Trump leading


Diamond Member
Dec 25, 2015
Thursday, May 19, 2016

Donald Trump has now grown his lead over Hillary Clinton in Rasmussen Reports’ first weekly White House Watch survey.

Trump earns 42% support to Clinton’s 37% when Likely U.S. Voters are asked whom they would vote for if the presidential election were held today. But Rasmussen Reports’ latest national telephone survey finds that 13% prefer some other candidate, while seven percent (7%) are undecided. (To see survey question wording, click here.)

At the beginning of this month, Trump, the presumptive Republican nominee, posted a statistically insignificant 41% to 39% lead over Clinton who is still expected to win the Democratic presidential nomination. Fifteen percent (15%) favored someone else, and five percent (5%) were undecided.

Rasmussen Reports will update the Clinton-Trump White House Watch matchup numbers every Thursday morning from now until Election Day in November.

The latest findings were gathered the night before and the night after Trump’s announcement yesterday of 11 conservative judges he would consider for the current vacancy on the U.S. Supreme Court, furthering his efforts to unify the party and end the #NeverTrump movement among some Republicans. Clinton on Tuesday eked out a primary win in Kentucky but lost the Oregon primary to Bernie Sanders as the race for the Democratic presidential nomination took a more chaotic turn.

Trump now gets 76% of the Republican vote, while Clinton has 72% Democratic support. Thirteen percent (13%) of Democrats prefer Trump, while nine percent (9%) of GOP voters favor Clinton. Among voters not affiliated with either major party, Trump leads 41% to 28%, but 31% of these voters either like another candidate or are undecided.

(Want a free daily e-mail update? If it's in the news, it's in our polls). Rasmussen Reports updates are also available on Twitter or Facebook.

The survey of 1,000 Likely Voters was conducted on May 17-18, 2016 by Rasmussen Reports. The margin of sampling error is +/- 3 percentage points with a 95% level of confidence. Field work for all Rasmussen Reports surveys is conducted by Pulse Opinion Research, LLC. See methodology.

Rasmussen Reports has been running hypothetical matchup surveys between Clinton and Trump for several months. Here’s what we’ve found so far.

While there is much talk of a gender gap in this race, Clinton appears to have a bigger problem with men than Trump does with women. Trump leads by 22 points among men, compared to Clinton’s 11-point advantage among women.

Those under 40 favor Clinton, while older voters prefer Trump by double-digit margins.

White House Watch - Rasmussen Reports™

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Good riddance.

Only time will tell if there are enough Americans with daddy-issues, like you, to elect The Donald.
Buncha Hillary's hooligans...

Officers Attacked by Rioters at Trump Rally
May 25, 2016 - Rioters jumped on police cars, smashed windows and fought with officers outside a rally held for Donald Trump in Albuquerque Tuesday night.
What started as a calm protest outside Donald Trump's rally Tuesday erupted into fiery violence as protesters jumped on police cars, smashed windows and fought with Trump supporters and police. Police faced such an angry crowd that they called in reinforcements from around the state, seeking to double their numbers to counter the protesters, whose numbers swelled beyond 600. Police said on social media that at least one person was arrested in “the riot” and that multiple officers were injured after being hit by rocks.

Many protesters tried to keep the peace. At one point, a young woman waded into a crowd of protesters who had shoved a man to the ground and kicked him. She and police eventually broke up the fight. Other protesters stood between an agitated crowd and police, some in riot gear, to help calm the protesters. But the crowd remained unruly. As the Trump rally let out, protesters hurled burning T-shirts and bottles at Albuquerque police officers on horseback standing guard at the Albuquerque Convention Center.

Police responded by launching smoke into the crowd, sending people running through the streets coughing and screaming. Other protesters made their way to where the rally attendees exited the Convention Center near Civic Plaza. Protesters and Trump supporters yelled racially tinged taunts at each other – “Go back to Mexico,” one young man yelled at protesters. “Where’s that white boy?” a protester called out at another point.

Drivers in passing cars revved their engines, and passengers hanging out the windows waved large Mexican flags. Groups of protesters wove in between the vehicles, yelling, “Viva Mexico!” Men punched and shoved each other periodically as the night continued, though it wasn’t always clear what, if anything specific, started the fight. Scared children clung to adults weaving through the chaos. Two young men helped an older woman navigate the danger as she plugged her ears while engines revved and horns honked.

The beginning

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