Trump Lawyer Shares Image Of Hillary Saying She ‘Murdered An Ambassador’

Fuck you, asshole.
you frothing bro ...........:badgrin:
Seventh GOP Benghazi Investigation Finds No Criminality Or Malfeasance – Eighth Inquiry Is Underway

Seventh GOP Benghazi Investigation Finds No Criminality Or Malfeasance – Eighth Inquiry Is Underway
An overview and links to findings from the previous congressional investigations

here is the Eight
House Committee Clears Hillary Clinton in Benghazi Investigation ...Following a two-year investigation, the House Select Committee on Benghazi has cleared Hillary Clinton of any wrongdoing in her role as ...

and here is a bonus

"I do not blame Hillary Clinton or Leon Panetta.
They were balancing security efforts at embassies and missions around the world. And their staffs were doing their best to provide what they could with the resources they had. The Benghazi Mission was understaffed. We know that now. But, again, Chris knew that. It wasn’t a secret to him. He decided to take the risk to go there. It is not something they did to him. It is something he took on himself."
Chris Stevens’s Family: Don’t Blame Hillary Clinton for Benghazi - The New Yorker
Fuck you, asshole.
you frothing bro ...........:badgrin:
Seventh GOP Benghazi Investigation Finds No Criminality Or Malfeasance – Eighth Inquiry Is Underway

Seventh GOP Benghazi Investigation Finds No Criminality Or Malfeasance – Eighth Inquiry Is Underway
An overview and links to findings from the previous congressional investigations

here is the Eight
House Committee Clears Hillary Clinton in Benghazi Investigation ...Following a two-year investigation, the House Select Committee on Benghazi has cleared Hillary Clinton of any wrongdoing in her role as ...

and here is a bonus

"I do not blame Hillary Clinton or Leon Panetta.
They were balancing security efforts at embassies and missions around the world. And their staffs were doing their best to provide what they could with the resources they had. The Benghazi Mission was understaffed. We know that now. But, again, Chris knew that. It wasn’t a secret to him. He decided to take the risk to go there. It is not something they did to him. It is something he took on himself."
Chris Stevens’s Family: Don’t Blame Hillary Clinton for Benghazi - The New Yorker

I'll say it one more time, you're full of hit asshole.
LOL nothing like fake outrage from Right wing NUTs...they pretend to care about Benghazi .....
here is a quote from Ambassador Steven's sister

"I do not blame Hillary Clinton or Leon Panetta.
They were balancing security efforts at embassies and missions around the world. And their staffs were doing their best to provide what they could with the resources they had. The Benghazi Mission was understaffed. We know that now. But, again, Chris knew that. It wasn’t a secret to him. He decided to take the risk to go there. It is not something they did to him. It is something he took on himself."
Chris Stevens’s Family: Don’t Blame Hillary Clinton for Benghazi - The New Yorker

Thank you!

And you're another fucking idiot that doesn't have enough sense to come in out of the rain.
And so close to the TRUTH, it hurts Subversives heads!

LOL nothing like fake outrage from Right wing NUTs...they pretend to care about Benghazi .....
here is a quote from Ambassador Steven's sister

"I do not blame Hillary Clinton or Leon Panetta.
They were balancing security efforts at embassies and missions around the world. And their staffs were doing their best to provide what they could with the resources they had. The Benghazi Mission was understaffed. We know that now. But, again, Chris knew that. It wasn’t a secret to him. He decided to take the risk to go there. It is not something they did to him. It is something he took on himself."
Chris Stevens’s Family: Don’t Blame Hillary Clinton for Benghazi - The New Yorker

Thank you!

And you're another fucking idiot that doesn't have enough sense to come in out of the rain.

I hope you don't kiss anyone with that potty mouth.
Notice you didn't lay the blame with one person and claim they "murdered 3000 people".

Now try and tell the public how 4 dead people in another country attacked by terrorists is Hillary's fault and watch everyone look at you like you're speaking Yiddish.

Let me see if I can enlighten your sorry ass. She was the Secretary of State. She was DIRECTLY RESPONSIBLE for those in that embassy and that compound.

See if this makes any sense to you: A Commander is responsible for the safety and security of their men. The Commander bears responsibility for that. She? Instead ignored their repeated requests for help and for additional security. Because of HER - THEY are dead.

How many lives were lost in Iraq and how many generals went to jail? How many commanders? Now tell everyone how this one and this one only is different. Just yelling "Because" and acting hoity toity doesn't count.

How many Democrats including Hillary herself voted for those lives to go and take out Saddam? Before you start your bullshit about specious accusations about Bush lied, why did Democrats choose to support him on the intelligence that their own had built up? They opposed Bush on everything else except that.

No one in Congress voted to take Saddam out. They abdicated their constitutional responsibly and gave the President the power to decide to go to war and what the scope of that war would be. Less than half of the Democrats in Congress voted yes on that resolution to make President Bush the Decider.

Again, they voted to take Saddam out. Your opinion and personal analysis noted.
It was a truly sad day when Reagan killed over 200 Marines..

How the hell would YOU know. You were in a ditch, higher than a kite. NOW you are sad?
I was in the US Army dickhead............All through Reagan's term............Try another lie, biotch

Uh-Huh. I was at that barracks two days before it happened on a Security inspection. I never saw Reagan there.
Damn you're daft..
She was his boss and could have ordered him home.

I see, so what you are saying is she should've been smarter and better informed than the fully-interested-in-self-preservation ambassador directly on the ground.

I get your point but does seem like a case of:


Of course she should have known. She was the boss and the buck stops on her desk.

You don't honestly think she wasn't kept informed of what was going on do you??
Where are the Benghazi indictments?
The FBI's report will be all we need to end the Clinton's political careers in disgrace.
They ought to have spent a decade each in prison for their cocaine smuggling in AK.
The two little boys who saw too much and had to be murdered were only the beginning of the Clinton's murders. And ALL for political power.
And the fucking LIB scum bags will still carry Hillary's piss bucket for her.
Fucking amazing!

^ Look who's carrying a piss bucket.
WASHINGTON — An attorney for the presumptive Republican presidential nominee tweeted an image Tuesday accusing former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton of murder.

Donald Trump lawyer Michael D. Cohen tweeted the image of a joyful Clinton saying, “I presided over $6 billion lost at the State Department, sold uranium to the Russians through my faux charity, illegally deleted public records, and murdered an ambassador. Elect me!”

“This picture says it all!” Cohen said in the tweet.


Trump Lawyer Shares Image Of Hillary Saying She 'Murdered An Ambassador'

Damn, that is really sick. Republicans have no honor. Will Trump condemn this - or simply laugh about it?

good advice

everyone make sure to pass this around as much as possible

i wouldnt say all but rather mostly covers it

Of course she should have known. She was the boss and the buck stops on her desk.

You don't honestly think she wasn't kept informed of what was going on do you??

I honestly think that in a whole big world out there with many embassies in many volatile countries with many daily threats some sht is going to happen sooner or later no matter who is at the wheel. And when it does, conservatives will be very selective on which one they concentrate on in accordance with their politics.

Under Rice there were 13 attacks on our embassies with 60 people killed, can you tell me why it is that you have never heard of them? My explanation of it is that Rice is not a Democrat running for office, that's why. This whole thing is little more than political Kabuki theater, with absolutely no constructive dialog on how to keep us and our embassies safer.
Nope. I just know incompetence when I see it. You apparently don't.

Ta Ta

Well competency specialist, why don't you tell me if this person seems competent to you:

this person:

1. Claims that Trump's lawyer assertion that Clinton murdered ambassador is a fact.
2. Concedes that Clinton didn't actually murder ambassador.
3. Claims to not having said it was a fact, despite clear record of saying exactly that.
4. Proclaims to have ability in incompetency spotting.

So lets see if you can spot incompetency here.

Well if you can't spot incompetence don't expect me to do it for you.

Little man.
^ Incompetent retort. :laugh:
Why is a spontaneous attack different than a terrorist attack?
Because a planned terrorist attack isn't a "spontaneous reaction". Don't you ever get tired of shoveling shit for this administration?

Why did you just add that word when you didnt in the past. Was it planned? And did she know it was planned and said otherwise?

Because THAT would be a flat out lie but it doesnt seem she said that at all
A truthful and honest person (not a hack like you) would acknowledge that if it was al Qaeda (like she said) it's a pretty good bet it was planned, since al Qaeda IS a terrorist organization, not pissed of protesters.

Pretty good bet? Wait, so all this time you've been saying it was planned and you really dont know? Do you see the problem now?
No, I know, and you know. You're a fucking hack, so you have to act like you don't.

Ok, great...You think I'm a hack. That still doesnt help explain how you KNEW it was planned until I asked how you knew and your response was "Smart people know it was, and I'm SMAHHT".
She lied to those families about what caused the attack.

There is no evidence she lied but lets go with that.

She said one thing caused the attack and it turned out to be another thing that caused the attack.

Now, tell us why that is super important. If your answer is "because lies are bad" I'm going to need you to put on your big boy pants and study up on what politics, life and being an adult is.
Let's see. My father/brother/nephew is killed in an obvious terrorist attack and a politician looks me in the eye and tells me a story about the attacks that she knew at the time to be false is unacceptable. What don't you get? How do you defend that? Anyone with an ounce of common sense would say "yeah thats fucked up". You tell the families the truth, you don't make up shit. "It was a planned terrorist attack and we'll find these people" Thats all she needed to say. How hard is that?

Are you saying that is what the entire Benghazi investigation was about? All those years, and all that money because you think she misled the grieving families of four heros? Really?
Nope. I just know incompetence when I see it. You apparently don't.

Ta Ta

Well competency specialist, why don't you tell me if this person seems competent to you:

this person:

1. Claims that Trump's lawyer assertion that Clinton murdered ambassador is a fact.
2. Concedes that Clinton didn't actually murder ambassador.
3. Claims to not having said it was a fact, despite clear record of saying exactly that.
4. Proclaims to have ability in incompetency spotting.

So lets see if you can spot incompetency here.

Well if you can't spot incompetence don't expect me to do it for you.

Little man.
^ Incompetent retort. :laugh:

You should know
Let's see. My father/brother/nephew is killed in an obvious terrorist attack and a politician looks me in the eye and tells me a story about the attacks that she knew at the time to be false is unacceptable. What don't you get? How do you defend that? Anyone with an ounce of common sense would say "yeah thats fucked up". You tell the families the truth, you don't make up shit. "It was a planned terrorist attack and we'll find these people" Thats all she needed to say. How hard is that?

they didn't find she lied.

but nice conspiracy theory. no doubt it somehow makes you feel better.

p.s. the president said it was a terror attack in the rose garden afterwards.

if only you were as concerned about the 13 benghazzis that baby bush had and the 50 people who died in them.

of course, that wouldn't suit your dishonest political agenda
Um, yeah they did. She emailed her daughter and mentioned the terrorist attack that was going on BEFORE she told the American people the bullshit story about a video.

no one said it wasn't a terrorist attack.

but nice rant. :cuckoo:
She told the American people it was a "spontaneous reaction to a video", AFTER she told her daughter it was a terrorist attack by al Qaeda. That's what is called LYING. Get your head out of her fat ass.

Why is a spontaneous attack different than a terrorist attack?

It's not of course. It's a distinction without a difference. A tool often used to garner support with the intellectually feeble. As we can see, it's very effective on some.
9 investigations.....9. And the RW got nothing but a reputation as partisan hacks. Excellent.
9 investigations.....9. And the RW got nothing but a reputation as partisan hacks. Excellent.

9 useless investigations if anyone thought Hitlery would be held accountable.

But incompetence is incompetence and both she and her State Department were guilty of that.

They had warnings up the ass. Warnings that others took seriously enough to pull their people out i.e. the Brits and the Red Cross.

If our State Department had done the same there would have been no Benghazi.
9 investigations.....9. And the RW got nothing but a reputation as partisan hacks. Excellent.

9 useless investigations if anyone thought Hitlery would be held accountable.

But incompetence is incompetence and both she and her State Department were guilty of that.

They had warnings up the ass. Warnings that others took seriously enough to pull their people out i.e. the Brits and the Red Cross.

If our State Department had done the same there would have been no Benghazi.
Ah...your excuse is so......predictable. Same one you'll be using in November?

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