Trump Legally Prohibits Volunteers From Saying Anything Bad About Him — Forever

Hmmmm, so? People get sued over contract disputes all the time. What makes this case special?

The fact that most people who enter into a contract intend to live up to it to the best of their ability and follow through on their word. Whereas Trump is actually hoping for lawsuits so that he can bury you in a mountain of legal fees.
Hmmmm, so? People get sued over contract disputes all the time. What makes this case special?

The fact that most people who enter into a contract intend to live up to it to the best of their ability and follow through on their word. Whereas Trump is actually hoping for lawsuits so that he can bury you in a mountain of legal fees.

Like all leftwing douche bags, you make the mistake of believing you can read minds. Why do you imagine Trump would want to sue people? What he wants is loyal volunteers, and he has thereby created a process that insures the people who volunteer are loyal. I know that chaps the ass of the Hillary butthole sucking douche bags because is spoils their plan to infiltrate Trumps campaign with moles who will dig up dirt on him and defame him. All you're whining about is the fact that Trump outsmarted you.
Trump Legally Prohibits Volunteers From Saying Anything Bad About Him — Forever
Even Trump’s volunteers must agree to a strict nondisclosure agreement.
Corey Lewandowski is a CNN contributor even though he’s subject to a nondisclosure agreement legally prohibiting him from criticizing Trump, his family, or any of his businesses. Suffice it to say Trump’s former campaign manager has lived up to his end of the bargain — Lewandowski basically serves as a paid Trump campaign source during his CNN appearances.

On the other side of the spectrum, Trump recently filed a $10 million lawsuit against former senior campaign consultant Sam Nunberg for allegedly violating that same NDA. As ThinkProgress previously wrote, Trump accused Nunberg of “leaking information to the New York Post about a public fight and romantic affair between two other Trump campaign staffers in May.”

What a whiny fucking tiny little fascist. FUCK YOU TRUMP1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The desperation has once again reached its peak.

Yes, anyone in that kind of position will have to sign the agreement. Do you think Hillary treats her slav... interns any better? Laughable...
Hmmmm, so? People get sued over contract disputes all the time. What makes this case special?

The fact that most people who enter into a contract intend to live up to it to the best of their ability and follow through on their word. Whereas Trump is actually hoping for lawsuits so that he can bury you in a mountain of legal fees.

Like all leftwing douche bags, you make the mistake of believing you can read minds. Why do you imagine Trump would want to sue people? What he wants is loyal volunteers, and he has thereby created a process that insures the people who volunteer are loyal. I know that chaps the ass of the Hillary butthole sucking douche bags because is spoils their plan to infiltrate Trumps campaign with moles who will dig up dirt on him and defame him. All you're whining about is the fact that Trump outsmarted you.

Because he's notorious for it.

You don't much about Donald Trump, do you?

That seems to be a pretty common factor among Trump fans.

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