Trump Lies Again About 19,000 ‘Deleted’ FBI Text Messages

Bullshit. There is no equivalency. I used to vote more Republican than Democrat - but the GOP became evil starting with Reagan. That's when I flipped.

You or someone close to you was promised to get or keep something if Hillary won....some sort of job or's're a fraud.

It was probably the drugs. People tend to go through weird changes when they do drugs.
It was probably the drugs. People tend to go through weird changes when they do drugs.

Peyote buds/mescaline...why else would somebody dance around a fire chanting shit? :lol:

We still do that when out on elk hunts and giving thanks to the Great Spirit Wakan Tanka.

That's a real nice combination: Drugs and guns. Does the BATF know that you're in the illegal possession of a firearm?
Oh, so now you're trying to flame me. BTW, we all live on dirt - but some of us appreciate and respect the land more than others.

The hippies tried to emulate the "indian way" but finally went home, took a shower, and got a haircut and a job. Your modern leftists are statists and couldn't care less about your history or their own. You're even more out of fashion than we conservatives....that must sting.
I love it when President Trump lies

WHat the fuck has happened to Republicans

The same question can be asked of you tards. You've all gone full retard on both sides.

Get outta here, there no equivalency on the left to something so intelectually deplorable.

Yeah, that's a good one. I'll go tit for tat with that idea all day. Cite something mainstream conservative that's "deplorable", we'll see if I can top it. The problem for you is we must be objective, as opposed to something plunging away at your bunghole, such as the Russian investigation.

BTW dumbass, you spelled intellectually wrong, which is ironic. It wouldn't have fit your intent anyway, but I recognize you were just trying to sound smart.
Get outta here, there no equivalency on the left to something so intelectually deplorable.

Bullshit. There is no equivalency. I used to vote more Republican than Democrat - but the GOP became evil starting with Reagan. That's when I flipped.

Laughing at you.jpg
I love it when President Trump lies. Even the littlest fibs invoke the wailing and gnashing of teeth from the regressive libtards, which is music to my ears.
And that’s really all you have to show for isn’t it? Our president is crooked and is a complete moron, but that’s okay because when he lies liberals get pissed. It doesn’t matter how much of a useless sack of shit Trump actually is.
I love it when President Trump lies. Even the littlest fibs invoke the wailing and gnashing of teeth from the regressive libtards, which is music to my ears.
And that’s really all you have to show for isn’t it? Our president is crooked and is a complete moron, but that’s okay because when he lies liberals get pissed. It doesn’t matter how much of a useless sack of shit Trump actually is.

Why would I need my TV? The evidence for Trump being a moron who doesn’t hold promises is plentiful. I don’t need a TV for that. I just need evidence of what Trump said in the campaign and compare it the reality at which we are at.
These are not the same texts, dear. Those are from the Samsung phones the fbi issued. The iPhones they were issued by special counsel were wiped clean, none to be recovered.
Don’t believe me? Read it for yourself.

The iPhones issued by SCO were reset to factory default by the DoJ after having been returned, and slated to be reissued to other users. Since it's unknown whether there were any messages on these phones, and if so, how many, no, these aren't the messages the Trumpy pretends to whine about.

So, I don't believe you, and for the best of reasons. Perhaps you should have read the linked text, and for comprehension. Dear.
Actually, yes they are. And for you to think there were no messages? Lol.
These are not the same texts, dear. Those are from the Samsung phones the fbi issued. The iPhones they were issued by special counsel were wiped clean, none to be recovered.
Don’t believe me? Read it for yourself.

The iPhones issued by SCO were reset to factory default by the DoJ after having been returned, and slated to be reissued to other users. Since it's unknown whether there were any messages on these phones, and if so, how many, no, these aren't the messages the Trumpy pretends to whine about.

So, I don't believe you, and for the best of reasons. Perhaps you should have read the linked text, and for comprehension. Dear.
Does Trump ever feel stupid for making such blatant lies which can easily be debunked? Do his supporters ever feel stupid for approving and supporting his lies?
do you ever feel stupid for letting him live in your head?
I love it when President Trump lies. Even the littlest fibs invoke the wailing and gnashing of teeth from the regressive libtards, which is music to my ears.

What an idiotic response. When your political goal is to piss off the other side, you're no longer interested in what's best for the nation, and are only interested in hastening its destruction. It's why you assholes can't possibly be Americans and why the Russian contingent on this board is so dangerous.

Any real American, especially one with "conservatives values", hates lies and liars. Lying is covered in the 10 Commandments. That's where it stands in God's eyes, and in the eyes of those who claim their religion is their primary allegiance. Those couldn't possibly vote for a Democrat because of their stance on abortion, which is NOT covered in the 10 Commandments.

Trump has been very careful to pander to his religious base as well. His moving of the US Embassy to Jerusalem was a very calculated move to appease the religious right, which had the additional value of pleasing the Israelis as well. But to very clear: the embassy move was all about his evangelical base.

For years, Republicans have been promising a lot of stuff to the evangelicals, and never delivering. The return of prayer in schools, right wing courts, moving the embassy to Jerusalem, banning abortion. Trump is delivering on more of those promises than any previous Republican they voted for, and they will hold their nose at the lying, the adultery, and the theft, if he can deliver on abortion. He's already tried take birth control out of Obamacare, and women's reproductive health is now a "pre-existing condition". Anything that can be done to restrict reproductive choices for women is a win for evangelicals who think birth control is evil and promotes promiscuity.

The vast majority of Americans think that the character of the President of the United States, matters a great deal. Lying to voters to the extent that Trump lies daily, ought to be illegal.
I love it when President Trump lies. Even the littlest fibs invoke the wailing and gnashing of teeth from the regressive libtards, which is music to my ears.

What an idiotic response. When your political goal is to piss off the other side, you're no longer interested in what's best for the nation, and are only interested in hastening its destruction. It's why you assholes can't possibly be Americans and why the Russian contingent on this board is so dangerous.

Any real American, especially one with "conservatives values", hates lies and liars. Lying is covered in the 10 Commandments. That's where it stands in God's eyes, and in the eyes of those who claim their religion is their primary allegiance. Those couldn't possibly vote for a Democrat because of their stance on abortion, which is NOT covered in the 10 Commandments.

Trump has been very careful to pander to his religious base as well. His moving of the US Embassy to Jerusalem was a very calculated move to appease the religious right, which had the additional value of pleasing the Israelis as well. But to very clear: the embassy move was all about his evangelical base.

For years, Republicans have been promising a lot of stuff to the evangelicals, and never delivering. The return of prayer in schools, right wing courts, moving the embassy to Jerusalem, banning abortion. Trump is delivering on more of those promises than any previous Republican they voted for, and they will hold their nose at the lying, the adultery, and the theft, if he can deliver on abortion. He's already tried take birth control out of Obamacare, and women's reproductive health is now a "pre-existing condition". Anything that can be done to restrict reproductive choices for women is a win for evangelicals who think birth control is evil and promotes promiscuity.

The vast majority of Americans think that the character of the President of the United States, matters a great deal. Lying to voters to the extent that Trump lies daily, ought to be illegal.
isnt the entire dem goal to NOT work with the other side? certainly not any better. dont give me the "its different" wah either.

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