Trump Lawyer Shares Image Of Hillary Saying She ‘Murdered An Ambassador’

Um, yeah they did. She emailed her daughter and mentioned the terrorist attack that was going on BEFORE she told the American people the bullshit story about a video.

no one said it wasn't a terrorist attack.

but nice rant. :cuckoo:
She told the American people it was a "spontaneous reaction to a video", AFTER she told her daughter it was a terrorist attack by al Qaeda. That's what is called LYING. Get your head out of her fat ass.

Why is a spontaneous attack different than a terrorist attack?
Because a planned terrorist attack isn't a "spontaneous reaction". Don't you ever get tired of shoveling shit for this administration?

Why did you just add that word when you didnt in the past. Was it planned? And did she know it was planned and said otherwise?

Because THAT would be a flat out lie but it doesnt seem she said that at all
A truthful and honest person (not a hack like you) would acknowledge that if it was al Qaeda (like she said) it's a pretty good bet it was planned, since al Qaeda IS a terrorist organization, not pissed of protesters.
no one said it wasn't a terrorist attack.

but nice rant. :cuckoo:
She told the American people it was a "spontaneous reaction to a video", AFTER she told her daughter it was a terrorist attack by al Qaeda. That's what is called LYING. Get your head out of her fat ass.

Why is a spontaneous attack different than a terrorist attack?
Because a planned terrorist attack isn't a "spontaneous reaction". Don't you ever get tired of shoveling shit for this administration?

Why did you just add that word when you didnt in the past. Was it planned? And did she know it was planned and said otherwise?

Because THAT would be a flat out lie but it doesnt seem she said that at all
A truthful and honest person (not a hack like you) would acknowledge that if it was al Qaeda (like she said) it's a pretty good bet it was planned, since al Qaeda IS a terrorist organization, not pissed of protesters.

Pretty good bet? Wait, so all this time you've been saying it was planned and you really dont know? Do you see the problem now?
The sister of Ambassador Stevens is the relevant one She obviously blames Republicans and DOES NOT BLAME HILLARY CLINTON..:badgrin:
Why did you duck my question?
Duck your Question...fuck off The sister of Martyred Ambassador Stevens blames Republicans and exonerates Hillary Clinton with it :badgrin:
The point that is totally ignored here is that American personnel, in an AMERICAN CONSULATE (which is considered American soil) were under attack. It doesn't make one damn bit of difference by who! It is the responsibility of the American government to do what it can to protect and preserve the lives of those under attack.

Those under attack pleaded for help.

Help WAS AVAILABLE if authorized at the top. Military personnel were armed and ready to go.

Those in charge, instead of considering how to save those under attack, were more worried about their own political careers.

That, to me, is gross negligence and an absolute lack of leadership. Anyone and everyone involved in that decision-making group is simply unfit to lead this nation. Period.
She told the American people it was a "spontaneous reaction to a video", AFTER she told her daughter it was a terrorist attack by al Qaeda. That's what is called LYING. Get your head out of her fat ass.

Why is a spontaneous attack different than a terrorist attack?
Because a planned terrorist attack isn't a "spontaneous reaction". Don't you ever get tired of shoveling shit for this administration?

Why did you just add that word when you didnt in the past. Was it planned? And did she know it was planned and said otherwise?

Because THAT would be a flat out lie but it doesnt seem she said that at all
A truthful and honest person (not a hack like you) would acknowledge that if it was al Qaeda (like she said) it's a pretty good bet it was planned, since al Qaeda IS a terrorist organization, not pissed of protesters.

Pretty good bet? Wait, so all this time you've been saying it was planned and you really dont know? Do you see the problem now?
No, I know, and you know. You're a fucking hack, so you have to act like you don't.
The sister of Ambassador Stevens is the relevant one She obviously blames Republicans and DOES NOT BLAME HILLARY CLINTON..:badgrin:
Why did you duck my question?
Duck your Question...fuck off The sister of Martyred Ambassador Stevens blames Republicans and exonerates Hillary Clinton with it :badgrin:
Yeah, and you're STILL ducking my question, you fucking hack. And the opinion of one person who has been given false information does not exonerate anybody, stupid.
She lied to those families about what caused the attack.

There is no evidence she lied but lets go with that.

She said one thing caused the attack and it turned out to be another thing that caused the attack.

Now, tell us why that is super important. If your answer is "because lies are bad" I'm going to need you to put on your big boy pants and study up on what politics, life and being an adult is.
Let's see. My father/brother/nephew is killed in an obvious terrorist attack and a politician looks me in the eye and tells me a story about the attacks that she knew at the time to be false is unacceptable. What don't you get? How do you defend that? Anyone with an ounce of common sense would say "yeah thats fucked up". You tell the families the truth, you don't make up shit. "It was a planned terrorist attack and we'll find these people" Thats all she needed to say. How hard is that?

funny that you never made the same demand when baby bush ignored the PDB of August 2001 and allowed bin laden to kill 3000 people in my city.

now stop whining. you sound absurd.
You knew me back then or are you in zombie mode like most partisan sheeple? You positive I didn't hold the Bush admin responsible? Refresh my memory please. Did we have a phone conversation? Was it an email we shared? Did I say something on a thread that absolved the Bush admin of wrongdoing? Please point out where I defended Bush over 9/11. Go ahead. I'll wait right here while you dig that up OR refresh my memory of our conversation.
LOL nothing like fake outrage from Right wing NUTs...they pretend to care about Benghazi .....
here is a quote from Ambassador Steven's sister

"I do not blame Hillary Clinton or Leon Panetta.
They were balancing security efforts at embassies and missions around the world. And their staffs were doing their best to provide what they could with the resources they had. The Benghazi Mission was understaffed. We know that now. But, again, Chris knew that. It wasn’t a secret to him. He decided to take the risk to go there. It is not something they did to him. It is something he took on himself."
Chris Stevens’s Family: Don’t Blame Hillary Clinton for Benghazi - The New Yorker
I wonder when the republicans will place the same Standard on those who ignored 9/11. Oh right, that was only 3000 dead Americans its not like it was 4 whole people
I agree. A lot of Republican's are hypocrites.

I place the blame solely at the Bush Admins feet for 9/11 and Clinton needs to own her lies about Benghazi. Plain and simple.

What say you?

Oddly, 8 different investigations, including the latest one, couldn't point to one case of wrong doing by Hillary. Do you have more information than those investigations had?
She lied to those families about what caused the attack. This is an undeniable fact. It is what it is. I don't think there is much more she could have done during to save those lives ,however her LIES to the families is unforgivable.

Undeniable fact? Really? You appear to be giving too much credence to something you have no credible proof of. Reportedly, there were no recordings of that private reception with families, electronic or written.

‘Part of the fog of war’

In conclusion

It is impossible to know with certainty what Clinton told these families in brief conversations at a private reception only three days after Benghazi. Some, but not all, family members who have spoken to the media said Clinton mentioned a video or protests in their meeting. Some said she didn’t mention a video. Clinton says she did not.

If she did say something about the video, would it have been an intentional lie? It’s very possible that this is one of the many conflicting pieces of intelligence that the administration was working with at the time.

There simply is not enough concrete information in the public domain for Rubio or anyone to claim as fact that Clinton did or did not lie to the Benghazi families.

What did Hillary Clinton tell the families of people who lost their lives in Benghazi?

So, let me make absolutely sure that I am understanding your dumb ass correctly. You are saying that the families of the four dead men are lying when they tell the world that the bitch told them in no uncertain terms that the "US would get those responsible for that terrible video"

But that no good, fucking bitch Clinton is incapable of lying?

You are the dumbest cocksucker on the planet. MAy God have mercy on your dumbass soul.
LOL nothing like fake outrage from Right wing NUTs...they pretend to care about Benghazi .....
here is a quote from Ambassador Steven's sister

"I do not blame Hillary Clinton or Leon Panetta.
They were balancing security efforts at embassies and missions around the world. And their staffs were doing their best to provide what they could with the resources they had. The Benghazi Mission was understaffed. We know that now. But, again, Chris knew that. It wasn’t a secret to him. He decided to take the risk to go there. It is not something they did to him. It is something he took on himself."
Chris Stevens’s Family: Don’t Blame Hillary Clinton for Benghazi - The New Yorker

One liberal to another. Big deal. The other families want to cut ckinton's fucking head off.
LOL nothing like fake outrage from Right wing NUTs...they pretend to care about Benghazi .....
here is a quote from Ambassador Steven's sister

"I do not blame Hillary Clinton or Leon Panetta.
They were balancing security efforts at embassies and missions around the world. And their staffs were doing their best to provide what they could with the resources they had. The Benghazi Mission was understaffed. We know that now. But, again, Chris knew that. It wasn’t a secret to him. He decided to take the risk to go there. It is not something they did to him. It is something he took on himself."
Chris Stevens’s Family: Don’t Blame Hillary Clinton for Benghazi - The New Yorker

One liberal to another. Big deal. The other families want to cut ckinton's fucking head off.
too bad so sad ...
She lied to those families about what caused the attack.

There is no evidence she lied but lets go with that.

She said one thing caused the attack and it turned out to be another thing that caused the attack.

Now, tell us why that is super important. If your answer is "because lies are bad" I'm going to need you to put on your big boy pants and study up on what politics, life and being an adult is.
Let's see. My father/brother/nephew is killed in an obvious terrorist attack and a politician looks me in the eye and tells me a story about the attacks that she knew at the time to be false is unacceptable. What don't you get? How do you defend that? Anyone with an ounce of common sense would say "yeah thats fucked up". You tell the families the truth, you don't make up shit. "It was a planned terrorist attack and we'll find these people" Thats all she needed to say. How hard is that?

It, apparently, didn't fit the propaganda that Obama and Clinton wanted out there. They wanted the lie - that some obscure video, that no one saw, caused the indidenous population (better known as terrorists) to attack the embassy and compound. That, and the bitch (of whose command it was) looked them straight in the eye and lied her worthless, fucking ass off.
I wonder when the republicans will place the same Standard on those who ignored 9/11. Oh right, that was only 3000 dead Americans its not like it was 4 whole people
I agree. A lot of Republican's are hypocrites.

I place the blame solely at the Bush Admins feet for 9/11 and Clinton needs to own her lies about Benghazi. Plain and simple.

What say you?

Oddly, 8 different investigations, including the latest one, couldn't point to one case of wrong doing by Hillary. Do you have more information than those investigations had?
She lied to those families about what caused the attack. This is an undeniable fact. It is what it is. I don't think there is much more she could have done during to save those lives ,however her LIES to the families is unforgivable.

Undeniable fact? Really? You appear to be giving too much credence to something you have no credible proof of. Reportedly, there were no recordings of that private reception with families, electronic or written.

‘Part of the fog of war’

In conclusion

It is impossible to know with certainty what Clinton told these families in brief conversations at a private reception only three days after Benghazi. Some, but not all, family members who have spoken to the media said Clinton mentioned a video or protests in their meeting. Some said she didn’t mention a video. Clinton says she did not.

If she did say something about the video, would it have been an intentional lie? It’s very possible that this is one of the many conflicting pieces of intelligence that the administration was working with at the time.

There simply is not enough concrete information in the public domain for Rubio or anyone to claim as fact that Clinton did or did not lie to the Benghazi families.

What did Hillary Clinton tell the families of people who lost their lives in Benghazi?

So, let me make absolutely sure that I am understanding your dumb ass correctly. You are saying that the families of the four dead men are lying when they tell the world that the bitch told them in no uncertain terms that the "US would get those responsible for that terrible video"

But that no good, fucking bitch Clinton is incapable of lying?

You are the dumbest cocksucker on the planet. MAy God have mercy on your dumbass soul.

Can't you read? Not all of the families said Hillary said anything about a video. Some said she did NOT mention anything about a video. Hillary says she did not.

You are further proof that it's impossible to have honest debate with dishonest people.

If you have any military background whatsoever, even you should understand the fog of war. Your vicious partisan zealotry dishonors the Benghazi dead.
LOL nothing like fake outrage from Right wing NUTs...they pretend to care about Benghazi .....
here is a quote from Ambassador Steven's sister

"I do not blame Hillary Clinton or Leon Panetta.
They were balancing security efforts at embassies and missions around the world. And their staffs were doing their best to provide what they could with the resources they had. The Benghazi Mission was understaffed. We know that now. But, again, Chris knew that. It wasn’t a secret to him. He decided to take the risk to go there. It is not something they did to him. It is something he took on himself."
Chris Stevens’s Family: Don’t Blame Hillary Clinton for Benghazi - The New Yorker

Thank you!

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