Trump Lies To Troops About Giant Pay Raise He Never Got Them

Funny how Republicans claim to support the troops and yet, they encourage the president to lie to the very same troops they claim to support.

they only like them when they are all new & shiny & unbroken going off to fight the mooozlems....... but once they come back, needing medical care & therapy for PTSD, then they turn their backs.
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His supposed lies. Only a distraction from the FAKE NEWS!

Amazing that man can lie....mislead....go back on his word and you leg humpers can't see it.....called the cult mentality I guess....If you watch some stock film from 1930's will see the same type of denials.

I find it amazing that our ABNORMALS are spending an inordinate amount of time on a very small MISSPOKE by our president


No, THIS was maybe a "MISSPOKE", back in MAY
Trump misleads about military pay raises - CNNPolitics

This recent re-oocurance of the BS he already told before, is obviously an intentional lie:

"You protect us. We are always going to protect you. And you just saw that, 'cause you just got one of the biggest pay raises you've ever received. ... You haven't gotten one in more than 10 years. More than 10 years. And we got you a big one. I got you a big one. I got you a big one."

"They had plenty of people that came up, they said, 'You know, we could make it smaller. We could make it 3%, we could make it 2%, we could make it 4%,'" Trump told the troops about the latest pay raise. "I said, 'No. Make it 10%. Make it more than 10%.'" 'Cause it's been a long time, it's been more than 10 years. Been more than 10 years, that's a long time,"
Of course it was a misspoke.....Obomanations 57 states, Hawaii is in ASIA, “I don’t know what the term is in Austrian” (well this one just shows you the LOW IQ of the mulatto!)....dozens more, and all of them more aggrevious than what Trump said!!!....but please keep it up, the entertainment value of you ABNORMALS losing your minds over this is TREMENDOUS!!!....Especially YOU, Antonym!....LOLOLOLO!!

It was an outright lie

Trump never asked for a 10% increase let alone signed for one
When the proposed 2.6 percent increase came to his office, he just signed it

He lied
Trump said months ago that he was seeking the freeze. It was ultimately made possible by Congress, which never passed a pay hike before the end of the year. The GOP-controlled Senate had signed off on a bipartisan 1.9 percent increase, but the GOP-controlled House left it unaddressed.

If Trump had done nothing, the federal pay formula would have enacted an automatic 2.1 percent pay increase. But the inaction by Congress gave him an opening to make the increase zero through executive order.


Republicans are evil - and they can't govern!
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Trump continues to hate on federal employees. He lied to troops and now orders no pay raise for federal employees in 2019.

In the middle of a government shutdown, Trump ordered that federal worker pay not be increased for 2019.

Trump Blocks Federal Workers' Pay Hike While They're Out Of A Job

Why does Trump hate his own workforce?
Locality pay........that was cut. That is not new news.........Was going to cost 25 Billion
Locality pay is the majority of the increase
ahhh...........he's gonna use it as leverage for Border Funding.......pretty obvious.

The Dreamers should come first. Let Trump deal with screwing federal workers.

All Federal Workers need to know is that Republicans have fucked them over and retaliate at the voting booth

Amen! With all the evil done by Trump and Republicans - how could 2020 not be a clean sweep for Democrats? And then there is Mueller...
ahhh...........he's gonna use it as leverage for Border Funding.......pretty obvious.

The Dreamers should come first. Let Trump deal with screwing federal workers.

All Federal Workers need to know is that Republicans have fucked them over and retaliate at the voting booth
CBP and ICE workers will decide that when they get funding or not.........they want the money...........Have to see how long it lasts and who wins.................whatever.
Trump continues to hate on federal employees. He lied to troops and now orders no pay raise for federal employees in 2019.

In the middle of a government shutdown, Trump ordered that federal worker pay not be increased for 2019.

Trump Blocks Federal Workers' Pay Hike While They're Out Of A Job

Why does Trump hate his own workforce?

cause he now thinks they are ALL (D)s. of course that was after he said they support closing down the gov'ment & them working without a paycheck............

but the real reason? it's cause he's out of his fucking mind.
ahhh...........he's gonna use it as leverage for Border Funding.......pretty obvious.

The Dreamers should come first. Let Trump deal with screwing federal workers.

All Federal Workers need to know is that Republicans have fucked them over and retaliate at the voting booth

Amen! With all the evil done by Trump and Republicans - how could 2020 not be a clean sweep for Democrats? And then there is Mueller...
That “Nothing Burger” is going to bury the Republicans
I can see a real problem coming out of all this mess. As screwed up as both parties are right now, the last thing wee need is for another round of one party controlling all 3 legs of the government. When that happens, some really bad laws comes out of it and it takes decades to correct it or SCOTUS has to correct it. We need to make sure that in 2020 either the Senate or the President is Republican WITHOUT TRUMP OR PENCE. Both parties needs to start working towards those ends today. Not tomorrow but today. Yesterday would have been better.

If Trump and Pence can't be stopped and decide to run in 2020, the Dems needs to present a decent Candidate for a change. One that can be vetted and not attacked by the GOP with such fervor. The GOP needs to allow this. Meanwhile, the GOP needs to start working on putting together Veto Proof Legislature that will negate Trump and Pence. Doing this will ensure that the Reps will maintain control of the Senate while the Dems send Trump and the Strumpets running back to the recesses from whence they came.

It's time to make America Great Again.
ahhh...........he's gonna use it as leverage for Border Funding.......pretty obvious.

The Dreamers should come first. Let Trump deal with screwing federal workers.

All Federal Workers need to know is that Republicans have fucked them over and retaliate at the voting booth

Amen! With all the evil done by Trump and Republicans - how could 2020 not be a clean sweep for Democrats? And then there is Mueller...
That “Nothing Burger” is going to bury the Republicans

Watch out.

This is men against women

In the population and also in the military

Men are all for trump and women are nearly all against trump

Would the men let the women's foolish thinking destroy the nation??

We are about to find out his coming year.

Democracy of women will not count like the democracy of men

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