Trump Lies To Troops About Giant Pay Raise He Never Got Them

He thinks they don’t know about how much they make?

Trump misleads about military pay raises again - CNNPolitics

Speaking to troops at Al Asad Air Base during his surprise visit to Iraq, Trump told troops: "You protect us. We are always going to protect you. And you just saw that, 'cause you just got one of the biggest pay raises you've ever received. ... You haven't gotten one in more than 10 years. More than 10 years. And we got you a big one. I got you a big one. I got you a big one."
In fact, military pay has increased every year for more than three decades. It was raised 2.4% in 2018 and then 2.6% in the 2019 National Defense Authorization Act. The 2.6% pay raise is the largest in the past 9 years.

More fake news from CNN. .LYING is epidemic.. Here's the point. Of COURSE "it's increased every year for 3 decades" -- but CNN is lying by omission. Because the IMPORTANT part is that the SIZE of raises have been going DOWN for 13 years. And were only TOKEN raises for the past 8 years. Here's the TRUTH again...


That was the PROPOSED future (in dashes) from the 2014 OBAMA budget. I'm not here to defend Trump. Don't get me wrong. I'm here to make people WORK for understanding the issues. And there's SO MUCH LYING and deviant lying by omission going on here -- it's easy pickins on both sides of the childish noise...
Trump Lies To Troops

There's no story here, Lapkota! You've already run 159 threads about how Trump lies, lies, lies. Lies day and night. Thousands of lies. So why are you surprised if he lied here again? Of course, no matter WHAT Trump says, it is still a lie to you.

trump lies so is hard for him to come up with which are truth and which are lies....
The president told military personnel in Iraq that they’ll get a raise of over 10 percent, their first in a decade. But it’s 2.6 percent, and they get a hike every year.

During his first visit to a combat zone since assuming office nearly two years ago, President Donald Trump couldn’t help but take personal credit for a very generous and fictional pay raise for U.S. troops.

The president told service members at al-Asad air base in Iraq that he was proud to secure them a much-needed pay bump of “more than 10 percent” after years of stagnant wages. Many of the troops in attendance may have been surprised to learn they hadn’t seen a pay increase in more than a decade.

“Is anybody here willing to give up the big pay raise you just got?” Trump said, asking for a show of hands. “You haven’t gotten one in more than 10 years. More than 10 years. And we got you a big one. I got you a big one. I got you a big one.”

In fact, military members have seen a pay raise in each of the last 10 years, ranging from 1 percent to 3.9 percent, according to the Defense Department. They even saw pay bumps when other federal workers were subjected to a three-year pay freeze in the wake of the Great Recession.

The pay increase for 2019 passed by Congress and signed by the president in August will be 2.6 percent, the largest since 2010. It is not far above last year’s raise for troops, which was 2.4 percent.

Trump told the troops that other people wanted their raise to be smaller, but he fought for a double-digit boost.

More: Trump Brags To Troops About A Fictional Giant Pay Raise He Got Them

2.6% is nowhere near being "more than 10%" as Trump told the troops. He LIED. Trump is evil. Only an evil fucking asshole would tell the troops such a lie - especially in a combat zone during Christmas! What do you think?

Don't think the troops care considering their pay raises have been GOING DOWN for about 16 years now.. Causing a HUGE pay gap with private sector wages...


It's goin in the right direction and at 2.4% is MUCH higher than the Obama proposals back in 2014 when this graph was made, of LESS than 2% in 2019... And the Repub Congress DID argue up the numbers from 2.1% to 2.4%... WHICH IS about 10% HIGHER than the Budget recommendation originally was...

Best any citizen -- either private or military can EVER expect from govt --- is that it's going in the RIGHT Direction..

So -- Lahkota -- what do YOU THINK they SHOULD have gotten for the past 10 years????: I know, you don't really give a damn. It's only important, if it can be used as a political weapon....
Those pay increases are based on cost of living increases

Inflation has been very low for the last ten years. It is increasing under Trump

Why should military pay be tied to "inflation"? How about deployments, risks, time away from family? That's a whimpy excuse and an insult to what America is asking them to do...

Um....combat pay, anyone?

And wouldn't you consider lying to the troops about pay raises to be 'insulting' to the troops?

I mean, when you're not being blinded by hyperpartisanship that forces you to ignore said lies.
Looks like Trump just tricked the leftstream media into publicizing the Republican pay raises for the troops after the Democrats reamed the troops with a post hole auger.

How did Democrats "ream the troops"? Please be specific with "credible" sources.

Check the graph I just posted. NOBODY in your tribe was interested in military pay for past 8 years...

The Topic is not military pay raise....the topic is the lies that your King told the troops in Irag....

Why is that MORE IMPORTANT than the actual issue to you? 95% of politicos are lying every time they speak. It's WHAT THEY ACCOMPLISH --- that matters.

Not much different from entrenprenuers like Musk or Trump.. They are PROMOTERS -- PT Barnum style. And what they CREATE is more important than how they do it.
Looks like Trump just tricked the leftstream media into publicizing the Republican pay raises for the troops after the Democrats reamed the troops with a post hole auger.

How did Democrats "ream the troops"? Please be specific with "credible" sources.

Check the graph I just posted. NOBODY in your tribe was interested in military pay for past 8 years...

The Topic is not military pay raise....the topic is the lies that your King told the troops in Irag....

Why is that MORE IMPORTANT than the actual issue to you? 95% of politicos are lying every time they speak. It's WHAT THEY ACCOMPLISH --- that matters.

Not much different from entrenprenuers like Musk or Trump.. They are PROMOTERS -- PT Barnum style. And what they CREATE is more important than how they do it.

Rather than pulling imaginary stats sideways out of your ass.......why not address the *actual* stat offered by the President when he lied to our troops:

The imaginary '10% raise'.
He thinks they don’t know about how much they make?

Trump misleads about military pay raises again - CNNPolitics

Speaking to troops at Al Asad Air Base during his surprise visit to Iraq, Trump told troops: "You protect us. We are always going to protect you. And you just saw that, 'cause you just got one of the biggest pay raises you've ever received. ... You haven't gotten one in more than 10 years. More than 10 years. And we got you a big one. I got you a big one. I got you a big one."
In fact, military pay has increased every year for more than three decades. It was raised 2.4% in 2018 and then 2.6% in the 2019 National Defense Authorization Act. The 2.6% pay raise is the largest in the past 9 years.

More fake news from CNN. .LYING is epidemic.. Here's the point. Of COURSE "it's increased every year for 3 decades" -- but CNN is lying by omission. Because the IMPORTANT part is that the SIZE of raises have been going DOWN for 13 years. And were only TOKEN raises for the past 8 years. Here's the TRUTH again...


That was the PROPOSED future (in dashes) from the 2014 OBAMA budget. I'm not here to defend Trump. Don't get me wrong. I'm here to make people WORK for understanding the issues. And there's SO MUCH LYING and deviant lying by omission going on here -- it's easy pickins on both sides of the childish noise...

Please just admit Donnie lied....why us it sooooo hard?

Because I look at the numbers and the numbers are NOT in SALARY AMOUNTS. They are in % increases. And I'm not sure it was a CLEAR lie because he lobbied and got a % increase that IS ACTUALLY 10% higher than what folks were thinking... If you present the math that way, he's actually correct.

I'm amazed that ANY 70+ person can keep 1000s of numbers and facts in their head under pressure of speaking "off the cuff".. Might want to consider your front-runners for 2020, because old farts tend to screw up a LOT under the pressure.. (Joe Biden??))

Bring him on.. The "lies" that get caught will be similarly MONUMENTAL... You on the left expect WAY too much from Fed Govt and it's leadership. The entire lot is no better than your avg Chamber of Commerce board members.
Looks like Trump just tricked the leftstream media into publicizing the Republican pay raises for the troops after the Democrats reamed the troops with a post hole auger.

How did Democrats "ream the troops"? Please be specific with "credible" sources.

Check the graph I just posted. NOBODY in your tribe was interested in military pay for past 8 years...

The Topic is not military pay raise....the topic is the lies that your King told the troops in Irag....

Why is that MORE IMPORTANT than the actual issue to you? 95% of politicos are lying every time they speak. It's WHAT THEY ACCOMPLISH --- that matters.

Not much different from entrenprenuers like Musk or Trump.. They are PROMOTERS -- PT Barnum style. And what they CREATE is more important than how they do it.

Rather than pulling imaginary stats sideways out of your ass.......why not address the *actual* stat offered by the President when he lied to our troops:

The imaginary '10% raise'.

I just did above.. But I doubt you're educated enough to grab the difference between increasing a SALARY or a PERCENTAGE INCREASE in salary...
Looks like Trump just tricked the leftstream media into publicizing the Republican pay raises for the troops after the Democrats reamed the troops with a post hole auger.

How did Democrats "ream the troops"? Please be specific with "credible" sources.

Check the graph I just posted. NOBODY in your tribe was interested in military pay for past 8 years...

The Topic is not military pay raise....the topic is the lies that your King told the troops in Irag....

Why is that MORE IMPORTANT than the actual issue to you? 95% of politicos are lying every time they speak. It's WHAT THEY ACCOMPLISH --- that matters.

Not much different from entrenprenuers like Musk or Trump.. They are PROMOTERS -- PT Barnum style. And what they CREATE is more important than how they do it.
When your dad gives you nearly a half billion dollars and you have six bankruptcies, you can't be called an "entrepreneur".
The military personnel knows whether or not they got a raise.

US Troops Just Scored Their Largest Pay Raise In Nearly A Decade

No matter how many times Democrat socialists deny there was a raise those enjoying the increase know better.

That's about 1/4 what Trump claimed it was. Trump claimed the raise was about 4 times larger, at 10%. When per your own article, it was 2.6%.

Trump lied.

And you can't admit it. You're demonstrating the cult mentality in action. At this point I'm not sure you can actually tell truth from lies.
Here are the pay raises Trump claims didn't exist:


United States military pay - Wikipedia

Great chart. Thank you.
The military personnel knows whether or not they got a raise.

US Troops Just Scored Their Largest Pay Raise In Nearly A Decade

No matter how many times Democrat socialists deny there was a raise those enjoying the increase know better.

You eternal moron.......Read your own fucking article....

Under Trump, they got a 2.6% raise......

Under Obama they got a 3.4% raise......

Where the hell does Trump get his fucking "facts" that he gave them this huge raise???

That 3.4% was in 2008, in a budget signed by Bush. It all CRASHED down from there..


Budgets are formallized the YEAR before. Or are SUPPOSED to be. Congress doesn't do much about managing or producing a FULL budget anymore. So the 3.8% in 2009 was NOT approved under the Obama Admin. You got lied to and parroted the lie.. Where'd ya get that? Was it Mika or CNN or TPM???
The military personnel knows whether or not they got a raise.

US Troops Just Scored Their Largest Pay Raise In Nearly A Decade

No matter how many times Democrat socialists deny there was a raise those enjoying the increase know better.

You eternal moron.......Read your own fucking article....

Under Trump, they got a 2.6% raise......

Under Obama they got a 3.4% raise......

Where the hell does Trump get his fucking "facts" that he gave them this huge raise???

That 3.4% was in 2008, in a budget signed by Bush. It all CRASHED down from there..


Budgets are formallized the YEAR before. Or are SUPPOSED to be. Congress doesn't do much about managing or producing a FULL budget anymore. So the 3.8% in 2009 was NOT approved under the Obama Admin. You got lied to and parroted the lie.. Where'd ya get that? Was it Mika or CNN or TPM???

Here.......just to point out how truly biased your are (of course, "stupid" is the alternative..)

Trump, who spent more than three hours along with First Lady Melania Trump at Al Asad Air Base near Baghdad, addressed several hundred servicemen and -women, boasting that he had delivered them "one of the biggest pay raises you've ever received."

The president also stated -- incorrectly -- that he had authorized the first military pay increase in a decade.

"You haven't gotten one in more than 10 years," Trump said. "More than 10 years. And we got you a big one. I got you a big one. I got you a big one.

Military pay, in fact, has risen every year for three decades. It was raised 2.4% in 2018 and will rise by another 2.6% in 2019.

Trump, Visiting Troops in Iraq, Makes False Claims About Raising Military Pay
Looks like Trump just tricked the leftstream media into publicizing the Republican pay raises for the troops after the Democrats reamed the troops with a post hole auger.

How did Democrats "ream the troops"? Please be specific with "credible" sources.

Check the graph I just posted. NOBODY in your tribe was interested in military pay for past 8 years...

The Topic is not military pay raise....the topic is the lies that your King told the troops in Irag....

Why is that MORE IMPORTANT than the actual issue to you? 95% of politicos are lying every time they speak. It's WHAT THEY ACCOMPLISH --- that matters.

Not much different from entrenprenuers like Musk or Trump.. They are PROMOTERS -- PT Barnum style. And what they CREATE is more important than how they do it.
When your dad gives you nearly a half billion dollars and you have six bankruptcies, you can't be called an "entrepreneur".

& when wall street has to put you on an allowance because of the very bad business decisions you make & your spending is out of control.... & then you have to go to the rooooskies for cash.... that makes you a very easy target for blackmail.
Did Trump claim "he" got them a raise? If he did say that there is no evidence of it

Did he claim that he got them a 10% raise? If he did he their faces

He DID claim to have gotten them a raise "this year" claiming that they had NOT gotten raises recently when in truth they got similar raises to this year's raise at least the last four That was also a lie.
Looks like Trump just tricked the leftstream media into publicizing the Republican pay raises for the troops after the Democrats reamed the troops with a post hole auger.

How did Democrats "ream the troops"? Please be specific with "credible" sources.

Check the graph I just posted. NOBODY in your tribe was interested in military pay for past 8 years...
Military pay was increased according to prescribed formulas under both Obama and Bush.
Trump is following those same formulas to come up with 2.6 percent. He did nothing to increase it, it just reflects higher inflation.

It was not 10 percent
It was not even close to the highest ever
It was not the first increase in the last ten years
The military personnel knows whether or not they got a raise.

US Troops Just Scored Their Largest Pay Raise In Nearly A Decade

No matter how many times Democrat socialists deny there was a raise those enjoying the increase know better.

You eternal moron.......Read your own fucking article....

Under Trump, they got a 2.6% raise......

Under Obama they got a 3.4% raise......

Where the hell does Trump get his fucking "facts" that he gave them this huge raise???

That 3.4% was in 2008, in a budget signed by Bush. It all CRASHED down from there..


Budgets are formallized the YEAR before. Or are SUPPOSED to be. Congress doesn't do much about managing or producing a FULL budget anymore. So the 3.8% in 2009 was NOT approved under the Obama Admin. You got lied to and parroted the lie.. Where'd ya get that? Was it Mika or CNN or TPM???
The military personnel knows whether or not they got a raise.

US Troops Just Scored Their Largest Pay Raise In Nearly A Decade

No matter how many times Democrat socialists deny there was a raise those enjoying the increase know better.

You eternal moron.......Read your own fucking article....

Under Trump, they got a 2.6% raise......

Under Obama they got a 3.4% raise......

Where the hell does Trump get his fucking "facts" that he gave them this huge raise???

That 3.4% was in 2008, in a budget signed by Bush. It all CRASHED down from there..


Budgets are formallized the YEAR before. Or are SUPPOSED to be. Congress doesn't do much about managing or producing a FULL budget anymore. So the 3.8% in 2009 was NOT approved under the Obama Admin. You got lied to and parroted the lie.. Where'd ya get that? Was it Mika or CNN or TPM???

Here.......just to point out how truly biased your are (of course, "stupid" is the alternative..)

Trump, who spent more than three hours along with First Lady Melania Trump at Al Asad Air Base near Baghdad, addressed several hundred servicemen and -women, boasting that he had delivered them "one of the biggest pay raises you've ever received."

The president also stated -- incorrectly -- that he had authorized the first military pay increase in a decade.

"You haven't gotten one in more than 10 years," Trump said. "More than 10 years. And we got you a big one. I got you a big one. I got you a big one.

Military pay, in fact, has risen every year for three decades. It was raised 2.4% in 2018 and will rise by another 2.6% in 2019.

Trump, Visiting Troops in Iraq, Makes False Claims About Raising Military Pay

Thank you! sums it up nicely. Trump LIED.
He thinks they don’t know about how much they make?

Trump misleads about military pay raises again - CNNPolitics

Speaking to troops at Al Asad Air Base during his surprise visit to Iraq, Trump told troops: "You protect us. We are always going to protect you. And you just saw that, 'cause you just got one of the biggest pay raises you've ever received. ... You haven't gotten one in more than 10 years. More than 10 years. And we got you a big one. I got you a big one. I got you a big one."
In fact, military pay has increased every year for more than three decades. It was raised 2.4% in 2018 and then 2.6% in the 2019 National Defense Authorization Act. The 2.6% pay raise is the largest in the past 9 years.

More fake news from CNN. .LYING is epidemic.. Here's the point. Of COURSE "it's increased every year for 3 decades" -- but CNN is lying by omission. Because the IMPORTANT part is that the SIZE of raises have been going DOWN for 13 years. And were only TOKEN raises for the past 8 years. Here's the TRUTH again...


That was the PROPOSED future (in dashes) from the 2014 OBAMA budget. I'm not here to defend Trump. Don't get me wrong. I'm here to make people WORK for understanding the issues. And there's SO MUCH LYING and deviant lying by omission going on here -- it's easy pickins on both sides of the childish noise...

If you believe suck Trumps nipple
The president told military personnel in Iraq that they’ll get a raise of over 10 percent, their first in a decade. But it’s 2.6 percent, and they get a hike every year.

During his first visit to a combat zone since assuming office nearly two years ago, President Donald Trump couldn’t help but take personal credit for a very generous and fictional pay raise for U.S. troops.

The president told service members at al-Asad air base in Iraq that he was proud to secure them a much-needed pay bump of “more than 10 percent” after years of stagnant wages. Many of the troops in attendance may have been surprised to learn they hadn’t seen a pay increase in more than a decade.

“Is anybody here willing to give up the big pay raise you just got?” Trump said, asking for a show of hands. “You haven’t gotten one in more than 10 years. More than 10 years. And we got you a big one. I got you a big one. I got you a big one.”

In fact, military members have seen a pay raise in each of the last 10 years, ranging from 1 percent to 3.9 percent, according to the Defense Department. They even saw pay bumps when other federal workers were subjected to a three-year pay freeze in the wake of the Great Recession.

The pay increase for 2019 passed by Congress and signed by the president in August will be 2.6 percent, the largest since 2010. It is not far above last year’s raise for troops, which was 2.4 percent.

Trump told the troops that other people wanted their raise to be smaller, but he fought for a double-digit boost.

More: Trump Brags To Troops About A Fictional Giant Pay Raise He Got Them

2.6% is nowhere near being "more than 10%" as Trump told the troops. He LIED. Trump is evil. Only an evil fucking asshole would tell the troops such a lie - especially in a combat zone during Christmas! What do you think?
Notice the constant theme of TEN?

Ten years
Ten percent
Ten terrorists caught at the border
Ten Senators

Ten is the good number for tiny trump....he can count to ten on his tiny fingers.
Did Trump claim "he" got them a raise? If he did say that there is no evidence of it

Did he claim that he got them a 10% raise? If he did he their faces

He DID claim to have gotten them a raise "this year" claiming that they had NOT gotten raises recently when in truth they got similar raises to this year's raise at least the last four That was also a lie.

"You just got one of the biggest pay raises you've ever received," Trump said in remarks at al-Asad Airbase during his surprise trip to Iraq on Wednesday, drawing cheers from the troops. "You haven’t gotten one in more than 10 years — more than 10 years. And we got you a big one. I got you a big one."
It may be one thing to outright lie to imbeciles at Trump's rallies.....BUT, to lie to our troops face-to-face in a war-zone smacks a lot of being a scumbag.....

What do you think, Trump cult members???
The military personnel knows whether or not they got a raise.

US Troops Just Scored Their Largest Pay Raise In Nearly A Decade

No matter how many times Democrat socialists deny there was a raise those enjoying the increase know better.
Fact #1 There is conflicting information as to the amounts of past raises and whether or noy this is the largest.

Fact #2 IT WAS NOT 10% ACCORDING TO YOUR OWN LINK !! Not even close.Thank you for proving that Trump is, once again a pathetic, shameless, pathological LIAR!!

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