Trump Legally Prohibits Volunteers From Saying Anything Bad About Him — Forever

Trump Legally Prohibits Volunteers From Saying Anything Bad About Him — Forever
Even Trump’s volunteers must agree to a strict nondisclosure agreement.
Corey Lewandowski is a CNN contributor even though he’s subject to a nondisclosure agreement legally prohibiting him from criticizing Trump, his family, or any of his businesses. Suffice it to say Trump’s former campaign manager has lived up to his end of the bargain — Lewandowski basically serves as a paid Trump campaign source during his CNN appearances.

On the other side of the spectrum, Trump recently filed a $10 million lawsuit against former senior campaign consultant Sam Nunberg for allegedly violating that same NDA. As ThinkProgress previously wrote, Trump accused Nunberg of “leaking information to the New York Post about a public fight and romantic affair between two other Trump campaign staffers in May.”

What a whiny fucking tiny little fascist. FUCK YOU TRUMP1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Trump did the research and development study and found that the infrastructure strong.

Good for him!
Trump Legally Prohibits Volunteers From Saying Anything Bad About Him — Forever
Even Trump’s volunteers must agree to a strict nondisclosure agreement.

Better get used to this with comrad96+369 Trump in the Oval Office. He does this routinely. He even has his two ex-wives under gag orders about him. He'll be ALL ABOUT freedom of speech. NOT. Hitler would blush at the overreach Trump will grab onto.

You're whining that Trump is not a dummy. If he didn't ask people to sign those, then leftwing moles could infiltrate his organizations and slander him. That's a standard leftwing trick. Democrats also bribe people to spew malicious lies about Republicans. That's what happened to Herman Cain.

You can never be too careful when you're dealing with leftwing douche bags.

I know that just chaps your ass - that Trump has protected himself from all your sleazy tricks.
Want to sign up for Trump's online volunteer program?
If you do, you have to sign this NDA first.

After that, you're good to go. Except you have now waived your right to ever say anything bad about Donald Trump, his company, his products, offshoots of his company, nor any of his family -- even his extended family -- for the rest of your life.

"To sign up on Trump's website, potential volunteers must agree to a 2,271-word non-disclosure agreement in which they also promise they won't compete against or say anything bad about Trump, his company, his family members or products – now and forever.

The agreement is a required part of the sign-up process for Trump Red Dialer, an online call system that connects volunteers for the Republican presidential candidate with potential voters.

Earlier this year, volunteers for Trump in New York had to sign non-disclosure agreements in person before making phone calls at Trump Tower. But the website requirement is the first indication that online volunteers must also sign the form, even if they'll never meet a Trump family member, attend a Trump rally, meet a campaign staffer in person or step inside a Trump campaign office."

Wanna volunteer your time to Dial for Don from home? Well, get on that horn, Trumpsters. Just know you must never again speak ill of Dear Leader or anything / one Trump.

Under penalty of litigation

Till the day you die.

The only people who would object are sleazy leftwing moles who are intent on doing dirt to Trump. I know how it chaps your ass to be outmanoeuvred by Trump. That's just one more reason to vote for him.
Trump Legally Prohibits Volunteers From Saying Anything Bad About Him — Forever
Even Trump’s volunteers must agree to a strict nondisclosure agreement.

Better get used to this with comrad Trump in the Oval Office. He does this routinely. He even has his two ex-wives under gag orders about him. He'll be ALL ABOUT freedom of speech. NOT. Hitler would blush at the overreach Trump will grab onto.

Trump cannot make government employees sign such an agreement, so your concern is totally unjustified. It's just another leftwing red hearing.
No, that's just smart.

So? I don't have a problem with it.

Donald Trump's volunteer contract forbids all criticism of Trump for life

The contract extends down to the lowest levels of the Trump campaign, including at call centers, where people spend hours making phone calls to convince other citizens to vote for Trump.

The agreement also forbids volunteers from working for another presidential candidate, should they change their minds.

In the event of a Trump victory in November’s general election, the non-compete clause could extend until his 2020 reelection campaign or even 2024, at the end of a second Trump term, the document explains. If Trump loses but wants to run again in the next election or in any presidential election in the future, the contract states the volunteer cannot work for another candidate.


I can't believe these right wing creeps trying to push this asshole onto the American people. Such assholery.

There is a clause making people responsible for what their employees say about Trump. And, it appears the contract is supposed to last for the rest of the life of the person signing it.

I get so tired of these ignorant right wing assholes defending Trump. Trump is such a lunatic, that he tramples all over first amendment rights with these right wing assholes cheerfully going along with everything that lunatic says. What happened to "we hate PC"? What Trump is doing is far beyond not PC. And you guys were angry Hitler was compared to Trump? Or I mean, Trump was compared to Hitler. What ever, they seem awfully alike to me.

How does this make him an asshole? What's wrong with insisting that people who work for him aren't allowed to disparage him?
If you online volunteer for Trump, and they match you up with names that you can call from your home to inspire people to vote for Trump --

Don't you dare say anything bad against any Trump Person* or any Trump entity** - for the rest of your natural life.

That's the contract. This is Trump's America.

“Trump Person” is a whole lot of people! It includes Donald Trump, “any member of Mr. Trump’s family, including, but not limited to, Mr. Trump’s spouse, each of Mr. Trump’s children and grandchildren and their respective spouses, including but not limited to Donald J. Trump Jr., Eric F. Trump and Ivanka M. Trump, Tiffany Trump, and Barron Trump, and their respective spouses, children and grandchildren, if any, and Mr. Trump’s siblings and their respective spouses and children, if any” and “each Trump Company (including but not limited to the Company) and each Family Member Company.”

** Anything at all remotely related to anything Trump, any spin-off, or that of its relatives, or it's properties or products.

So? I still don't have a problem with it. It sounds perfectly reasonable. If you don't like the terms, then don't go to work for Trump. Your ass is chapped because Trump has outsmarted the Dims and all their sleazy tricks.
You represent yourself as a toddler flipping the bird.

And you actually think people take you seriously.

You make shallow judgements about people based on their avatars, and you think people take you seriously?
Trump Legally Prohibits Volunteers From Saying Anything Bad About Him — Forever
Even Trump’s volunteers must agree to a strict nondisclosure agreement.

Better get used to this with comrad Trump in the Oval Office. He does this routinely. He even has his two ex-wives under gag orders about him. He'll be ALL ABOUT freedom of speech. NOT. Hitler would blush at the overreach Trump will grab onto.

Trump cannot make government employees sign such an agreement, so your concern is totally unjustified. It's just another leftwing red hearing.

He's already threatened it -- not for government employees but for the entire populace.

This is exactly in line with what he says here --- one of the few things on which he's been consistent ---
Once again, THIS is not going away:

That alone, all by itself, should limit his sheep to his own family and thirteen of the most far-right fascists.

What he's got here in this topic is simply a corporate version of the exact same thing. An ego-fragile insecure inveterate narcissist who's been handed everything all his life and just can't take the heat. A whiner.

:gay: :gay: :gay: :gay: :gay: :gay: :gay:
You represent yourself as a toddler flipping the bird.

And you actually think people take you seriously.

You make shallow judgements about people based on their avatars, and you think people take you seriously?
It's not a shallow judgement. It's how you chose to represent yourself -- a nasty, vulgar toddler.

Then there is the words you type that accompany it.

Which is same.
Trump Legally Prohibits Volunteers From Saying Anything Bad About Him — Forever
Even Trump’s volunteers must agree to a strict nondisclosure agreement.

Better get used to this with comrad Trump in the Oval Office. He does this routinely. He even has his two ex-wives under gag orders about him. He'll be ALL ABOUT freedom of speech. NOT. Hitler would blush at the overreach Trump will grab onto.

Trump cannot make government employees sign such an agreement, so your concern is totally unjustified. It's just another leftwing red hearing.

He's already threatened it -- not for government employees but for the entire populace.

This is exactly in line with what he says here --- one of the few things on which he's been consistent ---
Once again, THIS is not going away:

That alone, all by itself, should limit his sheep to his own family and thirteen of the most far-right fascists.

What he's got here in this topic is simply a corporate version of the exact same thing. An ego-fragile insecure inveterate narcissist who's been handed everything all his life and just can't take the heat. A whiner.

:gay: :gay: :gay: :gay: :gay: :gay: :gay:


That's his gig: We're going to sue you like you've never been sued before.
This is the screen you are shown when you sign up to Dial for Don


Once you click "I agree" and sign your name, you have now agreed to a lifelong gag order to never disparage of demean:

Mr. Donald J. Trump, any member of Mr. Trump’s family, including, but not limited to, Mr. Trump’s spouse, each of Mr. Trump’s children and grandchildren and their respective spouses, including but not limited to Donald J. Trump Jr., Eric F. Trump and Ivanka M. Trump, Tiffany Trump, and Barron Trump, and their respective spouses, children and grandchildren, if any, and Mr. Trump’s siblings and their respective spouses and children, if any.

Any Trump "Family Member Company" -- any entity, partnership, trust or organization that, in whole or in part, was created by or for the benefit of any Family Member or is controlled or owned by any Family Member.

Any "Trump Company" -- any entity, partnership, trust or organization that, in whole or in part, was created by or for the benefit of Mr. Trump or is controlled or owned by Mr. Trump.
"Trump Person" means each of Mr. Trump, each Family Member, each Trump Company, including but not limited to the Company, and each Family Member Company.

You also agree that if you are an employer, you hold each and every one of your employees to the same "no disparagement of demeaning" rule you are held to (even though they are not party to the contract.)

You also agree that none of your employees are allowed to work on any other campaign besides the Trump for President campaign. That's ****ed up. If you don't think so, you've got a screw loose.

I wonder how many people click the actual form and just check the box and sign.
They should know just what it is they are agreeing to.

I intend to make sure they know.
He was already doing this,.

Most of you sheep are uneducated in all of the critics he has sued.
Trump Legally Prohibits Volunteers From Saying Anything Bad About Him — Forever
Even Trump’s volunteers must agree to a strict nondisclosure agreement.

Better get used to this with comrad Trump in the Oval Office. He does this routinely. He even has his two ex-wives under gag orders about him. He'll be ALL ABOUT freedom of speech. NOT. Hitler would blush at the overreach Trump will grab onto.

Trump cannot make government employees sign such an agreement, so your concern is totally unjustified. It's just another leftwing red hearing.

He's already threatened it -- not for government employees but for the entire populace.

This is exactly in line with what he says here --- one of the few things on which he's been consistent ---
Once again, THIS is not going away:

That alone, all by itself, should limit his sheep to his own family and thirteen of the most far-right fascists.

What he's got here in this topic is simply a corporate version of the exact same thing. An ego-fragile insecure inveterate narcissist who's been handed everything all his life and just can't take the heat. A whiner.

:gay: :gay: :gay: :gay: :gay: :gay: :gay:

Please quote Trump saying what you claim.
This is the screen you are shown when you sign up to Dial for Don


Once you click "I agree" and sign your name, you have now agreed to a lifelong gag order to never disparage of demean:

Mr. Donald J. Trump, any member of Mr. Trump’s family, including, but not limited to, Mr. Trump’s spouse, each of Mr. Trump’s children and grandchildren and their respective spouses, including but not limited to Donald J. Trump Jr., Eric F. Trump and Ivanka M. Trump, Tiffany Trump, and Barron Trump, and their respective spouses, children and grandchildren, if any, and Mr. Trump’s siblings and their respective spouses and children, if any.

Any Trump "Family Member Company" -- any entity, partnership, trust or organization that, in whole or in part, was created by or for the benefit of any Family Member or is controlled or owned by any Family Member.

Any "Trump Company" -- any entity, partnership, trust or organization that, in whole or in part, was created by or for the benefit of Mr. Trump or is controlled or owned by Mr. Trump.
"Trump Person" means each of Mr. Trump, each Family Member, each Trump Company, including but not limited to the Company, and each Family Member Company.

You also agree that if you are an employer, you hold each and every one of your employees to the same "no disparagement of demeaning" rule you are held to (even though they are not party to the contract.)

You also agree that none of your employees are allowed to work on any other campaign besides the Trump for President campaign. That's ****ed up. If you don't think so, you've got a screw loose.

I wonder how many people click the actual form and just check the box and sign.
They should know just what it is they are agreeing to.

I intend to make sure they know.
If you don't like the terms of the contract, then don't sign it. It's really pretty simple.
You represent yourself as a toddler flipping the bird.

And you actually think people take you seriously.

You make shallow judgements about people based on their avatars, and you think people take you seriously?
It's not a shallow judgement. It's how you chose to represent yourself -- a nasty, vulgar toddler.

Then there is the words you type that accompany it.

Which is same.

Shallow judgement.

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