Trump lies shamelessly about his tax-cut plan.

Claims that he, and other rich will not benefit from his tax-cut...while it does EVERYTHING to benefit them:

1. removing inheritance tax.
2. Removes Alternate Minimum tax
3. pass through business income top bracket cut from 39 to just 20%
4. Top personal income rate from 39 to 35%
5. Corporate tax rate cut from 35% to 20%

This all adds up to a HUGE TAX CUTS FOR THE RICH and Trump personally with not a single idea on how to pay for all that.

And then he tops it off with "Belive me!"...what the fuck is wrong with him and how can his supporters stand by him when he pretty much spits in their face like that and calls them too stupid to know better.

Analysis | Tax reform is ‘not good for me, believe me,’ Trump said. Don’t.
/----/ make sure you send your tax cut back to Washington.

Yep, can't directly respond, so you go fishing.
/----/ I'm not fishing and apparently you don't understand the meaning of the expression. But let me educate you. The President sends a budget to Congress who then rips it apart an makes their own budget. So whatever is in his plan may never see the light of day. BTW, the alternative Min tax hurts middle class workers because of bracket creep. And the corporate rate cut will bring us in line wit the rest of the world. But lets wait to see the final bill before we judge.

Ah, I see. So because plan may change, Trump is not actually lying what is in the plan and it doesn't matter that it's a plan for a bad policy. go fish.
Claims that he, and other rich will not benefit from his tax-cut...while it does EVERYTHING to benefit them:

1. removing inheritance tax.
2. Removes Alternate Minimum tax
3. pass through business income top bracket cut from 39 to just 20%
4. Top personal income rate from 39 to 35%
5. Corporate tax rate cut from 35% to 20%

This all adds up to a HUGE TAX CUTS FOR THE RICH and Trump personally with not a single idea on how to pay for all that.

And then he tops it off with "Belive me!"...what the fuck is wrong with him and how can his supporters stand by him when he pretty much spits in their face like that and calls them too stupid to know better.

Analysis | Tax reform is ‘not good for me, believe me,’ Trump said. Don’t.
/----/ make sure you send your tax cut back to Washington.

Yep, can't directly respond, so you go fishing.
/----/ I'm not fishing and apparently you don't understand the meaning of the expression. But let me educate you. The President sends a budget to Congress who then rips it apart an makes their own budget. So whatever is in his plan may never see the light of day. BTW, the alternative Min tax hurts middle class workers because of bracket creep. And the corporate rate cut will bring us in line wit the rest of the world. But lets wait to see the final bill before we judge.

Ah, I see. So because plan may change, Trump is not actually lying what is in the plan and it doesn't matter that it's a plan for a bad policy. go fish.
/----/ I see you're confused. What a president supposes in a budget is almost irrelevant especially with this hostile Congress.
Fish for meaning
1. Try to obtain something through artifice or indirectly. For example, He was always fishing for compliments.
You buy a stock for one dollar. It increases in value to ten dollars. You die. Your heir now gets the stock. Then it increases to eleven dollars and he sells it. Under current law, what is his capital gain? And under current law when is the nine dollars in capital gains from the deceased taxed?
that's a capital gain. yep. he pays on the increase. that isn't estate tax though. that's a capital gains tax. If I have property and will it to my kids, they tax the transfer of the property. No new money!

He pays on the increase from the time of inheritance to the time of sale. My question to you is when is the gain from the time of purchase to the time of death taxed since you claim the estate tax is double taxation. So, when was it taxed?
well see one would have to sell the land. and that isn't happening. so the sibling is paying taxes on money not earned. And when he/she sells it, if there is a gain, then they also pay the capital gains. that's pure horseshit.

Who said anything about land? Come on. You buy a stock for one dollar. When you die it is worth ten. Your heir keeps it for a year and sells it for eleven dollars. Under current law, what is his capital gain? Hell, I will answer for you. It is ONE DOLLAR. So now you answer this question, when was the capital gain of nine dollars, from time of your purchase to time of your death taxed?
/----/ Ask the DemocRATS, they wrote the tax laws.

Nope, the estate tax was written TO PROTECT THE WEALTHY. At the time of it's adoption the capital gains rate was higher than the estate tax rate and the trade off of an estate tax in exchange for the step-up was a good deal for the wealthy. Today, only the largest estates, ones worth hundreds of millions, not tens of millions, face an estate tax rate greater than the abysmal capital gains rate. For those individuals trading away the estate tax in exchange for a loss of the step-up is a good deal. But for anyone worth less than a unit, and surprise the hell out of me and tell me you know what a "unit" is, the trade off is a bad deal. And for the middle class, where no one faces an estate tax and almost everyone benefits from the step up, the trade off is nothing short of catastrophic.
Claims that he, and other rich will not benefit from his tax-cut...while it does EVERYTHING to benefit them:

1. removing inheritance tax.
2. Removes Alternate Minimum tax
3. pass through business income top bracket cut from 39 to just 20%
4. Top personal income rate from 39 to 35%
5. Corporate tax rate cut from 35% to 20%

This all adds up to a HUGE TAX CUTS FOR THE RICH and Trump personally with not a single idea on how to pay for all that.

And then he tops it off with "Belive me!"...what the fuck is wrong with him and how can his supporters stand by him when he pretty much spits in their face like that and calls them too stupid to know better.

Analysis | Tax reform is ‘not good for me, believe me,’ Trump said. Don’t.

It's bad to lie shamelessly.
Obama always lied very carefully, cautiously, and timidly.

that's a capital gain. yep. he pays on the increase. that isn't estate tax though. that's a capital gains tax. If I have property and will it to my kids, they tax the transfer of the property. No new money!

He pays on the increase from the time of inheritance to the time of sale. My question to you is when is the gain from the time of purchase to the time of death taxed since you claim the estate tax is double taxation. So, when was it taxed?
well see one would have to sell the land. and that isn't happening. so the sibling is paying taxes on money not earned. And when he/she sells it, if there is a gain, then they also pay the capital gains. that's pure horseshit.

Who said anything about land? Come on. You buy a stock for one dollar. When you die it is worth ten. Your heir keeps it for a year and sells it for eleven dollars. Under current law, what is his capital gain? Hell, I will answer for you. It is ONE DOLLAR. So now you answer this question, when was the capital gain of nine dollars, from time of your purchase to time of your death taxed?
because there are titles to land and the titles transfer, then the sibling pays an estate tax on the property at transfer. Like I said before. then when the sibling sells it, pays on the sale as well. double taxed.

How stupid. I paid for my car with income that was taxed. I pay the state for a title. Damn, double taxed. Then I pay property tax on the car. Fawking TRIPLE TAXED. I pay for my groceries with income that was taxed. I pay sales tax on the groceries. Damn, double taxed. I paid for my house with income that was taxed. I pay property tax on my house. Damn, double taxed.

What we are talking about here is capital gains. Tell me, when was the capital gain from purchase to death paid? If it was never paid there is no double tax.
I agree, so? I was talking estate tax, when a transfer of property happens from a deceased parent to a sibling.
Claims that he, and other rich will not benefit from his tax-cut...while it does EVERYTHING to benefit them:

1. removing inheritance tax.
2. Removes Alternate Minimum tax
3. pass through business income top bracket cut from 39 to just 20%
4. Top personal income rate from 39 to 35%
5. Corporate tax rate cut from 35% to 20%

This all adds up to a HUGE TAX CUTS FOR THE RICH and Trump personally with not a single idea on how to pay for all that.

And then he tops it off with "Belive me!"...what the fuck is wrong with him and how can his supporters stand by him when he pretty much spits in their face like that and calls them too stupid to know better.

Analysis | Tax reform is ‘not good for me, believe me,’ Trump said. Don’t.
/----/ make sure you send your tax cut back to Washington.

Yep, can't directly respond, so you go fishing.
/----/ I'm not fishing and apparently you don't understand the meaning of the expression. But let me educate you. The President sends a budget to Congress who then rips it apart an makes their own budget. So whatever is in his plan may never see the light of day. BTW, the alternative Min tax hurts middle class workers because of bracket creep. And the corporate rate cut will bring us in line wit the rest of the world. But lets wait to see the final bill before we judge.

Earlier today, the President, along with the so-called "Big 6" -- Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin, Speaker of the House Paul Ryan, Chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee Kevin Brady, National Economic Council Director Gary Cohn, Senate Finance Chairman Orin Hatch, and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, Republicans all -- unveiled their tax plan, and lo and behold, it IS in fact finalized, if by "finalized" you mean, "Seven pages of general highlights and a disturbing absence of detail."

Trump Tax Plan Revealed: Three Big Changes To Look For

This is the Congressional Tax Plan.

Do you really think trump does anything, anything at all, about policy?

Wealthy, not middle class, would be big winners in GOP tax plan, study says
About 30 percent of those earning between $50,000 and $150,000 would pay more under the Republican plan, according to the nonpartisan Tax Policy Center.

About 30 percent of those earning between $50,000 and $150,000, and 60 percent of those taking home between $150,000 and $300,000, would pay more under the Republican plan, according to the nonpartisan Tax Policy Center.

For middle-income earners who would get a tax cut, it would pale in comparison to what the wealthy would get. On average, those in the top 1 percent would see a tax cut of $207,000 while those in the center of the income spectrum would receive on average a $420 tax cut, the report found.

While the administration says the rich would not see their taxes go down, the Tax Policy Center says they would actually receive the biggest tax cuts — about half of all the benefits, with their after-tax incomes climbing by 8.5 percent.

Wealthy, not middle class, would be big winners in GOP tax plan, study says

Less than six thousand estates were subject to the estate tax last year. Millions of Americans benefited from the step up. How does eliminating the estate tax and eliminating the step-up benefit the middle class?
/----/ From a source Libs trust: There's no defense for the estate tax
I read it & it helps the richest, and gives very little to the middle class, & helps working class people not at all. and that's before they play with it a little more. when its done my guess is it will be worse.
And he keeps repeating how great it is Guess he knows his sheep will believe anything he says
I wish you knew something.
I know what the estate tax is Go back to school jc and not the reform school you must have been in
I'm happy for you. now show us how he isn't helping the middle class. provide the link from which you get your information.
The facts and figures are coming out albeit slowly Once more the lower end gets screwed and the 1% make out like republicans Over the next few days I'll be glad to show you all the facts and figures Just start with this Trump says he's not benefiting by this cut Yet there's a death tax cut where he makes out 4 billion$ worth You believe him at your own peril
that's a capital gain. yep. he pays on the increase. that isn't estate tax though. that's a capital gains tax. If I have property and will it to my kids, they tax the transfer of the property. No new money!

He pays on the increase from the time of inheritance to the time of sale. My question to you is when is the gain from the time of purchase to the time of death taxed since you claim the estate tax is double taxation. So, when was it taxed?
well see one would have to sell the land. and that isn't happening. so the sibling is paying taxes on money not earned. And when he/she sells it, if there is a gain, then they also pay the capital gains. that's pure horseshit.

Who said anything about land? Come on. You buy a stock for one dollar. When you die it is worth ten. Your heir keeps it for a year and sells it for eleven dollars. Under current law, what is his capital gain? Hell, I will answer for you. It is ONE DOLLAR. So now you answer this question, when was the capital gain of nine dollars, from time of your purchase to time of your death taxed?
/----/ Ask the DemocRATS, they wrote the tax laws.

Nope, the estate tax was written TO PROTECT THE WEALTHY. At the time of it's adoption the capital gains rate was higher than the estate tax rate and the trade off of an estate tax in exchange for the step-up was a good deal for the wealthy. Today, only the largest estates, ones worth hundreds of millions, not tens of millions, face an estate tax rate greater than the abysmal capital gains rate. For those individuals trading away the estate tax in exchange for a loss of the step-up is a good deal. But for anyone worth less than a unit, and surprise the hell out of me and tell me you know what a "unit" is, the trade off is a bad deal. And for the middle class, where no one faces an estate tax and almost everyone benefits from the step up, the trade off is nothing short of catastrophic.
dude, i don't fking care. I'm talking about the estate tax when no money is gained by a family member and still being taxed anyway.
I read it & it helps the richest, and gives very little to the middle class, & helps working class people not at all. and that's before they play with it a little more. when its done my guess is it will be worse.
And he keeps repeating how great it is Guess he knows his sheep will believe anything he says
I wish you knew something.
I know what the estate tax is Go back to school jc and not the reform school you must have been in
I'm happy for you. now show us how he isn't helping the middle class. provide the link from which you get your information.
The facts and figures are coming out albeit slowly Once more the lower end gets screwed and the 1% make out like republicans Over the next few days I'll be glad to show you all the facts and figures Just start with this Trump says he's not benefiting by this cut Yet there's a death tax cut where he makes out 4 billion$ worth You believe him at your own peril
dude simply post the link with the info you have. or are you parroting someone? ahhhh got it. you got shit.
everyday, the same bullcrap from the libs in here. it's surely sad I have to waste my time reading their opinion pieces.
The American people have already paid all taxes due on their estates, so keep your greedy mooching paws off the people's wealth.
How's it going to help you .. are you leaving over $5 million? That's the only way it could concern you.
What does it matter to you? Why the random 5 million? What makes you think that's some magical number that after that the government deserves? How about we set the limit to something you can afford. Let's say anything over 100k. Why not right? Some will never get to pass on that amount so it seems fair.
Who pays the estate tax?

The Tax Policy Center estimates that some 11,310 individuals dying in 2017 will leave estates large enough to require filing an estate tax return (estates with a gross value under $5.49 million need not file this return in 2017). After allowing for deductions and credits, 5,460 estates will owe tax. Over two-thirds of these taxable estates will come from the top 10 percent of income earners and close to one-fourth will come from the top 1 percent alone.

So they should be punished by an estate tax? Go ahead explain why wealth that was already taxed should be unfairly taxed a 2nd time, you can't.

Most of the value of estates subject to the estate tax are capital gains that have not been taxed. And current law includes a "step-up" that allows the heirs to avoid the payment of taxes on those capital gains by having the cost basis of that capital "stepped up" to it's current market value. The classic example, George Steinbrenner and the New York Yankees. George died in 2010, a unique year that allowed his family to choose between paying the estate tax and getting the step-up or losing the step-up and eliminating the estate tax. With a close two ONE BILLION DOLLAR capital gain in regards to the Yankees it was a no-brainer. They paid the estate taxes.

Now here is the real kicker. Less than six thousand estates were subject to the estate tax last year. But millions, probably tens of millions of individuals benefited from the step-up. When the estate tax is eliminated the step up is eliminated as well. So when you inherit your parents home,that they paid twenty thousand dollars for sixty years ago and it is worth three hundred and twenty thousand dollars now, you will be facing a capital gains tax on three hundred thousand dollars when and if you sell the home. This proposal absolutely DESTROYS the middle class. You best wake up and smell the coffee.

Ah, you don't know what capital gains are or how they are taxed while also ignoring the estate tax slams everything not just he capital gains. :rolleyes:
I read it & it helps the richest, and gives very little to the middle class, & helps working class people not at all. and that's before they play with it a little more. when its done my guess is it will be worse.
And he keeps repeating how great it is Guess he knows his sheep will believe anything he says
I wish you knew something.
I know what the estate tax is Go back to school jc and not the reform school you must have been in
I'm happy for you. now show us how he isn't helping the middle class. provide the link from which you get your information.
The facts and figures are coming out albeit slowly Once more the lower end gets screwed and the 1% make out like republicans Over the next few days I'll be glad to show you all the facts and figures Just start with this Trump says he's not benefiting by this cut Yet there's a death tax cut where he makes out 4 billion$ worth You believe him at your own peril
Yeah, I'm seeing the same thing. It'll be interesting when places like Center for Tax Policy really dig through this. The poor inevitably get n benefit from cuts to federal income tax, because they pay no income tax. the Trumpbots will yell, but they don't pay tax." But of course, axing the estate tax is not part of income tax reform, so we're not even talking about "income" tax reform. And, OF course not only do the lower earners pay less prorgressive payroll and state taxes, but the EITC thing was a bipartisan issue.

Still, just looking at the 2/3's who do pay income taxes, the top 1% is coming out the best by far. And middle earners must choose to either take the larger standard deduction or keep their mortagage interest deduction.
Wealthy, not middle class, would be big winners in GOP tax plan, study says
About 30 percent of those earning between $50,000 and $150,000 would pay more under the Republican plan, according to the nonpartisan Tax Policy Center.

About 30 percent of those earning between $50,000 and $150,000, and 60 percent of those taking home between $150,000 and $300,000, would pay more under the Republican plan, according to the nonpartisan Tax Policy Center.

For middle-income earners who would get a tax cut, it would pale in comparison to what the wealthy would get. On average, those in the top 1 percent would see a tax cut of $207,000 while those in the center of the income spectrum would receive on average a $420 tax cut, the report found.

While the administration says the rich would not see their taxes go down, the Tax Policy Center says they would actually receive the biggest tax cuts — about half of all the benefits, with their after-tax incomes climbing by 8.5 percent.

Wealthy, not middle class, would be big winners in GOP tax plan, study says

Less than six thousand estates were subject to the estate tax last year. Millions of Americans benefited from the step up. How does eliminating the estate tax and eliminating the step-up benefit the middle class?
/----/ From a source Libs trust: There's no defense for the estate tax

Sorry, but an op-ed written by a mouthpiece for the libertarian Pacific Research Institute is not going to float, especially when the individual central to his argument, Dan Duncan, had structured his estate in such a way that it was not subject to the estate tax regardless of the reprieve provided in 2010. In fact, that reality proves the very common moniker, the estate tax is the only tax that is completely voluntary. The more applicable example I provided very early in this thread, George Steinbrenner, who also died in 2010. His heirs CHOSE to pay the estate tax in order to avoid hundreds of millions of dollars in capital gains that would have been due because of the loss of the step-up.
How's it going to help you .. are you leaving over $5 million? That's the only way it could concern you.
What does it matter to you? Why the random 5 million? What makes you think that's some magical number that after that the government deserves? How about we set the limit to something you can afford. Let's say anything over 100k. Why not right? Some will never get to pass on that amount so it seems fair.
Who pays the estate tax?

The Tax Policy Center estimates that some 11,310 individuals dying in 2017 will leave estates large enough to require filing an estate tax return (estates with a gross value under $5.49 million need not file this return in 2017). After allowing for deductions and credits, 5,460 estates will owe tax. Over two-thirds of these taxable estates will come from the top 10 percent of income earners and close to one-fourth will come from the top 1 percent alone.

So they should be punished by an estate tax? Go ahead explain why wealth that was already taxed should be unfairly taxed a 2nd time, you can't.

Most of the value of estates subject to the estate tax are capital gains that have not been taxed. And current law includes a "step-up" that allows the heirs to avoid the payment of taxes on those capital gains by having the cost basis of that capital "stepped up" to it's current market value. The classic example, George Steinbrenner and the New York Yankees. George died in 2010, a unique year that allowed his family to choose between paying the estate tax and getting the step-up or losing the step-up and eliminating the estate tax. With a close two ONE BILLION DOLLAR capital gain in regards to the Yankees it was a no-brainer. They paid the estate taxes.

Now here is the real kicker. Less than six thousand estates were subject to the estate tax last year. But millions, probably tens of millions of individuals benefited from the step-up. When the estate tax is eliminated the step up is eliminated as well. So when you inherit your parents home,that they paid twenty thousand dollars for sixty years ago and it is worth three hundred and twenty thousand dollars now, you will be facing a capital gains tax on three hundred thousand dollars when and if you sell the home. This proposal absolutely DESTROYS the middle class. You best wake up and smell the coffee.

Ah, you don't know what capital gains are or how they are taxed while also ignoring the estate tax slams everything not just he capital gains. :rolleyes:

LMAO, I have forgotten more about capital gains, tax rates, and especially the estate tax, than you will ever know. Estate planning is my business buckwheat.
He pays on the increase from the time of inheritance to the time of sale. My question to you is when is the gain from the time of purchase to the time of death taxed since you claim the estate tax is double taxation. So, when was it taxed?
well see one would have to sell the land. and that isn't happening. so the sibling is paying taxes on money not earned. And when he/she sells it, if there is a gain, then they also pay the capital gains. that's pure horseshit.

Who said anything about land? Come on. You buy a stock for one dollar. When you die it is worth ten. Your heir keeps it for a year and sells it for eleven dollars. Under current law, what is his capital gain? Hell, I will answer for you. It is ONE DOLLAR. So now you answer this question, when was the capital gain of nine dollars, from time of your purchase to time of your death taxed?
/----/ Ask the DemocRATS, they wrote the tax laws.

Nope, the estate tax was written TO PROTECT THE WEALTHY. At the time of it's adoption the capital gains rate was higher than the estate tax rate and the trade off of an estate tax in exchange for the step-up was a good deal for the wealthy. Today, only the largest estates, ones worth hundreds of millions, not tens of millions, face an estate tax rate greater than the abysmal capital gains rate. For those individuals trading away the estate tax in exchange for a loss of the step-up is a good deal. But for anyone worth less than a unit, and surprise the hell out of me and tell me you know what a "unit" is, the trade off is a bad deal. And for the middle class, where no one faces an estate tax and almost everyone benefits from the step up, the trade off is nothing short of catastrophic.
dude, i don't fking care. I'm talking about the estate tax when no money is gained by a family member and still being taxed anyway.
540 are involved in the estate tax and for married couples the first 11 million isn't taxed What do you want blood? You have a problem with the pos trump who f..ed with his taxes for years to not pay a dime?? I say F him
What does it matter to you? Why the random 5 million? What makes you think that's some magical number that after that the government deserves? How about we set the limit to something you can afford. Let's say anything over 100k. Why not right? Some will never get to pass on that amount so it seems fair.
Who pays the estate tax?

The Tax Policy Center estimates that some 11,310 individuals dying in 2017 will leave estates large enough to require filing an estate tax return (estates with a gross value under $5.49 million need not file this return in 2017). After allowing for deductions and credits, 5,460 estates will owe tax. Over two-thirds of these taxable estates will come from the top 10 percent of income earners and close to one-fourth will come from the top 1 percent alone.

So they should be punished by an estate tax? Go ahead explain why wealth that was already taxed should be unfairly taxed a 2nd time, you can't.

Most of the value of estates subject to the estate tax are capital gains that have not been taxed. And current law includes a "step-up" that allows the heirs to avoid the payment of taxes on those capital gains by having the cost basis of that capital "stepped up" to it's current market value. The classic example, George Steinbrenner and the New York Yankees. George died in 2010, a unique year that allowed his family to choose between paying the estate tax and getting the step-up or losing the step-up and eliminating the estate tax. With a close two ONE BILLION DOLLAR capital gain in regards to the Yankees it was a no-brainer. They paid the estate taxes.

Now here is the real kicker. Less than six thousand estates were subject to the estate tax last year. But millions, probably tens of millions of individuals benefited from the step-up. When the estate tax is eliminated the step up is eliminated as well. So when you inherit your parents home,that they paid twenty thousand dollars for sixty years ago and it is worth three hundred and twenty thousand dollars now, you will be facing a capital gains tax on three hundred thousand dollars when and if you sell the home. This proposal absolutely DESTROYS the middle class. You best wake up and smell the coffee.

Ah, you don't know what capital gains are or how they are taxed while also ignoring the estate tax slams everything not just he capital gains. :rolleyes:

LMAO, I have forgotten more about capital gains, tax rates, and especially the estate tax, than you will ever know. Estate planning is my business buckwheat.

You suck at it, anything else?
Q. Is she subsidized or are Wal-Mart and the Walton Children?

Well, if I had my head in my ass I would say the Waltons are subsidized. Since I do not I'd say Guadalupe applied for and accepted a job knowing it would not pay enough to pay for HER poor decision making. Simple shit for the sane to wrap their head want more....FUCKING DO MORE!
Get educated and get your shit right....don't fuck yourself and American taxpayers and have four babies with three worthless baby daddy's. Follow this simple principle and prevent yourself from becoming a human pet to taxpayers....TA-DA!
What else can I teach you?

Interesting how those that think freeloaders should get welfare even if working refuse to admit that the person making a low wage is at fault for the low wage because of low skills AND they knew the pay BEFORE they took the job.

I've had people working for me that knew the pay BEFORE they took the job then said when I asked them to do their job to the level it should be done "but you're not paying me but so much". They knew what the job required and the pay before they took it. Since those types offer such low skill sets, they're easy to replace.

Worthless bottom feeders always stand together in their quest for more free shit. These are the same filthy lowlifes that champion the thirdworlders who come here, drop their five silver tooth anchors, take a job at McDonalds because thats all their jibber-jabber speaking asses can qualify to do then whine and bitch about how they need to be paid more. They need others to cover the expenses related to their own poor decision making. "Pay me to be here while I fuck you over and ruin your society"
Makes perfect sense to those backward filthy fucks on the Left.

While I have no problem helping someone that truly can't help themselves or whose choices aren't what put them where they are, that group isn't considered when I post. The ones that are considered are those like you mention that caused their own problems and are where they are because they made bad choices in life. Poor choices on their part don't constitute an emergency on my part nor does it mean I should pay for them when they can't.

I don't have a problem watching someone that made bad choices in life and/or someone who refuses to do for themselves go without.
We are a caring society. We all understand that sometimes life isn't fair and one needs help. The problem or rather the difference between someone on the right and someone on the left is this; the left has no plan to actually help resolve the individuals problem. The left would rather subsidize their life and keep them dependents for now and until the end of that person's life. The right will look for opportunities and offer ways for the individual to recover, and rise above their issues and become a successful contributor to this great land rather than a burden.

One thing that chaps my ass the most, are those freeloaders fed by the left that are ungrateful for the assistance the majority has offered them. Scam the system. yep, have another kid or two or three.

I'd say the difference is a problem. Not only does the left not have a way for someone to get better, they're perfectly fine with demanding the rest of us offset someone's bad choices admitting that it's OK to force others to pay for someone's bad choices. When someone does try to better him/herself and fails, the left, rather than expecting them to keep trying makes excuses.

My willingness to let someone do without applies to those that put themselves where they are by their own bad choices and who refuse to do anything to better themselves. To me, the concept of fair applies when the person is truly trying to do better, not just for show and they aren't where they are due to their own bad choices they want someone else to offset.
How's it going to help you .. are you leaving over $5 million? That's the only way it could concern you.
What does it matter to you? Why the random 5 million? What makes you think that's some magical number that after that the government deserves? How about we set the limit to something you can afford. Let's say anything over 100k. Why not right? Some will never get to pass on that amount so it seems fair.
Who pays the estate tax?

The Tax Policy Center estimates that some 11,310 individuals dying in 2017 will leave estates large enough to require filing an estate tax return (estates with a gross value under $5.49 million need not file this return in 2017). After allowing for deductions and credits, 5,460 estates will owe tax. Over two-thirds of these taxable estates will come from the top 10 percent of income earners and close to one-fourth will come from the top 1 percent alone.

So they should be punished by an estate tax? Go ahead explain why wealth that was already taxed should be unfairly taxed a 2nd time, you can't.

Most of the value of estates subject to the estate tax are capital gains that have not been taxed. And current law includes a "step-up" that allows the heirs to avoid the payment of taxes on those capital gains by having the cost basis of that capital "stepped up" to it's current market value. The classic example, George Steinbrenner and the New York Yankees. George died in 2010, a unique year that allowed his family to choose between paying the estate tax and getting the step-up or losing the step-up and eliminating the estate tax. With a close two ONE BILLION DOLLAR capital gain in regards to the Yankees it was a no-brainer. They paid the estate taxes.

Now here is the real kicker. Less than six thousand estates were subject to the estate tax last year. But millions, probably tens of millions of individuals benefited from the step-up. When the estate tax is eliminated the step up is eliminated as well. So when you inherit your parents home,that they paid twenty thousand dollars for sixty years ago and it is worth three hundred and twenty thousand dollars now, you will be facing a capital gains tax on three hundred thousand dollars when and if you sell the home. This proposal absolutely DESTROYS the middle class. You best wake up and smell the coffee.

Ah, you don't know what capital gains are or how they are taxed while also ignoring the estate tax slams everything not just he capital gains. :rolleyes:
Blues, I'm wore out trying to explain that to that pup.

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