Trump Lies To Troops About Giant Pay Raise He Never Got Them

The president told military personnel in Iraq that they’ll get a raise of over 10 percent, their first in a decade. But it’s 2.6 percent, and they get a hike every year.

During his first visit to a combat zone since assuming office nearly two years ago, President Donald Trump couldn’t help but take personal credit for a very generous and fictional pay raise for U.S. troops.

The president told service members at al-Asad air base in Iraq that he was proud to secure them a much-needed pay bump of “more than 10 percent” after years of stagnant wages. Many of the troops in attendance may have been surprised to learn they hadn’t seen a pay increase in more than a decade.

“Is anybody here willing to give up the big pay raise you just got?” Trump said, asking for a show of hands. “You haven’t gotten one in more than 10 years. More than 10 years. And we got you a big one. I got you a big one. I got you a big one.”

In fact, military members have seen a pay raise in each of the last 10 years, ranging from 1 percent to 3.9 percent, according to the Defense Department. They even saw pay bumps when other federal workers were subjected to a three-year pay freeze in the wake of the Great Recession.

The pay increase for 2019 passed by Congress and signed by the president in August will be 2.6 percent, the largest since 2010. It is not far above last year’s raise for troops, which was 2.4 percent.

Trump told the troops that other people wanted their raise to be smaller, but he fought for a double-digit boost.

More: Trump Brags To Troops About A Fictional Giant Pay Raise He Got Them

2.6% is nowhere near being "more than 10%" as Trump told the troops. He LIED. Trump is evil. Only an evil fucking asshole would tell the troops such a lie - especially in a combat zone during Christmas! What do you think?

Don't think the troops care considering their pay raises have been GOING DOWN for about 16 years now.. Causing a HUGE pay gap with private sector wages...


It's goin in the right direction and at 2.4% is MUCH higher than the Obama proposals back in 2014 when this graph was made, of LESS than 2% in 2019... And the Repub Congress DID argue up the numbers from 2.1% to 2.4%... WHICH IS about 10% HIGHER than the Budget recommendation originally was...

Best any citizen -- either private or military can EVER expect from govt --- is that it's going in the RIGHT Direction..

So -- Lahkota -- what do YOU THINK they SHOULD have gotten for the past 10 years????: I know, you don't really give a damn. It's only important, if it can be used as a political weapon....

"Don't think the troops care considering their pay raises have been GOING DOWN for about 16 years now.. Causing a HUGE pay gap with private sector wages...

It's goin in the right direction and at 2.4% is MUCH higher than the Obama proposals back in 2014 when this graph was made, of LESS than 2% in 2019... And the Repub Congress DID argue up the numbers from 2.1% to 2.4%... WHICH IS about 10% HIGHER than the Budget recommendation originally was...

Best any citizen -- either private or military can EVER expect from govt --- is that it's going in the RIGHT Direction..

So -- Lahkota -- what do YOU THINK they SHOULD have gotten for the past 10 years????: I know, you don't really give a damn. It's only important, if it can be used as a political weapon....""

YADAYADAYADAYADYADAYDA.....Fucking word salad.
Why are you making excuses for an obvious right-in-the-camera-lens and in their face lie?
You think he got the difference between 2.6% and 10% mixed up?
He's a 'stable genius' remember?

Don't confuse YOUR ignorance of how the Swamp discusses budget allocations with "word salad". You're the large fraction that I guessed would never ever ponder the truth I gave you.. NEVER are cuts and raises discussed in terms of the BASE program funding or Base salaries.

How do I KNOW this? In the mid-90s, my ass was a plane from Silicon Valley to DC about once a month. I was pitching the research and development from my group to various govt agencies. Our company had a "swamp guide" in DC that would introduce us to key agency folks, read the requests for bids, and tell us how to impress them.

I came in one time and was frantic with the news that one of our key program agencies was "getting its budget cut by 8%".. So 1st question I asked the guy was how was it practical to pitch R&D concepts at them.. He laughed, and told me to "calm down bunky".. In the ride from Dulles, he corrected my naive understanding of Fed budgets. Explained what I've explained to y'all back a few pages. NOTHING EVER GETS CUT.. When any percentage increases or decreases are discussed --- it's ALWAYS based on the "intended increases" from previous budgets. It's a percentage of a percentage. NOT the amount the agency or program actually wins or loses.

You're just too dense for actual analysis.. So I'm only repeating that for those who DONT desire to remain parroting idiots.. Don't bother your little parrot head with learning anything.

A 10% increase in "military salaries" would be 1.1 X whatever the "intended increase" would be. And by the numbers various people have given --- 2018 to 2019 is indeed about 10% higher based on jump from 2.4% to 2.6%..

If you work at it -- you can back up everything I'm saying. Not wasting time on someone who only sees word salad if it doesn't support his misconceptions..
You started out well until you went into defending Trump at all costs mode

I saw a 10 percent cut under Obama and it didn’t come out of some imaginary slush fund. We called it a sequester and each agency was required to cut 10 percent of this years budget. It was done by sending workers home without pay

Your twisted defense of Trumps 10 percent increase had me laughing. After working in DoD for 33 years, those numbers are not described in a percentage increase of some proposed number. Generally a number would be proposed, 2.8 percent and the President would counter with 2.6 percent.
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Looks like Trump just tricked the leftstream media into publicizing the Republican pay raises for the troops after the Democrats reamed the troops with a post hole auger.

How did Democrats "ream the troops"? Please be specific with "credible" sources.

Check the graph I just posted. NOBODY in your tribe was interested in military pay for past 8 years...

The Topic is not military pay raise....the topic is the lies that your King told the troops in Irag....

Why is that MORE IMPORTANT than the actual issue to you? 95% of politicos are lying every time they speak. It's WHAT THEY ACCOMPLISH --- that matters.

Not much different from entrenprenuers like Musk or Trump.. They are PROMOTERS -- PT Barnum style. And what they CREATE is more important than how they do it.

"...95% of politicos are lying every time they speak. "

Remember, and I know you don't, that Trump put himself on a pedestal above politicians.
Or did you fucking forget that, too?

Donald Trump claims he's 'not a politician' and then proves it in 4 words

LOLOLOL! Need help getting that foot out of your mouth?

trump pushes lying to a new level....
The president told military personnel in Iraq that they’ll get a raise of over 10 percent, their first in a decade. But it’s 2.6 percent, and they get a hike every year.

During his first visit to a combat zone since assuming office nearly two years ago, President Donald Trump couldn’t help but take personal credit for a very generous and fictional pay raise for U.S. troops.

The president told service members at al-Asad air base in Iraq that he was proud to secure them a much-needed pay bump of “more than 10 percent” after years of stagnant wages. Many of the troops in attendance may have been surprised to learn they hadn’t seen a pay increase in more than a decade.

“Is anybody here willing to give up the big pay raise you just got?” Trump said, asking for a show of hands. “You haven’t gotten one in more than 10 years. More than 10 years. And we got you a big one. I got you a big one. I got you a big one.”

In fact, military members have seen a pay raise in each of the last 10 years, ranging from 1 percent to 3.9 percent, according to the Defense Department. They even saw pay bumps when other federal workers were subjected to a three-year pay freeze in the wake of the Great Recession.

The pay increase for 2019 passed by Congress and signed by the president in August will be 2.6 percent, the largest since 2010. It is not far above last year’s raise for troops, which was 2.4 percent.

Trump told the troops that other people wanted their raise to be smaller, but he fought for a double-digit boost.

More: Trump Brags To Troops About A Fictional Giant Pay Raise He Got Them

2.6% is nowhere near being "more than 10%" as Trump told the troops. He LIED. Trump is evil. Only an evil fucking asshole would tell the troops such a lie - especially in a combat zone during Christmas! What do you think?

Don't think the troops care considering their pay raises have been GOING DOWN for about 16 years now.. Causing a HUGE pay gap with private sector wages...


It's goin in the right direction and at 2.4% is MUCH higher than the Obama proposals back in 2014 when this graph was made, of LESS than 2% in 2019... And the Repub Congress DID argue up the numbers from 2.1% to 2.4%... WHICH IS about 10% HIGHER than the Budget recommendation originally was...

Best any citizen -- either private or military can EVER expect from govt --- is that it's going in the RIGHT Direction..

So -- Lahkota -- what do YOU THINK they SHOULD have gotten for the past 10 years????: I know, you don't really give a damn. It's only important, if it can be used as a political weapon....

Ohhh so when Trump says "I gave you [10%] raise" and the reality is that raise is [10% of 2.1%], he WASN'T lying???

Answer that one with a straight face, double dare you. :rolleyes:

Holy Shit. What a surprise. You ALMOST GOT THIS... YES.. That's the way ALL budgeting is DESCRIBED in Washington. It's NEVER ABOUT the actual salary or budget. That's on fucking autopilot and ALWAYS goes up.. It's ALWAYS a description of the % anticipated increase..

I underestimated you.. I apologize.. You're educable --- maybe :biggrin:.

EXCEPT -- you got the numbers wrong. 2018 was 2.4%. 2.4 X 1.1 = 2.64 or 2.6.. That's a 10% increase in swamp speak...

NEVER was there an intent by Trump or ANYONE else to boost ANY Fed salary in one year by 10%... There would have been fountains of blood oozing from eyeballs on the left and right.

If you're gonna argue.. AT LEAST ARGUE about the issue and the accomplishment and not just whether someone lied about numbers. Because ALL NUMBERS that come from D.C. are basically shake and bake lies. Once you understand that -- you don't get wrapped around the axle about "the lying" and just watch the actual result...


Kids, this is your brain on Trump cultism.

Let make this very plain for you:

Trump said he give our enlisted 10% raise, a first one in a decade. He did not.
They did not get 10% raise
and they got A raise on a regular basis.

To anyone not suffering from chronic Trumpism this is as clear case of blatant, shameless lying as it gets.

You seriously need to look in the mirror and figure some things out, because looking back at you will be a drooling Trump retard.
I have bad news about the stick up your ass.

I have worse news about the Orange cock in your mouth.

Ah, no, I would say the stick is probably worse.

I suppose an Orange cocksucker would know better... perhaps you could elaborate.

Nope, I wouldn't, which is why I said probably, although it should be the same that you had been doing for eight years...oh wait, that wasn't Orange.

Wow. That retort made absolutely no sense, winger. I smell desperation.

No doubt a smell you're quite familiar with.
I have worse news about the Orange cock in your mouth.

Ah, no, I would say the stick is probably worse.

I suppose an Orange cocksucker would know better... perhaps you could elaborate.

Nope, I wouldn't, which is why I said probably, although it should be the same that you had been doing for eight years...oh wait, that wasn't Orange.

Wow. That retort made absolutely no sense, winger. I smell desperation.

No doubt a smell you're quite familiar with.

With rank and file Cult45 members? Sure. You people reek of desperation.
"Don't think the troops care considering their pay raises have been GOING DOWN for about 16 years now.. Causing a HUGE pay gap with private sector wages...

It's goin in the right direction and at 2.4% is MUCH higher than the Obama proposals back in 2014 when this graph was made, of LESS than 2% in 2019... And the Repub Congress DID argue up the numbers from 2.1% to 2.4%... WHICH IS about 10% HIGHER than the Budget recommendation originally was...

Best any citizen -- either private or military can EVER expect from govt --- is that it's going in the RIGHT Direction..

So -- Lahkota -- what do YOU THINK they SHOULD have gotten for the past 10 years????: I know, you don't really give a damn. It's only important, if it can be used as a political weapon....""

YADAYADAYADAYADYADAYDA.....Fucking word salad.
Why are you making excuses for an obvious right-in-the-camera-lens and in their face lie?
You think he got the difference between 2.6% and 10% mixed up?
He's a 'stable genius' remember?

Don't confuse YOUR ignorance of how the Swamp discusses budget allocations with "word salad". You're the large fraction that I guessed would never ever ponder the truth I gave you.. NEVER are cuts and raises discussed in terms of the BASE program funding or Base salaries.

How do I KNOW this? In the mid-90s, my ass was a plane from Silicon Valley to DC about once a month. I was pitching the research and development from my group to various govt agencies. Our company had a "swamp guide" in DC that would introduce us to key agency folks, read the requests for bids, and tell us how to impress them.

I came in one time and was frantic with the news that one of our key program agencies was "getting its budget cut by 8%".. So 1st question I asked the guy was how was it practical to pitch R&D concepts at them.. He laughed, and told me to "calm down bunky".. In the ride from Dulles, he corrected my naive understanding of Fed budgets. Explained what I've explained to y'all back a few pages. NOTHING EVER GETS CUT.. When any percentage increases or decreases are discussed --- it's ALWAYS based on the "intended increases" from previous budgets. It's a percentage of a percentage. NOT the amount the agency or program actually wins or loses.

You're just too dense for actual analysis.. So I'm only repeating that for those who DONT desire to remain parroting idiots.. Don't bother your little parrot head with learning anything.

A 10% increase in "military salaries" would be 1.1 X whatever the "intended increase" would be. And by the numbers various people have given --- 2018 to 2019 is indeed about 10% higher based on jump from 2.4% to 2.6%..

If you work at it -- you can back up everything I'm saying. Not wasting time on someone who only sees word salad if it doesn't support his misconceptions..

Is that how Trump explained it to the troops? Fucking hilarious! You've already made a fool of yourself - so stop beating a dead horse. Your credibility is ZERO.

Problem is that the 95% you're a part of are COMPLETELY IGNORANT of how to analyze numbers about budgeting. It's a shame you vote. But I've done my part to jump start your unused brain cells. Sometimes politicians use this trick of "a percentage of a percentage" to scare you shitless. Sometimes they just forget they aint in Washington anymore and don't explain it well..

Funny. I have an MBA and worked as a cost and budget analyst when I started my career with Hercules Aerospace, a defense contractor, now owned by Northrop Grumman. Peddle your bizarre bullshit somewhere else.

You were probably real good at counting beans. Not so good at understanding swamp speak.. Let IBDaily explain this to you.. Exactly what I"ve posted here. There are 100s of articles correcting the public misconceptions of "budget cuts or increases"...

In Trump Budget, What Media Call 'Cuts' Are Really Increases | Investor's Business Daily

The attacks on President Trump's new budget were predictable. Before it was published on Monday, the Washington Post's Dana Milbank described it as "cruelty wrapped in a lie."

The budget proposes to increase government spending from $4 trillion today to $5.7 trillion in 2027. That's $1.7 trillion more over the next decade, but in Washington this is described as "budget cuts." Any normal person, looking at an increase of this magnitude, would say that this constitutes an increase.

Looking at individual programs, it is misleading to state that spending on Medicaid programs will be cut, as many did this morning. The new budget proposes to increase federal Medicaid spending from $378 billion a year today to $524 billion a year in 2027. It shows how far removed Washington is from everyday Americans for this increase of $146 billion to be called a cut.

The fundamental problem is that special interests are addicted to the rising path of spending. Altering this path by increasing spending at a slower rate always opens change-makers to extraordinary attacks, as we have seen today.

Some other programs that are similarly described as cuts will also increase. Consider, for example, the Department of Agriculture's Child Nutrition Programs. The program had outlays of $23 billion in 2017, and President Trump has proposed for spending to rise to $34 billion in 2027, a 47% increase. True, this is less than the $29 billion increase that Congress has allocated. But it is still an increase.

Then, consider the Department of Health and Human Services' Child Support and Family Support Programs, which Trump proposes to increase from $4 billion in 2017 to $5 billion in 2027, a 25% increase. Yes, $840 million has been trimmed from Congress' prior plans, but the program is still getting more funding.

Congressional spending is on automatic pilot due to our arcane budget processes. Congress puts in rising spending for the next decade, and people complain when the spending is trimmed. But the spending never goes negative — it always rises.

You can have budget cuts of future spending
Doesn’t mean you can’t still cut your current budget

TRUMP: “You just got one of the biggest pay raises you ever received. Unless you don’t want it. Does anybody here? Is anybody here willing to give up the big pay raise you just got? I don’t see too many hands. Ah, OK. don’t give it up. It’s great. You know what? Nobody deserves it more. You haven’t gotten one in more than 10 years. More than 10 years. And we got you a big one. I got you a big one.” – remarks prompting cheers Wednesday at al-Asad Air Base in Iraq.

What a jerk
TRUMP: “You just got one of the biggest pay raises you ever received. Unless you don’t want it. Does anybody here? Is anybody here willing to give up the big pay raise you just got? I don’t see too many hands. Ah, OK. don’t give it up. It’s great. You know what? Nobody deserves it more. You haven’t gotten one in more than 10 years. More than 10 years. And we got you a big one. I got you a big one.” – remarks prompting cheers Wednesday at al-Asad Air Base in Iraq.

What a jerk
He's a goddamn global embarrassment.
The president told military personnel in Iraq that they’ll get a raise of over 10 percent, their first in a decade. But it’s 2.6 percent, and they get a hike every year.

During his first visit to a combat zone since assuming office nearly two years ago, President Donald Trump couldn’t help but take personal credit for a very generous and fictional pay raise for U.S. troops.

The president told service members at al-Asad air base in Iraq that he was proud to secure them a much-needed pay bump of “more than 10 percent” after years of stagnant wages. Many of the troops in attendance may have been surprised to learn they hadn’t seen a pay increase in more than a decade.

“Is anybody here willing to give up the big pay raise you just got?” Trump said, asking for a show of hands. “You haven’t gotten one in more than 10 years. More than 10 years. And we got you a big one. I got you a big one. I got you a big one.”

In fact, military members have seen a pay raise in each of the last 10 years, ranging from 1 percent to 3.9 percent, according to the Defense Department. They even saw pay bumps when other federal workers were subjected to a three-year pay freeze in the wake of the Great Recession.

The pay increase for 2019 passed by Congress and signed by the president in August will be 2.6 percent, the largest since 2010. It is not far above last year’s raise for troops, which was 2.4 percent.

Trump told the troops that other people wanted their raise to be smaller, but he fought for a double-digit boost.

More: Trump Brags To Troops About A Fictional Giant Pay Raise He Got Them

2.6% is nowhere near being "more than 10%" as Trump told the troops. He LIED. Trump is evil. Only an evil fucking asshole would tell the troops such a lie - especially in a combat zone during Christmas! What do you think?

Don't think the troops care considering their pay raises have been GOING DOWN for about 16 years now.. Causing a HUGE pay gap with private sector wages...


It's goin in the right direction and at 2.4% is MUCH higher than the Obama proposals back in 2014 when this graph was made, of LESS than 2% in 2019... And the Repub Congress DID argue up the numbers from 2.1% to 2.4%... WHICH IS about 10% HIGHER than the Budget recommendation originally was...

Best any citizen -- either private or military can EVER expect from govt --- is that it's going in the RIGHT Direction..

So -- Lahkota -- what do YOU THINK they SHOULD have gotten for the past 10 years????: I know, you don't really give a damn. It's only important, if it can be used as a political weapon....

Ohhh so when Trump says "I gave you [10%] raise" and the reality is that raise is [10% of 2.1%], he WASN'T lying???

Answer that one with a straight face, double dare you. :rolleyes:

Holy Shit. What a surprise. You ALMOST GOT THIS... YES.. That's the way ALL budgeting is DESCRIBED in Washington. It's NEVER ABOUT the actual salary or budget. That's on fucking autopilot and ALWAYS goes up.. It's ALWAYS a description of the % anticipated increase..

I underestimated you.. I apologize.. You're educable --- maybe :biggrin:.

EXCEPT -- you got the numbers wrong. 2018 was 2.4%. 2.4 X 1.1 = 2.64 or 2.6.. That's a 10% increase in swamp speak...

NEVER was there an intent by Trump or ANYONE else to boost ANY Fed salary in one year by 10%... There would have been fountains of blood oozing from eyeballs on the left and right.

If you're gonna argue.. AT LEAST ARGUE about the issue and the accomplishment and not just whether someone lied about numbers. Because ALL NUMBERS that come from D.C. are basically shake and bake lies. Once you understand that -- you don't get wrapped around the axle about "the lying" and just watch the actual result...


Kids, this is your brain on Trump cultism.

Let make this very plain for you:

Trump said he give our enlisted 10% raise, a first one in a decade. He did not.
They did not get 10% raise
and they got A raise on a regular basis.

To anyone not suffering from chronic Trumpism this is as clear case of blatant, shameless lying as it gets.

You seriously need to look in the mirror and figure some things out, because looking back at you will be a drooling Trump retard.
You say that like you think Republicans care whether Trump lied to our troops or not. Remember bush lied them into Iraq and Republicans were fine with that.
TRUMP: “You just got one of the biggest pay raises you ever received. Unless you don’t want it. Does anybody here? Is anybody here willing to give up the big pay raise you just got? I don’t see too many hands. Ah, OK. don’t give it up. It’s great. You know what? Nobody deserves it more. You haven’t gotten one in more than 10 years. More than 10 years. And we got you a big one. I got you a big one.” – remarks prompting cheers Wednesday at al-Asad Air Base in Iraq.

What a jerk
He's a goddamn global embarrassment.
Another embarrassment is the only way Trump seeks to impress the troops is $$$$$

He doesn’t talk about getting them back to their family, doesn’t talk about their mission, doesn’t offer better facilities and equipment

He only talks about a paltry 2.6 percent raise
Why doesn’t Trump explain to the troops why they got 2.6 percent and retirees got 2.8 percent?
TRUMP: “You just got one of the biggest pay raises you ever received. Unless you don’t want it. Does anybody here? Is anybody here willing to give up the big pay raise you just got? I don’t see too many hands. Ah, OK. don’t give it up. It’s great. You know what? Nobody deserves it more. You haven’t gotten one in more than 10 years. More than 10 years. And we got you a big one. I got you a big one.” – remarks prompting cheers Wednesday at al-Asad Air Base in Iraq.

What a jerk
He's a goddamn global embarrassment.
Another embarrassment is the only way Trump seeks to impress the troops is $$$$$

He doesn’t talk about getting them back to their family, doesn’t talk about their mission, doesn’t offer better facilities and equipment

He only talks about a paltry 2.6 percent raise
Right, and takes personal credit. Apparently he thinks the us treasury is his personal checkbook, just like his charity and his inaugural fund. Crazy old man....
Where was the President remotely truthful?

Show me ten percent

Taking back your admission of guilt?....Manafort has nothing on you. :blahblah:
Failure to answer the question

What did the president say that is true?

That troops hadn’t received a raise in ten years?
That he gave the biggest raise in history?
That he demanded and got a ten percent raise for our troops?
Can you believe he said those things to our troops overseas on Christmas?

The guy is a monster.

And, he not only lied facing them live, he whined. He said you can't believe what we had to go through to get here. We had to turn off lights and cover windows.

Oh my! They not only had to, get this, TURN OFF LIGHTS, but they had to COVER WINDOWS! Oh the pain. The horror. The hardship.

Yeah, he's such a fucking pantywaist.
Bush and Obama never complained about flight conditions and they didn't drag their feet about going to active combat zones.
Trump is the biggest piece of shit to ever land inside the Beltway.

You crying leftist traitors crack me up!

Not me, bub. Your POTUS is the cry baby.

Trump whined on camera about the flight.

You lying right-wingers support the real traitor, Trump is Putin's bitch.
The president told military personnel in Iraq that they’ll get a raise of over 10 percent, their first in a decade. But it’s 2.6 percent, and they get a hike every year.

During his first visit to a combat zone since assuming office nearly two years ago, President Donald Trump couldn’t help but take personal credit for a very generous and fictional pay raise for U.S. troops.

The president told service members at al-Asad air base in Iraq that he was proud to secure them a much-needed pay bump of “more than 10 percent” after years of stagnant wages. Many of the troops in attendance may have been surprised to learn they hadn’t seen a pay increase in more than a decade.

“Is anybody here willing to give up the big pay raise you just got?” Trump said, asking for a show of hands. “You haven’t gotten one in more than 10 years. More than 10 years. And we got you a big one. I got you a big one. I got you a big one.”

In fact, military members have seen a pay raise in each of the last 10 years, ranging from 1 percent to 3.9 percent, according to the Defense Department. They even saw pay bumps when other federal workers were subjected to a three-year pay freeze in the wake of the Great Recession.

The pay increase for 2019 passed by Congress and signed by the president in August will be 2.6 percent, the largest since 2010. It is not far above last year’s raise for troops, which was 2.4 percent.

Trump told the troops that other people wanted their raise to be smaller, but he fought for a double-digit boost.

More: Trump Brags To Troops About A Fictional Giant Pay Raise He Got Them

2.6% is nowhere near being "more than 10%" as Trump told the troops. He LIED. Trump is evil. Only an evil fucking asshole would tell the troops such a lie - especially in a combat zone during Christmas! What do you think?

Don't think the troops care considering their pay raises have been GOING DOWN for about 16 years now.. Causing a HUGE pay gap with private sector wages...


It's goin in the right direction and at 2.4% is MUCH higher than the Obama proposals back in 2014 when this graph was made, of LESS than 2% in 2019... And the Repub Congress DID argue up the numbers from 2.1% to 2.4%... WHICH IS about 10% HIGHER than the Budget recommendation originally was...

Best any citizen -- either private or military can EVER expect from govt --- is that it's going in the RIGHT Direction..

So -- Lahkota -- what do YOU THINK they SHOULD have gotten for the past 10 years????: I know, you don't really give a damn. It's only important, if it can be used as a political weapon....

"Don't think the troops care considering their pay raises have been GOING DOWN for about 16 years now.. Causing a HUGE pay gap with private sector wages...

It's goin in the right direction and at 2.4% is MUCH higher than the Obama proposals back in 2014 when this graph was made, of LESS than 2% in 2019... And the Repub Congress DID argue up the numbers from 2.1% to 2.4%... WHICH IS about 10% HIGHER than the Budget recommendation originally was...

Best any citizen -- either private or military can EVER expect from govt --- is that it's going in the RIGHT Direction..

So -- Lahkota -- what do YOU THINK they SHOULD have gotten for the past 10 years????: I know, you don't really give a damn. It's only important, if it can be used as a political weapon....""

YADAYADAYADAYADYADAYDA.....Fucking word salad.
Why are you making excuses for an obvious right-in-the-camera-lens and in their face lie?
You think he got the difference between 2.6% and 10% mixed up?
He's a 'stable genius' remember?

Don't confuse YOUR ignorance of how the Swamp discusses budget allocations with "word salad". You're the large fraction that I guessed would never ever ponder the truth I gave you.. NEVER are cuts and raises discussed in terms of the BASE program funding or Base salaries.

How do I KNOW this? In the mid-90s, my ass was a plane from Silicon Valley to DC about once a month. I was pitching the research and development from my group to various govt agencies. Our company had a "swamp guide" in DC that would introduce us to key agency folks, read the requests for bids, and tell us how to impress them.

I came in one time and was frantic with the news that one of our key program agencies was "getting its budget cut by 8%".. So 1st question I asked the guy was how was it practical to pitch R&D concepts at them.. He laughed, and told me to "calm down bunky".. In the ride from Dulles, he corrected my naive understanding of Fed budgets. Explained what I've explained to y'all back a few pages. NOTHING EVER GETS CUT.. When any percentage increases or decreases are discussed --- it's ALWAYS based on the "intended increases" from previous budgets. It's a percentage of a percentage. NOT the amount the agency or program actually wins or loses.

You're just too dense for actual analysis.. So I'm only repeating that for those who DONT desire to remain parroting idiots.. Don't bother your little parrot head with learning anything.

A 10% increase in "military salaries" would be 1.1 X whatever the "intended increase" would be. And by the numbers various people have given --- 2018 to 2019 is indeed about 10% higher based on jump from 2.4% to 2.6%..

If you work at it -- you can back up everything I'm saying. Not wasting time on someone who only sees word salad if it doesn't support his misconceptions..

I fucking don't care what you did in the 1990s.
What you don't get is Trump doesn't even understand how the system works.
That's why he doesn't have a staff anymore.
They quit or he fired them because he's a fucking moron.

You can't fix what Trump said because of your fucking job 20 years ago, idiot.

“They had plenty of people that came up, they said, ‘You know, we could make it smaller. We could make it 3%, we could make it 2%, we could make it 4%,'” Trump told the troops about the latest pay raise. “I said, ‘No. Make it 10%. Make it more than 10%.'”

“Cause it’s been a long time, it’s been more than 10 years. Been more than 10 years, that’s a long time,” Trump said, repeating the false claim.

It hasn't been 10 years since they got a raise, either, dumb ass.
Side Note: Take time to read "Fear" and you will see that what Woodward says in his book about Jim Mattis and what Mattis said to Trump is almost exactly what Mattis put in his resignation letter.
It seems to me the central issue of this post is Trump said it was the 1st military pay raise in 10 years, and their pay raise is 10%, and he orchestrated said 10% pay raise. Are those statements true or are they false?
“They said, ‘You know, we could make it smaller. We could make it 3 percent. We could make it 2 percent. We could make it 4 percent,’ I said, ‘No. Make it 10 percent. Make it more than 10 percent,'” said the president, noting that it’s been over a decade (well, nearly 16 years, actually, but who’s counting) since the United States started fighting in Iraq.
It seems to me the central issue of this post is Trump said it was the 1st military pay raise in 10 years, and their pay raise is 10%, and he orchestrated said 10% pay raise. Are those statements true or are they false?

Seems he was repeating something he blathered earlier this year in May:

The President and Military Pay Raises
By Eugene Kiely

Posted on May 10, 2018

"......federal law mandates that military pay raises be equal to the change in the Labor Department’s annual Employment Cost Index, or ECI, for private sector wages.

That’s what happened in the case of the 2018 pay raise. Trump had proposed an increase of 2.1 percent for 2018 — which was below the ECI. But Congress passed the NDAA with a 2.4 percent increase, as set by the statutory formula, to fully fund the military pay hike.

Since 2017, it has been equal to ECI, and Trump proposed a raise equal to ECI again in 2019 at 2.6 percent, which the president’s fiscal 2019 budget described as “modest.”

“This pay raise is equal to the increase in the Employment Cost Index (ECI) for wages and salaries, for private industry workers as called for in law, and it is the highest military pay raise in 9 years,” the budget says.

That’s what the president meant to say — “the highest military pay raise in 9 years” — without mentioning, as his budget does, that it is equal to the amount “called for in law.”""""

The President and Military Pay Raises -
The president told military personnel in Iraq that they’ll get a raise of over 10 percent, their first in a decade. But it’s 2.6 percent, and they get a hike every year.

During his first visit to a combat zone since assuming office nearly two years ago, President Donald Trump couldn’t help but take personal credit for a very generous and fictional pay raise for U.S. troops.

The president told service members at al-Asad air base in Iraq that he was proud to secure them a much-needed pay bump of “more than 10 percent” after years of stagnant wages. Many of the troops in attendance may have been surprised to learn they hadn’t seen a pay increase in more than a decade.

“Is anybody here willing to give up the big pay raise you just got?” Trump said, asking for a show of hands. “You haven’t gotten one in more than 10 years. More than 10 years. And we got you a big one. I got you a big one. I got you a big one.”

In fact, military members have seen a pay raise in each of the last 10 years, ranging from 1 percent to 3.9 percent, according to the Defense Department. They even saw pay bumps when other federal workers were subjected to a three-year pay freeze in the wake of the Great Recession.

The pay increase for 2019 passed by Congress and signed by the president in August will be 2.6 percent, the largest since 2010. It is not far above last year’s raise for troops, which was 2.4 percent.

Trump told the troops that other people wanted their raise to be smaller, but he fought for a double-digit boost.

More: Trump Brags To Troops About A Fictional Giant Pay Raise He Got Them

2.6% is nowhere near being "more than 10%" as Trump told the troops. He LIED. Trump is evil. Only an evil fucking asshole would tell the troops such a lie - especially in a combat zone during Christmas! What do you think?

Don't think the troops care considering their pay raises have been GOING DOWN for about 16 years now.. Causing a HUGE pay gap with private sector wages...


It's goin in the right direction and at 2.4% is MUCH higher than the Obama proposals back in 2014 when this graph was made, of LESS than 2% in 2019... And the Repub Congress DID argue up the numbers from 2.1% to 2.4%... WHICH IS about 10% HIGHER than the Budget recommendation originally was...

Best any citizen -- either private or military can EVER expect from govt --- is that it's going in the RIGHT Direction..

So -- Lahkota -- what do YOU THINK they SHOULD have gotten for the past 10 years????: I know, you don't really give a damn. It's only important, if it can be used as a political weapon....

"Don't think the troops care considering their pay raises have been GOING DOWN for about 16 years now.. Causing a HUGE pay gap with private sector wages...

It's goin in the right direction and at 2.4% is MUCH higher than the Obama proposals back in 2014 when this graph was made, of LESS than 2% in 2019... And the Repub Congress DID argue up the numbers from 2.1% to 2.4%... WHICH IS about 10% HIGHER than the Budget recommendation originally was...

Best any citizen -- either private or military can EVER expect from govt --- is that it's going in the RIGHT Direction..

So -- Lahkota -- what do YOU THINK they SHOULD have gotten for the past 10 years????: I know, you don't really give a damn. It's only important, if it can be used as a political weapon....""

YADAYADAYADAYADYADAYDA.....Fucking word salad.
Why are you making excuses for an obvious right-in-the-camera-lens and in their face lie?
You think he got the difference between 2.6% and 10% mixed up?
He's a 'stable genius' remember?

Don't confuse YOUR ignorance of how the Swamp discusses budget allocations with "word salad". You're the large fraction that I guessed would never ever ponder the truth I gave you.. NEVER are cuts and raises discussed in terms of the BASE program funding or Base salaries.

How do I KNOW this? In the mid-90s, my ass was a plane from Silicon Valley to DC about once a month. I was pitching the research and development from my group to various govt agencies. Our company had a "swamp guide" in DC that would introduce us to key agency folks, read the requests for bids, and tell us how to impress them.

I came in one time and was frantic with the news that one of our key program agencies was "getting its budget cut by 8%".. So 1st question I asked the guy was how was it practical to pitch R&D concepts at them.. He laughed, and told me to "calm down bunky".. In the ride from Dulles, he corrected my naive understanding of Fed budgets. Explained what I've explained to y'all back a few pages. NOTHING EVER GETS CUT.. When any percentage increases or decreases are discussed --- it's ALWAYS based on the "intended increases" from previous budgets. It's a percentage of a percentage. NOT the amount the agency or program actually wins or loses.

You're just too dense for actual analysis.. So I'm only repeating that for those who DONT desire to remain parroting idiots.. Don't bother your little parrot head with learning anything.

A 10% increase in "military salaries" would be 1.1 X whatever the "intended increase" would be. And by the numbers various people have given --- 2018 to 2019 is indeed about 10% higher based on jump from 2.4% to 2.6%..

If you work at it -- you can back up everything I'm saying. Not wasting time on someone who only sees word salad if it doesn't support his misconceptions..

I fucking don't care what you did in the 1990s.
What you don't get is Trump doesn't even understand how the system works.
That's why he doesn't have a staff anymore.
They quit or he fired them because he's a fucking moron.

You can't fix what Trump said because of your fucking job 20 years ago, idiot.

“They had plenty of people that came up, they said, ‘You know, we could make it smaller. We could make it 3%, we could make it 2%, we could make it 4%,'” Trump told the troops about the latest pay raise. “I said, ‘No. Make it 10%. Make it more than 10%.'”

“Cause it’s been a long time, it’s been more than 10 years. Been more than 10 years, that’s a long time,” Trump said, repeating the false claim.

It hasn't been 10 years since they got a raise, either, dumb ass.
Side Note: Take time to read "Fear" and you will see that what Woodward says in his book about Jim Mattis and what Mattis said to Trump is almost exactly what Mattis put in his resignation letter.
Another example of Trump creating a complete fabrication

Nobody came into his office not knowing exactly what pay raise was being proposed. They came in with a proposal for 2.6 percent increase for military and government employees

What Trump DID DO was recommend that government employees get zero increase and the military get 2.6 (social security and federal retirees got 2.8 percent)

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