for years and lied to everyone about WMDS. Why would he do that?
Because at the time Iraq was involved with WMD's, so Bill wasn't lying. Eventually, Clinton bombed Iraq into submitting to the UN inspections.
To be clear, you are claiming all WMDs were removed under Clinton and UN inspectors had unhindered access to all facilities? You sure about that?
Frankly, I don't know anything about any of this - it might be true. But I know the Military. Those guys were chomping at the bit to get over there and help, yet the planes never left the ground. This guy contends that there was never a "stand down" order given - I contend that he is basing his conclusions on semantics. The State Department (I would figure) told the Pentagon to HOLD IN PLACE or RED LIGHT or whatever the hell terminology they used.

Here's the point. There were forces 2-2.5 hours away that could have helped and possibly saved lives. They never left the ground in Turkey or in North Africa. SOMEONE told them not to go.

The problem is, as the report shows, there was no "go" order. Clinton and Obama were too busy trying to blame an internet video to be bothered with saving lives.

I will most definitely agree to that. These ISIS supporting liberals HONESTLY believe that the military actually sat on their asses and allowed their fellow soldiers to die without lifting a finger. They know nothing about the military and the way it works (or in this case) doesn't work.

This world is a dangerous, dangerous place. It's unfortunate that liberals can NOT figure that out - that they would allow their "leaders" to lie to them and they would support these LIES in order to "one up" the other party.

One day they will understand - just like the people of Germany FINALLY understood. Or the people of Russia, or the People of China, or the People of Italy, on and on and on. Unfortunately, it will be far too late for both them - and us.

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