Trump Lawyer Shares Image Of Hillary Saying She ‘Murdered An Ambassador’

WASHINGTON — An attorney for the presumptive Republican presidential nominee tweeted an image Tuesday accusing former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton of murder.

Donald Trump lawyer Michael D. Cohen tweeted the image of a joyful Clinton saying, “I presided over $6 billion lost at the State Department, sold uranium to the Russians through my faux charity, illegally deleted public records, and murdered an ambassador. Elect me!”

“This picture says it all!” Cohen said in the tweet.


Trump Lawyer Shares Image Of Hillary Saying She 'Murdered An Ambassador'

Damn, that is really sick. Republicans have no honor. Will Trump condemn this - or simply laugh about it?


Ambassador Stephens was dead by the time Hillary gave the stand down order that got the two heroes killed.

Really? Give us some "credible" proof.

You mean like YOUR credible proof? Damn Chief Shitting bull, get your act together.

Was I addressing you, Randy? BTW, at the time that President Clinton could have possibly killed bin Laden - he had not committed any crimes against the United States. Oh, and what about Tora Bora?

Tell that to Monica Lewinsky, Juanita Broderick, Kathleen Willey, etc etc etc etc etc etc etc....

Deflect much?
WASHINGTON — An attorney for the presumptive Republican presidential nominee tweeted an image Tuesday accusing former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton of murder.

Donald Trump lawyer Michael D. Cohen tweeted the image of a joyful Clinton saying, “I presided over $6 billion lost at the State Department, sold uranium to the Russians through my faux charity, illegally deleted public records, and murdered an ambassador. Elect me!”

“This picture says it all!” Cohen said in the tweet.


Trump Lawyer Shares Image Of Hillary Saying She 'Murdered An Ambassador'

Damn, that is really sick. Republicans have no honor. Will Trump condemn this - or simply laugh about it?

What part of that isn't the truth? And YOU speak of "honor?...surely you can't be serious...

One can only hope "Donnie Dangerously" will bring those "Truths" as you say, up in a debate with Sec. Clinton,

Trump will kick that bitch's ass up one side of the stage and down the other. Those "truths" that are in that pic are ALL highly documented. She is easy pickings.

Documented by whom? Alex Jones? She's going to spank the living daylights out of the hapless Donnie Dangerously.

Um, no...How about these?

$6 Bil Vanishes From State Dept. Under Hillary Clinton - Judicial Watch

How's that work for you?
WASHINGTON — An attorney for the presumptive Republican presidential nominee tweeted an image Tuesday accusing former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton of murder.

Donald Trump lawyer Michael D. Cohen tweeted the image of a joyful Clinton saying, “I presided over $6 billion lost at the State Department, sold uranium to the Russians through my faux charity, illegally deleted public records, and murdered an ambassador. Elect me!”

“This picture says it all!” Cohen said in the tweet.


Trump Lawyer Shares Image Of Hillary Saying She 'Murdered An Ambassador'

Damn, that is really sick. Republicans have no honor. Will Trump condemn this - or simply laugh about it?


Ambassador Stephens was dead by the time Hillary gave the stand down order that got the two heroes killed.

Yeah she took all the butter for her popcorn, leaving President Obama with none. So they had to put out the Stand down order to make a run to the store for more. Not to mention the 12 O'Clock Beer and Sausage run........
WASHINGTON — An attorney for the presumptive Republican presidential nominee tweeted an image Tuesday accusing former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton of murder.

Donald Trump lawyer Michael D. Cohen tweeted the image of a joyful Clinton saying, “I presided over $6 billion lost at the State Department, sold uranium to the Russians through my faux charity, illegally deleted public records, and murdered an ambassador. Elect me!”

“This picture says it all!” Cohen said in the tweet.


Trump Lawyer Shares Image Of Hillary Saying She 'Murdered An Ambassador'

Damn, that is really sick. Republicans have no honor. Will Trump condemn this - or simply laugh about it?


Ambassador Stephens was dead by the time Hillary gave the stand down order that got the two heroes killed.

Yeah she took all the butter for her popcorn, leaving President Obama with none. So they had to put out the Stand down order to make a run to the store for more. Not to mention the 12 O'Clock Beer and Sausage run........

Barbecuing fetal tissue too.
There's nothing untruthful about it. She was asked many times for help and she deliberately ignored those pleas, knowing they would die as a result. She is as responsible for their deaths as the terrorists themselves. She then made it worse and further incriminated herself by trying to cover it up. Death, resulting from negligence often results in murder charges. At the very least, she should be charged with "wrongful death" since she willfully ignored their pleas, especially when it was HER responsibility to keep them safe. She is indeed a murderer.

When you insist upon occupying foreign lands as if they were your own, shit happens.
WASHINGTON — An attorney for the presumptive Republican presidential nominee tweeted an image Tuesday accusing former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton of murder.

Donald Trump lawyer Michael D. Cohen tweeted the image of a joyful Clinton saying, “I presided over $6 billion lost at the State Department, sold uranium to the Russians through my faux charity, illegally deleted public records, and murdered an ambassador. Elect me!”

“This picture says it all!” Cohen said in the tweet.


Trump Lawyer Shares Image Of Hillary Saying She 'Murdered An Ambassador'

Damn, that is really sick. Republicans have no honor. Will Trump condemn this - or simply laugh about it?


Ambassador Stephens was dead by the time Hillary gave the stand down order that got the two heroes killed.

Yeah she took all the butter for her popcorn, leaving President Obama with none. So they had to put out the Stand down order to make a run to the store for more. Not to mention the 12 O'Clock Beer and Sausage run........

Barbecuing fetal tissue too.

Oh man, had some last night, got it from Planned Parenthood.
When this is all said and done, Paul Manafort may become a standing joke.
WASHINGTON — An attorney for the presumptive Republican presidential nominee tweeted an image Tuesday accusing former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton of murder.

Donald Trump lawyer Michael D. Cohen tweeted the image of a joyful Clinton saying, “I presided over $6 billion lost at the State Department, sold uranium to the Russians through my faux charity, illegally deleted public records, and murdered an ambassador. Elect me!”

“This picture says it all!” Cohen said in the tweet.


Trump Lawyer Shares Image Of Hillary Saying She 'Murdered An Ambassador'

Damn, that is really sick. Republicans have no honor. Will Trump condemn this - or simply laugh about it?

Oh, Lord. You must be really "thirsty" to title your thread with a with a fabricated meme that someone else tweeted. Tsk, tsk, tsk...LOL

That said, yes, you're right. The meme is deplorable.

If Trump has any sense at all, he'll ignore it, which is about what everyone should do with it. Of course, there's no telling what be the limits of Trump's lack of sense.
WASHINGTON — An attorney for the presumptive Republican presidential nominee tweeted an image Tuesday accusing former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton of murder.

Donald Trump lawyer Michael D. Cohen tweeted the image of a joyful Clinton saying, “I presided over $6 billion lost at the State Department, sold uranium to the Russians through my faux charity, illegally deleted public records, and murdered an ambassador. Elect me!”

“This picture says it all!” Cohen said in the tweet.


Trump Lawyer Shares Image Of Hillary Saying She 'Murdered An Ambassador'

Damn, that is really sick. Republicans have no honor. Will Trump condemn this - or simply laugh about it?

What part of that isn't the truth? And YOU speak of "honor?...surely you can't be serious...

One can only hope "Donnie Dangerously" will bring those "Truths" as you say, up in a debate with Sec. Clinton,

Trump will kick that bitch's ass up one side of the stage and down the other. Those "truths" that are in that pic are ALL highly documented. She is easy pickings.

Documented by whom? Alex Jones? She's going to spank the living daylights out of the hapless Donnie Dangerously.

Um, no...How about these?

$6 Bil Vanishes From State Dept. Under Hillary Clinton - Judicial Watch

How's that work for you?

After loosing 12 billion in Iraq under Bush, Good thing we left when we did or those dumbfucks might have spent another 12 billion without a proper record of it.

The US has to import about 80% of our Uranium needs. The Uranium produced here will stay here.

Now about those murder charges........
WASHINGTON — An attorney for the presumptive Republican presidential nominee tweeted an image Tuesday accusing former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton of murder.

Donald Trump lawyer Michael D. Cohen tweeted the image of a joyful Clinton saying, “I presided over $6 billion lost at the State Department, sold uranium to the Russians through my faux charity, illegally deleted public records, and murdered an ambassador. Elect me!”

“This picture says it all!” Cohen said in the tweet.


Trump Lawyer Shares Image Of Hillary Saying She 'Murdered An Ambassador'

Damn, that is really sick. Republicans have no honor. Will Trump condemn this - or simply laugh about it?


Ambassador Stephens was dead by the time Hillary gave the stand down order that got the two heroes killed.

Yeah she took all the butter for her popcorn, leaving President Obama with none. So they had to put out the Stand down order to make a run to the store for more. Not to mention the 12 O'Clock Beer and Sausage run........

Barbecuing fetal tissue too.

Well at least the ones they didn't use for their new Frankenbaby.


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Where are the Benghazi indictments?
The FBI's report will be all we need to end the Clinton's political careers in disgrace.
They ought to have spent a decade each in prison for their cocaine smuggling in AK.
The two little boys who saw too much and had to be murdered were only the beginning of the Clinton's murders. And ALL for political power.
And the fucking LIB scum bags will still carry Hillary's piss bucket for her.
Fucking amazing!
One can only hope "Donnie Dangerously" will bring those "Truths" as you say, up in a debate with Sec. Clinton,

You DO grasp that Trump is not Mitt Romney, and won't nod mildly as Candy Crowley lies, right?

He's going to shred crooked Hillary - or he would, if she had the guts to debate him. She will refuse, of course. She's evil and a crook, but not that stupid.
I wonder when the republicans will place the same Standard on those who ignored 9/11. Oh right, that was only 3000 dead Americans its not like it was 4 whole people
No comparing only a thoughtless boob would attempt to
The but but Buuuushh
The 9/11 fucks trained while Clinton was in office,using your pretzel logic,Clinton should be on the chopping block.
I wonder when the republicans will place the same Standard on those who ignored 9/11. Oh right, that was only 3000 dead Americans its not like it was 4 whole people
There is a difference, nobody ever could think about using an airplane full of innocent people as a missle. Bush knew there was a threat, but didn't know the time, place, or how it was going to be pulled off, and afterwards he kicked their ass and brought Americans together. Hillary and Obama knew when, where, and pretty much how it was going to happen. What did they do afterwards, they both lied about it. Then obama took off to vegas. Then they blamed the republicans. Lack of leadership is noted.
I wonder when the republicans will place the same Standard on those who ignored 9/11. Oh right, that was only 3000 dead Americans its not like it was 4 whole people

You speaking of Bill Clinton? When he had the chance to take Osama Bin Laden out and chose not to? Or did you forget that little fact?

He didnt kill 3000 Americans until 9/11. All your excuses seem to skip over 8 years of Bush. Good job
Bush wasn't the best president, but he didn't divide America like Obama does. After he screws up.

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