Trump Lies Again About 19,000 ‘Deleted’ FBI Text Messages

I love it when President Trump lies. Even the littlest fibs invoke the wailing and gnashing of teeth from the regressive libtards, which is music to my ears.

You've sure set the bar high, haven't you......

It's all entertainment. I might even start downing a shot every time someone posts "Trump lied..." or "Trump did this..." or Trump did that..."

It will be called the "TDS Drinking Game."
Does Trump ever feel stupid for making such blatant lies which can easily be debunked? Do his supporters ever feel stupid for approving and supporting his lies?

Do you ever feel stupid for thinking for one second that pathetic criminal lying bitch Hillary of yours stood a shadow of a chance ever being president?

Hillary? Duh, please pay attention. This thread is about Trump lying about something easily disproved.

Another liberal who can only win through censorship. Is that the only way for you to win arguments is by only having one side to everything? How can you talk about what is up without first establishing what is down? How do you define light without first admitting dark? Likewise, no discussion of Trump good or bad can be valid without at least comparing him to his contemporaries for contrast. Really, 8th grade material, Lackoata, which places it about 4 grades too high for you.
The inspector general of the president’s own Justice Department concluded the texts were missing due to technological glitches; 20,000 were recovered.

As President Donald Trump raged against “angry Democrats” in a tweet Saturday, he repeated a lie that 19,000 FBI texts had been deliberately deleted and were missing. More than 20,000 texts lost in a technological glitch were recovered, which was clearly stated in a report early this month by the Office of the Inspector General in Trump’s own Justice Department.

“All Texts Demanded!” Trump tweeted, claiming the “Mueller Angry Democrats” for “recently deleted approximately 19,000 Text messages” between former FBI agent Peter Strzok and his girlfriend, FBI lawyer Lisa Page. “This is a total Obstruction of Justice,” he added.

Strzok was fired in August for derogatory comments about Trump he sent to Page, who resigned in May.

More than 19,000 texts were found to be missing during the investigation into the communication between the two. But the OIG determined that the texts were missing due to technological glitches in the FBI’s data-collection tool and not because of malicious intent. There was “no evidence” that Strzok and Page “attempted to circumvent” the FBI’s data-retention policies, the report concluded.

There was no mention of deliberate deletion by “the Mueller Angry Democrats.”

More than 20,000 texts were recovered, according to the OIG report.

More: Trump Lies Again About 19,000 'Deleted' FBI Text Messages

Unbelievable! Trump just stop lying. What do you think?

That you are an idiot?
I love it when President Trump lies.

Bullshit. There is no equivalency. I used to vote more Republican than Democrat - but the GOP became evil starting with Reagan. That's when I flipped.

You or someone close to you was promised to get or keep something if Hillary won....some sort of job or's're a fraud.
Bullshit. There is no equivalency. I used to vote more Republican than Democrat - but the GOP became evil starting with Reagan. That's when I flipped.

You or someone close to you was promised to get or keep something if Hillary won....some sort of job or's're a fraud.

Hillary? Really? Give me some proof. I'm 72 and been retired for 10 years. Don't make up shit about people you know nothing about.
I love it when President Trump lies

WHat the fuck has happened to Republicans

The same question can be asked of you tards. You've all gone full retard on both sides.

Get outta here, there no equivalency on the left to something so intelectually deplorable.

Sure there is. But your side has been retarded for so long that my side is not only going to match your retardedness, but outdo yours.

Radical rules work both ways, you know.
Hillary? Really? Give me some proof. I'm 72 and been retired for 10 years. Don't make up shit about people you know nothing about.

Said it was you or somebody close to miss a lot, like how the Ratocrats are screwing you and everybody else for a nice office, a limo, no wait at the tony believe they give a shit whether you live or die after an election? think again.

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