Trump lies shamelessly about his tax-cut plan.



Trump’s Tax Plan Is An Act Of Political Domination By The Wealthy

Yep, the joke's on us.

You voted for an unqualified black for President thinking skin color was a qualification. You must be smoking some crazy stuff on the reservation.

You voted for an unqualified black for President thinking skin color was a qualification. You must be smoking some crazy stuff on the reservation.

Why was President Obama "unqualified"? Why was Hillary "unqualified"?

Because being black and having a vagina aren't qualifications.

You voted for an unqualified black for President thinking skin color was a qualification. You must be smoking some crazy stuff on the reservation.

Why was President Obama "unqualified"? Why was Hillary "unqualified"?
That's just their bs Makes themselves feel better about dump

You voted for an unqualified black for President thinking skin color was a qualification. You must be smoking some crazy stuff on the reservation.

Why was President Obama "unqualified"? Why was Hillary "unqualified"?
That's just their bs Makes themselves feel better about dump
I dunno. I think his polls remain barely afloat simply because those still clinging to the wreckage figure they're fucked in any case, so at least this way other people complain they're fucked too

You voted for an unqualified black for President thinking skin color was a qualification. You must be smoking some crazy stuff on the reservation.

Why was President Obama "unqualified"? Why was Hillary "unqualified"?
That's just their bs Makes themselves feel better about dump

Maybe that's why you lie about your financial situations. It makes you feel better about your miserable existence. We know you're a NL.
Claims that he, and other rich will not benefit from his tax-cut...while it does EVERYTHING to benefit them:

1. removing inheritance tax.
2. Removes Alternate Minimum tax
3. pass through business income top bracket cut from 39 to just 20%
4. Top personal income rate from 39 to 35%
5. Corporate tax rate cut from 35% to 20%

This all adds up to a HUGE TAX CUTS FOR THE RICH and Trump personally with not a single idea on how to pay for all that.

And then he tops it off with "Belive me!"...what the fuck is wrong with him and how can his supporters stand by him when he pretty much spits in their face like that and calls them too stupid to know better.

Analysis | Tax reform is ‘not good for me, believe me,’ Trump said. Don’t.

All changes designed to make the USA more competitive with the rest of the world, grow the economy, and create jobs. So yeah. I can see why the idiot leftists would hate it.
Because being black and having a vagina aren't qualifications.
Only a republican would think that a law degree, and government / legislative experience wasn't a qualification for the job.

Only a Democrat would think being black and having a vagina is a qualification. Based on how you idiots picked in 08, it's quite clear you think black skin was a better qualification than a vagina.
All changes designed to make the USA more competitive with the rest of the world, grow the economy, and create jobs. So yeah. I can see why the idiot leftists would hate it.

How does attacking the NFL grow the economy?
that's a capital gain. yep. he pays on the increase. that isn't estate tax though. that's a capital gains tax. If I have property and will it to my kids, they tax the transfer of the property. No new money!

He pays on the increase from the time of inheritance to the time of sale. My question to you is when is the gain from the time of purchase to the time of death taxed since you claim the estate tax is double taxation. So, when was it taxed?
well see one would have to sell the land. and that isn't happening. so the sibling is paying taxes on money not earned. And when he/she sells it, if there is a gain, then they also pay the capital gains. that's pure horseshit.

Who said anything about land? Come on. You buy a stock for one dollar. When you die it is worth ten. Your heir keeps it for a year and sells it for eleven dollars. Under current law, what is his capital gain? Hell, I will answer for you. It is ONE DOLLAR. So now you answer this question, when was the capital gain of nine dollars, from time of your purchase to time of your death taxed?
/----/ Ask the DemocRATS, they wrote the tax laws.

Nope, the estate tax was written TO PROTECT THE WEALTHY. At the time of it's adoption the capital gains rate was higher than the estate tax rate and the trade off of an estate tax in exchange for the step-up was a good deal for the wealthy. Today, only the largest estates, ones worth hundreds of millions, not tens of millions, face an estate tax rate greater than the abysmal capital gains rate. For those individuals trading away the estate tax in exchange for a loss of the step-up is a good deal. But for anyone worth less than a unit, and surprise the hell out of me and tell me you know what a "unit" is, the trade off is a bad deal. And for the middle class, where no one faces an estate tax and almost everyone benefits from the step up, the trade off is nothing short of catastrophic.
/----/ Yet when the Dems controlled all three branches they didn't touch the estate tax.
Only a Democrat would think being black and having a vagina is a qualification. .

People rising past the color barrier and glass ceiling are uniquely qualified.

Not when they do so using things that aren't truly qualifications like skin color and gender. I bet you're one of those that thinks a black getting a job using affirmative action was the most qualified?
I bet you're one of those that thinks a black getting a job using affirmative action was the most qualified?

Affirmative action applies to getting a foot in the door. Once inside people rise as best qualified.

Just look at the record of Colin Powell. Affirmative action got his foot in the door.
I bet you're one of those that thinks a black getting a job using affirmative action was the most qualified?

Affirmative action applies to getting a foot in the door. Once inside people rise as best qualified.

Just look at the record of Colin Powell. Affirmative action got his foot in the door.

The problem is color is getting the in the door when, if not black, they wouldn't be considered.

Guess whites will have to continue to be the best qualified because we have to earn it.
The problem is color is getting the in the door when, if not black, they wouldn't be considered.

That's to make up for those trying to get an apartment in a Trump controlled building in New York City, being black kept them from getting in the door.
The problem is color is getting the in the door when, if not black, they wouldn't be considered.

That's to make up for those trying to get an apartment in a Trump controlled building in New York City, being black kept them from getting in the door.

So you say race is OK to use when blacks benefit but wrong when denied? I thought using race was wrong, period. At least that's what you lefties tell us. Guess not.

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