Trump Lies To Troops About Giant Pay Raise He Never Got Them

The president told military personnel in Iraq that they’ll get a raise of over 10 percent, their first in a decade. But it’s 2.6 percent, and they get a hike every year.

During his first visit to a combat zone since assuming office nearly two years ago, President Donald Trump couldn’t help but take personal credit for a very generous and fictional pay raise for U.S. troops.

The president told service members at al-Asad air base in Iraq that he was proud to secure them a much-needed pay bump of “more than 10 percent” after years of stagnant wages. Many of the troops in attendance may have been surprised to learn they hadn’t seen a pay increase in more than a decade.

“Is anybody here willing to give up the big pay raise you just got?” Trump said, asking for a show of hands. “You haven’t gotten one in more than 10 years. More than 10 years. And we got you a big one. I got you a big one. I got you a big one.”

In fact, military members have seen a pay raise in each of the last 10 years, ranging from 1 percent to 3.9 percent, according to the Defense Department. They even saw pay bumps when other federal workers were subjected to a three-year pay freeze in the wake of the Great Recession.

The pay increase for 2019 passed by Congress and signed by the president in August will be 2.6 percent, the largest since 2010. It is not far above last year’s raise for troops, which was 2.4 percent.

Trump told the troops that other people wanted their raise to be smaller, but he fought for a double-digit boost.

More: Trump Brags To Troops About A Fictional Giant Pay Raise He Got Them

2.6% is nowhere near being "more than 10%" as Trump told the troops. He LIED. Trump is evil. Only an evil fucking asshole would tell the troops such a lie - especially in a combat zone during Christmas! What do you think?
Here ya go Washington redskin...

I posed in front of the Lincoln Memorial too.
But I didn't stain it like these grifters did.
Trump's tendency to exaggerate and even fabricate hurts his credibility. Obama gave the military a 3.4% pay raise in 2010. Bush gave them a 4.6% raise in 2004 and a 3.9% raise in 2009.
And Trump "gave" them a mandated 2.9% raise he had nothing to do with...and claimed he "got" them a 10% raise
Do you believe our president lied?

Um...I have bad news about that Hostess Cupcake in your mouth...

I have bad news about the stick up your ass.

I have worse news about the Orange cock in your mouth.

Ah, no, I would say the stick is probably worse.

I suppose an Orange cocksucker would know better... perhaps you could elaborate.
Um...I have bad news about that Hostess Cupcake in your mouth...

I have bad news about the stick up your ass.

I have worse news about the Orange cock in your mouth.

Ah, no, I would say the stick is probably worse.

I suppose an Orange cocksucker would know better... perhaps you could elaborate.

Nope, I wouldn't, which is why I said probably, although it should be the same that you had been doing for eight years...oh wait, that wasn't Orange.
We need to acknowledge this for the utterly bizarre behavior it is:

Trump actually believed he had gotten them this pay raise. It's time to go beyond calling him a liar. He no longer thinks he is lying. He is delusional.
Trump will lie about anything it seems.

I mean, it's not like his lies are particularly skilled or deep or hard to disprove. He just spews out any ole thing and moves on to the next fabrication.

It's like the final words of Woodward's book 'Fear'...a person who knew Trump very well said about him; 'You're a fucking liar'.

For someone who is such a prolific liar, he is not very good at it

Whether the military received a raise in the last ten years and whether Trump gave them a10 percent raise is easily disproved
We need to acknowledge this for the utterly bizarre behavior it is:

Trump actually believed he had gotten them this pay raise. It's time to go beyond calling him a liar. He no longer thinks he is lying. He is delusional.

I have to agree
There is no way for that lie to get through.

He must be delusional to say it
Trump's tendency to exaggerate and even fabricate hurts his credibility. Obama gave the military a 3.4% pay raise in 2010. Bush gave them a 4.6% raise in 2004 and a 3.9% raise in 2009.
And Trump "gave" them a mandated 2.9% raise he had nothing to do with...and claimed he "got" them a 10% raise
He actually described a scene in his office where someone said 2%, another said 3% another said 4% and Trump insisted on 10 %
Um...I have bad news about that Hostess Cupcake in your mouth...

I have bad news about the stick up your ass.

I have worse news about the Orange cock in your mouth.

Ah, no, I would say the stick is probably worse.

I suppose an Orange cocksucker would know better... perhaps you could elaborate.

Nope, I wouldn't, which is why I said probably, although it should be the same that you had been doing for eight years...oh wait, that wasn't Orange.

Wow. That retort made absolutely no sense, winger. I smell desperation.
Trump's tendency to exaggerate and even fabricate hurts his credibility. Obama gave the military a 3.4% pay raise in 2010. Bush gave them a 4.6% raise in 2004 and a 3.9% raise in 2009.
And Trump "gave" them a mandated 2.9% raise he had nothing to do with...and claimed he "got" them a 10% raise
He actually described a scene in his office where someone said 2%, another said 3% another said 4% and Trump insisted on 10 %
See, that's not even the worst part.

When I was in the military, I was stationed in Germany. Reagan's Defense Sec., the Hon. Mr. Hoffman came to the post and gave a speech to a huge assembly of the 16 thousand soldiers. Where they also handed out medals, commendations and other awards.

He didn't talk politics. He talked about how proud he was of the military and the people defending this country. You couldn't leave. You had to applaud at the appropriate places. You couldn't yell liar. You were a captive audience.

Trump stood up their and talked about and bad mouthed Democrats. Many of those in the assembly were Democrats. They had to stand there and take it. Let the commander in chief say they were against protecting America. Basically calling them traitors without using the word.

It was obscene. It was a disgrace. And Republicans cheered it. Republicans cheering a president doing something like that exposes them as the real "anti-Americans". But I already knew that. And America is discovering it.
Where was the President remotely truthful?

Show me ten percent

Taking back your admission of guilt?....Manafort has nothing on you. :blahblah:
Failure to answer the question

What did the president say that is true?

That troops hadn’t received a raise in ten years?
That he gave the biggest raise in history?
That he demanded and got a ten percent raise for our troops?
Can you believe he said those things to our troops overseas on Christmas?

The guy is a monster.

And, he not only lied facing them live, he whined. He said you can't believe what we had to go through to get here. We had to turn off lights and cover windows.

Oh my! They not only had to, get this, TURN OFF LIGHTS, but they had to COVER WINDOWS! Oh the pain. The horror. The hardship.

Yeah, he's such a fucking pantywaist.
Bush and Obama never complained about flight conditions and they didn't drag their feet about going to active combat zones.
Trump is the biggest piece of shit to ever land inside the Beltway.

You crying leftist traitors crack me up!
I suspect the troops are much better at calculating their pay raises than Trump.
Where was the President remotely truthful?

Show me ten percent

Taking back your admission of guilt?....Manafort has nothing on you. :blahblah:
Failure to answer the question

What did the president say that is true?

That troops hadn’t received a raise in ten years?
That he gave the biggest raise in history?
That he demanded and got a ten percent raise for our troops?
Can you believe he said those things to our troops overseas on Christmas?

The guy is a monster.

And, he not only lied facing them live, he whined. He said you can't believe what we had to go through to get here. We had to turn off lights and cover windows.

Oh my! They not only had to, get this, TURN OFF LIGHTS, but they had to COVER WINDOWS! Oh the pain. The horror. The hardship.

Yeah, he's such a fucking pantywaist.
Bush and Obama never complained about flight conditions and they didn't drag their feet about going to active combat zones.
Trump is the biggest piece of shit to ever land inside the Beltway.

You crying leftist traitors crack me up!

I'm not crying.

I don't know anyone who is crying.

But I know someone who is whining. And his name is "Trump".
I suspect the troops are much better at calculating their pay raises than Trump.
I bet none of them went bankrupt.

Probably not - unless any of them obligated themselves based on Trump mythical 10% pay raise.
How long did it take those soldiers to figure out Trump lied to them? Their next paycheck?
When I was in the service, we had it deposited to an American Express in Baumholder, Germany. There wasn't any banks on post. Just the American Express.
How do you estimate "a pay gap" between an accountant and a guy busting in doors in Iraq for terrorist searches?
Uh, excuse me...that's your question to answer, not mine.
All I need to know is that during the time we were asking them to TAKE 3rd and 4th tours, THEIR INCREASES crashed to near zero..
Then you are being either simple or dishonest, because this fact alone would not be enough information to show us an increasing pay gap between soldiers and the private sector.

That was exactly the term used in the chart from the military journal. Obama kept the wage hikes at a token 1 or 1.5% for 7 years. At a time when folks were signing up for their 3rd and 4th Iraq/Afghan tours. By any measure, they had been neglected. Like I said, that's all that really matters since MILITARY pay shouldn't be compared COLA. But it should reflect what their raises would have been in the private sector. Since MANY WERE reservists.
The president told military personnel in Iraq that they’ll get a raise of over 10 percent, their first in a decade. But it’s 2.6 percent, and they get a hike every year.

During his first visit to a combat zone since assuming office nearly two years ago, President Donald Trump couldn’t help but take personal credit for a very generous and fictional pay raise for U.S. troops.

The president told service members at al-Asad air base in Iraq that he was proud to secure them a much-needed pay bump of “more than 10 percent” after years of stagnant wages. Many of the troops in attendance may have been surprised to learn they hadn’t seen a pay increase in more than a decade.

“Is anybody here willing to give up the big pay raise you just got?” Trump said, asking for a show of hands. “You haven’t gotten one in more than 10 years. More than 10 years. And we got you a big one. I got you a big one. I got you a big one.”

In fact, military members have seen a pay raise in each of the last 10 years, ranging from 1 percent to 3.9 percent, according to the Defense Department. They even saw pay bumps when other federal workers were subjected to a three-year pay freeze in the wake of the Great Recession.

The pay increase for 2019 passed by Congress and signed by the president in August will be 2.6 percent, the largest since 2010. It is not far above last year’s raise for troops, which was 2.4 percent.

Trump told the troops that other people wanted their raise to be smaller, but he fought for a double-digit boost.

More: Trump Brags To Troops About A Fictional Giant Pay Raise He Got Them

2.6% is nowhere near being "more than 10%" as Trump told the troops. He LIED. Trump is evil. Only an evil fucking asshole would tell the troops such a lie - especially in a combat zone during Christmas! What do you think?

Don't think the troops care considering their pay raises have been GOING DOWN for about 16 years now.. Causing a HUGE pay gap with private sector wages...


It's goin in the right direction and at 2.4% is MUCH higher than the Obama proposals back in 2014 when this graph was made, of LESS than 2% in 2019... And the Repub Congress DID argue up the numbers from 2.1% to 2.4%... WHICH IS about 10% HIGHER than the Budget recommendation originally was...

Best any citizen -- either private or military can EVER expect from govt --- is that it's going in the RIGHT Direction..

So -- Lahkota -- what do YOU THINK they SHOULD have gotten for the past 10 years????: I know, you don't really give a damn. It's only important, if it can be used as a political weapon....

"Don't think the troops care considering their pay raises have been GOING DOWN for about 16 years now.. Causing a HUGE pay gap with private sector wages...

It's goin in the right direction and at 2.4% is MUCH higher than the Obama proposals back in 2014 when this graph was made, of LESS than 2% in 2019... And the Repub Congress DID argue up the numbers from 2.1% to 2.4%... WHICH IS about 10% HIGHER than the Budget recommendation originally was...

Best any citizen -- either private or military can EVER expect from govt --- is that it's going in the RIGHT Direction..

So -- Lahkota -- what do YOU THINK they SHOULD have gotten for the past 10 years????: I know, you don't really give a damn. It's only important, if it can be used as a political weapon....""

YADAYADAYADAYADYADAYDA.....Fucking word salad.
Why are you making excuses for an obvious right-in-the-camera-lens and in their face lie?
You think he got the difference between 2.6% and 10% mixed up?
He's a 'stable genius' remember?

Don't confuse YOUR ignorance of how the Swamp discusses budget allocations with "word salad". You're the large fraction that I guessed would never ever ponder the truth I gave you.. NEVER are cuts and raises discussed in terms of the BASE program funding or Base salaries.

How do I KNOW this? In the mid-90s, my ass was a plane from Silicon Valley to DC about once a month. I was pitching the research and development from my group to various govt agencies. Our company had a "swamp guide" in DC that would introduce us to key agency folks, read the requests for bids, and tell us how to impress them.

I came in one time and was frantic with the news that one of our key program agencies was "getting its budget cut by 8%".. So 1st question I asked the guy was how was it practical to pitch R&D concepts at them.. He laughed, and told me to "calm down bunky".. In the ride from Dulles, he corrected my naive understanding of Fed budgets. Explained what I've explained to y'all back a few pages. NOTHING EVER GETS CUT.. When any percentage increases or decreases are discussed --- it's ALWAYS based on the "intended increases" from previous budgets. It's a percentage of a percentage. NOT the amount the agency or program actually wins or loses.

You're just too dense for actual analysis.. So I'm only repeating that for those who DONT desire to remain parroting idiots.. Don't bother your little parrot head with learning anything.

A 10% increase in "military salaries" would be 1.1 X whatever the "intended increase" would be. And by the numbers various people have given --- 2018 to 2019 is indeed about 10% higher based on jump from 2.4% to 2.6%..

If you work at it -- you can back up everything I'm saying. Not wasting time on someone who only sees word salad if it doesn't support his misconceptions..

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