Trump lies to Trudeau and then brags about it to donors

He didn't lie at all, I challenge any economist or analyst with any degree of credibility to make the argument that the specific service export imbalance which the U.S apparently "enjoys" with Canada is such a valuable asset to the U.S economy. By the way, to those of us following this closely, the first rendition of Canada having a "deficit" was when Canada intentionally omitted oil exports, then they included them and decided that "service exports" are included, to once again, skew the results.

I assure you the sources of this export isn't on the level, it's the usual voodoo and misrepresentation. American company in Canada sends their employees over to the U.S for a week of training, Canadian Snowbirds buy a home in Florida. These are apparently examples of "exports" in which America has a surplus. How is that some consumable benefit to the U.S economy? How does it avoid U.S debt issues when meeting their social obligations?

It's comparable to the suggestion by some that NAFTA "is responsible directly or indirectly with employing x number of people". Ask for the details on how they quantify that, it's bloody embarrassing.

The exploitation by Canada and others will continue, as long as you have brain dead MBA grads running around. They have less diversity of thought than the MSM have. When I finally do hear a creative and honest economist they always appear light years ahead of the Usual Suspects. Why? They actually dug through the details themselves and know the facts, they don't just parrot what some government patsy told them.
Last edited:

Nice title. You do realize that a lie is when you say something that you know to be false, yes?

When you declare something of which you aren't sure, that's not a lie. It's not a great habit, either, and it's often a good way to get shit wrong, but it's not a lie.

If you wanna talk dishonesty, how about we discuss the way that the definition of "lie" seems to expand like a scared puffer fish every time a democrat brings up a Trump quote?

And people support him. It's incredible.

They should have a lottery. Every week on a Sunday they pick the name of a spotty 14 year old in a high school in the US and they make him president for the week. It couldn't be any worse than having this muppet in power.

I keep hearing things like this, and claims that he's the worst president ever. What is it that Trump's done that's been such a disaster for the country since he's entered office? Aside from saying things that you don't like.

And people support him. It's incredible.

They should have a lottery. Every week on a Sunday they pick the name of a spotty 14 year old in a high school in the US and they make him president for the week. It couldn't be any worse than having this muppet in power.

I keep hearing things like this, and claims that he's the worst president ever. What is it that Trump's done that's been such a disaster for the country since he's entered office? Aside from saying things that you don't like.

You mean, apart from taking credit for things he didn't do, treating world leaders like shit, treating allies like shit, lying all the time, making the presidency look like an entertainment channel, increasing debt, putting policies in place that will cause a lot of poorer people to suffer in the future while the rich will get richer and richer?

Nothing... reminds me of Monty Python. What have the Romans ever done for us?

And people support him. It's incredible.

They should have a lottery. Every week on a Sunday they pick the name of a spotty 14 year old in a high school in the US and they make him president for the week. It couldn't be any worse than having this muppet in power.

I keep hearing things like this, and claims that he's the worst president ever. What is it that Trump's done that's been such a disaster for the country since he's entered office? Aside from saying things that you don't like.

You mean, apart from taking credit for things he didn't do, treating world leaders like shit, treating allies like shit, lying all the time, making the presidency look like an entertainment channel, increasing debt, putting policies in place that will cause a lot of poorer people to suffer in the future while the rich will get richer and richer?

Nothing... reminds me of Monty Python. What have the Romans ever done for us?

Taking credit for things he didn't do amounts to, approximately, saying shit you don't like. No real world effect.

Treating world leaders like shit? He hasn't actually been doing anything to other world leaders, so again, you're just talking about him saying shit that you don't like.

Treating allies like shit? He hasn't ended any alliance treaties, hasn't actually pulled funding from NATO or the UN. So basically just saying shit to and about allies that you don't like.

Lying all the time? Your dubious definition of a Trump lie aside, again, saying shit that you don't like.

Making the presidency look like an entertainment channel? Saying shit that you don't like.

Increasing debt? Holy shit! Finally something material in your string of dumbshit accusations!

Putting policies in place that will cause poorer people to suffer. Material again! Good job! That puts you at 2 for 7 in finding complaints about Trump that don't simly amount to saying shit that you don't like! It's an F, granted, but it's better than 0!

Basically, then, what you're saying is that any ol' dumbshit high school kid could do a better job as president, because Trump pulled the individual mandate, signed the tax cuts, and said shit that you don't like? I'm thinking that you either have a highly inflated opinion of the value of saying shit that pleases you, or you have a highly inflated sense of the efficacy of high school kids.
You mean, apart from taking credit for things he didn't do, treating world leaders like shit, treating allies like shit, lying all the time, making the presidency look like an entertainment channel, increasing debt, putting policies in place that will cause a lot of poorer people to suffer in the future while the rich will get richer and richer?

Nothing... reminds me of Monty Python. What have the Romans ever done for us?
More allegations, no substantive example for proof. At least when we had issues with The Brown Turd, we cited examples: "families will see a $2500 per year savings in healthcare under The ACA."


And people support him. It's incredible.

They should have a lottery. Every week on a Sunday they pick the name of a spotty 14 year old in a high school in the US and they make him president for the week. It couldn't be any worse than having this muppet in power.

I keep hearing things like this, and claims that he's the worst president ever. What is it that Trump's done that's been such a disaster for the country since he's entered office? Aside from saying things that you don't like.
He spit on our POWs and mocked a handicapped man BEFORE he took office so that doesn`t count. Good point.

And people support him. It's incredible.

They should have a lottery. Every week on a Sunday they pick the name of a spotty 14 year old in a high school in the US and they make him president for the week. It couldn't be any worse than having this muppet in power.

I keep hearing things like this, and claims that he's the worst president ever. What is it that Trump's done that's been such a disaster for the country since he's entered office? Aside from saying things that you don't like.
He spit on our POWs and mocked a handicapped man BEFORE he took office so that doesn`t count. Good point.

Said a bunch of shit you don't like? What a disaster.

And people support him. It's incredible.

They should have a lottery. Every week on a Sunday they pick the name of a spotty 14 year old in a high school in the US and they make him president for the week. It couldn't be any worse than having this muppet in power.

I keep hearing things like this, and claims that he's the worst president ever. What is it that Trump's done that's been such a disaster for the country since he's entered office? Aside from saying things that you don't like.

You mean, apart from taking credit for things he didn't do, treating world leaders like shit, treating allies like shit, lying all the time, making the presidency look like an entertainment channel, increasing debt, putting policies in place that will cause a lot of poorer people to suffer in the future while the rich will get richer and richer?

Nothing... reminds me of Monty Python. What have the Romans ever done for us?

Taking credit for things he didn't do amounts to, approximately, saying shit you don't like. No real world effect.

Treating world leaders like shit? He hasn't actually been doing anything to other world leaders, so again, you're just talking about him saying shit that you don't like.

Treating allies like shit? He hasn't ended any alliance treaties, hasn't actually pulled funding from NATO or the UN. So basically just saying shit to and about allies that you don't like.

Lying all the time? Your dubious definition of a Trump lie aside, again, saying shit that you don't like.

Making the presidency look like an entertainment channel? Saying shit that you don't like.

Increasing debt? Holy shit! Finally something material in your string of dumbshit accusations!

Putting policies in place that will cause poorer people to suffer. Material again! Good job! That puts you at 2 for 7 in finding complaints about Trump that don't simly amount to saying shit that you don't like! It's an F, granted, but it's better than 0!

Basically, then, what you're saying is that any ol' dumbshit high school kid could do a better job as president, because Trump pulled the individual mandate, signed the tax cuts, and said shit that you don't like? I'm thinking that you either have a highly inflated opinion of the value of saying shit that pleases you, or you have a highly inflated sense of the efficacy of high school kids.

Well, taking credit for things he didn't do is DISHONEST. It's not a matter of whether I like it or not, it's dishonest.

Hasn't been doing anything to world leaders? I mean, we're not talking blow jobs here. We're talking words.

Okay, some evidence seeing as you're blind.

Donald Trump admits making up 'facts' in trade meeting with Justin Trudeau

Trump goes to Canadian Prime Minister, makes shit up and then brags about it afterwards. Hugely disrespectful.

Subscribe to read

Trump basically went and said the UK should leave the EU, not only hurting the EU but also British PM at the time David Cameron who was to then resign because of the leave vote.

Trump hits out at May over tweet criticism

With Teresa May, he re-tweeted a Britain First post. For the Tories Britain First and other such far right groups are a problem because they take votes away from the Tory Party, and Trump is essentially bigging them up. Interfering in UK politics AND damaging the political party of the Prime Minister.

Then she criticized him for doing it and he hit back. As diplomatic as telling someone to "fuck off".

U.S.-Australia Rift Is Possible After Trump Ends Call With Prime Minister

He calls a deal with Australia "dumb" and hangs up on the Australian PM.

China protests at Trump-Taiwan call

He called Taiwan soon after his election, annoying the hell out of China.

Do I go on?

How did you miss all of this?

No, Trump lies.

Go up to the first link. He actually ADMITTED he lied to the Canadian PM.

Opinion | President Trump’s Lies, the Definitive List

Trump's lies. Now, you're very welcome to go through the list and point out why none of these are lies.
You mean, apart from taking credit for things he didn't do, treating world leaders like shit, treating allies like shit, lying all the time, making the presidency look like an entertainment channel, increasing debt, putting policies in place that will cause a lot of poorer people to suffer in the future while the rich will get richer and richer?

Nothing... reminds me of Monty Python. What have the Romans ever done for us?
More allegations, no substantive example for proof. At least when we had issues with The Brown Turd, we cited examples: "families will see a $2500 per year savings in healthcare under The ACA."


I'm not talking about Obama here. I'm talking about TRUMP. I'm not going to defend any politician, they're all liars, but Trump, he's gone out of his way to look special, in a bad way.

The proof is in the previous post to you.
It's amazing. But one can see how Trump is a natural for his base.

“Trudeau came to see me. He’s a good guy, Justin. He said, ‘No, no, we have no trade deficit with you, we have none. Donald, please,’ ” Trump said, mimicking Trudeau, according to audio obtained by The Washington Post. “Nice guy, good-looking guy, comes in — ‘Donald, we have no trade deficit.’ He’s very proud because everybody else, you know, we’re getting killed.

“... So, he’s proud. I said, ‘Wrong, Justin, you do.’ I didn’t even know. ... I had no idea. I just said, ‘You’re wrong.’ You know why? Because we’re so stupid. … And I thought they were smart. I said, ‘You’re wrong, Justin.’ He said, ‘Nope, we have no trade deficit.’ I said, ‘Well, in that case, I feel differently,’ I said, ‘but I don’t believe it.’ I sent one of our guys out, his guy, my guy, they went out, I said, ‘Check, because I can’t believe it.’

‘Well, sir, you’re actually right. We have no deficit, but that doesn’t include energy and timber. … And when you do, we lose $17 billion a year.’ It’s incredible.”

The Office of the United States Trade Representative says the United States has a trade surplus with Canada.

And people support him. It's incredible.

They should have a lottery. Every week on a Sunday they pick the name of a spotty 14 year old in a high school in the US and they make him president for the week. It couldn't be any worse than having this muppet in power.

I keep hearing things like this, and claims that he's the worst president ever. What is it that Trump's done that's been such a disaster for the country since he's entered office? Aside from saying things that you don't like.

You mean, apart from taking credit for things he didn't do, treating world leaders like shit, treating allies like shit, lying all the time, making the presidency look like an entertainment channel, increasing debt, putting policies in place that will cause a lot of poorer people to suffer in the future while the rich will get richer and richer?

Nothing... reminds me of Monty Python. What have the Romans ever done for us?

Taking credit for things he didn't do amounts to, approximately, saying shit you don't like. No real world effect.

Treating world leaders like shit? He hasn't actually been doing anything to other world leaders, so again, you're just talking about him saying shit that you don't like.

Treating allies like shit? He hasn't ended any alliance treaties, hasn't actually pulled funding from NATO or the UN. So basically just saying shit to and about allies that you don't like.

Lying all the time? Your dubious definition of a Trump lie aside, again, saying shit that you don't like.

Making the presidency look like an entertainment channel? Saying shit that you don't like.

Increasing debt? Holy shit! Finally something material in your string of dumbshit accusations!

Putting policies in place that will cause poorer people to suffer. Material again! Good job! That puts you at 2 for 7 in finding complaints about Trump that don't simly amount to saying shit that you don't like! It's an F, granted, but it's better than 0!

Basically, then, what you're saying is that any ol' dumbshit high school kid could do a better job as president, because Trump pulled the individual mandate, signed the tax cuts, and said shit that you don't like? I'm thinking that you either have a highly inflated opinion of the value of saying shit that pleases you, or you have a highly inflated sense of the efficacy of high school kids.

Well, taking credit for things he didn't do is DISHONEST. It's not a matter of whether I like it or not, it's dishonest.

Hasn't been doing anything to world leaders? I mean, we're not talking blow jobs here. We're talking words.

Okay, some evidence seeing as you're blind.

Donald Trump admits making up 'facts' in trade meeting with Justin Trudeau

Trump goes to Canadian Prime Minister, makes shit up and then brags about it afterwards. Hugely disrespectful.

Subscribe to read

Trump basically went and said the UK should leave the EU, not only hurting the EU but also British PM at the time David Cameron who was to then resign because of the leave vote.

Trump hits out at May over tweet criticism

With Teresa May, he re-tweeted a Britain First post. For the Tories Britain First and other such far right groups are a problem because they take votes away from the Tory Party, and Trump is essentially bigging them up. Interfering in UK politics AND damaging the political party of the Prime Minister.

Then she criticized him for doing it and he hit back. As diplomatic as telling someone to "fuck off".

U.S.-Australia Rift Is Possible After Trump Ends Call With Prime Minister

He calls a deal with Australia "dumb" and hangs up on the Australian PM.

China protests at Trump-Taiwan call

He called Taiwan soon after his election, annoying the hell out of China.

Do I go on?

How did you miss all of this?

No, Trump lies.

Go up to the first link. He actually ADMITTED he lied to the Canadian PM.

Opinion | President Trump’s Lies, the Definitive List

Trump's lies. Now, you're very welcome to go through the list and point out why none of these are lies.

There seems to be some misunderstanding, here. When I said he hasn't actually "done" anything to any world leaders, you have to forgive my careless word choice. See, I grew up in an era where saying things to someone and taking physical action against them were considered separate concepts. I forgot that we now live in a snowflake paradise where words are violence, too. Well, sorry, but I'm not conceding that ground, no matter how popular that bullshit's gotten. When I say he hasn't actually done anything to them, I mean he hasn't actually taken action against them as president.

That's an impressive list of shit he's said that you don't like, tho. The only part that's not impressive is that there are zero examples on this list where Trump saying that thing actually led to the calamities that you lefties said would result. You're right, though. When you take credit for something that you haven't done, that's dishonest. I can't figure out how that has adversely affected the nation, or how we'd be measurably better off otherwise, or how it's in any way relevant in assessing his performance as president, but it is certainly dishonest. Anyway. . .

Trump ran off at the mouth with Trudeau. Has our relationship with Canada changed in any significant or material way?

Trump said the UK should leave the EU. Is the European Union, a union created for the specific purpose of international trade, going to stop doing business with the largest market on the planet? Not likely.

Trump ran off at the mouth at Theresa May. Anything change in our alliance with the UK?

Trump hung up on the Australian PM. They declaring war, yet? Introducing trade sanctions? We ain't fuckin no more?

China didn't like the Taiwan call, granted. Yet, for some reason, they still treat Trump with infinitely more respect than they treated Obama. Tell me, from your observations, what, specifically, has been the negative fallout that resulted from that phone call?

Here's the thing, and if you can actually truly accept this fact, it will serve you well: Your feelings are not an infallible indicator of right and wrong. The fact that you fear certain consequences of Trump's words isn't necessarily indicative of the wisdom or lack thereof inherent in what he's saying. It might just be indicative of your own thin skin.

Lastly, that list is bullshit. There's definitely some Trump lies in there, but most of what's listed is Trump exaggerating (Time cover, for instance) or expressing opinions that haven't ever been proven or disproven (millions of illegals voting for Hillary). I won't go into the breakdown, though, that's a whole different argument, and I'm not trying to make the point that Trump is an honest guy.
Last edited:
And people support him. It's incredible.

They should have a lottery. Every week on a Sunday they pick the name of a spotty 14 year old in a high school in the US and they make him president for the week. It couldn't be any worse than having this muppet in power.

I keep hearing things like this, and claims that he's the worst president ever. What is it that Trump's done that's been such a disaster for the country since he's entered office? Aside from saying things that you don't like.

You mean, apart from taking credit for things he didn't do, treating world leaders like shit, treating allies like shit, lying all the time, making the presidency look like an entertainment channel, increasing debt, putting policies in place that will cause a lot of poorer people to suffer in the future while the rich will get richer and richer?

Nothing... reminds me of Monty Python. What have the Romans ever done for us?

Taking credit for things he didn't do amounts to, approximately, saying shit you don't like. No real world effect.

Treating world leaders like shit? He hasn't actually been doing anything to other world leaders, so again, you're just talking about him saying shit that you don't like.

Treating allies like shit? He hasn't ended any alliance treaties, hasn't actually pulled funding from NATO or the UN. So basically just saying shit to and about allies that you don't like.

Lying all the time? Your dubious definition of a Trump lie aside, again, saying shit that you don't like.

Making the presidency look like an entertainment channel? Saying shit that you don't like.

Increasing debt? Holy shit! Finally something material in your string of dumbshit accusations!

Putting policies in place that will cause poorer people to suffer. Material again! Good job! That puts you at 2 for 7 in finding complaints about Trump that don't simly amount to saying shit that you don't like! It's an F, granted, but it's better than 0!

Basically, then, what you're saying is that any ol' dumbshit high school kid could do a better job as president, because Trump pulled the individual mandate, signed the tax cuts, and said shit that you don't like? I'm thinking that you either have a highly inflated opinion of the value of saying shit that pleases you, or you have a highly inflated sense of the efficacy of high school kids.

Well, taking credit for things he didn't do is DISHONEST. It's not a matter of whether I like it or not, it's dishonest.

Hasn't been doing anything to world leaders? I mean, we're not talking blow jobs here. We're talking words.

Okay, some evidence seeing as you're blind.

Donald Trump admits making up 'facts' in trade meeting with Justin Trudeau

Trump goes to Canadian Prime Minister, makes shit up and then brags about it afterwards. Hugely disrespectful.

Subscribe to read

Trump basically went and said the UK should leave the EU, not only hurting the EU but also British PM at the time David Cameron who was to then resign because of the leave vote.

Trump hits out at May over tweet criticism

With Teresa May, he re-tweeted a Britain First post. For the Tories Britain First and other such far right groups are a problem because they take votes away from the Tory Party, and Trump is essentially bigging them up. Interfering in UK politics AND damaging the political party of the Prime Minister.

Then she criticized him for doing it and he hit back. As diplomatic as telling someone to "fuck off".

U.S.-Australia Rift Is Possible After Trump Ends Call With Prime Minister

He calls a deal with Australia "dumb" and hangs up on the Australian PM.

China protests at Trump-Taiwan call

He called Taiwan soon after his election, annoying the hell out of China.

Do I go on?

How did you miss all of this?

No, Trump lies.

Go up to the first link. He actually ADMITTED he lied to the Canadian PM.

Opinion | President Trump’s Lies, the Definitive List

Trump's lies. Now, you're very welcome to go through the list and point out why none of these are lies.

There seems to be some misunderstanding, here. When I said he hasn't actually "done" anything to any world leaders, you have to forgive my careless word choice. See, I grew up in an era where saying things to someone and taking physical action against them were considered separate concepts. I forgot that we now live in a snowflake paradise where words are violence, too. Well, sorry, but I'm not conceding that ground, no matter how popular that bullshit's gotten. When I say he hasn't actually done anything to them, I mean he hasn't actually taken action against them as president.

That's an impressive list of shit he's said that you don't like, tho. The only part that's not impressive is that there are zero examples on this list where Trump saying that thing actually led to the calamities that you lefties said would result. You're right, though. When you take credit for something that you haven't done, that's dishonest. I can't figure out how that has adversely affected the nation, or how we'd be measurably better off otherwise, or how it's in any way relevant in assessing his performance as president, but it is certainly dishonest. Anyway. . .

Trump ran off at the mouth with Trudeau. Has our relationship with Canada changed in any significant or material way?

Trump said the UK should leave the EU. Is the European Union, a union created for the specific purpose of international trade, going to stop doing business with the largest market on the planet? Not likely.

Trump ran off at the mouth at Theresa May. Anything change in our alliance with the UK?

Trump hung up on the Australian PM. They declaring war, yet? Introducing trade sanctions? We ain't fuckin no more?

China didn't like the Taiwan call, granted. Yet, for some reason, they still treat Trump with infinitely more respect than they treated Obama. Tell me, from your observations, what, specifically, has been the negative fallout that resulted from that phone call?

Here's the thing, and if you can actually truly accept this fact, it will serve you well: Your feelings are not an infallible indicator of right and wrong. The fact that you fear certain consequences of Trump's words isn't necessarily indicative of the wisdom or lack thereof inherent in what he's saying. It might just be indicative of your own thin skin.

It would seem you don't understand diplomacy. You must accept my apologies for thinking that people actually know stuff in this day and age.

So, tweets, which were in the links I provided, were there. Trump didn't deny any of this shit. It happened. You can go bullshitting around, but the evidence is FAR MORE than anything you've provided, so excuse me for not giving a shit about your little lacking evidence rant.

Has the US's relationship with Canada changed? It's only just happened, and yes, the relationship will probably be hurt a little. Do it again and again and it could be far more damaged than you could ever have thought.

Has anything changed in the alliance with the UK? Sure. It's colder. Would the UK go to war with the US over something like oil as they did in 2003? Probably not. They think Trump's a dick and they keep up their side of diplomacy, but that doesn't mean it's the same as it used to be.

China doesn't treat Trump with respect. You clearly don't understand what the Chinese are doing and how they see the US.

So, here's the thing. You ignore stuff that happens. You don't care. Someone points out stuff to you and you don't understand it, you don't know what's going on. You think it's all the same as it was. It's not.

But then too many people on this forum aren't open to new ideas and it gets rather tiring trying to explain stuff to people who then just say "fake news" or some stupid shit like that.
I keep hearing things like this, and claims that he's the worst president ever. What is it that Trump's done that's been such a disaster for the country since he's entered office? Aside from saying things that you don't like.

You mean, apart from taking credit for things he didn't do, treating world leaders like shit, treating allies like shit, lying all the time, making the presidency look like an entertainment channel, increasing debt, putting policies in place that will cause a lot of poorer people to suffer in the future while the rich will get richer and richer?

Nothing... reminds me of Monty Python. What have the Romans ever done for us?

Taking credit for things he didn't do amounts to, approximately, saying shit you don't like. No real world effect.

Treating world leaders like shit? He hasn't actually been doing anything to other world leaders, so again, you're just talking about him saying shit that you don't like.

Treating allies like shit? He hasn't ended any alliance treaties, hasn't actually pulled funding from NATO or the UN. So basically just saying shit to and about allies that you don't like.

Lying all the time? Your dubious definition of a Trump lie aside, again, saying shit that you don't like.

Making the presidency look like an entertainment channel? Saying shit that you don't like.

Increasing debt? Holy shit! Finally something material in your string of dumbshit accusations!

Putting policies in place that will cause poorer people to suffer. Material again! Good job! That puts you at 2 for 7 in finding complaints about Trump that don't simly amount to saying shit that you don't like! It's an F, granted, but it's better than 0!

Basically, then, what you're saying is that any ol' dumbshit high school kid could do a better job as president, because Trump pulled the individual mandate, signed the tax cuts, and said shit that you don't like? I'm thinking that you either have a highly inflated opinion of the value of saying shit that pleases you, or you have a highly inflated sense of the efficacy of high school kids.

Well, taking credit for things he didn't do is DISHONEST. It's not a matter of whether I like it or not, it's dishonest.

Hasn't been doing anything to world leaders? I mean, we're not talking blow jobs here. We're talking words.

Okay, some evidence seeing as you're blind.

Donald Trump admits making up 'facts' in trade meeting with Justin Trudeau

Trump goes to Canadian Prime Minister, makes shit up and then brags about it afterwards. Hugely disrespectful.

Subscribe to read

Trump basically went and said the UK should leave the EU, not only hurting the EU but also British PM at the time David Cameron who was to then resign because of the leave vote.

Trump hits out at May over tweet criticism

With Teresa May, he re-tweeted a Britain First post. For the Tories Britain First and other such far right groups are a problem because they take votes away from the Tory Party, and Trump is essentially bigging them up. Interfering in UK politics AND damaging the political party of the Prime Minister.

Then she criticized him for doing it and he hit back. As diplomatic as telling someone to "fuck off".

U.S.-Australia Rift Is Possible After Trump Ends Call With Prime Minister

He calls a deal with Australia "dumb" and hangs up on the Australian PM.

China protests at Trump-Taiwan call

He called Taiwan soon after his election, annoying the hell out of China.

Do I go on?

How did you miss all of this?

No, Trump lies.

Go up to the first link. He actually ADMITTED he lied to the Canadian PM.

Opinion | President Trump’s Lies, the Definitive List

Trump's lies. Now, you're very welcome to go through the list and point out why none of these are lies.

There seems to be some misunderstanding, here. When I said he hasn't actually "done" anything to any world leaders, you have to forgive my careless word choice. See, I grew up in an era where saying things to someone and taking physical action against them were considered separate concepts. I forgot that we now live in a snowflake paradise where words are violence, too. Well, sorry, but I'm not conceding that ground, no matter how popular that bullshit's gotten. When I say he hasn't actually done anything to them, I mean he hasn't actually taken action against them as president.

That's an impressive list of shit he's said that you don't like, tho. The only part that's not impressive is that there are zero examples on this list where Trump saying that thing actually led to the calamities that you lefties said would result. You're right, though. When you take credit for something that you haven't done, that's dishonest. I can't figure out how that has adversely affected the nation, or how we'd be measurably better off otherwise, or how it's in any way relevant in assessing his performance as president, but it is certainly dishonest. Anyway. . .

Trump ran off at the mouth with Trudeau. Has our relationship with Canada changed in any significant or material way?

Trump said the UK should leave the EU. Is the European Union, a union created for the specific purpose of international trade, going to stop doing business with the largest market on the planet? Not likely.

Trump ran off at the mouth at Theresa May. Anything change in our alliance with the UK?

Trump hung up on the Australian PM. They declaring war, yet? Introducing trade sanctions? We ain't fuckin no more?

China didn't like the Taiwan call, granted. Yet, for some reason, they still treat Trump with infinitely more respect than they treated Obama. Tell me, from your observations, what, specifically, has been the negative fallout that resulted from that phone call?

Here's the thing, and if you can actually truly accept this fact, it will serve you well: Your feelings are not an infallible indicator of right and wrong. The fact that you fear certain consequences of Trump's words isn't necessarily indicative of the wisdom or lack thereof inherent in what he's saying. It might just be indicative of your own thin skin.

It would seem you don't understand diplomacy. You must accept my apologies for thinking that people actually know stuff in this day and age.

So, tweets, which were in the links I provided, were there. Trump didn't deny any of this shit. It happened. You can go bullshitting around, but the evidence is FAR MORE than anything you've provided, so excuse me for not giving a shit about your little lacking evidence rant.

Has the US's relationship with Canada changed? It's only just happened, and yes, the relationship will probably be hurt a little. Do it again and again and it could be far more damaged than you could ever have thought.

Has anything changed in the alliance with the UK? Sure. It's colder. Would the UK go to war with the US over something like oil as they did in 2003? Probably not. They think Trump's a dick and they keep up their side of diplomacy, but that doesn't mean it's the same as it used to be.

China doesn't treat Trump with respect. You clearly don't understand what the Chinese are doing and how they see the US.

So, here's the thing. You ignore stuff that happens. You don't care. Someone points out stuff to you and you don't understand it, you don't know what's going on. You think it's all the same as it was. It's not.

But then too many people on this forum aren't open to new ideas and it gets rather tiring trying to explain stuff to people who then just say "fake news" or some stupid shit like that.

I'm not claiming to be an expert on diplomacy, but I do know that being endlessly agreeable ain't an effective stance in ANY form of negotiation. I know that making it your first priority to avoid offending and angering the people around you is a great way to get treated like a doormat by everyone around you. I also know that the US's strength in diplomatic talks lies not in our ability to kiss the ass of other world leaders, but lies in the fact that the US is, economically and militarily, the foremost world power.

Trump could go out and call May a **** tomorrow, and you know what? The next time some atrocity occurred and the US went to war over it, the UK would be right there alongside us. You wanna know why? Because the good will of the strongest nation on the planet is more important to them than a tiff between two world leaders. Just like they didn't spurn us after Obama sent back the Churchill bust, they're not gonna spurn us over Theresa's hurt feelings.

Trump could start running ads on television recommending that all European leaders cut their ties with the EU, and the EU would make a loud fuss, but ultimately bend over and take it. The alternative would be to implement some sort of trade-based punishment against the US, which would damage them more than it would damage us and, as precarious as the EU's ties already are, would all but guarantee their dissolution.

With Canada, sure, too early to tell. As with all of these cases, and in keeping with my general point here, the RESULTS will tell us whether or not this was a blunder. Not your fear of what could happen, but what actually happens.

With China, I'm not naïve enough to think that there's no ulterior motive to their treatment of Trump, but considering how badly they snubbed Obama during his visit compared to the red carpet treatment they gave Trump, I'm willing to go out on a limb and say that the Taiwan call hasn't led to any significant or even measurable hostilities between our two countries.

So here's the thing. . . I'm not ignoring anything. I'm simply not buying into the narrative that these incidents are significant and negative until I see some evidence that they have had significant, negative results, especially when it seems to me that these supposed consequences are actually highly unlikely. It's not that I don't understand what's being pointed out to me, it's that I disagree with the hysterical fear of catastrophic repercussions as well as the rather cowardly and self-destructive stance that we should always go out of our way to avoid displeasing the rest of the world.

As far as that last little bit, I'm not the ad hominem, 2 word answer poster. Don't come at me with that shit.

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