Trump Lawyer Shares Image Of Hillary Saying She ‘Murdered An Ambassador’

Nah. All it means is that you won't believe anything detrimental to Hitlery.

Please explain to me how refusal to believe rediculous, unsupported claims adds up to "won't believe anything detrimental to Hitlery".

I'll be more than glad to review ANY evidence that Hillary intentionally killed (aka murdered) Ambassador, or secretly sold uranium to Russia through fake...holy shit this sentence is just too ridiculous to even fully type out, mental midgetry being addressed is tough to believe.
The FBI is going to be able to explain to you what Hillary did.
Just read it slowly.
The entire sane world knows the Clinton's are corrupt.
You refuse to believe it. That's your problem pal.
There were a few things she could have done.

Beef up security with Americans, not locals.

Either that or pull out people out like the Brits and the Red cross did.

She did neither. Her and her State Departments incompetence caused those four deaths and lying to the family members was the cherry on top.

Hillary's primary fault is for not having in the past the hindsight her critics are operating from today.
There's nothing untruthful about it. She was asked many times for help and she deliberately ignored those pleas, knowing they would die as a result. She is as responsible for their deaths as the terrorists themselves. She then made it worse and further incriminated herself by trying to cover it up. Death, resulting from negligence often results in murder charges. At the very least, she should be charged with "wrongful death" since she willfully ignored their pleas, especially when it was HER responsibility to keep them safe. She is indeed a murderer.

Exactly. If you leave a child in a hot car and ignore them, are you responsible for their death? Of course.

While the ambassador and his staff aren't children, they still had to rely on the Obama administration for security or to be given orders to leave the country. They were left to fend for themselves and they were as helpless as a baby in car.

Hillary denied security and later tried to claim it was lack of funding. That despite her managing to spend $6 Billion, which remains unaccounted for. She also failed to advise them to leave Libya after Stevens was named personally in a threat. Other countries removed their people due to the threat. Hillary ignored it. Then when the attack began, she ignored that, too, and no one sent help.

It was her job to help them. There was no help before or during the attack. She didn't even send people to retrieve the bodies.
She lied to those families about what caused the attack.

There is no evidence she lied but lets go with that.

She said one thing caused the attack and it turned out to be another thing that caused the attack.

Now, tell us why that is super important. If your answer is "because lies are bad" I'm going to need you to put on your big boy pants and study up on what politics, life and being an adult is.
It was her job to help them. There was no help before or during the attack. She didn't even send people to retrieve the bodies.

she left them in the sun like Arkansas roadkill
I wonder when the republicans will place the same Standard on those who ignored 9/11. Oh right, that was only 3000 dead Americans its not like it was 4 whole people

But it doesn't stop there. White people are killing each other right here at home in large numbers. If White lives mattered that wouldn't be happening.
Which candidate would ISIS rather have in the White house for the next four years?
Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton?

Ambassador Stephens was dead by the time Hillary gave the stand down order that got the two heroes killed.

Really? Give us some "credible" proof.

You mean like YOUR credible proof? Damn Chief Shitting bull, get your act together.

Was I addressing you, Randy? BTW, at the time that President Clinton could have possibly killed bin Laden - he had not committed any crimes against the United States. Oh, and what about Tora Bora?
1992 and 1993. Yes he attacked US interests. Clinton failed as bad as your post.

Credible experts say differently.
Aren't you supposed to be hauling the dead baby parts to the dump?
You better hurry! The band office has you on the 'last chance' list.
There were a few things she could have done.

Beef up security with Americans, not locals.

Either that or pull out people out like the Brits and the Red cross did.

She did neither. Her and her State Departments incompetence caused those four deaths and lying to the family members was the cherry on top.

Hillary's primary fault is for not having in the past the hindsight her critics are operating from today.

She didn't need hindsight for all the warnings they got. Warnings the Brits and Red Cross took seriously enough to pull their people out of the area.

If she had done that there would have been no Benghazi.
I wonder when the republicans will place the same Standard on those who ignored 9/11. Oh right, that was only 3000 dead Americans its not like it was 4 whole people
I agree. A lot of Republican's are hypocrites.

I place the blame solely at the Bush Admins feet for 9/11 and Clinton needs to own her lies about Benghazi. Plain and simple.

What say you?

Oddly, 8 different investigations, including the latest one, couldn't point to one case of wrong doing by Hillary. Do you have more information than those investigations had?
She lied to those families about what caused the attack. This is an undeniable fact. It is what it is. I don't think there is much more she could have done during to save those lives ,however her LIES to the families is unforgivable.

Undeniable fact? Really? You appear to be giving too much credence to something you have no credible proof of. Reportedly, there were no recordings of that private reception with families, electronic or written.

‘Part of the fog of war’

In conclusion

It is impossible to know with certainty what Clinton told these families in brief conversations at a private reception only three days after Benghazi. Some, but not all, family members who have spoken to the media said Clinton mentioned a video or protests in their meeting. Some said she didn’t mention a video. Clinton says she did not.

If she did say something about the video, would it have been an intentional lie? It’s very possible that this is one of the many conflicting pieces of intelligence that the administration was working with at the time.

There simply is not enough concrete information in the public domain for Rubio or anyone to claim as fact that Clinton did or did not lie to the Benghazi families.

What did Hillary Clinton tell the families of people who lost their lives in Benghazi?
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Which candidate would ISIS rather have in the White house for the next four years?
Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton?

Danny, the clear answer to any thinking person is Trump.

Because he makes Americans looks like bigoted self-absorbed assholes waging war on Muslims, exactly the image they've been trying to pin on us in their recruitment propaganda.
Which candidate would ISIS rather have in the White house for the next four years?
Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton?

Danny, the clear answer to any thinking person is Trump.

Because he makes Americans looks like bigoted self-absorbed assholes waging war on Muslims, exactly the image they've been trying to pin on us in their recruitment propaganda.
Ain't that how Trumpestas wanna be seen?
There were a few things she could have done.

Beef up security with Americans, not locals.

Either that or pull out people out like the Brits and the Red cross did.

She did neither. Her and her State Departments incompetence caused those four deaths and lying to the family members was the cherry on top.

Hillary's primary fault is for not having in the past the hindsight her critics are operating from today.
Ya asshole! That's known as being a fucking sentient human being!
Most honest people can learn from their mistakes.
The Clinton's on the other hand believed that as long as they could continue to 'make mistakes' and not get caught they were invincible.
The Clinton's don't even know how to spell 'hindsight'. It's always been what they can get away with here and now.
Their free ride with the legal system is about to come to an abrupt end.
I wonder when the republicans will place the same Standard on those who ignored 9/11. Oh right, that was only 3000 dead Americans its not like it was 4 whole people
I agree. A lot of Republican's are hypocrites.

I place the blame solely at the Bush Admins feet for 9/11 and Clinton needs to own her lies about Benghazi. Plain and simple.

What say you?

Oddly, 8 different investigations, including the latest one, couldn't point to one case of wrong doing by Hillary. Do you have more information than those investigations had?
She lied to those families about what caused the attack. This is an undeniable fact. It is what it is. I don't think there is much more she could have done during to save those lives ,however her LIES to the families is unforgivable.

There is a difference between lying to the families and repeating the best determination of the CIA at the time. Even if she did unavoidably tell them something that was later found to be less than complete, that's still a far cry from withholding help so they would die.
She was his boss and could have ordered him home.

I see, so what you are saying is she should've been smarter and better informed than the fully-interested-in-self-preservation ambassador directly on the ground.

I get your point but does seem like a case of:

She lied to those families about what caused the attack.

There is no evidence she lied but lets go with that.

She said one thing caused the attack and it turned out to be another thing that caused the attack.

Now, tell us why that is super important. If your answer is "because lies are bad" I'm going to need you to put on your big boy pants and study up on what politics, life and being an adult is.
Let's see. My father/brother/nephew is killed in an obvious terrorist attack and a politician looks me in the eye and tells me a story about the attacks that she knew at the time to be false is unacceptable. What don't you get? How do you defend that? Anyone with an ounce of common sense would say "yeah thats fucked up". You tell the families the truth, you don't make up shit. "It was a planned terrorist attack and we'll find these people" Thats all she needed to say. How hard is that?
She lied to those families about what caused the attack.

There is no evidence she lied but lets go with that.

She said one thing caused the attack and it turned out to be another thing that caused the attack.

Now, tell us why that is super important. If your answer is "because lies are bad" I'm going to need you to put on your big boy pants and study up on what politics, life and being an adult is.
Let's see. My father/brother/nephew is killed in an obvious terrorist attack and a politician looks me in the eye and tells me a story about the attacks that she knew at the time to be false is unacceptable. What don't you get? How do you defend that? Anyone with an ounce of common sense would say "yeah thats fucked up". You tell the families the truth, you don't make up shit. "It was a planned terrorist attack and we'll find these people" Thats all she needed to say. How hard is that?

they didn't find she lied.

but nice conspiracy theory. no doubt it somehow makes you feel better.

p.s. the president said it was a terror attack in the rose garden afterwards.

if only you were as concerned about the 13 benghazzis that baby bush had and the 50 people who died in them.

of course, that wouldn't suit your dishonest political agenda

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