Trump Lawyer Shares Image Of Hillary Saying She ‘Murdered An Ambassador’

There's nothing untruthful about it. She was asked many times for help and she deliberately ignored those pleas, knowing they would die as a result. She is as responsible for their deaths as the terrorists themselves. She then made it worse and further incriminated herself by trying to cover it up. Death, resulting from negligence often results in murder charges. At the very least, she should be charged with "wrongful death" since she willfully ignored their pleas, especially when it was HER responsibility to keep them safe. She is indeed a murderer.

Quick, Call Tray Goudy!!! He just released a report that doesn't say that. You should let him know.
I wonder when the republicans will place the same Standard on those who ignored 9/11. Oh right, that was only 3000 dead Americans its not like it was 4 whole people
I agree. A lot of Republican's are hypocrites.

I place the blame solely at the Bush Admins feet for 9/11 and Clinton needs to own her lies about Benghazi. Plain and simple.

What say you?

Oddly, 8 different investigations, including the latest one, couldn't point to one case of wrong doing by Hillary. Do you have more information than those investigations had?
WASHINGTON — An attorney for the presumptive Republican presidential nominee tweeted an image Tuesday accusing former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton of murder.

Donald Trump lawyer Michael D. Cohen tweeted the image of a joyful Clinton saying, “I presided over $6 billion lost at the State Department, sold uranium to the Russians through my faux charity, illegally deleted public records, and murdered an ambassador. Elect me!”

“This picture says it all!” Cohen said in the tweet.


Trump Lawyer Shares Image Of Hillary Saying She 'Murdered An Ambassador'

Damn, that is really sick. Republicans have no honor. Will Trump condemn this - or simply laugh about it?


Ambassador Stephens was dead by the time Hillary gave the stand down order that got the two heroes killed.

There was no stand down order.
Trump will repeat it as if it is fact.

Its is fact. She had ample opportunity to beef up security or pull our people out. She did nothing and that nothing got those men killed.

If you can't acknowledge the facts then you are one blind partisan hack.

Here's the thing - when it comes to Hillary. The folks in DC are TERRIFIED of this bitch. It has been written hundreds of times in hundreds of books. They are (literally) scared to death of saying the wrong thing in her presence. She has an attack dog _ Sydney Blumenthal - that has done shit to people i.e., ruined careers, lost jobs, and worse (so some say). Bill Clinton was never the real "problem" when he was in the White House. Hell, their "marriage" has always been a sham - a marriage for political gain. The problem was Hillary. She is as mean as any human being that has ever walked on this planet.

So is it any wonder that she is now standing (with at least) a 50/50 chance of being the next president? She is a megalomaniacal creature that craves power. Truly, I believe that if she doesn't win this time - she will die. To me - She is a tyrant in waiting. THAT and that alone - is why the left has taken to her.
She did. But Hussein had a hand in it too. Him and Holder also killed Brian Terry. Yet has anyone been held accountable? Nope. What a country, ay?
WASHINGTON — An attorney for the presumptive Republican presidential nominee tweeted an image Tuesday accusing former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton of murder.

Donald Trump lawyer Michael D. Cohen tweeted the image of a joyful Clinton saying, “I presided over $6 billion lost at the State Department, sold uranium to the Russians through my faux charity, illegally deleted public records, and murdered an ambassador. Elect me!”

“This picture says it all!” Cohen said in the tweet.


Trump Lawyer Shares Image Of Hillary Saying She 'Murdered An Ambassador'

Damn, that is really sick. Republicans have no honor. Will Trump condemn this - or simply laugh about it?


Ambassador Stephens was dead by the time Hillary gave the stand down order that got the two heroes killed.

There was no stand down order.

You see, that is what you guys keep saying. I call bullshit. Planes were ready to go, the Rapid Reaction Force was ready to go. Remember the attack lasted nearly 14 hours. Plenty of time for ANYONE in the area to be there with 2-3 hours. But they never came. So, are you lefties telling me (and trying to convince me) that the rescuers simply said to each other "Screw 'em - we ain't going"? I mean Jesus! They had to get the CIA folks out of there on Libyan planes and the bodies on a private jet. The US couldn't be bothered to help with the EVAC.

Sonny, you're believing the lie.
How many lives were lost in Iraq and how many generals went to jail? How many commanders? Now tell everyone how this one and this one only is different. Just yelling "Because" and acting hoity toity doesn't count.

How many Democrats including Hillary herself voted for those lives to go and take out Saddam? Before you start your bullshit about specious accusations about Bush lied, why did Democrats choose to support him on the intelligence that their own had built up? They opposed Bush on everything else except that.

No one in Congress voted to take Saddam out. They abdicated their constitutional responsibly and gave the President the power to decide to go to war and what the scope of that war would be. Less than half of the Democrats in Congress voted yes on that resolution to make President Bush the Decider.

And who was the democrat Senator from New York that voted to go to war? That's what I thought. I see, however, that you failed to point that out...

There was no vote in Congress to go to war. That decision to invade and occupy Iraq was President Bushes call.

Hillary certainly voted to give President Bush the deciding power. It's common knowledge that her vote is what made Senator Obama President Obama.

Ah, I see. So you are saying that the information that was available at the time, induced Clinton to vote to give Bush the authority. I see. Now, ask yourself this one question - Hillary hated Bush to her core (that's what the bitch does). So, why in hell, would she vote to "go"? Hmmmmmmm???

What's with the "so you are saying" crap? I made no reference as to why Senator Clinton voted the way she did. But that's what they do to people in the bubble-sphere, they make shit up.

Ever hear someone proclaim "This is what he really mean....." only to take what he "really means' to an absurd position and proclaim that it is the truth?

Don't pretend. Both sides do it.
WASHINGTON — An attorney for the presumptive Republican presidential nominee tweeted an image Tuesday accusing former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton of murder.

Donald Trump lawyer Michael D. Cohen tweeted the image of a joyful Clinton saying, “I presided over $6 billion lost at the State Department, sold uranium to the Russians through my faux charity, illegally deleted public records, and murdered an ambassador. Elect me!”

“This picture says it all!” Cohen said in the tweet.


Trump Lawyer Shares Image Of Hillary Saying She 'Murdered An Ambassador'

Damn, that is really sick. Republicans have no honor. Will Trump condemn this - or simply laugh about it?


Ambassador Stephens was dead by the time Hillary gave the stand down order that got the two heroes killed.

There was no stand down order.

You see, that is what you guys keep saying. I call bullshit. Planes were ready to go, the Rapid Reaction Force was ready to go. Remember the attack lasted nearly 14 hours. Plenty of time for ANYONE in the area to be there with 2-3 hours. But they never came. So, are you lefties telling me (and trying to convince me) that the rescuers simply said to each other "Screw 'em - we ain't going"? I mean Jesus! They had to get the CIA folks out of there on Libyan planes and the bodies on a private jet. The US couldn't be bothered to help with the EVAC.

Sonny, you're believing the lie.

I don't think anybody would bother trying to convince you of anything. 8 different investigations found no stand down order. If you believe differently, go whine to them.
How many Democrats including Hillary herself voted for those lives to go and take out Saddam? Before you start your bullshit about specious accusations about Bush lied, why did Democrats choose to support him on the intelligence that their own had built up? They opposed Bush on everything else except that.

No one in Congress voted to take Saddam out. They abdicated their constitutional responsibly and gave the President the power to decide to go to war and what the scope of that war would be. Less than half of the Democrats in Congress voted yes on that resolution to make President Bush the Decider.

And who was the democrat Senator from New York that voted to go to war? That's what I thought. I see, however, that you failed to point that out...

There was no vote in Congress to go to war. That decision to invade and occupy Iraq was President Bushes call.

Hillary certainly voted to give President Bush the deciding power. It's common knowledge that her vote is what made Senator Obama President Obama.

Ah, I see. So you are saying that the information that was available at the time, induced Clinton to vote to give Bush the authority. I see. Now, ask yourself this one question - Hillary hated Bush to her core (that's what the bitch does). So, why in hell, would she vote to "go"? Hmmmmmmm???

What's with the "so you are saying" crap? I made no reference as to why Senator Clinton voted the way she did. But that's what they do to people in the bubble-sphere, they make shit up.

Ever hear someone proclaim "This is what he really mean....." only to take what he "really means' to an absurd position and proclaim that it is the truth?

Don't pretend. Both sides do it.

I'm not pretending anything of the sort. The invasion of Iraq was done by George Bush with the approval of many democrats including her royal evilness Hillary Clinton. Liberals at fond of rewriting history. I'm not.
WASHINGTON — An attorney for the presumptive Republican presidential nominee tweeted an image Tuesday accusing former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton of murder.

Donald Trump lawyer Michael D. Cohen tweeted the image of a joyful Clinton saying, “I presided over $6 billion lost at the State Department, sold uranium to the Russians through my faux charity, illegally deleted public records, and murdered an ambassador. Elect me!”

“This picture says it all!” Cohen said in the tweet.


Trump Lawyer Shares Image Of Hillary Saying She 'Murdered An Ambassador'

Damn, that is really sick. Republicans have no honor. Will Trump condemn this - or simply laugh about it?


Ambassador Stephens was dead by the time Hillary gave the stand down order that got the two heroes killed.

There was no stand down order.

You see, that is what you guys keep saying. I call bullshit. Planes were ready to go, the Rapid Reaction Force was ready to go. Remember the attack lasted nearly 14 hours. Plenty of time for ANYONE in the area to be there with 2-3 hours. But they never came. So, are you lefties telling me (and trying to convince me) that the rescuers simply said to each other "Screw 'em - we ain't going"? I mean Jesus! They had to get the CIA folks out of there on Libyan planes and the bodies on a private jet. The US couldn't be bothered to help with the EVAC.

Sonny, you're believing the lie.

I don't think anybody would bother trying to convince you of anything. 8 different investigations found no stand down order. If you believe differently, go whine to them.

I suggest that you go to the families of the dead and tell them that. I served in the Military for 21 years. I KNOW how things work. I've never been a lying politician in Washington However.
I 100% promise you all that the FBI report will end Hillary's political life.
The reason the FBI is taking so long is they know that unless they have 100% airtight proof of Hillary's criminal acts they would never recommend charges.
If, as the Hillary asslickers on this forum contend there is no there there the FBI would have ended it's CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION months ago.
Every new, once thought to be erased bunch of Hillary's emails, adds more evidence of her blatant criminal behavior.
'Ding Dong The Witch Is Dead!'............politically.
No one in Congress voted to take Saddam out. They abdicated their constitutional responsibly and gave the President the power to decide to go to war and what the scope of that war would be. Less than half of the Democrats in Congress voted yes on that resolution to make President Bush the Decider.

And who was the democrat Senator from New York that voted to go to war? That's what I thought. I see, however, that you failed to point that out...

There was no vote in Congress to go to war. That decision to invade and occupy Iraq was President Bushes call.

Hillary certainly voted to give President Bush the deciding power. It's common knowledge that her vote is what made Senator Obama President Obama.

Ah, I see. So you are saying that the information that was available at the time, induced Clinton to vote to give Bush the authority. I see. Now, ask yourself this one question - Hillary hated Bush to her core (that's what the bitch does). So, why in hell, would she vote to "go"? Hmmmmmmm???

What's with the "so you are saying" crap? I made no reference as to why Senator Clinton voted the way she did. But that's what they do to people in the bubble-sphere, they make shit up.

Ever hear someone proclaim "This is what he really mean....." only to take what he "really means' to an absurd position and proclaim that it is the truth?

Don't pretend. Both sides do it.

I'm not pretending anything of the sort. The invasion of Iraq was done by George Bush with the approval of many democrats including her royal evilness Hillary Clinton. Liberals at fond of rewriting history. I'm not.

The corrupt witch fully supported the Iraq War. But somehow it's different. She's a Democrat after all. Her supporters are just as disingenuous as she is. Period, end of story.
WASHINGTON — An attorney for the presumptive Republican presidential nominee tweeted an image Tuesday accusing former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton of murder.

Donald Trump lawyer Michael D. Cohen tweeted the image of a joyful Clinton saying, “I presided over $6 billion lost at the State Department, sold uranium to the Russians through my faux charity, illegally deleted public records, and murdered an ambassador. Elect me!”

“This picture says it all!” Cohen said in the tweet.


Trump Lawyer Shares Image Of Hillary Saying She 'Murdered An Ambassador'

Damn, that is really sick. Republicans have no honor. Will Trump condemn this - or simply laugh about it?

would you expect trumps lawyer to have any type of working brain?

I wouldn't.
I 100% promise you all that the FBI report will end Hillary's political life.
The reason the FBI is taking so long is they know that unless they have 100% airtight proof of Hillary's criminal acts they would never recommend charges.
If, as the Hillary asslickers on this forum contend there is no there there the FBI would have ended it's CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION months ago.
Every new, once thought to be erased bunch of Hillary's emails, adds more evidence of her blatant criminal behavior.
'Ding Dong The Witch Is Dead!'............politically.

I wish to God that I could believe you, but I can't. I've seen those two wiggle out of more shit than you can shake a stick at - and come out smelling like a rose. Jesus, Nixon was ran from office for KNOWING about the Watergate break in and that Bitch was one of those that did him in.

Make no mistake about it. They are crooks of the highest order. But I believe that through intimidation - they skate every time. Trust me on this: Hell has a special place reserved for those two.
I 100% promise you all that the FBI report will end Hillary's political life.
The reason the FBI is taking so long is they know that unless they have 100% airtight proof of Hillary's criminal acts they would never recommend charges.
If, as the Hillary asslickers on this forum contend there is no there there the FBI would have ended it's CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION months ago.
Every new, once thought to be erased bunch of Hillary's emails, adds more evidence of her blatant criminal behavior.
'Ding Dong The Witch Is Dead!'............politically.

and that is why you're delusional, little boy.
WASHINGTON — An attorney for the presumptive Republican presidential nominee tweeted an image Tuesday accusing former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton of murder.

Donald Trump lawyer Michael D. Cohen tweeted the image of a joyful Clinton saying, “I presided over $6 billion lost at the State Department, sold uranium to the Russians through my faux charity, illegally deleted public records, and murdered an ambassador. Elect me!”

“This picture says it all!” Cohen said in the tweet.


Trump Lawyer Shares Image Of Hillary Saying She 'Murdered An Ambassador'

Damn, that is really sick. Republicans have no honor. Will Trump condemn this - or simply laugh about it?


Ambassador Stephens was dead by the time Hillary gave the stand down order that got the two heroes killed.

There was no stand down order.

You see, that is what you guys keep saying. I call bullshit. Planes were ready to go, the Rapid Reaction Force was ready to go. Remember the attack lasted nearly 14 hours. Plenty of time for ANYONE in the area to be there with 2-3 hours. But they never came. So, are you lefties telling me (and trying to convince me) that the rescuers simply said to each other "Screw 'em - we ain't going"? I mean Jesus! They had to get the CIA folks out of there on Libyan planes and the bodies on a private jet. The US couldn't be bothered to help with the EVAC.

Sonny, you're believing the lie.

I don't think anybody would bother trying to convince you of anything. 8 different investigations found no stand down order. If you believe differently, go whine to them.

I suggest that you go to the families of the dead and tell them that. I served in the Military for 21 years. I KNOW how things work. I've never been a lying politician in Washington However.

Are you saying all those investigations, including the latest one, run by Goudy, all lied to protect Clinton? Is that what you are saying?
I don't think anybody would bother trying to convince you of anything. 8 different investigations found no stand down order. If you believe differently, go whine to them.

False, the report just released showed that actions were put on hold for 3 hours while State and the Executive discussed how to force YouTube to censor the Straw Man video that they pimped.

House GOP Report: Despite eyewitness accounts, Clinton, administration pushed video explanation for Benghazi | Fox News
Trump will repeat it as if it is fact.

Its is fact. She had ample opportunity to beef up security or pull our people out. She did nothing and that nothing got those men killed.

If you can't acknowledge the facts then you are one blind partisan hack.

Case in point why Trump campaign keeps churning out pure bs - these people are eating this shit up like it's a free lunch on a Sunday.

Let me explain to you how the world works Claudette:

Here, in real world, "Murdering people", like "Selling Uranium to Russians through fake charity" lands you in prison for a very long time. The fact that Clinton faces exactly ZERO criminal charges should point you not to the nearest tinfoil stand, but to re-consideration of these ridiculous claims.

For you to claim that someone is "blind" for not acknowledging this baseless bullshit is textbook definition of irony.
WASHINGTON — An attorney for the presumptive Republican presidential nominee tweeted an image Tuesday accusing former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton of murder.

Donald Trump lawyer Michael D. Cohen tweeted the image of a joyful Clinton saying, “I presided over $6 billion lost at the State Department, sold uranium to the Russians through my faux charity, illegally deleted public records, and murdered an ambassador. Elect me!”

“This picture says it all!” Cohen said in the tweet.


Trump Lawyer Shares Image Of Hillary Saying She 'Murdered An Ambassador'

Damn, that is really sick. Republicans have no honor. Will Trump condemn this - or simply laugh about it?


Ambassador Stephens was dead by the time Hillary gave the stand down order that got the two heroes killed.

There was no stand down order.

You see, that is what you guys keep saying. I call bullshit. Planes were ready to go, the Rapid Reaction Force was ready to go. Remember the attack lasted nearly 14 hours. Plenty of time for ANYONE in the area to be there with 2-3 hours. But they never came. So, are you lefties telling me (and trying to convince me) that the rescuers simply said to each other "Screw 'em - we ain't going"? I mean Jesus! They had to get the CIA folks out of there on Libyan planes and the bodies on a private jet. The US couldn't be bothered to help with the EVAC.

Sonny, you're believing the lie.

I don't think anybody would bother trying to convince you of anything. 8 different investigations found no stand down order. If you believe differently, go whine to them.

Do as you wish. your choice

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