Trump Lies To Troops About Giant Pay Raise He Never Got Them

Trump said the same thing last July and was told he was wrong

Doesn’t stop him from repeating the lie
He is likely mentally ill, and can no longer properly discern truth from lies. He has confabulated this lie as part of his image of himself, and so now believes it.
The president told military personnel in Iraq that they’ll get a raise of over 10 percent, their first in a decade. But it’s 2.6 percent, and they get a hike every year.

During his first visit to a combat zone since assuming office nearly two years ago, President Donald Trump couldn’t help but take personal credit for a very generous and fictional pay raise for U.S. troops.

The president told service members at al-Asad air base in Iraq that he was proud to secure them a much-needed pay bump of “more than 10 percent” after years of stagnant wages. Many of the troops in attendance may have been surprised to learn they hadn’t seen a pay increase in more than a decade.

“Is anybody here willing to give up the big pay raise you just got?” Trump said, asking for a show of hands. “You haven’t gotten one in more than 10 years. More than 10 years. And we got you a big one. I got you a big one. I got you a big one.”

In fact, military members have seen a pay raise in each of the last 10 years, ranging from 1 percent to 3.9 percent, according to the Defense Department. They even saw pay bumps when other federal workers were subjected to a three-year pay freeze in the wake of the Great Recession.

The pay increase for 2019 passed by Congress and signed by the president in August will be 2.6 percent, the largest since 2010. It is not far above last year’s raise for troops, which was 2.4 percent.

Trump told the troops that other people wanted their raise to be smaller, but he fought for a double-digit boost.

More: Trump Brags To Troops About A Fictional Giant Pay Raise He Got Them

2.6% is nowhere near being "more than 10%" as Trump told the troops. He LIED. Trump is evil. Only an evil fucking asshole would tell the troops such a lie - especially in a combat zone during Christmas! What do you think?

Nothing says 'honoring the military' like lying to them about imaginary raises.
Yeah he is just stupid. No what to it.
You figure out if you're related to Mad Maxine or not yet?
I would be proud if I was but no such luck. However that doesnt make me stop calling Drumpf by his family name does it? :rolleyes:
Sheeeezuz, asslips... I actually gave you more credit than that. But if you want to say you'd be proud to be a related to fellow toilet dweller with no more brains than a fresh chunk of dog shit... GO FOR IT...

who did you report him to....the Vice Principal?...
The military personnel knows whether or not they got a raise.

US Troops Just Scored Their Largest Pay Raise In Nearly A Decade

No matter how many times Democrat socialists deny there was a raise those enjoying the increase know better.

That's about 1/4 what Trump claimed it was. Trump claimed the raise was about 4 times larger, at 10%. When per your own article, it was 2.6%.

Trump lied.

And you can't admit it. You're demonstrating the cult mentality in action. At this point I'm not sure you can actually tell truth from lies.
The military personnel knows whether or not they got a raise.

US Troops Just Scored Their Largest Pay Raise In Nearly A Decade

No matter how many times Democrat socialists deny there was a raise those enjoying the increase know better.

That's about 1/4 what Trump claimed it was. Trump claimed the raise was about 4 times larger, at 10%. When per your own article, it was 2.6%.

Trump lied.

And you can't admit it. You're demonstrating the cult mentality in action. At this point I'm not sure you can actually tell truth from lies.
Here are the pay raises Trump claims didn't exist:


United States military pay - Wikipedia
The military personnel knows whether or not they got a raise.

US Troops Just Scored Their Largest Pay Raise In Nearly A Decade

No matter how many times Democrat socialists deny there was a raise those enjoying the increase know better.

That's about 1/4 what Trump claimed it was. Trump claimed the raise was about 4 times larger, at 10%. When per your own article, it was 2.6%.

Trump lied.

And you can't admit it. You're demonstrating the cult mentality in action. At this point I'm not sure you can actually tell truth from lies.
Extremist Trump defenders like those seen here have become an embarrassment to rank and file Trump supporters. And all the talk about him lying to the troops has distracted from him calling them "suckers".
The military personnel knows whether or not they got a raise.

US Troops Just Scored Their Largest Pay Raise In Nearly A Decade

No matter how many times Democrat socialists deny there was a raise those enjoying the increase know better.
Hold on Tipsy... you're wasting good facts on triggered morons.

They're having fun in their triggered circle jerk right now...
I know but Lordy I get tired of the lies.

No you don't. You are currently ignoring them.

Not sure which is more entertaining. watching people freak out over his lies or watching the faithful sheep twist themselves into knots to ignore them.
IF YOU LIKE YOUR DOCTOR. YOU CAN KEEP YOUR DOCTOR....wonder what lie by Trump cost as much as the mulattos lies?
98 percent of Americans kept their health insurance

If 98 percent of soldiers got a ten percent raise it would not be much of a lie
So OVER 2 MILLION by your numbers LOST HEALTH CARE, that is a SMALL NUMBER from an ABNORMAL with a pea sized mind!!!!...I'm sure those people feel relief knowing your useless I almost always say bitch slapping mental retard liberals is TOO FUCKING EASY!!!...But never change Wrongwinger, YOU are our entertainment!
It was actually four million out of 330 million Americans
You do the math

I really think a trumpette is going to do math and come up with a fact? You are expecting a lot....from someone who voted for the "dumbest GD student I ever taught."

Revealed: Trump's professor thought he was his 'dumbest student' ever - Study International
Its the largest pay raise in 8 years.

The mark is 0.3 percent above what President Donald Trump and the Pentagon had requested. It translates into about a $680 annual boost from 2017 pay for younger enlisted ranks, and about $1,080 a year for more senior enlisted and junior officers. A mid-career officer will see almost $2,000 a year extra under the plan.
The military knows how much their check is. They know when there is an increase no matter how many democrats say there was no increase.
It was Crooked Donnie who said there was no increase for ten years

Donnie has to really ramp up his quota of lies now....expect some whoppers in the coming days.
There is no evidence Trump asked for a ten percent increase. Those things are normally fully documented. Congress calculates a 2.6 percent pay increase and submits it to the President. He would have to reject it and demand ten percent. That did not happen
The president signed off on 2.6 percent


LMAO I'm sure the troops don't care. Neither does anyone except you lefty loons.

Carry on with you snitfest.

how far up trump's ample bloated ass can you possibly go?

Snitfest away dipshit.

lol... translation: claudette has nothing.

Translation: Claudette couldn't care less what you think.

Carry on dipshit.

Do you believe our president lied?
The military personnel knows whether or not they got a raise.

US Troops Just Scored Their Largest Pay Raise In Nearly A Decade

No matter how many times Democrat socialists deny there was a raise those enjoying the increase know better.

From YOUR link:

"The $717 billion National Defense Authorization Act includes a 2.6 pay increase for military personnel, the largest raise in almost a decade.""""

Trump lied and told them 10%.

Why do you try to cover his lie with another lie?

LMAO I'm sure the troops don't care. Neither does anyone except you lefty loons.

Carry on with you snitfest.

how far up trump's ample bloated ass can you possibly go?

Snitfest away dipshit.

lol... translation: claudette has nothing.

Translation: Claudette couldn't care less what you think.

Carry on dipshit.

Do you believe our president lied?

Nope. I do believe he thought he could get what he wanted. Didn't work out.

I'm sure the military is happy with the biggest raise they have had in eight years even if you aren't.

Carry on with your petty snitfest.

Not sure which is more entertaining. watching people freak out over his lies or watching the faithful sheep twist themselves into knots to ignore them.
Not freak out. But be upset.

Our soldiers put their lives on the line every day for this country. And Trump goes overseas at Christmas and lies to them. What is that tell you about what Republicans think of our soldiers?
It does show a basic disrespect of our soldiers

How stupid does he think they are?

ME! ME! I can answer that. He thinks they are as stupid as the idiots that voted for him!:dance:
Trump said the same thing last July and was told he was wrong

Doesn’t stop him from repeating the lie
He is likely mentally ill, and can no longer properly discern truth from lies. He has confabulated this lie as part of his image of himself, and so now believes it.

It seems to be more than bragging
He doesn’t seem to grasp the truth anymore. Truth is what he wants it to be
how far up trump's ample bloated ass can you possibly go?

Snitfest away dipshit.

lol... translation: claudette has nothing.

Translation: Claudette couldn't care less what you think.

Carry on dipshit.

Do you believe our president lied?

Nope. I do believe he thought he could get what he wanted. Didn't work out.

I'm sure the military is happy with the biggest raise they have had in eight years even if you aren't.

Carry on with your petty snitfest.
Lying to our men in uniform is not petty
The military personnel knows whether or not they got a raise.

US Troops Just Scored Their Largest Pay Raise In Nearly A Decade

No matter how many times Democrat socialists deny there was a raise those enjoying the increase know better.
Hold on Tipsy... you're wasting good facts on triggered morons.

They're having fun in their triggered circle jerk right now...

Go the link/article and read it yourself.
The raise was 2.6%. Not 10%.
You're the moron here.
The military personnel knows whether or not they got a raise.

US Troops Just Scored Their Largest Pay Raise In Nearly A Decade

No matter how many times Democrat socialists deny there was a raise those enjoying the increase know better.

You eternal moron.......Read your own fucking article....

Under Trump, they got a 2.6% raise......

Under Obama they got a 3.4% raise......

Where the hell does Trump get his fucking "facts" that he gave them this huge raise???
Snitfest away dipshit.

lol... translation: claudette has nothing.

Translation: Claudette couldn't care less what you think.

Carry on dipshit.

Do you believe our president lied?

Nope. I do believe he thought he could get what he wanted. Didn't work out.

I'm sure the military is happy with the biggest raise they have had in eight years even if you aren't.

Carry on with your petty snitfest.
Lying to our men in uniform is not petty

You are the petty one. Carry on with you petty snitfest.
Do you believe our president lied?

Um...I have bad news about that Hostess Cupcake in your mouth...

I have bad news about the stick up your ass.
Is it true the military has not received a pay raise in the past ten years?

Is it true their next pay raise is ten percent?

I wonder which evasive bullshit you will use now.

1. Look! A squirrel!

2. Run away.

3. B-b-b-b-b-but Obama!


5. I like turtles!

And the favorite last resort:

6. Who cares?

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