Trump Legally Prohibits Volunteers From Saying Anything Bad About Him — Forever

Pretty sad The Don has extended this to volunteers, and even volunteer's employees.

Gather round, company meeting, says Jimbo, owner of the Acme Tool and Die.

All 200 employees file in. Ears perked.

JIMBO: OK folks, I volunteered to make phone calls to support the most awesome, bestest, most incredible man in the world, healthiest, too --

so, therefore, as part of an agreement I signed with Dear Leader -- I am now telling each and every one of you, you can never say a bad word about <opens up contract>

Mr. Donald J. Trump, any member of Mr. Trump’s family, including, but not limited to, Mr. Trump’s spouse, each of Mr. Trump’s children and grandchildren and their respective spouses, including but not limited to Donald J. Trump Jr., Eric F. Trump and Ivanka M. Trump, Tiffany Trump, and Barron Trump, and their respective spouses, children and grandchildren, if any, and Mr. Trump’s siblings and their respective spouses and children, if any.

Any Trump "Family Member Company" -- any entity, partnership, trust or organization that, in whole or in part, was created by or for the benefit of any Family Member or is controlled or owned by any Family Member.
Any "Trump Company" -- any entity, partnership, trust or organization that, in whole or in part, was created by or for the benefit of Mr. Trump or is controlled or owned by Mr. Trump.

Not one bad word, no disparagement, no demeaning -- on or off the clock. Is that clear?

<197 mouths are agape>

Jimbo puts the contract back in his pocket, and finishes with this:

"Oh, also, one more thing. Since I signed this agreement (and yeah, I know you guy's didn't sign anything, but this is Dear Leader we are talking about), I am also informing you as part of my agreement, each and every one here in my employ is prohibited from working for or volunteering your time to anyone but the Trump for President campaign.

Sorry guys and gals, but thems the rules."

* exact language from the Trump Lifelong Loyalty Contract.

Employers terminate employees for saying things the employer doesn't like all the time. Left wing douche bags like you are incessantly hooting for this kind of behavior, so why do you object to if when Trump adopts the same policy? Remember the CEO of Mozilla who got canned when his opposition to gay marriage became public? Douche bags like you were the ones screaming that Mozilla should can him.

This is your Trump supporter, ^ boys and gals.

He's actually cool with a gag order to not say a bad word about anything Trump, to extend to people who have nothing to do with an agreement their employer signed.

On or off the clock. And he even thinks it's ay-oh-tay to force an employee to not be allowed to volunteer for any campaign except Trump for President.

Are some of you guys seeing just how dangerous Trump and their supporters are?

"Ve haf vays off meking you agree...." :rolleyes:

Doesn't surprise me. He's an authoritarian-passive pansy. Loves it when a Daddy figure tells him what to do. Can't drop to his knees fast enough. No balls whatsoever.

Forcing people to do what they want is a Democrat specialty. It takes a special kind of stupid to equate a voluntary contract with compulsion, as in forcing us to pay for the Obamacare fiasco. Obamacare is founded on compulsion, but you douche bags don't have a problem with that What you turds keep trying to ignore is the fact that no one is forced to work for the Trump campaign. It's a strictly voluntary arrangement, but it precludes leftwing douche bags from infiltrating the organization. That's what really chaps your ass.
Trump Legally Prohibits Volunteers From Saying Anything Bad About Him — Forever
Even Trump’s volunteers must agree to a strict nondisclosure agreement.
Corey Lewandowski is a CNN contributor even though he’s subject to a nondisclosure agreement legally prohibiting him from criticizing Trump, his family, or any of his businesses. Suffice it to say Trump’s former campaign manager has lived up to his end of the bargain — Lewandowski basically serves as a paid Trump campaign source during his CNN appearances.

On the other side of the spectrum, Trump recently filed a $10 million lawsuit against former senior campaign consultant Sam Nunberg for allegedly violating that same NDA. As ThinkProgress previously wrote, Trump accused Nunberg of “leaking information to the New York Post about a public fight and romantic affair between two other Trump campaign staffers in May.”

What a whiny fucking tiny little fascist. FUCK YOU TRUMP1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Take a deep breath your out of your mind.

Simple fix ya retread don't vote for him
Non Disparagement contracts have held up in some courts.

For example?

She is correct, but the circumstances matter. A non-disparagement can prohibit a current or former employee from making true statements (they must be true statements, as false statements fall under "defamation") that harm the reputation of the employer. But such clauses cannot be designed as vague or ambiguous catch-all limitations. Because individuals have certain protected speech rights, a non-disparagement clause cannot be so ambiguously far reaching as to infringe upon those rights incidentally. As an example, broad ranging non-disparagement clauses have been rejected by courts where they were found to impede on workers' rights to provide negative feedback on their employer in the course of collective bargaining (which is a protected right via federal statute).

In this case we are talking about Donald Trump, candidate for President of the United States. Employees in question are employed by the Trump campaign. Any reputation questions apply to Donald Trump the Presidential candidate. Therefore, any alleged disparagement from a campaign employee would likely not be found to be an enforceable violation if not directed toward Trump's private business matters. Also, as soon as the campaign is over, Trump's reputation as a candidate for President would become moot. Therefore, it is likely that any attempt to sue for disparagement after the end of the campaign would fall flat. Finally, it is questionable whether or not non-disparagement agreements can be enforced for political candidates. The courts have tended to maintain that political speech is the highest form of protected speech by the constitution, and that above nearly all other considerations the preservation of unhindered political speech is generally by our constitution and system of law. Where "disparagement" of an employer political candidate is political speech, the courts could very likely decide any non-disparagement clause restricting the same is unenforceable in much the same way as the aforementioned instance where such clauses have been rejected in favor of collective bargaining rights.


I've already looked this up -- these exist for employees while in the employ of some company. I don't see where they can possibly bind a person either for life, or after said contract is terminated. And of course the case where there's no contract at all is even shakier.
as noted before, it's the threat of lawsuit, and it would require some to expend money and time to fight it to have it thrown out.

Donny lives for that.

Also, when you sign the agreement, look at the bottom of that contract -- you agree to abide by binding arbitration.

Hmmmm, so? People get sued over contract disputes all the time. What makes this case special? Do you oppose our system of contract law?

As for the binding arbitration, so what? I've been a party in contracts that specified binding arbitration. They are fairly common in the business world. It keeps the cost of lawsuits down.
Pretty sad The Don has extended this to volunteers, and even volunteer's employees.

Gather round, company meeting, says Jimbo, owner of the Acme Tool and Die.

All 200 employees file in. Ears perked.

JIMBO: OK folks, I volunteered to make phone calls to support the most awesome, bestest, most incredible man in the world, healthiest, too --

so, therefore, as part of an agreement I signed with Dear Leader -- I am now telling each and every one of you, you can never say a bad word about <opens up contract>

Mr. Donald J. Trump, any member of Mr. Trump’s family, including, but not limited to, Mr. Trump’s spouse, each of Mr. Trump’s children and grandchildren and their respective spouses, including but not limited to Donald J. Trump Jr., Eric F. Trump and Ivanka M. Trump, Tiffany Trump, and Barron Trump, and their respective spouses, children and grandchildren, if any, and Mr. Trump’s siblings and their respective spouses and children, if any.

Any Trump "Family Member Company" -- any entity, partnership, trust or organization that, in whole or in part, was created by or for the benefit of any Family Member or is controlled or owned by any Family Member.
Any "Trump Company" -- any entity, partnership, trust or organization that, in whole or in part, was created by or for the benefit of Mr. Trump or is controlled or owned by Mr. Trump.

Not one bad word, no disparagement, no demeaning -- on or off the clock. Is that clear?

<197 mouths are agape>

Jimbo puts the contract back in his pocket, and finishes with this:

"Oh, also, one more thing. Since I signed this agreement (and yeah, I know you guy's didn't sign anything, but this is Dear Leader we are talking about), I am also informing you as part of my agreement, each and every one here in my employ is prohibited from working for or volunteering your time to anyone but the Trump for President campaign.

Sorry guys and gals, but thems the rules."

* exact language from the Trump Lifelong Loyalty Contract.

Employers terminate employees for saying things the employer doesn't like all the time. Left wing douche bags like you are incessantly hooting for this kind of behavior, so why do you object to if when Trump adopts the same policy? Remember the CEO of Mozilla who got canned when his opposition to gay marriage became public? Douche bags like you were the ones screaming that Mozilla should can him.

This is your Trump supporter, ^ boys and gals.

He's actually cool with a gag order to not say a bad word about anything Trump, to extend to people who have nothing to do with an agreement their employer signed.

On or off the clock. And he even thinks it's ay-oh-tay to force an employee to not be allowed to volunteer for any campaign except Trump for President.

Are some of you guys seeing just how dangerous Trump and their supporters are?
It does have something to do with them because when the took the job they agreed to follow company policy. If that includes not disparaging Trump, then they have a legal obligation to comply or they can be fired.

See what I mean? ^ these are dangerous people, folks.

That they could even begin to think like this is scarier than we ever thought.

Think like what, that Trump is doing nothing more than thousands of businesses do every day? Have you ever looked at the contract you agree to when you install iTunes?
Imagine for one hairy second, if Bripat worked (that alone is a laugh) --

at a shop where if there were a similar gag order, order to not volunteer for any but the boss' choice of candidate -- on his own free ****ing time.

What I'm saying is imagine if this was Hillary who made volunteers sign this contract.

He'd blow his fucking lid at the thought of not being able to disparage Hillary or be fired.

But it's Trump, so he defends it.

A gag order is issued by a judge. No one agrees to it. Deliberately misusing words is a favored leftwing propaganda technique. Furthermore, we aren't talking about just any kind of company here. We aren't talking about a company that installs windows or that manufactures motorcycles. We are talking about companies that supply services to political campaigns. Companies that do canvassing or other kinds of political activities. It's not unreasonable for Trump to not have the employees of such a company working at cross purposes of his campaign.
My judgement is Spot on.

Everyone knows what a whiny little vulgar dick you are.

Bripat forgets, we've seen pictures. :D

You forget that everyone knows you're a douche bag.

Forget? I work hard to ensure my reputation lives up to my expectations.

And you do a damn good job of it. You kick some serious ass here.

He just admitted that he works at being a douche bag, and you congratulated him for that.
This part is astounding:

  1. Interpretation and Representation by Counsel. This agreement has been drafted on behalf of the undersigned only as a convenience and may not, by reason of such action, be construed against the undersigned. Each of the parties (i) has had the opportunity to be and/or has elected not to be, represented by counsel, (ii) has reviewed each of the provisions in this agreement carefully and (iii) has negotiated or has had full opportunity to negotiate the terms of this agreement, specifically including, but not limited to Paragraph 7 hereof.

  2. You waive any claims that may be available at law or in equity to the effect that you did not have the opportunity to so consult with counsel.

Here's an idea.

We should ALL go in and sign up on that thing. By the thousands, literally en masse. Then turn around and start telling the truth. Give Rumpleforskin a taste of what free speech actually feels like.

What's he gonna do? Sue everybody? Rotsa ruck pal.

What "truth" would you tell? I hope you do and then Trump sues you to kingdom come.
Trump Legally Prohibits Volunteers From Saying Anything Bad About Him — Forever
Even Trump’s volunteers must agree to a strict nondisclosure agreement.
Corey Lewandowski is a CNN contributor even though he’s subject to a nondisclosure agreement legally prohibiting him from criticizing Trump, his family, or any of his businesses. Suffice it to say Trump’s former campaign manager has lived up to his end of the bargain — Lewandowski basically serves as a paid Trump campaign source during his CNN appearances.

On the other side of the spectrum, Trump recently filed a $10 million lawsuit against former senior campaign consultant Sam Nunberg for allegedly violating that same NDA. As ThinkProgress previously wrote, Trump accused Nunberg of “leaking information to the New York Post about a public fight and romantic affair between two other Trump campaign staffers in May.”

What a whiny fucking tiny little fascist. FUCK YOU TRUMP1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Matthew you get more angry each day, it's not good, you never used to be angry like this.
Imagine for one hairy second, if Bripat worked (that alone is a laugh) --

at a shop where if there were a similar gag order, order to not volunteer for any but the boss' choice of candidate -- on his own free ****ing time.

What I'm saying is imagine if this was Hillary who made volunteers sign this contract.

He'd blow his fucking lid at the thought of not being able to disparage Hillary or be fired.

But it's Trump, so he defends it.

A gag order is issued by a judge. No one agrees to it. Deliberately misusing words is a favored leftwing propaganda technique. Furthermore, we aren't talking about just any kind of company here. We aren't talking about a company that installs windows or that manufactures motorcycles. We are talking about companies that supply services to political campaigns. Companies that do canvassing or other kinds of political activities. It's not unreasonable for Trump to not have the employees of such a company working at cross purposes of his campaign.
You don't have a fucking clue what you're talking about.

As usual.

Imagine for one hairy second, if Bripat worked (that alone is a laugh) --

at a shop where if there were a similar gag order, order to not volunteer for any but the boss' choice of candidate -- on his own free ****ing time.

What I'm saying is imagine if this was Hillary who made volunteers sign this contract.

He'd blow his fucking lid at the thought of not being able to disparage Hillary or be fired.

But it's Trump, so he defends it.
Bripat ---> This is your Trump supporter, ^ boys and gals.

He's actually cool with a gag order to not say a bad word about anything Trump, to extend to people who have nothing to do with an agreement their employer signed.

On or off the clock. And he even thinks it's ay-oh-tay to force an employee to not be allowed to volunteer for any campaign except Trump for President.

Are some of you guys seeing just how dangerous Trump and their supporters are?
Imagine for one hairy second, if Bripat worked (that alone is a laugh) --

at a shop where if there were a similar gag order, order to not volunteer for any but the boss' choice of candidate -- on his own free ****ing time.

What I'm saying is imagine if this was Hillary who made volunteers sign this contract.

He'd blow his fucking lid at the thought of not being able to disparage Hillary or be fired.

But it's Trump, so he defends it.

A gag order is issued by a judge. No one agrees to it. Deliberately misusing words is a favored leftwing propaganda technique. Furthermore, we aren't talking about just any kind of company here. We aren't talking about a company that installs windows or that manufactures motorcycles. We are talking about companies that supply services to political campaigns. Companies that do canvassing or other kinds of political activities. It's not unreasonable for Trump to not have the employees of such a company working at cross purposes of his campaign.
You don't have a fucking clue what you're talking about.

As usual.

Imagine for one hairy second, if Bripat worked (that alone is a laugh) --

at a shop where if there were a similar gag order, order to not volunteer for any but the boss' choice of candidate -- on his own free ****ing time.

What I'm saying is imagine if this was Hillary who made volunteers sign this contract.

He'd blow his fucking lid at the thought of not being able to disparage Hillary or be fired.

But it's Trump, so he defends it.

First off, moron, it's not a gag order.

Second, employers who do business with Trump are not making their employees sign a contract, bone head. They simply have to include the clause in their company policy. Employees agreed to follow company policy when they were hired.

Yes, I would blow my lid at not being able to disparage Hillary. I would probably also never work for a company that did business with her.
Imagine for one hairy second, if Bripat worked (that alone is a laugh) --

at a shop where if there were a similar gag order, order to not volunteer for any but the boss' choice of candidate -- on his own free ****ing time.

What I'm saying is imagine if this was Hillary who made volunteers sign this contract.

He'd blow his fucking lid at the thought of not being able to disparage Hillary or be fired.

But it's Trump, so he defends it.

A gag order is issued by a judge. No one agrees to it. Deliberately misusing words is a favored leftwing propaganda technique. Furthermore, we aren't talking about just any kind of company here. We aren't talking about a company that installs windows or that manufactures motorcycles. We are talking about companies that supply services to political campaigns. Companies that do canvassing or other kinds of political activities. It's not unreasonable for Trump to not have the employees of such a company working at cross purposes of his campaign.
You don't have a fucking clue what you're talking about.

As usual.

Imagine for one hairy second, if Bripat worked (that alone is a laugh) --

at a shop where if there were a similar gag order, order to not volunteer for any but the boss' choice of candidate -- on his own free ****ing time.

What I'm saying is imagine if this was Hillary who made volunteers sign this contract.

He'd blow his fucking lid at the thought of not being able to disparage Hillary or be fired.

But it's Trump, so he defends it.

First off, moron, it's not a gag order.

Second, employers who do business with Trump are not making their employees sign a contract, bone head. They simply have to include the clause in their company policy. Employees agreed to follow company policy when they were hired.

Yes, I would blow my lid at not being able to disparage Hillary. I would probably also never work for a company that did business with her.

Hey IDIOT, if you are not allowed to say any bad thing about anything related to Trump ---> It's a gag. You PROMISE, once you sign to never say anything bad about him, his family, his business or his products.

Or he'll sue you ass.

"Second, employers who do business with Trump are not making their employees sign a contract, bone head. They simply have to include the clause in their company policy. Employees agreed to follow company policy when they were hired."

An employer should not be able to tell you, as part of your condition to work for him or her, after you have been employed, you cannot say anything bad about Trump. Or be fired.

Or can't volunteer on your free time to promote another candidate.

If you think that's the way it should be


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Imagine for one hairy second, if Bripat worked (that alone is a laugh) --

at a shop where if there were a similar gag order, order to not volunteer for any but the boss' choice of candidate -- on his own free ****ing time.

What I'm saying is imagine if this was Hillary who made volunteers sign this contract.

He'd blow his fucking lid at the thought of not being able to disparage Hillary or be fired.

But it's Trump, so he defends it.

A gag order is issued by a judge. No one agrees to it. Deliberately misusing words is a favored leftwing propaganda technique. Furthermore, we aren't talking about just any kind of company here. We aren't talking about a company that installs windows or that manufactures motorcycles. We are talking about companies that supply services to political campaigns. Companies that do canvassing or other kinds of political activities. It's not unreasonable for Trump to not have the employees of such a company working at cross purposes of his campaign.
You don't have a fucking clue what you're talking about.

As usual.

Imagine for one hairy second, if Bripat worked (that alone is a laugh) --

at a shop where if there were a similar gag order, order to not volunteer for any but the boss' choice of candidate -- on his own free ****ing time.

What I'm saying is imagine if this was Hillary who made volunteers sign this contract.

He'd blow his fucking lid at the thought of not being able to disparage Hillary or be fired.

But it's Trump, so he defends it.

First off, moron, it's not a gag order.

Second, employers who do business with Trump are not making their employees sign a contract, bone head. They simply have to include the clause in their company policy. Employees agreed to follow company policy when they were hired.

Yes, I would blow my lid at not being able to disparage Hillary. I would probably also never work for a company that did business with her.

Hey IDIOT, if you are not allowed to say any bad thing about anything related to Trump ---> It's a gag. You PROMISE, once you sign to never say anything bad about him, his family, his business or his products.

Or he'll sue you ass.

We're discussing a contract, moron, not an order. The later are issued by judges. They aren't voluntarily agreed to.

How many times do I have to explain this to you before it penetrates your thick skull?


"Second, employers who do business with Trump are not making their employees sign a contract, bone head. They simply have to include the clause in their company policy. Employees agreed to follow company policy when they were hired."

An employer cannot tell you, as part of your condition to work for him or her, after you have been employed, you cannot say anything bad about Trump. Or be fired.

Or can't volunteer on your free time to promote another candidate.



Many employers have clauses in their company policy that says you will not disparage or defame the company's clients. There's nothing unusual about companies having some control about what employees say about their business. Many people have been fired for making derogatory comments about their employer or its clients.
Imagine for one hairy second, if Bripat worked (that alone is a laugh) --

at a shop where if there were a similar gag order, order to not volunteer for any but the boss' choice of candidate -- on his own free ****ing time.

What I'm saying is imagine if this was Hillary who made volunteers sign this contract.

He'd blow his fucking lid at the thought of not being able to disparage Hillary or be fired.

But it's Trump, so he defends it.

A gag order is issued by a judge. No one agrees to it. Deliberately misusing words is a favored leftwing propaganda technique. Furthermore, we aren't talking about just any kind of company here. We aren't talking about a company that installs windows or that manufactures motorcycles. We are talking about companies that supply services to political campaigns. Companies that do canvassing or other kinds of political activities. It's not unreasonable for Trump to not have the employees of such a company working at cross purposes of his campaign.
You don't have a fucking clue what you're talking about.

As usual.

Imagine for one hairy second, if Bripat worked (that alone is a laugh) --

at a shop where if there were a similar gag order, order to not volunteer for any but the boss' choice of candidate -- on his own free ****ing time.

What I'm saying is imagine if this was Hillary who made volunteers sign this contract.

He'd blow his fucking lid at the thought of not being able to disparage Hillary or be fired.

But it's Trump, so he defends it.

First off, moron, it's not a gag order.

Second, employers who do business with Trump are not making their employees sign a contract, bone head. They simply have to include the clause in their company policy. Employees agreed to follow company policy when they were hired.

Yes, I would blow my lid at not being able to disparage Hillary. I would probably also never work for a company that did business with her.
You're so clueless, you don't even know-- even, after all this, it's about FUCKING VOLUNTEERS who may never even step foot into a campaign office who will be calling up folks to get them to vote for Trump. THEY are the ones who sign it.

The volunteers call from home. It's not about "doing business" with the campaign other than saying, yeah, I'll spend time trying to GOTV.

Should that volunteer happen to own a company that employs people, this despicable agreement says they must enforce the ban on all their employees.

Worked 25 years for a company and the new CEO is a Hillary supporter? (in my comparable scenario) -- whoops. Tuff shit Bripattie. You're gagged and can never say a disparaging word about her or her family.

Or...Too bad. Pink slip for you.

Hit the road, jack.
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I can't tell you how delighted I am to see it exposed -- just how far and how deep Trump supporters will defend anything thin-skinned, sue their ass Orangina does.

This is labor day weekend, when a lot of undecideds are are congealing their support for either candidate.

I'm willing to bet bripat alone has tossed some in the Clinton camp..

Thanks, finger-flippin' boy!
I can't tell you how delighted I am to see it exposed -- just how far and how deep Trump supporters will defend anything thin-skinned, sue their ass Orangina does.

This is labor day weekend, when a lot of undecideds are are congealing their support for either candidate.

I'm willing to bet bripat alone has tossed some in the Clinton camp..

Thanks, finger-flippin' boy!

Why should anyone be upset about Trump doing something perfectly legal? It isn't like he violated the regulations concerning the handling of classified documents, sold his country out to the highest bidder, obstructed justice by destroying thousands of government documents, or perjured himself by lying about all of it while under oath. Doing something like that later would truly get voters upset, don't you think?
My judgement is Spot on.

Everyone knows what a whiny little vulgar dick you are.

Bripat forgets, we've seen pictures. :D

You forget that everyone knows you're a douche bag.

Forget? I work hard to ensure my reputation lives up to my expectations.

And you do a damn good job of it. You kick some serious ass here.

He just admitted that he works at being a douche bag, and you congratulated him for that.

No Bevis, being a douche bag comes quite effortlessly to me. I said that I work hard at making sure everyone knows how much of an ass I was.

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