Trump likely to outperform polls in all 5 states tonight


Gold Member
Feb 18, 2009
Looks like he will top 50% in all 5, may top 60 in some. I think its pretty clear now Its either the party gets behind Trump or they lose congress and presidency. I suspect Indiana will go Trump as well now. Seems obvious voters didnt care for the kasich/cruz liberal deal.
No surprise. And he only has a state out west in his way. Will be intrestng to see if Hillery and Bernie out performed trump in these states like they did in new York
my biggest surprise is MD. Last poll i saw there had trump at 41% and he is blowing that out of the water. PA was 46% and he will top that by at least 10%
Cruz may finish 3rd in all 5. Kasich may want to ask him to drop out.
I'm seeing Bernie and Hillary neck and neck in Connecticut. He's beating her in Rhode Island. Interesting.

And Trump is just kicking ass. Yay!
Looks like he will top 50% in all 5, may top 60 in some. I think its pretty clear now Its either the party gets behind Trump or they lose congress and presidency. I suspect Indiana will go Trump as well now. Seems obvious voters didnt care for the kasich/cruz liberal deal.

There were more than a few pundits who thought the tag team effort might backfire on them.
Looks like he will top 50% in all 5, may top 60 in some. I think its pretty clear now Its either the party gets behind Trump or they lose congress and presidency. I suspect Indiana will go Trump as well now. Seems obvious voters didnt care for the kasich/cruz liberal deal.

There were more than a few pundits who thought the tag team effort might backfire on them.

Joe Scarborough ‏@JoeNBC 9m9 minutes ago

To the teeming masses of pundits who constantly predicted Trump would start losing once the field narrowed, turn off your TV.
Are you hearing the excuse? They thought the middle class was much smaller than it really is.
It looks like Trump gave them a real shellacking, will the Cruz and Kasich donor money dry up now? Its not about whether they want to continue but do they have the money to continue. I say bow out now before suffering a Rubio like embarrassment.
The writing is on the wall. It will be Trump vs Hillary. Time for the others to show a little dignity & bow out.

5 blowout wins tonight and it seems clear the kasich/craz deal got more votes for Trump. If cruz were smart he would drop out. clearly, he cant get the nomination. after finishing 3rd the last 6 contests.

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