Trump Lies To Troops About Giant Pay Raise He Never Got Them

Trump Did NOT Lie to the Troops, Media Types Just Can’t Add!

Many gaping mouths, including embittered and now unemployed never-Trumpers, made breathless claims Thursday about the president lying to the troops. Naturally, these claims were then echoed across liberal media.

But he didn’t.

They claimed he bald-faced disrespected and lied to their faces while visiting them in Iraq (something many of them just hours before were claiming he’d never do), are so insanely obsessed with catching Trump doing something “wrong,” that they never seem to understand that sometimes his inaccurate specificity undersells the truth.

They just always assume the worst so he can then regularly not only correct the record but then demonstrate the way in which he is over performing as president.

They have a hard time accepting this if they anchor shows on the two cable networks that continue to fall behind Fox News Channel (even when their audiences are combined.)

But here are the details.

President Trump said: "You protect us. We are always going to protect you. And you just saw that, 'cause you just got one of the biggest pay raises you've ever received. ... You haven't gotten one in more than 10 years. More than 10 years. And we got you a big one. I got you a big one. I got you a big one.”

Later he went on to say: "They had plenty of people that came up, they said, 'You know, we could make it smaller. We could make it 3%, we could make it 2%, we could make it 4%,'" Trump told the troops about the latest pay raise. "I said, 'No. Make it 10%. Make it more than 10%.’"

Neither statement is accurate, when taken out of context, but neither is also completely inaccurate either.

Nevertheless that didn’t stop the media.

Don Lemon of CNN: "Even in a combat zone, this president can’t tell the truth, lying right to their faces. Telling them he got a 10% pay raise this year. And that it was the first they got in ten years. That’s a lie."

Joe Scarborough of MSNBC: "The President also lied about pushing through a huge pay raise for the troops. I don’t get it. Because it’s not true. It’s not even close to being true.”

Jim Sciutto of CNN: “He said that he gave them their first pay raise in ten years, and that he gave them a pay raise of ten percent—not true.”

The Hill: “Trump incorrectly claims military pay hasn’t gone up for 10 years."

So where’s the truth?

The most problematic part of what Trump said is that he was in fact mistaken in his first statement. The military has received pay raises annually. For six of the eight years that Obama was president they received a paltry 1-1.7% raise per year. Even when you factor in the first two years' raises under Obama of 3%+, Obama’s average raise for the military was 1.9% per year. In President Trump’s first three years he has averaged 2.4%. He also conflated the “not getting a raise” to the bill he signed in September of this year, which for the first time in a decade, did not tie raises and spending for the military to a “continuing resolution” but rather became a hardened budgetary item. This sense of permanence in where the funding comes from is a more secure reality for the military men and women who serve for it is not served up on the whim of things like whether or not the Congress will choose to shut down, as opposed to funding the voter’s priorities of border security.

Other than that point, none of the above media critiques are true in the reporting of what the president said or meant.

Don Lemon, do you see anywhere in the quote above that says the president claimed he provided a 10% raise in a single year? Nope. Joe Scarborough and Jim Sciutto you’re both just wrong.

Trump never indicates in his statement that he isolated the raise the troops were receiving under his watch as being accomplished in the calendar year of 2018. Many of the media outlets breathlessly reported that he had said as much, but look at his own words—he didn’t.

What he did imply is that he had given them a raise of roughly 10%. At 2.4% per year times 4 years he will have overseen a raise of 9.6% for the troops in his first term. Comparatively over Obama’s last 4 years that administration served up a whopping 1.25% pay raise per year equalling roughly half of Trump’s raise over an equally comparable period of time.

If Trump’s consistency holds for the duration of two full terms he will deliver up nearly 19.2% in pay increases over the course of his time in office, shattering Obama’s totals.

To be clear the president, after having a bit of jet lag, and having visited with the troops, was inaccurate in the timing of when pay raises have happened. He was correct in that it has been ten years plus since military funding scheduled pay raises—as they should be—budgetarily and with confidence that Congress will fund.

But to be even more clear the president has also given them a huge pay raise—double the size of Obama’s—and rounding out to roughly 10 percent, unless term two rolls around, and then it may end up looking more like 20 percent.

Bottom line is the military men and women who serve this Commander-In-Chief love that, even though the media claimed he’d wouldn’t visit them, he did.

They love even more that he cares enough about them and their welfare that he prioritized their pay increases to be huge—double what they were under Obama—and set to stay that way, at least while he continues to call the shots ^ | December 28, 2018
The problem here is three pronged.

First let's put some blame on Trump, he absolutely plays fast and loose with the facts when he's promoting himself. He doesn't tell lies like "No , we don't spy on Americans" or "no we haven't weaponized the IRS" he tells dumb lies like "My crowd was the BIGGEST I tell you" or "I got you the biggest raise in the history of the world I tell you what"

The second portion of blame goes to the media who relentlessly attack everything the man says and accuse him of telling lies of epic proportions every time he opens his mouth. They can't give him one fucking break, one benefit of the doubt, or one single bit of respite from the attacks For fuck sakes he was visiting US troops in a war zone on Christmas fucking day, do you think you can put your politics aside and shut your mouth for one day Don Lemon?

And the third portion of blame goes to the average idiotic Democrat who eats this shit up and just teehees and hoots and hollers whenever the media tells them to instead of at least on occasion simply saying "you know what who gives a fuck if Trump lied about crowd size?" and going on with their fucking lives.
Trump Did NOT Lie to the Troops, Media Types Just Can’t Add!

Many gaping mouths, including embittered and now unemployed never-Trumpers, made breathless claims Thursday about the president lying to the troops. Naturally, these claims were then echoed across liberal media.

But he didn’t.

They claimed he bald-faced disrespected and lied to their faces while visiting them in Iraq (something many of them just hours before were claiming he’d never do), are so insanely obsessed with catching Trump doing something “wrong,” that they never seem to understand that sometimes his inaccurate specificity undersells the truth.

They just always assume the worst so he can then regularly not only correct the record but then demonstrate the way in which he is over performing as president.

They have a hard time accepting this if they anchor shows on the two cable networks that continue to fall behind Fox News Channel (even when their audiences are combined.)

But here are the details.

President Trump said: "You protect us. We are always going to protect you. And you just saw that, 'cause you just got one of the biggest pay raises you've ever received. ... You haven't gotten one in more than 10 years. More than 10 years. And we got you a big one. I got you a big one. I got you a big one.”

Later he went on to say: "They had plenty of people that came up, they said, 'You know, we could make it smaller. We could make it 3%, we could make it 2%, we could make it 4%,'" Trump told the troops about the latest pay raise. "I said, 'No. Make it 10%. Make it more than 10%.’"

Neither statement is accurate, when taken out of context, but neither is also completely inaccurate either.

Nevertheless that didn’t stop the media.

Don Lemon of CNN: "Even in a combat zone, this president can’t tell the truth, lying right to their faces. Telling them he got a 10% pay raise this year. And that it was the first they got in ten years. That’s a lie."

Joe Scarborough of MSNBC: "The President also lied about pushing through a huge pay raise for the troops. I don’t get it. Because it’s not true. It’s not even close to being true.”

Jim Sciutto of CNN: “He said that he gave them their first pay raise in ten years, and that he gave them a pay raise of ten percent—not true.”

The Hill: “Trump incorrectly claims military pay hasn’t gone up for 10 years."

So where’s the truth?

The most problematic part of what Trump said is that he was in fact mistaken in his first statement. The military has received pay raises annually. For six of the eight years that Obama was president they received a paltry 1-1.7% raise per year. Even when you factor in the first two years' raises under Obama of 3%+, Obama’s average raise for the military was 1.9% per year. In President Trump’s first three years he has averaged 2.4%. He also conflated the “not getting a raise” to the bill he signed in September of this year, which for the first time in a decade, did not tie raises and spending for the military to a “continuing resolution” but rather became a hardened budgetary item. This sense of permanence in where the funding comes from is a more secure reality for the military men and women who serve for it is not served up on the whim of things like whether or not the Congress will choose to shut down, as opposed to funding the voter’s priorities of border security.

Other than that point, none of the above media critiques are true in the reporting of what the president said or meant.

Don Lemon, do you see anywhere in the quote above that says the president claimed he provided a 10% raise in a single year? Nope. Joe Scarborough and Jim Sciutto you’re both just wrong.

Trump never indicates in his statement that he isolated the raise the troops were receiving under his watch as being accomplished in the calendar year of 2018. Many of the media outlets breathlessly reported that he had said as much, but look at his own words—he didn’t.

What he did imply is that he had given them a raise of roughly 10%. At 2.4% per year times 4 years he will have overseen a raise of 9.6% for the troops in his first term. Comparatively over Obama’s last 4 years that administration served up a whopping 1.25% pay raise per year equalling roughly half of Trump’s raise over an equally comparable period of time.

If Trump’s consistency holds for the duration of two full terms he will deliver up nearly 19.2% in pay increases over the course of his time in office, shattering Obama’s totals.

To be clear the president, after having a bit of jet lag, and having visited with the troops, was inaccurate in the timing of when pay raises have happened. He was correct in that it has been ten years plus since military funding scheduled pay raises—as they should be—budgetarily and with confidence that Congress will fund.

But to be even more clear the president has also given them a huge pay raise—double the size of Obama’s—and rounding out to roughly 10 percent, unless term two rolls around, and then it may end up looking more like 20 percent.

Bottom line is the military men and women who serve this Commander-In-Chief love that, even though the media claimed he’d wouldn’t visit them, he did.

They love even more that he cares enough about them and their welfare that he prioritized their pay increases to be huge—double what they were under Obama—and set to stay that way, at least while he continues to call the shots ^ | December 28, 2018
Don’t know what you are talking about

Nothing the President said was true either out of context or in context

The Military DID receive increases over the last ten years
Trump authorized a 2.6 percent increase NOT a ten percent increase
It is not one of the bigger increases in history

Stop blaming the media and admit Trump told some blatant lies to our troops
The problem here is three pronged.

First let's put some blame on Trump, he absolutely plays fast and loose with the facts when he's promoting himself. He doesn't tell lies like "No , we don't spy on Americans" or "no we haven't weaponized the IRS" he tells dumb lies like "My crowd was the BIGGEST I tell you" or "I got you the biggest raise in the history of the world I tell you what"

The second portion of blame goes to the media who relentlessly attack everything the man says and accuse him of telling lies of epic proportions every time he opens his mouth. They can't give him one fucking break, one benefit of the doubt, or one single bit of respite from the attacks For fuck sakes he was visiting US troops in a war zone on Christmas fucking day, do you think you can put your politics aside and shut your mouth for one day Don Lemon?

And the third portion of blame goes to the average idiotic Democrat who eats this shit up and just teehees and hoots and hollers whenever the media tells them to instead of at least on occasion simply saying "you know what who gives a fuck if Trump lied about crowd size?" and going on with their fucking lives.
Again making excuses of blatant lies to our troops on Christmas

It is not the fault of the media and it is not the fault of the Democrats. It is a blatant character flaw of our President and he doesn’t deserve a free pass
Who cares if the President lies to the troops?

The troops should care and the American people should care. Trump turned an inspirational opportunity for a president to talk to his troops into a political rally.
It is not a time to talk about the wall, not a time to try to get soldiers to hate Democrats and not a time to create stories to get them to like you.
Trump Did NOT Lie to the Troops, Media Types Just Can’t Add!

Many gaping mouths, including embittered and now unemployed never-Trumpers, made breathless claims Thursday about the president lying to the troops. Naturally, these claims were then echoed across liberal media.

But he didn’t.

They claimed he bald-faced disrespected and lied to their faces while visiting them in Iraq (something many of them just hours before were claiming he’d never do), are so insanely obsessed with catching Trump doing something “wrong,” that they never seem to understand that sometimes his inaccurate specificity undersells the truth.

They just always assume the worst so he can then regularly not only correct the record but then demonstrate the way in which he is over performing as president.

They have a hard time accepting this if they anchor shows on the two cable networks that continue to fall behind Fox News Channel (even when their audiences are combined.)

But here are the details.

President Trump said: "You protect us. We are always going to protect you. And you just saw that, 'cause you just got one of the biggest pay raises you've ever received. ... You haven't gotten one in more than 10 years. More than 10 years. And we got you a big one. I got you a big one. I got you a big one.”

Later he went on to say: "They had plenty of people that came up, they said, 'You know, we could make it smaller. We could make it 3%, we could make it 2%, we could make it 4%,'" Trump told the troops about the latest pay raise. "I said, 'No. Make it 10%. Make it more than 10%.’"

Neither statement is accurate, when taken out of context, but neither is also completely inaccurate either.

Nevertheless that didn’t stop the media.

Don Lemon of CNN: "Even in a combat zone, this president can’t tell the truth, lying right to their faces. Telling them he got a 10% pay raise this year. And that it was the first they got in ten years. That’s a lie."

Joe Scarborough of MSNBC: "The President also lied about pushing through a huge pay raise for the troops. I don’t get it. Because it’s not true. It’s not even close to being true.”

Jim Sciutto of CNN: “He said that he gave them their first pay raise in ten years, and that he gave them a pay raise of ten percent—not true.”

The Hill: “Trump incorrectly claims military pay hasn’t gone up for 10 years."

So where’s the truth?

The most problematic part of what Trump said is that he was in fact mistaken in his first statement. The military has received pay raises annually. For six of the eight years that Obama was president they received a paltry 1-1.7% raise per year. Even when you factor in the first two years' raises under Obama of 3%+, Obama’s average raise for the military was 1.9% per year. In President Trump’s first three years he has averaged 2.4%. He also conflated the “not getting a raise” to the bill he signed in September of this year, which for the first time in a decade, did not tie raises and spending for the military to a “continuing resolution” but rather became a hardened budgetary item. This sense of permanence in where the funding comes from is a more secure reality for the military men and women who serve for it is not served up on the whim of things like whether or not the Congress will choose to shut down, as opposed to funding the voter’s priorities of border security.

Other than that point, none of the above media critiques are true in the reporting of what the president said or meant.

Don Lemon, do you see anywhere in the quote above that says the president claimed he provided a 10% raise in a single year? Nope. Joe Scarborough and Jim Sciutto you’re both just wrong.

Trump never indicates in his statement that he isolated the raise the troops were receiving under his watch as being accomplished in the calendar year of 2018. Many of the media outlets breathlessly reported that he had said as much, but look at his own words—he didn’t.

What he did imply is that he had given them a raise of roughly 10%. At 2.4% per year times 4 years he will have overseen a raise of 9.6% for the troops in his first term. Comparatively over Obama’s last 4 years that administration served up a whopping 1.25% pay raise per year equalling roughly half of Trump’s raise over an equally comparable period of time.

If Trump’s consistency holds for the duration of two full terms he will deliver up nearly 19.2% in pay increases over the course of his time in office, shattering Obama’s totals.

To be clear the president, after having a bit of jet lag, and having visited with the troops, was inaccurate in the timing of when pay raises have happened. He was correct in that it has been ten years plus since military funding scheduled pay raises—as they should be—budgetarily and with confidence that Congress will fund.

But to be even more clear the president has also given them a huge pay raise—double the size of Obama’s—and rounding out to roughly 10 percent, unless term two rolls around, and then it may end up looking more like 20 percent.

Bottom line is the military men and women who serve this Commander-In-Chief love that, even though the media claimed he’d wouldn’t visit them, he did.

They love even more that he cares enough about them and their welfare that he prioritized their pay increases to be huge—double what they were under Obama—and set to stay that way, at least while he continues to call the shots ^ | December 28, 2018
Wow! I remember one other member arguing with me with such LARGE text
Trump Did NOT Lie to the Troops, Media Types Just Can’t Add!

Many gaping mouths, including embittered and now unemployed never-Trumpers, made breathless claims Thursday about the president lying to the troops. Naturally, these claims were then echoed across liberal media.

But he didn’t.

They claimed he bald-faced disrespected and lied to their faces while visiting them in Iraq (something many of them just hours before were claiming he’d never do), are so insanely obsessed with catching Trump doing something “wrong,” that they never seem to understand that sometimes his inaccurate specificity undersells the truth.

They just always assume the worst so he can then regularly not only correct the record but then demonstrate the way in which he is over performing as president.

They have a hard time accepting this if they anchor shows on the two cable networks that continue to fall behind Fox News Channel (even when their audiences are combined.)

But here are the details.

President Trump said: "You protect us. We are always going to protect you. And you just saw that, 'cause you just got one of the biggest pay raises you've ever received. ... You haven't gotten one in more than 10 years. More than 10 years. And we got you a big one. I got you a big one. I got you a big one.”

Later he went on to say: "They had plenty of people that came up, they said, 'You know, we could make it smaller. We could make it 3%, we could make it 2%, we could make it 4%,'" Trump told the troops about the latest pay raise. "I said, 'No. Make it 10%. Make it more than 10%.’"

Neither statement is accurate, when taken out of context, but neither is also completely inaccurate either.

Nevertheless that didn’t stop the media.

Don Lemon of CNN: "Even in a combat zone, this president can’t tell the truth, lying right to their faces. Telling them he got a 10% pay raise this year. And that it was the first they got in ten years. That’s a lie."

Joe Scarborough of MSNBC: "The President also lied about pushing through a huge pay raise for the troops. I don’t get it. Because it’s not true. It’s not even close to being true.”

Jim Sciutto of CNN: “He said that he gave them their first pay raise in ten years, and that he gave them a pay raise of ten percent—not true.”

The Hill: “Trump incorrectly claims military pay hasn’t gone up for 10 years."

So where’s the truth?

The most problematic part of what Trump said is that he was in fact mistaken in his first statement. The military has received pay raises annually. For six of the eight years that Obama was president they received a paltry 1-1.7% raise per year. Even when you factor in the first two years' raises under Obama of 3%+, Obama’s average raise for the military was 1.9% per year. In President Trump’s first three years he has averaged 2.4%. He also conflated the “not getting a raise” to the bill he signed in September of this year, which for the first time in a decade, did not tie raises and spending for the military to a “continuing resolution” but rather became a hardened budgetary item. This sense of permanence in where the funding comes from is a more secure reality for the military men and women who serve for it is not served up on the whim of things like whether or not the Congress will choose to shut down, as opposed to funding the voter’s priorities of border security.

Other than that point, none of the above media critiques are true in the reporting of what the president said or meant.

Don Lemon, do you see anywhere in the quote above that says the president claimed he provided a 10% raise in a single year? Nope. Joe Scarborough and Jim Sciutto you’re both just wrong.

Trump never indicates in his statement that he isolated the raise the troops were receiving under his watch as being accomplished in the calendar year of 2018. Many of the media outlets breathlessly reported that he had said as much, but look at his own words—he didn’t.

What he did imply is that he had given them a raise of roughly 10%. At 2.4% per year times 4 years he will have overseen a raise of 9.6% for the troops in his first term. Comparatively over Obama’s last 4 years that administration served up a whopping 1.25% pay raise per year equalling roughly half of Trump’s raise over an equally comparable period of time.

If Trump’s consistency holds for the duration of two full terms he will deliver up nearly 19.2% in pay increases over the course of his time in office, shattering Obama’s totals.

To be clear the president, after having a bit of jet lag, and having visited with the troops, was inaccurate in the timing of when pay raises have happened. He was correct in that it has been ten years plus since military funding scheduled pay raises—as they should be—budgetarily and with confidence that Congress will fund.

But to be even more clear the president has also given them a huge pay raise—double the size of Obama’s—and rounding out to roughly 10 percent, unless term two rolls around, and then it may end up looking more like 20 percent.

Bottom line is the military men and women who serve this Commander-In-Chief love that, even though the media claimed he’d wouldn’t visit them, he did.

They love even more that he cares enough about them and their welfare that he prioritized their pay increases to be huge—double what they were under Obama—and set to stay that way, at least while he continues to call the shots ^ | December 28, 2018
Wow! I remember one other member arguing with me with such LARGE text

It's called SCREAMING while unable to make any sense.
TRUMP: “You just got one of the biggest pay raises you ever received. Unless you don’t want it. Does anybody here? Is anybody here willing to give up the big pay raise you just got? I don’t see too many hands. Ah, OK. don’t give it up. It’s great. You know what? Nobody deserves it more. You haven’t gotten one in more than 10 years. More than 10 years. And we got you a big one. I got you a big one.” – remarks prompting cheers Wednesday at al-Asad Air Base in Iraq.

What a jerk

How many lies did he tell in that one statement....AMAZING! The man is a lying machine!
The military personnel knows whether or not they got a raise.

US Troops Just Scored Their Largest Pay Raise In Nearly A Decade

No matter how many times Democrat socialists deny there was a raise those enjoying the increase know better.

Several years ago there was a disturbing article, I guess, in the Wall Street Journal or the Times about about the dismal financial situation of the rank and file in the US Armed Forces. There, in particular, it was said about the fantastic indebtness of military families and their meager wages. The size of the salary just shook me. Has anything really changed since that time?

It is 10% over 4 yrs. I wish he would read from what his communication writers give him vs. speaking off the cuff WITHOUT finishing the thought!
It is 10% over 4 yrs. I wish he would read from what his communication writers give him vs. speaking off the cuff WITHOUT finishing the thought!

Really? Credible proof? Links? Would it be 20% over 8 years?
The military personnel knows whether or not they got a raise.

US Troops Just Scored Their Largest Pay Raise In Nearly A Decade

No matter how many times Democrat socialists deny there was a raise those enjoying the increase know better.

Several years ago there was a disturbing article, I guess, in the Wall Street Journal or the Times about about the dismal financial situation of the rank and file in the US Armed Forces. There, in particular, it was said about the fantastic indebtness of military families and their meager wages. The size of the salary just shook me. Has anything really changed since that time?

Soldiers used to rely on payday loans to get by
Because the terms were so outrageous, they were banned under Obama

Trump, looking out for soldiers, dropped the ban and allowed them to loan to soldiers again
It is 10% over 4 yrs. I wish he would read from what his communication writers give him vs. speaking off the cuff WITHOUT finishing the thought!

We don’t have four year budgets

Nice try though
Trump Did NOT Lie to the Troops, Media Types Just Can’t Add!

Many gaping mouths, including embittered and now unemployed never-Trumpers, made breathless claims Thursday about the president lying to the troops. Naturally, these claims were then echoed across liberal media.

But he didn’t.

They claimed he bald-faced disrespected and lied to their faces while visiting them in Iraq (something many of them just hours before were claiming he’d never do), are so insanely obsessed with catching Trump doing something “wrong,” that they never seem to understand that sometimes his inaccurate specificity undersells the truth.

They just always assume the worst so he can then regularly not only correct the record but then demonstrate the way in which he is over performing as president.

They have a hard time accepting this if they anchor shows on the two cable networks that continue to fall behind Fox News Channel (even when their audiences are combined.)

But here are the details.

President Trump said: "You protect us. We are always going to protect you. And you just saw that, 'cause you just got one of the biggest pay raises you've ever received. ... You haven't gotten one in more than 10 years. More than 10 years. And we got you a big one. I got you a big one. I got you a big one.”

Later he went on to say: "They had plenty of people that came up, they said, 'You know, we could make it smaller. We could make it 3%, we could make it 2%, we could make it 4%,'" Trump told the troops about the latest pay raise. "I said, 'No. Make it 10%. Make it more than 10%.’"

Neither statement is accurate, when taken out of context, but neither is also completely inaccurate either.

Nevertheless that didn’t stop the media.

Don Lemon of CNN: "Even in a combat zone, this president can’t tell the truth, lying right to their faces. Telling them he got a 10% pay raise this year. And that it was the first they got in ten years. That’s a lie."

Joe Scarborough of MSNBC: "The President also lied about pushing through a huge pay raise for the troops. I don’t get it. Because it’s not true. It’s not even close to being true.”

Jim Sciutto of CNN: “He said that he gave them their first pay raise in ten years, and that he gave them a pay raise of ten percent—not true.”

The Hill: “Trump incorrectly claims military pay hasn’t gone up for 10 years."

So where’s the truth?

The most problematic part of what Trump said is that he was in fact mistaken in his first statement. The military has received pay raises annually. For six of the eight years that Obama was president they received a paltry 1-1.7% raise per year. Even when you factor in the first two years' raises under Obama of 3%+, Obama’s average raise for the military was 1.9% per year. In President Trump’s first three years he has averaged 2.4%. He also conflated the “not getting a raise” to the bill he signed in September of this year, which for the first time in a decade, did not tie raises and spending for the military to a “continuing resolution” but rather became a hardened budgetary item. This sense of permanence in where the funding comes from is a more secure reality for the military men and women who serve for it is not served up on the whim of things like whether or not the Congress will choose to shut down, as opposed to funding the voter’s priorities of border security.

Other than that point, none of the above media critiques are true in the reporting of what the president said or meant.

Don Lemon, do you see anywhere in the quote above that says the president claimed he provided a 10% raise in a single year? Nope. Joe Scarborough and Jim Sciutto you’re both just wrong.

Trump never indicates in his statement that he isolated the raise the troops were receiving under his watch as being accomplished in the calendar year of 2018. Many of the media outlets breathlessly reported that he had said as much, but look at his own words—he didn’t.

What he did imply is that he had given them a raise of roughly 10%. At 2.4% per year times 4 years he will have overseen a raise of 9.6% for the troops in his first term. Comparatively over Obama’s last 4 years that administration served up a whopping 1.25% pay raise per year equalling roughly half of Trump’s raise over an equally comparable period of time.

If Trump’s consistency holds for the duration of two full terms he will deliver up nearly 19.2% in pay increases over the course of his time in office, shattering Obama’s totals.

To be clear the president, after having a bit of jet lag, and having visited with the troops, was inaccurate in the timing of when pay raises have happened. He was correct in that it has been ten years plus since military funding scheduled pay raises—as they should be—budgetarily and with confidence that Congress will fund.

But to be even more clear the president has also given them a huge pay raise—double the size of Obama’s—and rounding out to roughly 10 percent, unless term two rolls around, and then it may end up looking more like 20 percent.

Bottom line is the military men and women who serve this Commander-In-Chief love that, even though the media claimed he’d wouldn’t visit them, he did.

They love even more that he cares enough about them and their welfare that he prioritized their pay increases to be huge—double what they were under Obama—and set to stay that way, at least while he continues to call the shots ^ | December 28, 2018


Raises are pegged to INFLATION (CPI), the reason raise under Trump is higher is because INFLATION is higher. In REAL terms it's the same raise they always got.
The problem here is three pronged.

First let's put some blame on Trump, he absolutely plays fast and loose with the facts when he's promoting himself. He doesn't tell lies like "No , we don't spy on Americans" or "no we haven't weaponized the IRS" he tells dumb lies like "My crowd was the BIGGEST I tell you" or "I got you the biggest raise in the history of the world I tell you what"

The second portion of blame goes to the media who relentlessly attack everything the man says and accuse him of telling lies of epic proportions every time he opens his mouth. They can't give him one fucking break, one benefit of the doubt, or one single bit of respite from the attacks For fuck sakes he was visiting US troops in a war zone on Christmas fucking day, do you think you can put your politics aside and shut your mouth for one day Don Lemon?

And the third portion of blame goes to the average idiotic Democrat who eats this shit up and just teehees and hoots and hollers whenever the media tells them to instead of at least on occasion simply saying "you know what who gives a fuck if Trump lied about crowd size?" and going on with their fucking lives.

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