Trump: "Let's fight indecency, degradation and criminality"

What will be identified as indecency and degradation? What criminal acts, specifically, constitute indecency and degradation? Are you advocating legislating morality? If so, whose morality? Who is pious enough to set that standard?

Like anything....this can be made super complex and trivial or it can be kept as simple as it actually is.
"Previous administrations" seemed to champion for almost anything low-down and filthy...always working to create a new "normal" which perpetuates a lower grade society via acceptance. This administration will bring back shame to what's become a seemingly shameless society.
Thank you for proving my point. :thup:

Looks to me like you want to go back to a Utopia that only existed on shows like Father knows Best, Ozzie and Harriot, My Three Sons, you know, fantasy.

To prefer a society made up of legit humans?
How far-fetched of an expectation huh? How dare someone expect more of their fellow dare someone condemn the behavior and actions of our filth. How dare anyone stand with a government that has the balls to denounce the anything goes free for all.
See, that's the problem...Loons have completely lost their shit...they're so fascinated by CHANGE they don't care if it's change in the wrong direction so long as they get their "CHANGE" their twisted heads this is "PROGRESSION"...haha
Yeah fantasy because all those behaviors were still there they were just "underground" because prudes like you didn't want their delicate sensibilities upset.......... Kinda sounds like a snowflake reaction on your part......... Uummmmmm........

When you say "prudes" are you referencing hard working, law abiding, positive contributing REAL Americans?
I think you're confused and probably "one of them"....You's only the higher grade or "prudes" that would have an expectation of fellow humans.
You don't really imagine that Juan, the alcoholic, drug addicted criminal illegal who beats his wife would expect a higher class American do you?
DaQuan, the worthless freeloader with six kids and four baby mommas on welfare who drinks 40's and smokes weed while I'm at work can't possibly expect more of people...right?
Are you starting to get it now?
The only thing I get is that you seem to equate only those who, think, look and act like you as real Americans. As a premise it should be unsustainable but here you are trying too sell it anyway. Tell me real American. why doesn't it bother you that your president solicited Russian help to damage your political rival? Why doesn't it bother you that your president openly profits from his position? Why doesn't it bother you that he feels it's okay to grab woman by the pussy? Why doesn't it bother you that your champion for hard working Americans has never had to do one day of manual labor in his live? Why doesn't it bother you that while he demonizes globalization, the products his family makes are made in low wage countries? In the end by making only your political belief the hallmark of being American you just show that you seem to be unaware what being American means. A country were differences are celebrated not made into a reason to hate.
Like anything....this can be made super complex and trivial or it can be kept as simple as it actually is.
"Previous administrations" seemed to champion for almost anything low-down and filthy...always working to create a new "normal" which perpetuates a lower grade society via acceptance. This administration will bring back shame to what's become a seemingly shameless society.
Thank you for proving my point. :thup:

Looks to me like you want to go back to a Utopia that only existed on shows like Father knows Best, Ozzie and Harriot, My Three Sons, you know, fantasy.

To prefer a society made up of legit humans?
How far-fetched of an expectation huh? How dare someone expect more of their fellow dare someone condemn the behavior and actions of our filth. How dare anyone stand with a government that has the balls to denounce the anything goes free for all.
See, that's the problem...Loons have completely lost their shit...they're so fascinated by CHANGE they don't care if it's change in the wrong direction so long as they get their "CHANGE" their twisted heads this is "PROGRESSION"...haha
Yeah fantasy because all those behaviors were still there they were just "underground" because prudes like you didn't want their delicate sensibilities upset.......... Kinda sounds like a snowflake reaction on your part......... Uummmmmm........

When you say "prudes" are you referencing hard working, law abiding, positive contributing REAL Americans?
I think you're confused and probably "one of them"....You's only the higher grade or "prudes" that would have an expectation of fellow humans.
You don't really imagine that Juan, the alcoholic, drug addicted criminal illegal who beats his wife would expect a higher class American do you?
DaQuan, the worthless freeloader with six kids and four baby mommas on welfare who drinks 40's and smokes weed while I'm at work can't possibly expect more of people...right?
Are you starting to get it now?
Sooooo, it's only Hispanics that are drunks, beat wifes and freeload eh? :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

Prude means you want everyone else to adhere to your idea of normality and would enforce it via legislation which obviously is racist at best. Nice to know you've decided to come out of that closet, now I know how to deal with you.
Get it now?

"Sooooo, it's only Hispanics that are drunks, beat wifes and freeload eh?"
Whoops...sorry, you're right...blacks beat the shit out of their women too...and on rare occasion you'll even find some filthy white trash that wear the ribbed white tank top. (wife-beater)
The demo's are out there I'm sure....I'm not making this up.
I have many friends in law enforcement here in Southern California...the ones who work minority areas are busy as shit with domestic violence calls...the ones who work Dana Point (predominantly Caucasian) are bored as hell saving cats from trees.
Sorry the truth hurts man....
(You have been cued to cry RACIST and roll up in the fetal position.)
Cut the shit, Americans almost universally value these qualities, they just do not share your narrow little theocratic police state definitions of these terms. I know you are overwhelmed by progress, we all are to a certain extent, but like it or not things change. We have the option to make change work for us or to be left behind but trying to turn back the clock for the entire country is not possible.
Thank you for proving my point. :thup:

Looks to me like you want to go back to a Utopia that only existed on shows like Father knows Best, Ozzie and Harriot, My Three Sons, you know, fantasy.

To prefer a society made up of legit humans?
How far-fetched of an expectation huh? How dare someone expect more of their fellow dare someone condemn the behavior and actions of our filth. How dare anyone stand with a government that has the balls to denounce the anything goes free for all.
See, that's the problem...Loons have completely lost their shit...they're so fascinated by CHANGE they don't care if it's change in the wrong direction so long as they get their "CHANGE" their twisted heads this is "PROGRESSION"...haha
Yeah fantasy because all those behaviors were still there they were just "underground" because prudes like you didn't want their delicate sensibilities upset.......... Kinda sounds like a snowflake reaction on your part......... Uummmmmm........

When you say "prudes" are you referencing hard working, law abiding, positive contributing REAL Americans?
I think you're confused and probably "one of them"....You's only the higher grade or "prudes" that would have an expectation of fellow humans.
You don't really imagine that Juan, the alcoholic, drug addicted criminal illegal who beats his wife would expect a higher class American do you?
DaQuan, the worthless freeloader with six kids and four baby mommas on welfare who drinks 40's and smokes weed while I'm at work can't possibly expect more of people...right?
Are you starting to get it now?
Sooooo, it's only Hispanics that are drunks, beat wifes and freeload eh? :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

Prude means you want everyone else to adhere to your idea of normality and would enforce it via legislation which obviously is racist at best. Nice to know you've decided to come out of that closet, now I know how to deal with you.
Get it now?

"Sooooo, it's only Hispanics that are drunks, beat wifes and freeload eh?"
Whoops...sorry, you're right...blacks beat the shit out of their women too...and on rare occasion you'll even find some filthy white trash that wear the ribbed white tank top. (wife-beater)
The demo's are out there I'm sure....I'm not making this up.
I have many friends in law enforcement here in Southern California...the ones who work minority areas are busy as shit with domestic violence calls...the ones who work Dana Point (predominantly Caucasian) are bored as hell saving cats from trees.
Sorry the truth hurts man....
(You have been cued to cry RACIST and roll up in the fetal position.)
Yo scumnuts, alcoholism and spousal abuse knows not size, shape or color and is just as prevalent among whites as among any other race, if you weren't some low educated, rhetoric swallowing smuck off the street you'd know that. Hell spousal abuse and alcoholism was rampant in this country in the 50s, 60s and 70s and I'm not talking just non-whites, whites were the majority and made up the majority of offenders and probably still do to this day. So put your microcosmic observations where they belong, in what is the only thing you choose to see.
Last edited:
What will be identified as indecency and degradation? What criminal acts, specifically, constitute indecency and degradation? Are you advocating legislating morality? If so, whose morality? Who is pious enough to set that standard?

Like anything....this can be made super complex and trivial or it can be kept as simple as it actually is.
"Previous administrations" seemed to champion for almost anything low-down and filthy...always working to create a new "normal" which perpetuates a lower grade society via acceptance. This administration will bring back shame to what's become a seemingly shameless society.
Thank you for proving my point. :thup:

Looks to me like you want to go back to a Utopia that only existed on shows like Father knows Best, Ozzie and Harriot, My Three Sons, you know, fantasy.

To prefer a society made up of legit humans?
How far-fetched of an expectation huh? How dare someone expect more of their fellow dare someone condemn the behavior and actions of our filth. How dare anyone stand with a government that has the balls to denounce the anything goes free for all.
See, that's the problem...Loons have completely lost their shit...they're so fascinated by CHANGE they don't care if it's change in the wrong direction so long as they get their "CHANGE" their twisted heads this is "PROGRESSION"...haha
Yeah fantasy because all those behaviors were still there they were just "underground" because prudes like you didn't want their delicate sensibilities upset.......... Kinda sounds like a snowflake reaction on your part......... Uummmmmm........

When you say "prudes" are you referencing hard working, law abiding, positive contributing REAL Americans?
I think you're confused and probably "one of them"....You's only the higher grade or "prudes" that would have an expectation of fellow humans.
You don't really imagine that Juan, the alcoholic, drug addicted criminal illegal who beats his wife would expect a higher class American do you?
DaQuan, the worthless freeloader with six kids and four baby mommas on welfare who drinks 40's and smokes weed while I'm at work can't possibly expect more of people...right?
Are you starting to get it now?
Let's review. You cited indecency and degradation as issues Trump should act upon. In the example you provided above, you cite drug addiction, illegal immigration, domestic violence. These are crimes. But you also cited "Juan" and "DaQuan" as examples.

Your slip is showing, dear. You don't want to combat indecency and degradation as much as you want to criminalize being Latino or Black.

And, with that I ask, why should Americans conform to your narrow morality?
Like anything....this can be made super complex and trivial or it can be kept as simple as it actually is.
"Previous administrations" seemed to champion for almost anything low-down and filthy...always working to create a new "normal" which perpetuates a lower grade society via acceptance. This administration will bring back shame to what's become a seemingly shameless society.
Thank you for proving my point. :thup:

Looks to me like you want to go back to a Utopia that only existed on shows like Father knows Best, Ozzie and Harriot, My Three Sons, you know, fantasy.

To prefer a society made up of legit humans?
How far-fetched of an expectation huh? How dare someone expect more of their fellow dare someone condemn the behavior and actions of our filth. How dare anyone stand with a government that has the balls to denounce the anything goes free for all.
See, that's the problem...Loons have completely lost their shit...they're so fascinated by CHANGE they don't care if it's change in the wrong direction so long as they get their "CHANGE" their twisted heads this is "PROGRESSION"...haha
Yeah fantasy because all those behaviors were still there they were just "underground" because prudes like you didn't want their delicate sensibilities upset.......... Kinda sounds like a snowflake reaction on your part......... Uummmmmm........

When you say "prudes" are you referencing hard working, law abiding, positive contributing REAL Americans?
I think you're confused and probably "one of them"....You's only the higher grade or "prudes" that would have an expectation of fellow humans.
You don't really imagine that Juan, the alcoholic, drug addicted criminal illegal who beats his wife would expect a higher class American do you?
DaQuan, the worthless freeloader with six kids and four baby mommas on welfare who drinks 40's and smokes weed while I'm at work can't possibly expect more of people...right?
Are you starting to get it now?
The only thing I get is that you seem to equate only those who, think, look and act like you as real Americans. As a premise it should be unsustainable but here you are trying too sell it anyway. Tell me real American. why doesn't it bother you that your president solicited Russian help to damage your political rival? Why doesn't it bother you that your president openly profits from his position? Why doesn't it bother you that he feels it's okay to grab woman by the pussy? Why doesn't it bother you that your champion for hard working Americans has never had to do one day of manual labor in his live? Why doesn't it bother you that while he demonizes globalization, the products his family makes are made in low wage countries? In the end by making only your political belief the hallmark of being American you just show that you seem to be unaware what being American means. A country were differences are celebrated not made into a reason to hate.

Why doesn't it bother you that your president solicited Russian help to damage your political rival?
He didn't....guilty until proven innocent?
Why doesn't it bother you that your president openly profits from his position?
All POTUS profit from position...some during office, some after, some both
Why doesn't it bother you that he feels it's okay to grab woman by the pussy?
Men (real men) love grab the pussies of WILLING women
Why doesn't it bother you that your champion for hard working Americans has never had to do one day of manual labor in his live?
"Hard working" and "manual labor" are not synonyms.
Why doesn't it bother you that while he demonizes globalization, the products his family makes are made in low wage countries?
Semantics...I'm concerned with his governing NOT his licensing deals abroad
In the end by making only your political belief the hallmark of being American you just show that you seem to be unaware what being American means. A country were differences are celebrated not made into a reason to hate.
That's just what your people have spun it's the whole cherish and embrace the "melting pot" bullshit.
Most REAL American's appreciate a likeminded sort of society, a society which respects law and order, a society with a common understanding of normalcy and conformity. Sorry to hurt your feelings...cue the "sheeple" references.
Being or acting American has almost nothing to do with politics or politicians...again more fabricated spin. NEXT!
Like anything....this can be made super complex and trivial or it can be kept as simple as it actually is.
"Previous administrations" seemed to champion for almost anything low-down and filthy...always working to create a new "normal" which perpetuates a lower grade society via acceptance. This administration will bring back shame to what's become a seemingly shameless society.
Thank you for proving my point. :thup:

Looks to me like you want to go back to a Utopia that only existed on shows like Father knows Best, Ozzie and Harriot, My Three Sons, you know, fantasy.

To prefer a society made up of legit humans?
How far-fetched of an expectation huh? How dare someone expect more of their fellow dare someone condemn the behavior and actions of our filth. How dare anyone stand with a government that has the balls to denounce the anything goes free for all.
See, that's the problem...Loons have completely lost their shit...they're so fascinated by CHANGE they don't care if it's change in the wrong direction so long as they get their "CHANGE" their twisted heads this is "PROGRESSION"...haha
Yeah fantasy because all those behaviors were still there they were just "underground" because prudes like you didn't want their delicate sensibilities upset.......... Kinda sounds like a snowflake reaction on your part......... Uummmmmm........

When you say "prudes" are you referencing hard working, law abiding, positive contributing REAL Americans?
I think you're confused and probably "one of them"....You's only the higher grade or "prudes" that would have an expectation of fellow humans.
You don't really imagine that Juan, the alcoholic, drug addicted criminal illegal who beats his wife would expect a higher class American do you?
DaQuan, the worthless freeloader with six kids and four baby mommas on welfare who drinks 40's and smokes weed while I'm at work can't possibly expect more of people...right?
Are you starting to get it now?
Let's review. You cited indecency and degradation as issues Trump should act upon. In the example you provided above, you cite drug addiction, illegal immigration, domestic violence. These are crimes. But you also cited "Juan" and "DaQuan" as examples.

Your slip is showing, dear. You don't want to combat indecency and degradation as much as you want to criminalize being Latino or Black.

And, with that I ask, why should Americans conform to your narrow morality?

"Your slip is showing, dear. You don't want to combat indecency and degradation as much as you want to criminalize being Latino or Black."
I pride myself on being in touch with reality...that said, I take great pride in being a realist...a realist tends to boldly and intuitively stereotype by connecting dots.
Stop being so scared to acknowledge the real world, facts and's okay to be enlightened.
Answer me this...who and or what is and are the cause of the indecency and degradation in this nation? I have a feeling you're scared to properly appoint "the cause" just as most of "your people" are. It's so SCARY to tread in this territory of total enlightenment...haha
I'm sure it's the fault of government or the rich or the white....or something else as you and you're people are never accountable and never own shit.
The demographics are all over for you here:
Thank you for proving my point. :thup:

Looks to me like you want to go back to a Utopia that only existed on shows like Father knows Best, Ozzie and Harriot, My Three Sons, you know, fantasy.

To prefer a society made up of legit humans?
How far-fetched of an expectation huh? How dare someone expect more of their fellow dare someone condemn the behavior and actions of our filth. How dare anyone stand with a government that has the balls to denounce the anything goes free for all.
See, that's the problem...Loons have completely lost their shit...they're so fascinated by CHANGE they don't care if it's change in the wrong direction so long as they get their "CHANGE" their twisted heads this is "PROGRESSION"...haha
Yeah fantasy because all those behaviors were still there they were just "underground" because prudes like you didn't want their delicate sensibilities upset.......... Kinda sounds like a snowflake reaction on your part......... Uummmmmm........

When you say "prudes" are you referencing hard working, law abiding, positive contributing REAL Americans?
I think you're confused and probably "one of them"....You's only the higher grade or "prudes" that would have an expectation of fellow humans.
You don't really imagine that Juan, the alcoholic, drug addicted criminal illegal who beats his wife would expect a higher class American do you?
DaQuan, the worthless freeloader with six kids and four baby mommas on welfare who drinks 40's and smokes weed while I'm at work can't possibly expect more of people...right?
Are you starting to get it now?
Let's review. You cited indecency and degradation as issues Trump should act upon. In the example you provided above, you cite drug addiction, illegal immigration, domestic violence. These are crimes. But you also cited "Juan" and "DaQuan" as examples.

Your slip is showing, dear. You don't want to combat indecency and degradation as much as you want to criminalize being Latino or Black.

And, with that I ask, why should Americans conform to your narrow morality?

"Your slip is showing, dear. You don't want to combat indecency and degradation as much as you want to criminalize being Latino or Black."
I pride myself on being in touch with reality...that said, I take great pride in being a realist...a realist tends to boldly and intuitively stereotype by connecting dots.
Stop being so scared to acknowledge the real world, facts and's okay to be enlightened.
Answer me this...who and or what is and are the cause of the indecency and degradation in this nation? I have a feeling you're scared to properly appoint "the cause" just as most of "your people" are. It's so SCARY to tread in this territory of total enlightenment...haha
I'm sure it's the fault of government or the rich or the white....or something else as you and you're people are never accountable and never own shit.
The demographics are all over for you here:
You live in a bubble of your own making that's the only way you can connect the dots as you so ignorantly put it. Have you ever heard of the scientific method? No I thought not. But keep swallowing and regurgitating that rhetoric rdea...... Uummmm, what was your name again?
Thank you for proving my point. :thup:

Looks to me like you want to go back to a Utopia that only existed on shows like Father knows Best, Ozzie and Harriot, My Three Sons, you know, fantasy.

To prefer a society made up of legit humans?
How far-fetched of an expectation huh? How dare someone expect more of their fellow dare someone condemn the behavior and actions of our filth. How dare anyone stand with a government that has the balls to denounce the anything goes free for all.
See, that's the problem...Loons have completely lost their shit...they're so fascinated by CHANGE they don't care if it's change in the wrong direction so long as they get their "CHANGE" their twisted heads this is "PROGRESSION"...haha
Yeah fantasy because all those behaviors were still there they were just "underground" because prudes like you didn't want their delicate sensibilities upset.......... Kinda sounds like a snowflake reaction on your part......... Uummmmmm........

When you say "prudes" are you referencing hard working, law abiding, positive contributing REAL Americans?
I think you're confused and probably "one of them"....You's only the higher grade or "prudes" that would have an expectation of fellow humans.
You don't really imagine that Juan, the alcoholic, drug addicted criminal illegal who beats his wife would expect a higher class American do you?
DaQuan, the worthless freeloader with six kids and four baby mommas on welfare who drinks 40's and smokes weed while I'm at work can't possibly expect more of people...right?
Are you starting to get it now?
Let's review. You cited indecency and degradation as issues Trump should act upon. In the example you provided above, you cite drug addiction, illegal immigration, domestic violence. These are crimes. But you also cited "Juan" and "DaQuan" as examples.

Your slip is showing, dear. You don't want to combat indecency and degradation as much as you want to criminalize being Latino or Black.

And, with that I ask, why should Americans conform to your narrow morality?

"Your slip is showing, dear. You don't want to combat indecency and degradation as much as you want to criminalize being Latino or Black."
I pride myself on being in touch with reality...that said, I take great pride in being a realist...a realist tends to boldly and intuitively stereotype by connecting dots.
Stop being so scared to acknowledge the real world, facts and's okay to be enlightened.
Answer me this...who and or what is and are the cause of the indecency and degradation in this nation? I have a feeling you're scared to properly appoint "the cause" just as most of "your people" are. It's so SCARY to tread in this territory of total enlightenment...haha
I'm sure it's the fault of government or the rich or the white....or something else as you and you're people are never accountable and never own shit.
The demographics are all over for you here:
Stereotyping. The bane of the open minded. You would hold baseless, myopic stereotypes as the slender reed upon which you hand your argument.
Thank you for proving my point. :thup:

Looks to me like you want to go back to a Utopia that only existed on shows like Father knows Best, Ozzie and Harriot, My Three Sons, you know, fantasy.

To prefer a society made up of legit humans?
How far-fetched of an expectation huh? How dare someone expect more of their fellow dare someone condemn the behavior and actions of our filth. How dare anyone stand with a government that has the balls to denounce the anything goes free for all.
See, that's the problem...Loons have completely lost their shit...they're so fascinated by CHANGE they don't care if it's change in the wrong direction so long as they get their "CHANGE" their twisted heads this is "PROGRESSION"...haha
Yeah fantasy because all those behaviors were still there they were just "underground" because prudes like you didn't want their delicate sensibilities upset.......... Kinda sounds like a snowflake reaction on your part......... Uummmmmm........

When you say "prudes" are you referencing hard working, law abiding, positive contributing REAL Americans?
I think you're confused and probably "one of them"....You's only the higher grade or "prudes" that would have an expectation of fellow humans.
You don't really imagine that Juan, the alcoholic, drug addicted criminal illegal who beats his wife would expect a higher class American do you?
DaQuan, the worthless freeloader with six kids and four baby mommas on welfare who drinks 40's and smokes weed while I'm at work can't possibly expect more of people...right?
Are you starting to get it now?
The only thing I get is that you seem to equate only those who, think, look and act like you as real Americans. As a premise it should be unsustainable but here you are trying too sell it anyway. Tell me real American. why doesn't it bother you that your president solicited Russian help to damage your political rival? Why doesn't it bother you that your president openly profits from his position? Why doesn't it bother you that he feels it's okay to grab woman by the pussy? Why doesn't it bother you that your champion for hard working Americans has never had to do one day of manual labor in his live? Why doesn't it bother you that while he demonizes globalization, the products his family makes are made in low wage countries? In the end by making only your political belief the hallmark of being American you just show that you seem to be unaware what being American means. A country were differences are celebrated not made into a reason to hate.

Why doesn't it bother you that your president solicited Russian help to damage your political rival?
He didn't....guilty until proven innocent?
Why doesn't it bother you that your president openly profits from his position?
All POTUS profit from position...some during office, some after, some both
Why doesn't it bother you that he feels it's okay to grab woman by the pussy?
Men (real men) love grab the pussies of WILLING women
Why doesn't it bother you that your champion for hard working Americans has never had to do one day of manual labor in his live?
"Hard working" and "manual labor" are not synonyms.
Why doesn't it bother you that while he demonizes globalization, the products his family makes are made in low wage countries?
Semantics...I'm concerned with his governing NOT his licensing deals abroad
In the end by making only your political belief the hallmark of being American you just show that you seem to be unaware what being American means. A country were differences are celebrated not made into a reason to hate.
That's just what your people have spun it's the whole cherish and embrace the "melting pot" bullshit.
Most REAL American's appreciate a likeminded sort of society, a society which respects law and order, a society with a common understanding of normalcy and conformity. Sorry to hurt your feelings...cue the "sheeple" references.
Being or acting American has almost nothing to do with politics or politicians...again more fabricated spin. NEXT!
He didn't....guilty until proven innocent?
Well Don Jr was nice enough to post the e-mails proving they where very interested in using Russian help ( soliciting Russian help), so it is proven. You are just not interested.
All POTUS profit from position...some during office, some after, some both
Name me one president who refused to divest himself from his business. Or who condemned business partners not continuing contracts with his kids. Or who is both landlord and leaser of Washington hotels.
"Hard working" and "manual labor" are not synonyms.
No but when the president is from a completely different social class as the majority of the country, claiming he will champion your interests is completely naive, especially when you consider the fact that he openly pursues his interests and you find that completely okay. Why do you think his and your interests are the same?
Semantics...I'm concerned with his governing NOT his licensing deals abroad
Semantics??? He got elected because he convinced people that he would turn back globalization. The fact that he and his family profit from that same globalization shows that he has in fact different interests. It is completely relevant.

Jefferson said "all men are created equal'. Something that in the 21st century actually means all people not just whites. The statue of liberty says
"Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"
It is you that tries to reinvent America into something it was never intended to be.
[...always working to create a new "normal" which perpetuates a lower grade society via acceptance. .

So what you're implying is that Trump is more a fan of some 'master race' society.

Trump is "more a fan" of decent accountable humans. You hate that don't you?
Race equates somehow though doesn't it? Haha
Isn't that what you're saying? It sure looks like it is. It's all the other race's fault. That's the message you appear to be promoting.
To prefer a society made up of legit humans?
How far-fetched of an expectation huh? How dare someone expect more of their fellow dare someone condemn the behavior and actions of our filth. How dare anyone stand with a government that has the balls to denounce the anything goes free for all.
See, that's the problem...Loons have completely lost their shit...they're so fascinated by CHANGE they don't care if it's change in the wrong direction so long as they get their "CHANGE" their twisted heads this is "PROGRESSION"...haha
Yeah fantasy because all those behaviors were still there they were just "underground" because prudes like you didn't want their delicate sensibilities upset.......... Kinda sounds like a snowflake reaction on your part......... Uummmmmm........

When you say "prudes" are you referencing hard working, law abiding, positive contributing REAL Americans?
I think you're confused and probably "one of them"....You's only the higher grade or "prudes" that would have an expectation of fellow humans.
You don't really imagine that Juan, the alcoholic, drug addicted criminal illegal who beats his wife would expect a higher class American do you?
DaQuan, the worthless freeloader with six kids and four baby mommas on welfare who drinks 40's and smokes weed while I'm at work can't possibly expect more of people...right?
Are you starting to get it now?
The only thing I get is that you seem to equate only those who, think, look and act like you as real Americans. As a premise it should be unsustainable but here you are trying too sell it anyway. Tell me real American. why doesn't it bother you that your president solicited Russian help to damage your political rival? Why doesn't it bother you that your president openly profits from his position? Why doesn't it bother you that he feels it's okay to grab woman by the pussy? Why doesn't it bother you that your champion for hard working Americans has never had to do one day of manual labor in his live? Why doesn't it bother you that while he demonizes globalization, the products his family makes are made in low wage countries? In the end by making only your political belief the hallmark of being American you just show that you seem to be unaware what being American means. A country were differences are celebrated not made into a reason to hate.

Why doesn't it bother you that your president solicited Russian help to damage your political rival?
He didn't....guilty until proven innocent?
Why doesn't it bother you that your president openly profits from his position?
All POTUS profit from position...some during office, some after, some both
Why doesn't it bother you that he feels it's okay to grab woman by the pussy?
Men (real men) love grab the pussies of WILLING women
Why doesn't it bother you that your champion for hard working Americans has never had to do one day of manual labor in his live?
"Hard working" and "manual labor" are not synonyms.
Why doesn't it bother you that while he demonizes globalization, the products his family makes are made in low wage countries?
Semantics...I'm concerned with his governing NOT his licensing deals abroad
In the end by making only your political belief the hallmark of being American you just show that you seem to be unaware what being American means. A country were differences are celebrated not made into a reason to hate.
That's just what your people have spun it's the whole cherish and embrace the "melting pot" bullshit.
Most REAL American's appreciate a likeminded sort of society, a society which respects law and order, a society with a common understanding of normalcy and conformity. Sorry to hurt your feelings...cue the "sheeple" references.
Being or acting American has almost nothing to do with politics or politicians...again more fabricated spin. NEXT!
He didn't....guilty until proven innocent?
Well Don Jr was nice enough to post the e-mails proving they where very interested in using Russian help ( soliciting Russian help), so it is proven. You are just not interested.
All POTUS profit from position...some during office, some after, some both
Name me one president who refused to divest himself from his business. Or who condemned business partners not continuing contracts with his kids. Or who is both landlord and leaser of Washington hotels.
"Hard working" and "manual labor" are not synonyms.
No but when the president is from a completely different social class as the majority of the country, claiming he will champion your interests is completely naive, especially when you consider the fact that he openly pursues his interests and you find that completely okay. Why do you think his and your interests are the same?
Semantics...I'm concerned with his governing NOT his licensing deals abroad
Semantics??? He got elected because he convinced people that he would turn back globalization. The fact that he and his family profit from that same globalization shows that he has in fact different interests. It is completely relevant.

Jefferson said "all men are created equal'. Something that in the 21st century actually means all people not just whites. The statue of liberty says
"Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"
It is you that tries to reinvent America into something it was never intended to be.

Look're in a perpetual spin right now...I've retorted all your but, but, but bleeding heart bullshit. I don't have the time or the will to engage in talking in circles and playing semantics with you.

Stephen Miller said:
"I don't want to get off into a whole thing about history here, but the Statue of Liberty is a symbol of American liberty lighting the world. The poem that you're referring to was added later (and) is not actually part of the original Statue of Liberty."
Yeah fantasy because all those behaviors were still there they were just "underground" because prudes like you didn't want their delicate sensibilities upset.......... Kinda sounds like a snowflake reaction on your part......... Uummmmmm........

When you say "prudes" are you referencing hard working, law abiding, positive contributing REAL Americans?
I think you're confused and probably "one of them"....You's only the higher grade or "prudes" that would have an expectation of fellow humans.
You don't really imagine that Juan, the alcoholic, drug addicted criminal illegal who beats his wife would expect a higher class American do you?
DaQuan, the worthless freeloader with six kids and four baby mommas on welfare who drinks 40's and smokes weed while I'm at work can't possibly expect more of people...right?
Are you starting to get it now?
The only thing I get is that you seem to equate only those who, think, look and act like you as real Americans. As a premise it should be unsustainable but here you are trying too sell it anyway. Tell me real American. why doesn't it bother you that your president solicited Russian help to damage your political rival? Why doesn't it bother you that your president openly profits from his position? Why doesn't it bother you that he feels it's okay to grab woman by the pussy? Why doesn't it bother you that your champion for hard working Americans has never had to do one day of manual labor in his live? Why doesn't it bother you that while he demonizes globalization, the products his family makes are made in low wage countries? In the end by making only your political belief the hallmark of being American you just show that you seem to be unaware what being American means. A country were differences are celebrated not made into a reason to hate.

Why doesn't it bother you that your president solicited Russian help to damage your political rival?
He didn't....guilty until proven innocent?
Why doesn't it bother you that your president openly profits from his position?
All POTUS profit from position...some during office, some after, some both
Why doesn't it bother you that he feels it's okay to grab woman by the pussy?
Men (real men) love grab the pussies of WILLING women
Why doesn't it bother you that your champion for hard working Americans has never had to do one day of manual labor in his live?
"Hard working" and "manual labor" are not synonyms.
Why doesn't it bother you that while he demonizes globalization, the products his family makes are made in low wage countries?
Semantics...I'm concerned with his governing NOT his licensing deals abroad
In the end by making only your political belief the hallmark of being American you just show that you seem to be unaware what being American means. A country were differences are celebrated not made into a reason to hate.
That's just what your people have spun it's the whole cherish and embrace the "melting pot" bullshit.
Most REAL American's appreciate a likeminded sort of society, a society which respects law and order, a society with a common understanding of normalcy and conformity. Sorry to hurt your feelings...cue the "sheeple" references.
Being or acting American has almost nothing to do with politics or politicians...again more fabricated spin. NEXT!
He didn't....guilty until proven innocent?
Well Don Jr was nice enough to post the e-mails proving they where very interested in using Russian help ( soliciting Russian help), so it is proven. You are just not interested.
All POTUS profit from position...some during office, some after, some both
Name me one president who refused to divest himself from his business. Or who condemned business partners not continuing contracts with his kids. Or who is both landlord and leaser of Washington hotels.
"Hard working" and "manual labor" are not synonyms.
No but when the president is from a completely different social class as the majority of the country, claiming he will champion your interests is completely naive, especially when you consider the fact that he openly pursues his interests and you find that completely okay. Why do you think his and your interests are the same?
Semantics...I'm concerned with his governing NOT his licensing deals abroad
Semantics??? He got elected because he convinced people that he would turn back globalization. The fact that he and his family profit from that same globalization shows that he has in fact different interests. It is completely relevant.

Jefferson said "all men are created equal'. Something that in the 21st century actually means all people not just whites. The statue of liberty says
"Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"
It is you that tries to reinvent America into something it was never intended to be.

Look're in a perpetual spin right now...I've retorted all your but, but, but bleeding heart bullshit. I don't have the time or the will to engage in talking in circles and playing semantics with you.

Stephen Miller said:
"I don't want to get off into a whole thing about history here, but the Statue of Liberty is a symbol of American liberty lighting the world. The poem that you're referring to was added later (and) is not actually part of the original Statue of Liberty."
I'm in a spin? I'm the one talking in circles? You should be looking in a mirror when you say that. Your bull shit deflection is duly noted and duly rejected. Besides, what the fuck does a quote by Stephan Miller have to do with anything we're discussing here.
Oh and you're way off the mark about the bleeding heart quip, but I guess any straw to help you stay afloat eh.......... I would expect no less from a partisan hack rdea....... Oh shit I keep forgetting your name.
[...always working to create a new "normal" which perpetuates a lower grade society via acceptance. .

So what you're implying is that Trump is more a fan of some 'master race' society.

Trump is "more a fan" of decent accountable humans. You hate that don't you?
Race equates somehow though doesn't it? Haha
Isn't that what you're saying? It sure looks like it is. It's all the other race's fault. That's the message you appear to be promoting.

(This is probably where you duck out of this thread)
Are you suggesting that race DOES NOT equate?
I could post per capita statistics by race if you'd like? Would that make it easier for you to wrap your head around it all and swallow the truth?
You know...stats that cast clarity over the debate and shed light on the root causes of indecency and degradation.
Teen pregnancy
Drug addiction
Welfare recipients
High school graduates
Average iQ
College graduates
Average income
Etc etc
Again, there's a little tiny website with all the enlightenment you DON'T want.
[...always working to create a new "normal" which perpetuates a lower grade society via acceptance. .

So what you're implying is that Trump is more a fan of some 'master race' society.

Trump is "more a fan" of decent accountable humans. You hate that don't you?
Race equates somehow though doesn't it? Haha
Isn't that what you're saying? It sure looks like it is. It's all the other race's fault. That's the message you appear to be promoting.

(This is probably where you duck out of this thread)
Are you suggesting that race DOES NOT equate?
I could post per capita statistics by race if you'd like? Would that make it easier for you to wrap your head around it all and swallow the truth?
You know...stats that cast clarity over the debate and shed light on the root causes of indecency and degradation.
Teen pregnancy
Drug addiction
Welfare recipients
High school graduates
Average iQ
College graduates
Average income
Etc etc
Again, there's a little tiny website with all the enlightenment you DON'T want.
Only in your uneducated mind. Go back to Stormfront you won't get any converts here.
Yeah fantasy because all those behaviors were still there they were just "underground" because prudes like you didn't want their delicate sensibilities upset.......... Kinda sounds like a snowflake reaction on your part......... Uummmmmm........

When you say "prudes" are you referencing hard working, law abiding, positive contributing REAL Americans?
I think you're confused and probably "one of them"....You's only the higher grade or "prudes" that would have an expectation of fellow humans.
You don't really imagine that Juan, the alcoholic, drug addicted criminal illegal who beats his wife would expect a higher class American do you?
DaQuan, the worthless freeloader with six kids and four baby mommas on welfare who drinks 40's and smokes weed while I'm at work can't possibly expect more of people...right?
Are you starting to get it now?
The only thing I get is that you seem to equate only those who, think, look and act like you as real Americans. As a premise it should be unsustainable but here you are trying too sell it anyway. Tell me real American. why doesn't it bother you that your president solicited Russian help to damage your political rival? Why doesn't it bother you that your president openly profits from his position? Why doesn't it bother you that he feels it's okay to grab woman by the pussy? Why doesn't it bother you that your champion for hard working Americans has never had to do one day of manual labor in his live? Why doesn't it bother you that while he demonizes globalization, the products his family makes are made in low wage countries? In the end by making only your political belief the hallmark of being American you just show that you seem to be unaware what being American means. A country were differences are celebrated not made into a reason to hate.

Why doesn't it bother you that your president solicited Russian help to damage your political rival?
He didn't....guilty until proven innocent?
Why doesn't it bother you that your president openly profits from his position?
All POTUS profit from position...some during office, some after, some both
Why doesn't it bother you that he feels it's okay to grab woman by the pussy?
Men (real men) love grab the pussies of WILLING women
Why doesn't it bother you that your champion for hard working Americans has never had to do one day of manual labor in his live?
"Hard working" and "manual labor" are not synonyms.
Why doesn't it bother you that while he demonizes globalization, the products his family makes are made in low wage countries?
Semantics...I'm concerned with his governing NOT his licensing deals abroad
In the end by making only your political belief the hallmark of being American you just show that you seem to be unaware what being American means. A country were differences are celebrated not made into a reason to hate.
That's just what your people have spun it's the whole cherish and embrace the "melting pot" bullshit.
Most REAL American's appreciate a likeminded sort of society, a society which respects law and order, a society with a common understanding of normalcy and conformity. Sorry to hurt your feelings...cue the "sheeple" references.
Being or acting American has almost nothing to do with politics or politicians...again more fabricated spin. NEXT!
He didn't....guilty until proven innocent?
Well Don Jr was nice enough to post the e-mails proving they where very interested in using Russian help ( soliciting Russian help), so it is proven. You are just not interested.
All POTUS profit from position...some during office, some after, some both
Name me one president who refused to divest himself from his business. Or who condemned business partners not continuing contracts with his kids. Or who is both landlord and leaser of Washington hotels.
"Hard working" and "manual labor" are not synonyms.
No but when the president is from a completely different social class as the majority of the country, claiming he will champion your interests is completely naive, especially when you consider the fact that he openly pursues his interests and you find that completely okay. Why do you think his and your interests are the same?
Semantics...I'm concerned with his governing NOT his licensing deals abroad
Semantics??? He got elected because he convinced people that he would turn back globalization. The fact that he and his family profit from that same globalization shows that he has in fact different interests. It is completely relevant.

Jefferson said "all men are created equal'. Something that in the 21st century actually means all people not just whites. The statue of liberty says
"Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"
It is you that tries to reinvent America into something it was never intended to be.

Look're in a perpetual spin right now...I've retorted all your but, but, but bleeding heart bullshit. I don't have the time or the will to engage in talking in circles and playing semantics with you.

Stephen Miller said:
"I don't want to get off into a whole thing about history here, but the Statue of Liberty is a symbol of American liberty lighting the world. The poem that you're referring to was added later (and) is not actually part of the original Statue of Liberty."
Well I guess when you claim you refute anything without doing any refuting there is no point. I have given you more respect then you probably deserved by indulging your statement with an actual counter argument. Not once did I need to revert to rhetoric or unsubstantiated claims, I decided too ignore your bigotry, because I'm not a fan of name calling. And unlike you I don't equate being patriotic with being like me. I gave you the opportunity to explain your viewpoint as someone who deserves to have his opinion no matter how far it is removed from mine. Since you are incapable of doing the same I hope you have a good night.
[...always working to create a new "normal" which perpetuates a lower grade society via acceptance. .

So what you're implying is that Trump is more a fan of some 'master race' society.

Trump is "more a fan" of decent accountable humans. You hate that don't you?
Race equates somehow though doesn't it? Haha

The guy ran the Trump University scam is a 'fan' of decency and accountability?

are you fucking nuts?

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