Trump lied about MS-13

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The left are defending MS13 gang members again, shocker. You people really are filthy scum.

The Left defends terrorists. Is this any shocker? The Left will do anything to whore itself, cheat, rob, buy, or lie for a vote. Everything except actually earn a vote.
No surprise that he lied about this too. Has he ever told the truth about anything? Finally today, listening to his "animals" and that they're coming 'in record numbers' lie, I decided to post the facts.

No record numbers. Obama deported more than trump so that's another trump lie.

Also, RWs here have posted about MS-13 coming FROM other countries. They're wrong/lied as well.

Washington Post: Breaking News, World, US, DC News & Analysis

Made in the USA: The Real History of the MS-13 Gang Trump Talked About in State of the Union | Democracy Now!

Nope, the New York Times lied about Trump. The Amazon.Com Post blatantly lied to promote an El Salvadorian gang that recently kidnapped a 14 year old girl and raped her to death,

But hey, you hate Trump so that makes it good. because HATE TRUMP

The fucking lying shit of CNN spewed their vicious lies as well

{The news media, led by NBC’s Andrea Mitchell, the New York Times and C-SPAN created a lie that Trump called all immigrants “animals”, or that he called “undocumented immigrants” animals. Either way, the reports and video clips were stripped of the context that Trump was responding to Fresno County Sheriff Margaret Mims complaining that California’s sanctuary policies prevent her from contacting ICE about MS-13 gang members in the Fresno jail unless they meet a certain threshold.}

Kellyanne Conway Demands Apology Over Lies About Pres. Trump’s MS-13 Immigrant ‘Animals’ Comments; AP Deletes Tweet, CNN Clarifies - Tea Party News

You Stalinist pigs are such fucking liars, no surprise you are promoting MS-13. You're as evil as they are, you are animals, but much lower than my dogs.
No surprise that he lied about this too. Has he ever told the truth about anything? Finally today, listening to his "animals" and that they're coming 'in record numbers' lie, I decided to post the facts.

No record numbers. Obama deported more than trump so that's another trump lie.

Also, RWs here have posted about MS-13 coming FROM other countries. They're wrong/lied as well.

Washington Post: Breaking News, World, US, DC News & Analysis

Made in the USA: The Real History of the MS-13 Gang Trump Talked About in State of the Union | Democracy Now!

Thank you! Trump lies about everything.
DeMS-13: we hate Americans, we're taking your guns and money and making America safe for MS-13 a violent Mexican gang.

Run on that in the midterms
DeMS-13: we hate Americans, we're taking your guns and money and making America safe for MS-13 a violent Mexican gang.

Run on that in the midterms

another well thought out leftist platform to run on

fits right in with their fuck the police platform
MS-13 is one of the most Democrat voting group on the planet... and also one of the group that murder the largest amounts of Americans as an added bonus to others who hate America.

Of course they are not animals, they are heroes!
MS-13 may be from El Salvador, but the come in illegally through Mexico. That's where they need to be stopped. They are extremely violent, and kill for street cred, as well as drugs, and other reasons. They are proud of killing to get their jollies. Yes, they are animals.

I watched a series on gang violence - Gangland - or something like that - the gang thugs get in the country more ways than on foot - BEELEEVE IT.
if it was on gangland I’m sure it was gospel
No surprise that he lied about this too. Has he ever told the truth about anything? Finally today, listening to his "animals" and that they're coming 'in record numbers' lie, I decided to post the facts.

No record numbers. Obama deported more than trump so that's another trump lie.

Also, RWs here have posted about MS-13 coming FROM other countries. They're wrong/lied as well.

Washington Post: Breaking News, World, US, DC News & Analysis

Made in the USA: The Real History of the MS-13 Gang Trump Talked About in State of the Union | Democracy Now!

MS13 are animals. Quit defending them

Strange, in 10 minutes of TV this morning, there are multiple accounts of the liberal media defending MS13 being called animals. Not sure how anyone can say the left is not defending the animals

Strange, in 10 minutes of TV this morning, there are multiple accounts of the liberal media defending MS13 being called animals. Not sure how anyone can say the left is not defending the animals


You are not as stupid as you are pretending to be. What’s it like to be forced to dumb down in order to make the argument that you wish to make? Is it boring? Or do you get a kick out of it?
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