Trump Lies To Troops About Giant Pay Raise He Never Got Them

Calling Trump a monster is a bit extreme. They did get a pay raise. :dunno:

Congress authorized it for 2.6 percent for 2019, not the 10 percent that Trump claimed he gave them.

And, anyone who has been in over 2 years knows how to read an LES (Leave and Earnings Statement), and if they had any questions about getting pay raises or not over the past years, all they have to do is review their LES, or go talk to the pay clerk who can show them they got them. Trump lied about it being the first one in 10 years as well.
Calling Trump a monster is a bit extreme. They did get a pay raise. :dunno:

Congress authorized it for 2.6 percent for 2019, not the 10 percent that Trump claimed he gave them.

And, anyone who has been in over 2 years knows how to read an LES (Leave and Earnings Statement), and if they had any questions about getting pay raises or not over the past years, all they have to do is review their LES, or go talk to the pay clerk who can show them they got them. Trump lied about it being the first one in 10 years as well.

Of course he lied, but the troops knew that when they cheered. He's a weird dude, who lies for no reason sometimes. His supporters know that..
Don't think the troops care considering their pay raises have been GOING DOWN for about 16 years now.. Causing a HUGE pay gap with private sector wages...


It's goin in the right direction and at 2.4% is MUCH higher than the Obama proposals back in 2014 when this graph was made, of LESS than 2% in 2019... And the Repub Congress DID argue up the numbers from 2.1% to 2.4%... WHICH IS about 10% HIGHER than the Budget recommendation originally was...

Best any citizen -- either private or military can EVER expect from govt --- is that it's going in the RIGHT Direction..

So -- Lahkota -- what do YOU THINK they SHOULD have gotten for the past 10 years????: I know, you don't really give a damn. It's only important, if it can be used as a political weapon....

Ohhh so when Trump says "I gave you [10%] raise" and the reality is that raise is [10% of 2.1%], he WASN'T lying???

Answer that one with a straight face, double dare you. :rolleyes:

Holy Shit. What a surprise. You ALMOST GOT THIS... YES.. That's the way ALL budgeting is DESCRIBED in Washington. It's NEVER ABOUT the actual salary or budget. That's on fucking autopilot and ALWAYS goes up.. It's ALWAYS a description of the % anticipated increase..

I underestimated you.. I apologize.. You're educable --- maybe :biggrin:.

EXCEPT -- you got the numbers wrong. 2018 was 2.4%. 2.4 X 1.1 = 2.64 or 2.6.. That's a 10% increase in swamp speak...

NEVER was there an intent by Trump or ANYONE else to boost ANY Fed salary in one year by 10%... There would have been fountains of blood oozing from eyeballs on the left and right.

If you're gonna argue.. AT LEAST ARGUE about the issue and the accomplishment and not just whether someone lied about numbers. Because ALL NUMBERS that come from D.C. are basically shake and bake lies. Once you understand that -- you don't get wrapped around the axle about "the lying" and just watch the actual result...

That is some truly hilarious spin on what Trump told the troops. I really can't stop laughing...

Like my Grandfather used to say "figures don't lie, but watch how liars figure".

Trump cult members have become IMMUNE to Trump's constant LIES.......The brain washing has proven successful to the 30-34% of Americans Trump once aptly stated (and whom he "loves") are...poorly educated.

I resent that Nat. I'll have you know I went through the 8th grade.
The president told military personnel in Iraq that they’ll get a raise of over 10 percent, their first in a decade. But it’s 2.6 percent, and they get a hike every year.

During his first visit to a combat zone since assuming office nearly two years ago, President Donald Trump couldn’t help but take personal credit for a very generous and fictional pay raise for U.S. troops.

The president told service members at al-Asad air base in Iraq that he was proud to secure them a much-needed pay bump of “more than 10 percent” after years of stagnant wages. Many of the troops in attendance may have been surprised to learn they hadn’t seen a pay increase in more than a decade.

“Is anybody here willing to give up the big pay raise you just got?” Trump said, asking for a show of hands. “You haven’t gotten one in more than 10 years. More than 10 years. And we got you a big one. I got you a big one. I got you a big one.”

In fact, military members have seen a pay raise in each of the last 10 years, ranging from 1 percent to 3.9 percent, according to the Defense Department. They even saw pay bumps when other federal workers were subjected to a three-year pay freeze in the wake of the Great Recession.

The pay increase for 2019 passed by Congress and signed by the president in August will be 2.6 percent, the largest since 2010. It is not far above last year’s raise for troops, which was 2.4 percent.

Trump told the troops that other people wanted their raise to be smaller, but he fought for a double-digit boost.

More: Trump Brags To Troops About A Fictional Giant Pay Raise He Got Them

2.6% is nowhere near being "more than 10%" as Trump told the troops. He LIED. Trump is evil. Only an evil fucking asshole would tell the troops such a lie - especially in a combat zone during Christmas! What do you think?
Here ya go Washington redskin...
Trump's tendency to exaggerate and even fabricate hurts his credibility. Obama gave the military a 3.4% pay raise in 2010. Bush gave them a 4.6% raise in 2004 and a 3.9% raise in 2009.
The military personnel knows whether or not they got a raise.

US Troops Just Scored Their Largest Pay Raise In Nearly A Decade

No matter how many times Democrat socialists deny there was a raise those enjoying the increase know better.

That's about 1/4 what Trump claimed it was. Trump claimed the raise was about 4 times larger, at 10%. When per your own article, it was 2.6%.

Trump lied.

And you can't admit it. You're demonstrating the cult mentality in action. At this point I'm not sure you can actually tell truth from lies.
Here are the pay raises Trump claims didn't exist:


United States military pay - Wikipedia

Great chart. Thank you.
Notice from the chart, the last big raises for the military came when Democrats controlled congress and the White House.

Clearly, Republicans have a bigger priority.

Needy billionaires.

Helping needy billionaires costs a lot of money.
I couldn't believe it.

On Fox, they were talking about Trump LYING to soldiers overseas. And they used the word "LYING".

Wow, Fox admitted Trump is a liar.

Shock and Awe!
Causing a HUGE pay gap with private sector wages...
Uh...what? When comparing them to...private sector soldiers?

What is their cost of living, compared to...uh...private sector soldiers?

Are U actually that dense? Or just like to take whacks at me?

BECAUSE the entire budget discussion is in terms of "anticipated % increases", those increases are generally based on COLA as RightSwinger said. The military pay compared to private sector salary pay gap WAS increasing for a decade. Was not keeping up..

And a LOT of those soldiers are Reservists. Who HAVE "private sector jobs" so it matters. But unlike RightWinger, I dont believe military pay "anticipated increases" should EVER be JUST about COLA. That's not fair to ask them to accept.. It also affects RECRUITMENT in a all-volunteer military...
Private sector pay has been frozen for a decade

Only the wealthy made out
It wasn’t just that.

He also said, you couldn’t believe what we had to go through to get here.

We had to turn out lights, and cover the windows.

True story.

My God! What terrible inconvenience.
Cadet Bone Spurs strikes again...

Thirteen months in the bush would have made a man of him, back in the 1960s...

The path not taken...
The president told military personnel in Iraq that they’ll get a raise of over 10 percent, their first in a decade. But it’s 2.6 percent, and they get a hike every year.

During his first visit to a combat zone since assuming office nearly two years ago, President Donald Trump couldn’t help but take personal credit for a very generous and fictional pay raise for U.S. troops.

The president told service members at al-Asad air base in Iraq that he was proud to secure them a much-needed pay bump of “more than 10 percent” after years of stagnant wages. Many of the troops in attendance may have been surprised to learn they hadn’t seen a pay increase in more than a decade.

“Is anybody here willing to give up the big pay raise you just got?” Trump said, asking for a show of hands. “You haven’t gotten one in more than 10 years. More than 10 years. And we got you a big one. I got you a big one. I got you a big one.”

In fact, military members have seen a pay raise in each of the last 10 years, ranging from 1 percent to 3.9 percent, according to the Defense Department. They even saw pay bumps when other federal workers were subjected to a three-year pay freeze in the wake of the Great Recession.

The pay increase for 2019 passed by Congress and signed by the president in August will be 2.6 percent, the largest since 2010. It is not far above last year’s raise for troops, which was 2.4 percent.

Trump told the troops that other people wanted their raise to be smaller, but he fought for a double-digit boost.

More: Trump Brags To Troops About A Fictional Giant Pay Raise He Got Them

2.6% is nowhere near being "more than 10%" as Trump told the troops. He LIED. Trump is evil. Only an evil fucking asshole would tell the troops such a lie - especially in a combat zone during Christmas! What do you think?
Here ya go Washington redskin...
What happened to Barron?
I couldn't believe it.

On Fox, they were talking about Trump LYING to soldiers overseas. And they used the word "LYING".

Wow, Fox admitted Trump is a liar.

Shock and Awe!
Something tells me that even Faux News is getting tired of making new excuses for his aberrant behavior every other day...

You can only prop-up a Loser for so long, once he begins his Slide...
The president told military personnel in Iraq that they’ll get a raise of over 10 percent, their first in a decade. But it’s 2.6 percent, and they get a hike every year.

During his first visit to a combat zone since assuming office nearly two years ago, President Donald Trump couldn’t help but take personal credit for a very generous and fictional pay raise for U.S. troops.

The president told service members at al-Asad air base in Iraq that he was proud to secure them a much-needed pay bump of “more than 10 percent” after years of stagnant wages. Many of the troops in attendance may have been surprised to learn they hadn’t seen a pay increase in more than a decade.

“Is anybody here willing to give up the big pay raise you just got?” Trump said, asking for a show of hands. “You haven’t gotten one in more than 10 years. More than 10 years. And we got you a big one. I got you a big one. I got you a big one.”

In fact, military members have seen a pay raise in each of the last 10 years, ranging from 1 percent to 3.9 percent, according to the Defense Department. They even saw pay bumps when other federal workers were subjected to a three-year pay freeze in the wake of the Great Recession.

The pay increase for 2019 passed by Congress and signed by the president in August will be 2.6 percent, the largest since 2010. It is not far above last year’s raise for troops, which was 2.4 percent.

Trump told the troops that other people wanted their raise to be smaller, but he fought for a double-digit boost.

More: Trump Brags To Troops About A Fictional Giant Pay Raise He Got Them

2.6% is nowhere near being "more than 10%" as Trump told the troops. He LIED. Trump is evil. Only an evil fucking asshole would tell the troops such a lie - especially in a combat zone during Christmas! What do you think?
Here ya go Washington redskin...
What happened to Barron?
He’s in the hospital, he was attacked by Progressives...
The president told military personnel in Iraq that they’ll get a raise of over 10 percent, their first in a decade. But it’s 2.6 percent, and they get a hike every year.

During his first visit to a combat zone since assuming office nearly two years ago, President Donald Trump couldn’t help but take personal credit for a very generous and fictional pay raise for U.S. troops.

The president told service members at al-Asad air base in Iraq that he was proud to secure them a much-needed pay bump of “more than 10 percent” after years of stagnant wages. Many of the troops in attendance may have been surprised to learn they hadn’t seen a pay increase in more than a decade.

“Is anybody here willing to give up the big pay raise you just got?” Trump said, asking for a show of hands. “You haven’t gotten one in more than 10 years. More than 10 years. And we got you a big one. I got you a big one. I got you a big one.”

In fact, military members have seen a pay raise in each of the last 10 years, ranging from 1 percent to 3.9 percent, according to the Defense Department. They even saw pay bumps when other federal workers were subjected to a three-year pay freeze in the wake of the Great Recession.

The pay increase for 2019 passed by Congress and signed by the president in August will be 2.6 percent, the largest since 2010. It is not far above last year’s raise for troops, which was 2.4 percent.

Trump told the troops that other people wanted their raise to be smaller, but he fought for a double-digit boost.

More: Trump Brags To Troops About A Fictional Giant Pay Raise He Got Them

2.6% is nowhere near being "more than 10%" as Trump told the troops. He LIED. Trump is evil. Only an evil fucking asshole would tell the troops such a lie - especially in a combat zone during Christmas! What do you think?
Here ya go Washington redskin...
What happened to Barron?
He’s in the hospital, he was attacked by Progressives...
Excluded from the family?

What did the poor child do?
Trump will lie about anything it seems.

I mean, it's not like his lies are particularly skilled or deep or hard to disprove. He just spews out any ole thing and moves on to the next fabrication.

It's like the final words of Woodward's book 'Fear'...a person who knew Trump very well said about him; 'You're a fucking liar'.
The president told military personnel in Iraq that they’ll get a raise of over 10 percent, their first in a decade. But it’s 2.6 percent, and they get a hike every year.

During his first visit to a combat zone since assuming office nearly two years ago, President Donald Trump couldn’t help but take personal credit for a very generous and fictional pay raise for U.S. troops.

The president told service members at al-Asad air base in Iraq that he was proud to secure them a much-needed pay bump of “more than 10 percent” after years of stagnant wages. Many of the troops in attendance may have been surprised to learn they hadn’t seen a pay increase in more than a decade.

“Is anybody here willing to give up the big pay raise you just got?” Trump said, asking for a show of hands. “You haven’t gotten one in more than 10 years. More than 10 years. And we got you a big one. I got you a big one. I got you a big one.”

In fact, military members have seen a pay raise in each of the last 10 years, ranging from 1 percent to 3.9 percent, according to the Defense Department. They even saw pay bumps when other federal workers were subjected to a three-year pay freeze in the wake of the Great Recession.

The pay increase for 2019 passed by Congress and signed by the president in August will be 2.6 percent, the largest since 2010. It is not far above last year’s raise for troops, which was 2.4 percent.

Trump told the troops that other people wanted their raise to be smaller, but he fought for a double-digit boost.

More: Trump Brags To Troops About A Fictional Giant Pay Raise He Got Them

2.6% is nowhere near being "more than 10%" as Trump told the troops. He LIED. Trump is evil. Only an evil fucking asshole would tell the troops such a lie - especially in a combat zone during Christmas! What do you think?

Don't think the troops care considering their pay raises have been GOING DOWN for about 16 years now.. Causing a HUGE pay gap with private sector wages...


It's goin in the right direction and at 2.4% is MUCH higher than the Obama proposals back in 2014 when this graph was made, of LESS than 2% in 2019... And the Repub Congress DID argue up the numbers from 2.1% to 2.4%... WHICH IS about 10% HIGHER than the Budget recommendation originally was...

Best any citizen -- either private or military can EVER expect from govt --- is that it's going in the RIGHT Direction..

So -- Lahkota -- what do YOU THINK they SHOULD have gotten for the past 10 years????: I know, you don't really give a damn. It's only important, if it can be used as a political weapon....

"Don't think the troops care considering their pay raises have been GOING DOWN for about 16 years now.. Causing a HUGE pay gap with private sector wages...

It's goin in the right direction and at 2.4% is MUCH higher than the Obama proposals back in 2014 when this graph was made, of LESS than 2% in 2019... And the Repub Congress DID argue up the numbers from 2.1% to 2.4%... WHICH IS about 10% HIGHER than the Budget recommendation originally was...

Best any citizen -- either private or military can EVER expect from govt --- is that it's going in the RIGHT Direction..

So -- Lahkota -- what do YOU THINK they SHOULD have gotten for the past 10 years????: I know, you don't really give a damn. It's only important, if it can be used as a political weapon....""

YADAYADAYADAYADYADAYDA.....Fucking word salad.
Why are you making excuses for an obvious right-in-the-camera-lens and in their face lie?
You think he got the difference between 2.6% and 10% mixed up?
He's a 'stable genius' remember?
Where was the President remotely truthful?

Show me ten percent

Taking back your admission of guilt?....Manafort has nothing on you. :blahblah:
Failure to answer the question

What did the president say that is true?

That troops hadn’t received a raise in ten years?
That he gave the biggest raise in history?
That he demanded and got a ten percent raise for our troops?
Can you believe he said those things to our troops overseas on Christmas?

The guy is a monster.

And, he not only lied facing them live, he whined. He said you can't believe what we had to go through to get here. We had to turn off lights and cover windows.

Oh my! They not only had to, get this, TURN OFF LIGHTS, but they had to COVER WINDOWS! Oh the pain. The horror. The hardship.

Yeah, he's such a fucking pantywaist.
Bush and Obama never complained about flight conditions and they didn't drag their feet about going to active combat zones.
Trump is the biggest piece of shit to ever land inside the Beltway.
Looks like Trump just tricked the leftstream media into publicizing the Republican pay raises for the troops after the Democrats reamed the troops with a post hole auger.

How did Democrats "ream the troops"? Please be specific with "credible" sources.

Check the graph I just posted. NOBODY in your tribe was interested in military pay for past 8 years...

The Topic is not military pay raise....the topic is the lies that your King told the troops in Irag....

Why is that MORE IMPORTANT than the actual issue to you? 95% of politicos are lying every time they speak. It's WHAT THEY ACCOMPLISH --- that matters.

Not much different from entrenprenuers like Musk or Trump.. They are PROMOTERS -- PT Barnum style. And what they CREATE is more important than how they do it.

"...95% of politicos are lying every time they speak. "

Remember, and I know you don't, that Trump put himself on a pedestal above politicians.
Or did you fucking forget that, too?

Donald Trump claims he's 'not a politician' and then proves it in 4 words

LOLOLOL! Need help getting that foot out of your mouth?
He thinks they don’t know about how much they make?

Trump misleads about military pay raises again - CNNPolitics

Speaking to troops at Al Asad Air Base during his surprise visit to Iraq, Trump told troops: "You protect us. We are always going to protect you. And you just saw that, 'cause you just got one of the biggest pay raises you've ever received. ... You haven't gotten one in more than 10 years. More than 10 years. And we got you a big one. I got you a big one. I got you a big one."
In fact, military pay has increased every year for more than three decades. It was raised 2.4% in 2018 and then 2.6% in the 2019 National Defense Authorization Act. The 2.6% pay raise is the largest in the past 9 years.

More fake news from CNN. .LYING is epidemic.. Here's the point. Of COURSE "it's increased every year for 3 decades" -- but CNN is lying by omission. Because the IMPORTANT part is that the SIZE of raises have been going DOWN for 13 years. And were only TOKEN raises for the past 8 years. Here's the TRUTH again...


That was the PROPOSED future (in dashes) from the 2014 OBAMA budget. I'm not here to defend Trump. Don't get me wrong. I'm here to make people WORK for understanding the issues. And there's SO MUCH LYING and deviant lying by omission going on here -- it's easy pickins on both sides of the childish noise...

If you believe suck Trumps nipple



IF YOU LIKE YOUR DOCTOR. YOU CAN KEEP YOUR DOCTOR....wonder what lie by Trump cost as much as the mulattos lies?
98 percent of Americans kept their health insurance

If 98 percent of soldiers got a ten percent raise it would not be much of a lie
So OVER 2 MILLION by your numbers LOST HEALTH CARE, that is a SMALL NUMBER from an ABNORMAL with a pea sized mind!!!!...I'm sure those people feel relief knowing your useless I almost always say bitch slapping mental retard liberals is TOO FUCKING EASY!!!...But never change Wrongwinger, YOU are our entertainment!
It was actually four million out of 330 million Americans
You do the math

I really think a trumpette is going to do math and come up with a fact? You are expecting a lot....from someone who voted for the "dumbest GD student I ever taught."

Revealed: Trump's professor thought he was his 'dumbest student' ever - Study International

Don't know about Trumpettes, but I just gave you one.. That "cuts and increases" in the Swamp aint what you think they are.. So here's the "teachable moment".. I doubt more than 1/2 of you have the honesty or faculties to follow or understand this -- but I'm agonna try...

1) NOTHING in the US Fed budget EVER gets "cut".. When any DC critter talks about raises or cuts, they are referring to the AMOUNT of the anticipated increase --- as compared to the MODIFIED increase for that program or salary class.

2) If a program like WIC gets CUT -- they STILL get more money than they had the prior year. We've had HUNDREDS of brawls over programs cutting cut on USMB -- but in reality, 90% of the time -- that item is funded HIGHER than it was the previous year...

3) If youre fighting over WIC "getting CUT" or "getting INCREASED BY 10% --- you're arguing over the ANTICIPATED INCREASE for that budget item.. Not the total salary or the amount of funding..

4) So from G5000's chart above -- the rate of increase for Military salaries was 2.4% in 2018. The Swamp Critters decide on amounts by how much THAT NUMBER changes. NOT by the total program funding or salary. THAT never is even considered.

5) A 2019 increase of 2.6% is EXACTLY a "a 10% increase" in Swamp Language. Nobody would EVER propose a budget modification in any other terms.

If you don't believe this is true, go to Dept of Ag numbers for TOTAL WIC PROGRAM spending. Despite all the WHINING and crying about "cuts", NOTHING ever actually GOT cut. In 2000, Total WIC spending was $4.1Bill --- In 2018, it was $5.9Bill .... While participation in WIC was DROPPING fairly rapidly..

These swamp critters are perverting the meaning of "increases" or "cuts".. And have all the morons who just check PolitiSpin -- arguing over numbers that they DON'T understand. Then the politicos couch the battle to be about "cost of living" indexes or "expected revenues"..

Trump COULD BE correct. Because in swamp speak -- there IS a 10% increase for military pay... It's true.

"in Swamp Language..."

Fun to watch you drown in the Swamp that Trump said he drained.

I don't care what language or garbage you spin, they didn't get a 10% raise.
The president told military personnel in Iraq that they’ll get a raise of over 10 percent, their first in a decade. But it’s 2.6 percent, and they get a hike every year.

During his first visit to a combat zone since assuming office nearly two years ago, President Donald Trump couldn’t help but take personal credit for a very generous and fictional pay raise for U.S. troops.

The president told service members at al-Asad air base in Iraq that he was proud to secure them a much-needed pay bump of “more than 10 percent” after years of stagnant wages. Many of the troops in attendance may have been surprised to learn they hadn’t seen a pay increase in more than a decade.

“Is anybody here willing to give up the big pay raise you just got?” Trump said, asking for a show of hands. “You haven’t gotten one in more than 10 years. More than 10 years. And we got you a big one. I got you a big one. I got you a big one.”

In fact, military members have seen a pay raise in each of the last 10 years, ranging from 1 percent to 3.9 percent, according to the Defense Department. They even saw pay bumps when other federal workers were subjected to a three-year pay freeze in the wake of the Great Recession.

The pay increase for 2019 passed by Congress and signed by the president in August will be 2.6 percent, the largest since 2010. It is not far above last year’s raise for troops, which was 2.4 percent.

Trump told the troops that other people wanted their raise to be smaller, but he fought for a double-digit boost.

More: Trump Brags To Troops About A Fictional Giant Pay Raise He Got Them

2.6% is nowhere near being "more than 10%" as Trump told the troops. He LIED. Trump is evil. Only an evil fucking asshole would tell the troops such a lie - especially in a combat zone during Christmas! What do you think?

Don't think the troops care considering their pay raises have been GOING DOWN for about 16 years now.. Causing a HUGE pay gap with private sector wages...


It's goin in the right direction and at 2.4% is MUCH higher than the Obama proposals back in 2014 when this graph was made, of LESS than 2% in 2019... And the Repub Congress DID argue up the numbers from 2.1% to 2.4%... WHICH IS about 10% HIGHER than the Budget recommendation originally was...

Best any citizen -- either private or military can EVER expect from govt --- is that it's going in the RIGHT Direction..

So -- Lahkota -- what do YOU THINK they SHOULD have gotten for the past 10 years????: I know, you don't really give a damn. It's only important, if it can be used as a political weapon....

Ohhh so when Trump says "I gave you [10%] raise" and the reality is that raise is [10% of 2.1%], he WASN'T lying???

Answer that one with a straight face, double dare you. :rolleyes:

Holy Shit. What a surprise. You ALMOST GOT THIS... YES.. That's the way ALL budgeting is DESCRIBED in Washington. It's NEVER ABOUT the actual salary or budget. That's on fucking autopilot and ALWAYS goes up.. It's ALWAYS a description of the % anticipated increase..

I underestimated you.. I apologize.. You're educable --- maybe :biggrin:.

EXCEPT -- you got the numbers wrong. 2018 was 2.4%. 2.4 X 1.1 = 2.64 or 2.6.. That's a 10% increase in swamp speak...

NEVER was there an intent by Trump or ANYONE else to boost ANY Fed salary in one year by 10%... There would have been fountains of blood oozing from eyeballs on the left and right.

If you're gonna argue.. AT LEAST ARGUE about the issue and the accomplishment and not just whether someone lied about numbers. Because ALL NUMBERS that come from D.C. are basically shake and bake lies. Once you understand that -- you don't get wrapped around the axle about "the lying" and just watch the actual result...

"...not just whether someone lied about numbers."

See, Republicans condone lying. It's OK when their candidate does it.
What if Hillary had said it?

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