Trump Lawyer Shares Image Of Hillary Saying She ‘Murdered An Ambassador’

Notice you didn't lay the blame with one person and claim they "murdered 3000 people".

Now try and tell the public how 4 dead people in another country attacked by terrorists is Hillary's fault and watch everyone look at you like you're speaking Yiddish.

Let me see if I can enlighten your sorry ass. She was the Secretary of State. She was DIRECTLY RESPONSIBLE for those in that embassy and that compound.

See if this makes any sense to you: A Commander is responsible for the safety and security of their men. The Commander bears responsibility for that. She? Instead ignored their repeated requests for help and for additional security. Because of HER - THEY are dead.

How many lives were lost in Iraq and how many generals went to jail? How many commanders? Now tell everyone how this one and this one only is different. Just yelling "Because" and acting hoity toity doesn't count.

How many Democrats including Hillary herself voted for those lives to go and take out Saddam? Before you start your bullshit about specious accusations about Bush lied, why did Democrats choose to support him on the intelligence that their own had built up? They opposed Bush on everything else except that.

I asked how many generals went to jail under the standard set by RandallFlagg. What's your answer fun boy?

Where did Generals ignore requests for resources?
Notice you didn't lay the blame with one person and claim they "murdered 3000 people".

Now try and tell the public how 4 dead people in another country attacked by terrorists is Hillary's fault and watch everyone look at you like you're speaking Yiddish.

Let me see if I can enlighten your sorry ass. She was the Secretary of State. She was DIRECTLY RESPONSIBLE for those in that embassy and that compound.

See if this makes any sense to you: A Commander is responsible for the safety and security of their men. The Commander bears responsibility for that. She? Instead ignored their repeated requests for help and for additional security. Because of HER - THEY are dead.

How many lives were lost in Iraq and how many generals went to jail? How many commanders? Now tell everyone how this one and this one only is different. Just yelling "Because" and acting hoity toity doesn't count.

How many Democrats including Hillary herself voted for those lives to go and take out Saddam? Before you start your bullshit about specious accusations about Bush lied, why did Democrats choose to support him on the intelligence that their own had built up? They opposed Bush on everything else except that.

I asked how many generals went to jail under the standard set by RandallFlagg. What's your answer fun boy?

Where did Generals ignore requests for resources?

Thats not the standard Randall set. Troops were being killed in Iraq after asking for uparmored HumVee's did you bring charges against Rumsfeld? The Generals? What new bar will you present now?

Will those leaders have to do something like....Be married to Bill Clinton? :badgrin:
Let me see if I can enlighten your sorry ass. She was the Secretary of State. She was DIRECTLY RESPONSIBLE for those in that embassy and that compound.

See if this makes any sense to you: A Commander is responsible for the safety and security of their men. The Commander bears responsibility for that. She? Instead ignored their repeated requests for help and for additional security. Because of HER - THEY are dead.

How many lives were lost in Iraq and how many generals went to jail? How many commanders? Now tell everyone how this one and this one only is different. Just yelling "Because" and acting hoity toity doesn't count.

How many Democrats including Hillary herself voted for those lives to go and take out Saddam? Before you start your bullshit about specious accusations about Bush lied, why did Democrats choose to support him on the intelligence that their own had built up? They opposed Bush on everything else except that.

I asked how many generals went to jail under the standard set by RandallFlagg. What's your answer fun boy?

Where did Generals ignore requests for resources?

Thats not the standard Randall set. Troops were being killed in Iraq after asking for uparmored HumVee's did you bring charges against Rumsfeld? The Generals? What new bar will you present now?

Will those leaders have to do something like....Be married to Bill Clinton? :badgrin:

Nice try took a bit, but the armored hummus were approved and sent. Those same hummus are now being used by ISIS to kill people with (or didn't you know?).
Notice you didn't lay the blame with one person and claim they "murdered 3000 people".

Now try and tell the public how 4 dead people in another country attacked by terrorists is Hillary's fault and watch everyone look at you like you're speaking Yiddish.

Let me see if I can enlighten your sorry ass. She was the Secretary of State. She was DIRECTLY RESPONSIBLE for those in that embassy and that compound.

See if this makes any sense to you: A Commander is responsible for the safety and security of their men. The Commander bears responsibility for that. She? Instead ignored their repeated requests for help and for additional security. Because of HER - THEY are dead.

How many lives were lost in Iraq and how many generals went to jail? How many commanders? Now tell everyone how this one and this one only is different. Just yelling "Because" and acting hoity toity doesn't count.

You're funny - I'll give you that. In WAR - people lose their lives. It's a product of WAR. So, you are contending that if little Johnny goes to WAR and is killed in action, the general that ordered his unit there should be jailed. Are you fucking insane?

Now, let's fast forward to Benghazi. Obama and Hillary sent these people into Libya knowing full well that it was a powder keg waiting to explode. They KNEW that the chance of attack (not protest) was highly possible and even likely. The ambassador REPEATEDLY asked for additional security and was REPEATEDLY denied.

When the attack began - they BEGGED for help. It never arrived. Planes sat on the tarmac (pilots in the cockpits) waiting for the order to go. It never came. The Rapid Reaction Force sat on the planes in Turkey (changed uniforms three times) and the order never came. The CIA officers and the contractors as well as the Ambassador were ABANDONED. Now, dumbass, what part of that do you NOT understand????
One can only hope "Donnie Dangerously" will bring those "Truths" as you say, up in a debate with Sec. Clinton,

Trump will kick that bitch's ass up one side of the stage and down the other. Those "truths" that are in that pic are ALL highly documented. She is easy pickings.

Documented by whom? Alex Jones? She's going to spank the living daylights out of the hapless Donnie Dangerously.

Um, no...How about these?

$6 Bil Vanishes From State Dept. Under Hillary Clinton - Judicial Watch

How's that work for you?

After loosing 12 billion in Iraq under Bush, Good thing we left when we did or those dumbfucks might have spent another 12 billion without a proper record of it.

The US has to import about 80% of our Uranium needs. The Uranium produced here will stay here.

Now about those murder charges........

One thing you can always count on with you ISIS liberals- you will ALWAYS justify bad behavior by pointing to other bad behavior. It's what you fuckers do.

Murder charges? She sat by and allowed 4 men to be killed in Benghazi when she could have (at the very least) helped with more security. It's called taking "TAKING RESPONSIBILITY for one's actions. What did the bitch do? blamed it on a bullshit video and lied to the survivors families and to the America public.

You? You couldn't care less, could you? Because you are anxiously awaiting the demise of this great nation. You'll get your wish soon enough skippy. Let's see how you handle yourself then.

You bubble people are a hoot.
Trump will kick that bitch's ass up one side of the stage and down the other. Those "truths" that are in that pic are ALL highly documented. She is easy pickings.

Documented by whom? Alex Jones? She's going to spank the living daylights out of the hapless Donnie Dangerously.

Um, no...How about these?

$6 Bil Vanishes From State Dept. Under Hillary Clinton - Judicial Watch

How's that work for you?

After loosing 12 billion in Iraq under Bush, Good thing we left when we did or those dumbfucks might have spent another 12 billion without a proper record of it.

The US has to import about 80% of our Uranium needs. The Uranium produced here will stay here.

Now about those murder charges........

One thing you can always count on with you ISIS liberals- you will ALWAYS justify bad behavior by pointing to other bad behavior. It's what you fuckers do.

Murder charges? She sat by and allowed 4 men to be killed in Benghazi when she could have (at the very least) helped with more security. It's called taking "TAKING RESPONSIBILITY for one's actions. What did the bitch do? blamed it on a bullshit video and lied to the survivors families and to the America public.

You? You couldn't care less, could you? Because you are anxiously awaiting the demise of this great nation. You'll get your wish soon enough skippy. Let's see how you handle yourself then.

You bubble people are a hoot.

Can't defend your position. Figures. I've see your type since the damned 60s. your stripes never change.
How many lives were lost in Iraq and how many generals went to jail? How many commanders? Now tell everyone how this one and this one only is different. Just yelling "Because" and acting hoity toity doesn't count.

How many Democrats including Hillary herself voted for those lives to go and take out Saddam? Before you start your bullshit about specious accusations about Bush lied, why did Democrats choose to support him on the intelligence that their own had built up? They opposed Bush on everything else except that.

I asked how many generals went to jail under the standard set by RandallFlagg. What's your answer fun boy?

Where did Generals ignore requests for resources?

Thats not the standard Randall set. Troops were being killed in Iraq after asking for uparmored HumVee's did you bring charges against Rumsfeld? The Generals? What new bar will you present now?

Will those leaders have to do something like....Be married to Bill Clinton? :badgrin:

Nice try took a bit, but the armored hummus were approved and sent. Those same hummus are now being used by ISIS to kill people with (or didn't you know?).

They can only be approved and sent AFTER they werent supplied in the first place and they were still being killed.

Is being killed on someones watch and not supplying them with what they need no longer the bar you set? What is it now? They're name has to start with a H and end in "ILLARY"?
Notice you didn't lay the blame with one person and claim they "murdered 3000 people".

Now try and tell the public how 4 dead people in another country attacked by terrorists is Hillary's fault and watch everyone look at you like you're speaking Yiddish.

Let me see if I can enlighten your sorry ass. She was the Secretary of State. She was DIRECTLY RESPONSIBLE for those in that embassy and that compound.

See if this makes any sense to you: A Commander is responsible for the safety and security of their men. The Commander bears responsibility for that. She? Instead ignored their repeated requests for help and for additional security. Because of HER - THEY are dead.

How many lives were lost in Iraq and how many generals went to jail? How many commanders? Now tell everyone how this one and this one only is different. Just yelling "Because" and acting hoity toity doesn't count.

How many Democrats including Hillary herself voted for those lives to go and take out Saddam? Before you start your bullshit about specious accusations about Bush lied, why did Democrats choose to support him on the intelligence that their own had built up? They opposed Bush on everything else except that.

No one in Congress voted to take Saddam out. They abdicated their constitutional responsibly and gave the President the power to decide to go to war and what the scope of that war would be. Less than half of the Democrats in Congress voted yes on that resolution to make President Bush the Decider.
Notice you didn't lay the blame with one person and claim they "murdered 3000 people".

Now try and tell the public how 4 dead people in another country attacked by terrorists is Hillary's fault and watch everyone look at you like you're speaking Yiddish.

Let me see if I can enlighten your sorry ass. She was the Secretary of State. She was DIRECTLY RESPONSIBLE for those in that embassy and that compound.

See if this makes any sense to you: A Commander is responsible for the safety and security of their men. The Commander bears responsibility for that. She? Instead ignored their repeated requests for help and for additional security. Because of HER - THEY are dead.

How many lives were lost in Iraq and how many generals went to jail? How many commanders? Now tell everyone how this one and this one only is different. Just yelling "Because" and acting hoity toity doesn't count.

How many Democrats including Hillary herself voted for those lives to go and take out Saddam? Before you start your bullshit about specious accusations about Bush lied, why did Democrats choose to support him on the intelligence that their own had built up? They opposed Bush on everything else except that.

No one in Congress voted to take Saddam out. They abdicated their constitutional responsibly and gave the President the power to decide to go to war and what the scope of that war would be. Less than half of the Democrats in Congress voted yes on that resolution to make President Bush the Decider.

And who was the democrat Senator from New York that voted to go to war? That's what I thought. I see, however, that you failed to point that out...
I wonder when the republicans will place the same Standard on those who ignored 9/11. Oh right, that was only 3000 dead Americans its not like it was 4 whole people

There you go deflecting again

The Op isn't about GW or 9-11, Its about Benghazi and Hitlery's actions at SOS.

Good Lord. Get it right bud.
I wonder when the republicans will place the same Standard on those who ignored 9/11. Oh right, that was only 3000 dead Americans its not like it was 4 whole people

There you go deflecting again

The Op isn't about GW or 9-11, Its about Benghazi and Hitlery's actions at SOS.

Good Lord. Get it right bud.

I know and also how none of these standards were ever applied to anyone before Hillary. Have fun explaining that bit of bullshit
Trump will repeat it as if it is fact.

Its is fact. She had ample opportunity to beef up security or pull our people out. She did nothing and that nothing got those men killed.

If you can't acknowledge the facts then you are one blind partisan hack.
I wonder when the republicans will place the same Standard on those who ignored 9/11. Oh right, that was only 3000 dead Americans its not like it was 4 whole people

There you go deflecting again

The Op isn't about GW or 9-11, Its about Benghazi and Hitlery's actions at SOS.

Good Lord. Get it right bud.

I know and also how none of these standards were ever applied to anyone before Hillary. Have fun explaining that bit of bullshit

Deflection is deflection any way you look at it.
Documented by whom? Alex Jones? She's going to spank the living daylights out of the hapless Donnie Dangerously.

Um, no...How about these?

$6 Bil Vanishes From State Dept. Under Hillary Clinton - Judicial Watch

How's that work for you?

After loosing 12 billion in Iraq under Bush, Good thing we left when we did or those dumbfucks might have spent another 12 billion without a proper record of it.

The US has to import about 80% of our Uranium needs. The Uranium produced here will stay here.

Now about those murder charges........

One thing you can always count on with you ISIS liberals- you will ALWAYS justify bad behavior by pointing to other bad behavior. It's what you fuckers do.

Murder charges? She sat by and allowed 4 men to be killed in Benghazi when she could have (at the very least) helped with more security. It's called taking "TAKING RESPONSIBILITY for one's actions. What did the bitch do? blamed it on a bullshit video and lied to the survivors families and to the America public.

You? You couldn't care less, could you? Because you are anxiously awaiting the demise of this great nation. You'll get your wish soon enough skippy. Let's see how you handle yourself then.

You bubble people are a hoot.

Can't defend your position. Figures. I've see your type since the damned 60s. your stripes never change.

I feel no need to defend my position from your post of random insults and brain-dead lies you picked up up in the echo chamber?

After loosing 12 billion in Iraq under Bush, Good thing we left when we did or those dumbfucks might have spent another 12 billion without a proper record of it.

The US has to import about 80% of our Uranium needs. The Uranium produced here will stay here.

Now about those murder charges........

One thing you can always count on with you ISIS liberals- you will ALWAYS justify bad behavior by pointing to other bad behavior. It's what you fuckers do.

Murder charges? She sat by and allowed 4 men to be killed in Benghazi when she could have (at the very least) helped with more security. It's called taking "TAKING RESPONSIBILITY for one's actions. What did the bitch do? blamed it on a bullshit video and lied to the survivors families and to the America public.

You? You couldn't care less, could you? Because you are anxiously awaiting the demise of this great nation. You'll get your wish soon enough skippy. Let's see how you handle yourself then.

You bubble people are a hoot.

Can't defend your position. Figures. I've see your type since the damned 60s. your stripes never change.

I feel no need to defend my position from your post of random insults and brain-dead lies you picked up up in the echo chamber?

Ah, I when you've been shown to be a fool, you slink off into the sunset. Got it.
Notice you didn't lay the blame with one person and claim they "murdered 3000 people".

Now try and tell the public how 4 dead people in another country attacked by terrorists is Hillary's fault and watch everyone look at you like you're speaking Yiddish.

Let me see if I can enlighten your sorry ass. She was the Secretary of State. She was DIRECTLY RESPONSIBLE for those in that embassy and that compound.

See if this makes any sense to you: A Commander is responsible for the safety and security of their men. The Commander bears responsibility for that. She? Instead ignored their repeated requests for help and for additional security. Because of HER - THEY are dead.

How many lives were lost in Iraq and how many generals went to jail? How many commanders? Now tell everyone how this one and this one only is different. Just yelling "Because" and acting hoity toity doesn't count.

How many Democrats including Hillary herself voted for those lives to go and take out Saddam? Before you start your bullshit about specious accusations about Bush lied, why did Democrats choose to support him on the intelligence that their own had built up? They opposed Bush on everything else except that.

No one in Congress voted to take Saddam out. They abdicated their constitutional responsibly and gave the President the power to decide to go to war and what the scope of that war would be. Less than half of the Democrats in Congress voted yes on that resolution to make President Bush the Decider.

And who was the democrat Senator from New York that voted to go to war? That's what I thought. I see, however, that you failed to point that out...

There was no vote in Congress to go to war. That decision to invade and occupy Iraq was President Bushes call.

Hillary certainly voted to give President Bush the deciding power. It's common knowledge that her vote is what made Senator Obama President Obama.
Notice you didn't lay the blame with one person and claim they "murdered 3000 people".

Now try and tell the public how 4 dead people in another country attacked by terrorists is Hillary's fault and watch everyone look at you like you're speaking Yiddish.

Let me see if I can enlighten your sorry ass. She was the Secretary of State. She was DIRECTLY RESPONSIBLE for those in that embassy and that compound.

See if this makes any sense to you: A Commander is responsible for the safety and security of their men. The Commander bears responsibility for that. She? Instead ignored their repeated requests for help and for additional security. Because of HER - THEY are dead.

How many lives were lost in Iraq and how many generals went to jail? How many commanders? Now tell everyone how this one and this one only is different. Just yelling "Because" and acting hoity toity doesn't count.

How many Democrats including Hillary herself voted for those lives to go and take out Saddam? Before you start your bullshit about specious accusations about Bush lied, why did Democrats choose to support him on the intelligence that their own had built up? They opposed Bush on everything else except that.

I asked how many generals went to jail under the standard set by RandallFlagg. What's your answer fun boy?

Where did Generals ignore requests for resources?

How many Generals? None. How many State Department Employees went to jail? none. The planes were ready to fly. The RRF was ready to go. THEY WERE NOT ALLOWED TO LEAVE. So, logically, you have to ask the simple question: "Why Not?"

Again, the rescuers were ready to go. Sitting on the Tarmac. Who told them NOT to go? I promise you it was not the Pentagon. It came from either the White House or the State Department. That is a PROMISE.
After loosing 12 billion in Iraq under Bush, Good thing we left when we did or those dumbfucks might have spent another 12 billion without a proper record of it.

The US has to import about 80% of our Uranium needs. The Uranium produced here will stay here.

Now about those murder charges........

One thing you can always count on with you ISIS liberals- you will ALWAYS justify bad behavior by pointing to other bad behavior. It's what you fuckers do.

Murder charges? She sat by and allowed 4 men to be killed in Benghazi when she could have (at the very least) helped with more security. It's called taking "TAKING RESPONSIBILITY for one's actions. What did the bitch do? blamed it on a bullshit video and lied to the survivors families and to the America public.

You? You couldn't care less, could you? Because you are anxiously awaiting the demise of this great nation. You'll get your wish soon enough skippy. Let's see how you handle yourself then.

You bubble people are a hoot.

Can't defend your position. Figures. I've see your type since the damned 60s. your stripes never change.

I feel no need to defend my position from your post of random insults and brain-dead lies you picked up up in the echo chamber?

Ah, I when you've been shown to be a fool, you slink off into the sunset. Got it.

Another RWNJ who picks up the downed ball and runs cheering himself on into the end zone, spikes the ball, and yells "Touchdown".
Let me see if I can enlighten your sorry ass. She was the Secretary of State. She was DIRECTLY RESPONSIBLE for those in that embassy and that compound.

See if this makes any sense to you: A Commander is responsible for the safety and security of their men. The Commander bears responsibility for that. She? Instead ignored their repeated requests for help and for additional security. Because of HER - THEY are dead.

How many lives were lost in Iraq and how many generals went to jail? How many commanders? Now tell everyone how this one and this one only is different. Just yelling "Because" and acting hoity toity doesn't count.

How many Democrats including Hillary herself voted for those lives to go and take out Saddam? Before you start your bullshit about specious accusations about Bush lied, why did Democrats choose to support him on the intelligence that their own had built up? They opposed Bush on everything else except that.

No one in Congress voted to take Saddam out. They abdicated their constitutional responsibly and gave the President the power to decide to go to war and what the scope of that war would be. Less than half of the Democrats in Congress voted yes on that resolution to make President Bush the Decider.

And who was the democrat Senator from New York that voted to go to war? That's what I thought. I see, however, that you failed to point that out...

There was no vote in Congress to go to war. That decision to invade and occupy Iraq was President Bushes call.

Hillary certainly voted to give President Bush the deciding power. It's common knowledge that her vote is what made Senator Obama President Obama.

Ah, I see. So you are saying that the information that was available at the time, induced Clinton to vote to give Bush the authority. I see. Now, ask yourself this one question - Hillary hated Bush to her core (that's what the bitch does). So, why in hell, would she vote to "go"? Hmmmmmmm???

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