Trump lies shamelessly about his tax-cut plan.

I read it & it helps the richest, and gives very little to the middle class, & helps working class people not at all. and that's before they play with it a little more. when its done my guess is it will be worse.
And he keeps repeating how great it is Guess he knows his sheep will believe anything he says
I wish you knew something.
I know what the estate tax is Go back to school jc and not the reform school you must have been in
I'm happy for you. now show us how he isn't helping the middle class. provide the link from which you get your information.
Q. Is she subsidized or are Wal-Mart and the Walton Children?

Well, if I had my head in my ass I would say the Waltons are subsidized. Since I do not I'd say Guadalupe applied for and accepted a job knowing it would not pay enough to pay for HER poor decision making. Simple shit for the sane to wrap their head want more....FUCKING DO MORE!
Get educated and get your shit right....don't fuck yourself and American taxpayers and have four babies with three worthless baby daddy's. Follow this simple principle and prevent yourself from becoming a human pet to taxpayers....TA-DA!
What else can I teach you?

Wow, are you guys this damn stupid. You want more, FUCKING DO MORE, except in this case sometimes doing more means GETTING LESS, and at best, it means giving up eighty five cents of every dollar.
who's giving up 85%? show us how you get that.

Is English not your primary language? Again,

The marginal tax rate represents the total increase in taxes and/or loss of government benefits for each additional dollar of earnings. For example, a marginal tax rate of 30 percent means that each additional dollar of income will cause a lossof 30 cents through higher taxes and/or lower benefits
still looking for your 85%. where? that shows them keeping 70% of their money on each additional dollar. that's pretty good. Cause it isn't their's anyway.

You are making shit up. She makes an extra dollar. The bottom income tax rate is currently ten percent, Trump wants to INCREASE IT. But anyways, that is ten cents on the dollar. The Social Security tax rate, applicable on EVERY DOLLAR SHE EARNS, is about seven and a half percent. That is seven and a half cents. She LOSES about thirty cents of her EITC for every dollar she earns. She LOSES about forty cents of food stamps for every dollar she earns. That is what is called the phase down. So now we are already over eighty five percent. It really is not that hard to understand.
Claims that he, and other rich will not benefit from his tax-cut...while it does EVERYTHING to benefit them:

1. removing inheritance tax.
2. Removes Alternate Minimum tax
3. pass through business income top bracket cut from 39 to just 20%
4. Top personal income rate from 39 to 35%
5. Corporate tax rate cut from 35% to 20%

This all adds up to a HUGE TAX CUTS FOR THE RICH and Trump personally with not a single idea on how to pay for all that.

And then he tops it off with "Belive me!"...what the fuck is wrong with him and how can his supporters stand by him when he pretty much spits in their face like that and calls them too stupid to know better.

Analysis | Tax reform is ‘not good for me, believe me,’ Trump said. Don’t.
/----/ make sure you send your tax cut back to Washington.

Yep, can't directly respond, so you go fishing.
I have already explained that the majority of wealth subject to the estate tax is unrealized capital gains that have NEVER BEEN TAXED. Maybe if you pulled your head out of your ass you might be able to reveal something besides your own stupidity.

Much of the money that wealthy heirs inherit would never face any taxation were it not for the estate tax. In fact, that’s one reason why policymakers created the estate tax in 1916: to serve as a backstop to the income tax, taxing the income of wealthy taxpayers that would otherwise go completely untaxed.

Under the current tax system, capital gains tax is due on the appreciation of assets, such as real estate, stock, or an art collection, only when the owner “realizes” the gain (usually by selling the asset). Therefore, the increase in the value of an asset is never subject to income tax if the owner holds on to the asset until death

Ten Facts You Should Know About the Federal Estate Tax
whoa bubba, you can only have a capital gain if you cash out. why would they cash out? Capital gains is Capital gains, estate tax is retaxing taxed money.

You buy a stock for one dollar. It increases in value to ten dollars. You die. Your heir now gets the stock. Then it increases to eleven dollars and he sells it. Under current law, what is his capital gain? And under current law when is the nine dollars in capital gains from the deceased taxed?
that's a capital gain. yep. he pays on the increase. that isn't estate tax though. that's a capital gains tax. If I have property and will it to my kids, they tax the transfer of the property. No new money!

He pays on the increase from the time of inheritance to the time of sale. My question to you is when is the gain from the time of purchase to the time of death taxed since you claim the estate tax is double taxation. So, when was it taxed?
well see one would have to sell the land. and that isn't happening. so the sibling is paying taxes on money not earned. And when he/she sells it, if there is a gain, then they also pay the capital gains. that's pure horseshit.

Who said anything about land? Come on. You buy a stock for one dollar. When you die it is worth ten. Your heir keeps it for a year and sells it for eleven dollars. Under current law, what is his capital gain? Hell, I will answer for you. It is ONE DOLLAR. So now you answer this question, when was the capital gain of nine dollars, from time of your purchase to time of your death taxed?
A Quarter of Households Would Get a Tax Increase
September 29, 2017 at 2:23 pm EDTBy Taegan Goddard69 Comments

“The Republican tax plan would deliver a major benefit to the top 1 percent of Americans, according to a new analysis by a leading group of nonpartisan tax experts that challenges the White House’s portrayal of its effects,” the Washington Post reports.

“The plan would deliver far more modest tax cuts to most other households — an average cut of $1,700 for households in 2027… But the results would be unevenly spread, with 1 in 4 households paying more in taxes.”

“Despite repeated promises from Republican lawmakers that the plan is designed to provide relief to the middle class, nearly 30 percent of taxpayers with incomes between $50,000 and $150,000 would see a tax increase… The majority of households that made between $150,000 and $300,000 would see a tax increase.”
Well, if I had my head in my ass I would say the Waltons are subsidized. Since I do not I'd say Guadalupe applied for and accepted a job knowing it would not pay enough to pay for HER poor decision making. Simple shit for the sane to wrap their head want more....FUCKING DO MORE!
Get educated and get your shit right....don't fuck yourself and American taxpayers and have four babies with three worthless baby daddy's. Follow this simple principle and prevent yourself from becoming a human pet to taxpayers....TA-DA!
What else can I teach you?

Wow, are you guys this damn stupid. You want more, FUCKING DO MORE, except in this case sometimes doing more means GETTING LESS, and at best, it means giving up eighty five cents of every dollar.
who's giving up 85%? show us how you get that.

Is English not your primary language? Again,

The marginal tax rate represents the total increase in taxes and/or loss of government benefits for each additional dollar of earnings. For example, a marginal tax rate of 30 percent means that each additional dollar of income will cause a lossof 30 cents through higher taxes and/or lower benefits
still looking for your 85%. where? that shows them keeping 70% of their money on each additional dollar. that's pretty good. Cause it isn't their's anyway.

You are making shit up. She makes an extra dollar. The bottom income tax rate is currently ten percent, Trump wants to INCREASE IT. But anyways, that is ten cents on the dollar. The Social Security tax rate, applicable on EVERY DOLLAR SHE EARNS, is about seven and a half percent. That is seven and a half cents. She LOSES about thirty cents of her EITC for every dollar she earns. She LOSES about forty cents of food stamps for every dollar she earns. That is what is called the phase down. So now we are already over eighty five percent. It really is not that hard to understand.
so how much tax does she actually pay at tax time? None of it. she gets every cent of what she earned back.
Claims that he, and other rich will not benefit from his tax-cut...while it does EVERYTHING to benefit them:

1. removing inheritance tax.
2. Removes Alternate Minimum tax
3. pass through business income top bracket cut from 39 to just 20%
4. Top personal income rate from 39 to 35%
5. Corporate tax rate cut from 35% to 20%

This all adds up to a HUGE TAX CUTS FOR THE RICH and Trump personally with not a single idea on how to pay for all that.

And then he tops it off with "Belive me!"...what the fuck is wrong with him and how can his supporters stand by him when he pretty much spits in their face like that and calls them too stupid to know better.

Analysis | Tax reform is ‘not good for me, believe me,’ Trump said. Don’t.

But it benefits the majority of the middle class...

As long as I get mine, I could care less who else benefits

You do realise that giving tax cuts while driving up the national debt has consequences that aren't beneficial to you?
8. United States of America
  • National Debt: $19.23 trillion (USD)
  • Debt per Capita: $61,231 (USD)
  • Debt-to-GDP Ratio: 106.1%
  • Population: 324.35 million
  • Currency: US Dollar
The United States is the world’s largest economy and it also has the highest level of national debt. While its national debt levels exceed the country’s GDP in 2017, in 2007, the U.S. debt-to-GDP ratio was at just 62.5%. The U.S. government spends around 6% of its annual budget just repaying the interest payments on its debt, which significantly reduces the amount of money available to pay for other programs. In order to repay such a massive debt, the government could decrease spending, which could impede economic growth, or increase taxes to raise revenue.
So you might not care who benefits from tax cuts, but maybe you should. I personally don't think it a bad idea to tax people who can afford to pay the increase.

After 8 years of Obama, I'm immune to increases of the debt. In this case, its for a good cause.


I disagree that enriching the 1% while screwing over the working class is a "good cause".

That the right wants to do that and is even looking forward to digging deeper for the ultra-rich shows what we all know - the gop/Repubs/RWs are for tax and spend.

Example: has anyone said where the money will come from for pino trump's idiotic wall?


How exactly is this plan 'screwing over the working class' as you say?


Geaux I'll make it very plain:

WE HAVE BILLS TO PAY, and if it is not rich people, then by simple logic someone else has to pay them...someone else being middle and low class, with interest on all the debt tax-cuts will rake up.

Now it MAY BE that you feel like the rich pay enough taxes even with a tax cut, but you gotta understand that it has to come out of SOMEWHERE eventually, be it someone else's taxes or Defense budget or Social Security and Medicare cuts.

I don't think the rich need a tax-cut, I think the rich are doing quiet well in this country and along with all the debts we are raking up this policy simply does not make any sense.
Last edited:
whoa bubba, you can only have a capital gain if you cash out. why would they cash out? Capital gains is Capital gains, estate tax is retaxing taxed money.

You buy a stock for one dollar. It increases in value to ten dollars. You die. Your heir now gets the stock. Then it increases to eleven dollars and he sells it. Under current law, what is his capital gain? And under current law when is the nine dollars in capital gains from the deceased taxed?
that's a capital gain. yep. he pays on the increase. that isn't estate tax though. that's a capital gains tax. If I have property and will it to my kids, they tax the transfer of the property. No new money!

He pays on the increase from the time of inheritance to the time of sale. My question to you is when is the gain from the time of purchase to the time of death taxed since you claim the estate tax is double taxation. So, when was it taxed?
well see one would have to sell the land. and that isn't happening. so the sibling is paying taxes on money not earned. And when he/she sells it, if there is a gain, then they also pay the capital gains. that's pure horseshit.

Who said anything about land? Come on. You buy a stock for one dollar. When you die it is worth ten. Your heir keeps it for a year and sells it for eleven dollars. Under current law, what is his capital gain? Hell, I will answer for you. It is ONE DOLLAR. So now you answer this question, when was the capital gain of nine dollars, from time of your purchase to time of your death taxed?
because there are titles to land and the titles transfer, then the sibling pays an estate tax on the property at transfer. Like I said before. then when the sibling sells it, pays on the sale as well. double taxed. look it up bubba. you seem smart enough.
Wealthy, not middle class, would be big winners in GOP tax plan, study says
About 30 percent of those earning between $50,000 and $150,000 would pay more under the Republican plan, according to the nonpartisan Tax Policy Center.

About 30 percent of those earning between $50,000 and $150,000, and 60 percent of those taking home between $150,000 and $300,000, would pay more under the Republican plan, according to the nonpartisan Tax Policy Center.

For middle-income earners who would get a tax cut, it would pale in comparison to what the wealthy would get. On average, those in the top 1 percent would see a tax cut of $207,000 while those in the center of the income spectrum would receive on average a $420 tax cut, the report found.

While the administration says the rich would not see their taxes go down, the Tax Policy Center says they would actually receive the biggest tax cuts — about half of all the benefits, with their after-tax incomes climbing by 8.5 percent.

Wealthy, not middle class, would be big winners in GOP tax plan, study says
Claims that he, and other rich will not benefit from his tax-cut...while it does EVERYTHING to benefit them:

1. removing inheritance tax.
2. Removes Alternate Minimum tax
3. pass through business income top bracket cut from 39 to just 20%
4. Top personal income rate from 39 to 35%
5. Corporate tax rate cut from 35% to 20%

This all adds up to a HUGE TAX CUTS FOR THE RICH and Trump personally with not a single idea on how to pay for all that.

And then he tops it off with "Belive me!"...what the fuck is wrong with him and how can his supporters stand by him when he pretty much spits in their face like that and calls them too stupid to know better.

Analysis | Tax reform is ‘not good for me, believe me,’ Trump said. Don’t.
/----/ make sure you send your tax cut back to Washington.

Yep, can't directly respond, so you go fishing.
/----/ I'm not fishing and apparently you don't understand the meaning of the expression. But let me educate you. The President sends a budget to Congress who then rips it apart an makes their own budget. So whatever is in his plan may never see the light of day. BTW, the alternative Min tax hurts middle class workers because of bracket creep. And the corporate rate cut will bring us in line wit the rest of the world. But lets wait to see the final bill before we judge.
Wealthy, not middle class, would be big winners in GOP tax plan, study says
About 30 percent of those earning between $50,000 and $150,000 would pay more under the Republican plan, according to the nonpartisan Tax Policy Center.

About 30 percent of those earning between $50,000 and $150,000, and 60 percent of those taking home between $150,000 and $300,000, would pay more under the Republican plan, according to the nonpartisan Tax Policy Center.

For middle-income earners who would get a tax cut, it would pale in comparison to what the wealthy would get. On average, those in the top 1 percent would see a tax cut of $207,000 while those in the center of the income spectrum would receive on average a $420 tax cut, the report found.

While the administration says the rich would not see their taxes go down, the Tax Policy Center says they would actually receive the biggest tax cuts — about half of all the benefits, with their after-tax incomes climbing by 8.5 percent.

Wealthy, not middle class, would be big winners in GOP tax plan, study says
You buy a stock for one dollar. It increases in value to ten dollars. You die. Your heir now gets the stock. Then it increases to eleven dollars and he sells it. Under current law, what is his capital gain? And under current law when is the nine dollars in capital gains from the deceased taxed?
that's a capital gain. yep. he pays on the increase. that isn't estate tax though. that's a capital gains tax. If I have property and will it to my kids, they tax the transfer of the property. No new money!

He pays on the increase from the time of inheritance to the time of sale. My question to you is when is the gain from the time of purchase to the time of death taxed since you claim the estate tax is double taxation. So, when was it taxed?
well see one would have to sell the land. and that isn't happening. so the sibling is paying taxes on money not earned. And when he/she sells it, if there is a gain, then they also pay the capital gains. that's pure horseshit.

Who said anything about land? Come on. You buy a stock for one dollar. When you die it is worth ten. Your heir keeps it for a year and sells it for eleven dollars. Under current law, what is his capital gain? Hell, I will answer for you. It is ONE DOLLAR. So now you answer this question, when was the capital gain of nine dollars, from time of your purchase to time of your death taxed?
because there are titles to land and the titles transfer, then the sibling pays an estate tax on the property at transfer. Like I said before. then when the sibling sells it, pays on the sale as well. double taxed.

How stupid. I paid for my car with income that was taxed. I pay the state for a title. Damn, double taxed. Then I pay property tax on the car. Fawking TRIPLE TAXED. I pay for my groceries with income that was taxed. I pay sales tax on the groceries. Damn, double taxed. I paid for my house with income that was taxed. I pay property tax on my house. Damn, double taxed.

What we are talking about here is capital gains. Tell me, when was the capital gain from purchase to death paid? If it was never paid there is no double tax.
whoa bubba, you can only have a capital gain if you cash out. why would they cash out? Capital gains is Capital gains, estate tax is retaxing taxed money.

You buy a stock for one dollar. It increases in value to ten dollars. You die. Your heir now gets the stock. Then it increases to eleven dollars and he sells it. Under current law, what is his capital gain? And under current law when is the nine dollars in capital gains from the deceased taxed?
that's a capital gain. yep. he pays on the increase. that isn't estate tax though. that's a capital gains tax. If I have property and will it to my kids, they tax the transfer of the property. No new money!

He pays on the increase from the time of inheritance to the time of sale. My question to you is when is the gain from the time of purchase to the time of death taxed since you claim the estate tax is double taxation. So, when was it taxed?
well see one would have to sell the land. and that isn't happening. so the sibling is paying taxes on money not earned. And when he/she sells it, if there is a gain, then they also pay the capital gains. that's pure horseshit.

Who said anything about land? Come on. You buy a stock for one dollar. When you die it is worth ten. Your heir keeps it for a year and sells it for eleven dollars. Under current law, what is his capital gain? Hell, I will answer for you. It is ONE DOLLAR. So now you answer this question, when was the capital gain of nine dollars, from time of your purchase to time of your death taxed?
/----/ Ask the DemocRATS, they wrote the tax laws.
Claims that he, and other rich will not benefit from his tax-cut...while it does EVERYTHING to benefit them:

1. removing inheritance tax.
2. Removes Alternate Minimum tax
3. pass through business income top bracket cut from 39 to just 20%
4. Top personal income rate from 39 to 35%
5. Corporate tax rate cut from 35% to 20%

This all adds up to a HUGE TAX CUTS FOR THE RICH and Trump personally with not a single idea on how to pay for all that.

And then he tops it off with "Belive me!"...what the fuck is wrong with him and how can his supporters stand by him when he pretty much spits in their face like that and calls them too stupid to know better.

Analysis | Tax reform is ‘not good for me, believe me,’ Trump said. Don’t.
/----/ make sure you send your tax cut back to Washington.

Yep, can't directly respond, so you go fishing.
/----/ I'm not fishing and apparently you don't understand the meaning of the expression. But let me educate you. The President sends a budget to Congress who then rips it apart an makes their own budget. So whatever is in his plan may never see the light of day. BTW, the alternative Min tax hurts middle class workers because of bracket creep. And the corporate rate cut will bring us in line wit the rest of the world. But lets wait to see the final bill before we judge.

Ah, I see. So because plan may change, Trump is not actually lying what is in the plan and it doesn't matter that it's a plan for a bad policy. go fish.
Wealthy, not middle class, would be big winners in GOP tax plan, study says
About 30 percent of those earning between $50,000 and $150,000 would pay more under the Republican plan, according to the nonpartisan Tax Policy Center.

About 30 percent of those earning between $50,000 and $150,000, and 60 percent of those taking home between $150,000 and $300,000, would pay more under the Republican plan, according to the nonpartisan Tax Policy Center.

For middle-income earners who would get a tax cut, it would pale in comparison to what the wealthy would get. On average, those in the top 1 percent would see a tax cut of $207,000 while those in the center of the income spectrum would receive on average a $420 tax cut, the report found.

While the administration says the rich would not see their taxes go down, the Tax Policy Center says they would actually receive the biggest tax cuts — about half of all the benefits, with their after-tax incomes climbing by 8.5 percent.

Wealthy, not middle class, would be big winners in GOP tax plan, study says

Less than six thousand estates were subject to the estate tax last year. Millions of Americans benefited from the step up. How does eliminating the estate tax and eliminating the step-up benefit the middle class?

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