Trump made a huge mistake asking Putin for help to beat Hillary

During what part of that did he ask Russia to hack?
They can't accept their candidate sucked at campaigning and even failed to campaign in Wisconsin and Michigan. We are entrenched behind President Trump and don't mind a political hit now and then. He is a fast learner.

So leave him alone while he makes america great again.
"Hillary Clinton actually does have ties to the Kremlin – ties which, had they been reported with any honesty, would have become an issue in this campaign.

"As Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton helped Russian interests, operating under a directive from Putin, buy majority ownership of Uranium One, a Canadian firm that was on its way to controlling almost half of U.S. uranium production. Expanding its access to uranium around the world had become a priority for the Kremlin; control of the raw material would bolster its opportunities to build nuclear power plants such as the Bushehr facilities in Iran and similar projects in North Korea and Venezuela.

"In pursuit of the transaction, which required sign-off by Secretary Clinton, tens of millions of dollars flowed to the Clinton Foundation through its Canadian branch – moneys that were not reported by the foundation. Moneys, too, that violated Secretary of State Clinton’s memorandum of agreement with the Obama White House and contradicted information provided by Hillary to the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.

"Not only did the Clinton Foundation benefit from ties to Russia, Bill Clinton personally collected half a million dollars at about the same time for a speech made at a forum organized by a financial firm called RenCap, whose ranks were known to include ex-KGB types hand-picked by Putin.

"After his speech, Bill Clinton met with Putin. It was not the first time the two had visited."

It's Hillary, Obama who have boosted Putin's fortunes, not Trump
You are so ill informed it's laughable! Try fact checking before you make a fool of yourself again.

A False ‘Corruption’ Claim
Hillary Clinton Gave 20 Percent of United States' Uranium to Russia in Exchange for Clinton Foundation Donations?
Faustian indeed, and unfortunately for hapless Americans much too common

Trump claims to have big money/big power bona fides and wall street street smarts, then gets snookered and bamboozled by Putin in probably a single phone call

Somebody actually took Trumps comments seriously? that's the problem with the left. They dont get the nuances of sarcasm and humor. Which is partly why they are in constant melt down.
You have the wrong lovers:

. Liberals think that's a SNL skit. We will keep hitting them with that video.


PRESIDENT Obama is saying wait until AFTER the election and I will have the authority/mandate to address yadahdah....was the right thing to do....

Obama wasn't back stabbing an existing president, (he was the existing president) as Flynn and Trump did with their phone call to the Russian Ambassador telling him to pass on to Putin to ignore the sanctions the Obama admin just put on them, Trumpypoo will take care of them and remove the sanctions when he takes power, (as a reward for helping him win the election....)
Fake news
Not if it's on video.

Russia I think you will probably be rewarded mightily


During what part of that did he ask Russia to hack?

Russia, if you are listening, I hope you are able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing.
I think you will probably be rewarded mightily

Seems like an invitation to me.

If emails were missing, how they can be hacked?
Fake news
Not if it's on video.

Russia I think you will probably be rewarded mightily


During what part of that did he ask Russia to hack?

Russia, if you are listening, I hope you are able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing.
I think you will probably be rewarded mightily

Seems like an invitation to me.

Russia, if you are listening, I hope you are able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing.
I think you will probably be rewarded mightily

Hack emails that are already missing?

(How dean goes thru life)

During the Cold War, if there was even a hint of an administration involved in any way with Russia, impeachment would have come quickly regardless of who ran the House or Senate.
Faustian indeed, and unfortunately for hapless Americans much too common

Trump claims to have big money/big power bona fides and wall street street smarts, then gets snookered and bamboozled by Putin in probably a single phone call

LMAO Trump didn't need anyone's help to beat Hillary. She pretty much beat herself by believing she had the election in the bag.

Hell the polls, the MSM and the DNC told her she had Trump beaten. They considered the man a joke.

But the joke got his message out and Hillary ran a piss poor campaign. She cooked her own goose.

If you think Trump is in anyone's pocket or anyone control that man then it shows what an idiot you are.

The man has a business empire and he didn't get it by being anyone's sock puppet or a pushover.

You really should grow a couple of brain cells and use the poor things. LOL
1. Because MSM is selling the idea that Fake News stole the 2016 Election the reality is Hillary Clinton lost because of her arrogance and the reality she would have been four years of House investigations into if her fart was some sort of National Security risk...

2. Not once has anyone shown any hacking that involves voter fraud and all the hacking has to do with Democratic Leadership and it showed the corruption within it ranks but even then I doubt wikileaks had much influence in the 2016 election as much as Clinton voters wish and pray it did.

3. Final thought for the moment is that unless someone can provide hard of proof that Trump was directly working with wikileaks then Impeachment is not happening and all this nonsense will be forgotten soon enough...


Before the typical partisan nutter comment that I am some type of Trumpster because I refuse to be some type of Partisan Whore like them, well fuck off!
Faustian indeed, and unfortunately for hapless Americans much too common

Trump claims to have big money/big power bona fides and wall street street smarts, then gets snookered and bamboozled by Putin in probably a single phone call
Faustian indeed, and unfortunately for hapless Americans much too common

Trump claims to have big money/big power bona fides and wall street street smarts, then gets snookered and bamboozled by Putin in probably a single phone call

I'm thinking it was Flynn that hooked Trump up with Putin. Keep in mind, Trump has ran for president before and never went this buck fuck crazy. I'm thinking the reason he got so cocky, so out of control and stupid was because he saw an opening with the clowns that he was running against and when he thought he may have a chance....Flynn approached him with a Putin deal and connectiions...this was done with Guilianni present, Christy present and his family members, why you think he's coming for Christy all of a sudden?...Trump however with a 100% certainty he'd win, muddied the waters with this rigged election rant, just to make a deflective move to keep people on edge. He's trying to pull the same shit game with the Media being crooked chants....only difference got brains, his voters don't!!
Faustian indeed, and unfortunately for hapless Americans much too common

Trump claims to have big money/big power bona fides and wall street street smarts, then gets snookered and bamboozled by Putin in probably a single phone call

LMAO Trump didn't need anyone's help to beat Hillary. She pretty much beat herself by believing she had the election in the bag.

Hell the polls, the MSM and the DNC told her she had Trump beaten. They considered the man a joke.

But the joke got his message out and Hillary ran a piss poor campaign. She cooked her own goose.

If you think Trump is in anyone's pocket or anyone control that man then it shows what an idiot you are.

The man has a business empire and he didn't get it by being anyone's sock puppet or a pushover.

You really should grow a couple of brain cells and use the poor things. LOL
Sweetheart, I know you love Trump, but this bullshit rant your spewing is making you look like the white trashy ingrate that you are. We got illegals that come into this country with a few bucks in their pockets and a year or so later, they're opening a business...visit the south some day. In this country everything prosper when there is a demand, doesn't take a brain surgeon. You got hip hop nigga's on the stock exchange, cause they got something people want. Trump is no fuckin different....howerver....if the bitch is all that, why won't he release his tax returns...until he does that, you and your comments are non fuckin important!! And the whore is a puppet and soon idiots like you will see...I just hope you morons can HANDLE THE FUCKIN TRUTH, STUPID MF'S
You have the wrong lovers:

. Liberals think that's a SNL skit. We will keep hitting them with that video.


PRESIDENT Obama is saying wait until AFTER the election and I will have the authority/mandate to address yadahdah....was the right thing to do....

Obama wasn't back stabbing an existing president, (he was the existing president) as Flynn and Trump did with their phone call to the Russian Ambassador telling him to pass on to Putin to ignore the sanctions the Obama admin just put on them, Trumpypoo will take care of them and remove the sanctions when he takes power, (as a reward for helping him win the election....)

Oh. When did he remove the sanctions?
Faustian indeed, and unfortunately for hapless Americans much too common

Trump claims to have big money/big power bona fides and wall street street smarts, then gets snookered and bamboozled by Putin in probably a single phone call

LMAO Trump didn't need anyone's help to beat Hillary. She pretty much beat herself by believing she had the election in the bag.

Hell the polls, the MSM and the DNC told her she had Trump beaten. They considered the man a joke.

But the joke got his message out and Hillary ran a piss poor campaign. She cooked her own goose.

If you think Trump is in anyone's pocket or anyone control that man then it shows what an idiot you are.

The man has a business empire and he didn't get it by being anyone's sock puppet or a pushover.

You really should grow a couple of brain cells and use the poor things. LOL
Sweetheart, I know you love Trump, but this bullshit rant your spewing is making you look like the white trashy ingrate that you are. We got illegals that come into this country with a few bucks in their pockets and a year or so later, they're opening a business...visit the south some day. In this country everything prosper when there is a demand, doesn't take a brain surgeon. You got hip hop nigga's on the stock exchange, cause they got something people want. Trump is no fuckin different....howerver....if the bitch is all that, why won't he release his tax returns...until he does that, you and your comments are non fuckin important!! And the whore is a puppet and soon idiots like you will see...I just hope you morons can HANDLE THE FUCKIN TRUTH, STUPID MF'S

The truth hurts I know but you're rants are pretty damned ridiculous.

Carry on clueless. LOL
"Hillary Clinton actually does have ties to the Kremlin – ties which, had they been reported with any honesty, would have become an issue in this campaign.

"As Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton helped Russian interests, operating under a directive from Putin, buy majority ownership of Uranium One, a Canadian firm that was on its way to controlling almost half of U.S. uranium production. Expanding its access to uranium around the world had become a priority for the Kremlin; control of the raw material would bolster its opportunities to build nuclear power plants such as the Bushehr facilities in Iran and similar projects in North Korea and Venezuela.

"In pursuit of the transaction, which required sign-off by Secretary Clinton, tens of millions of dollars flowed to the Clinton Foundation through its Canadian branch – moneys that were not reported by the foundation. Moneys, too, that violated Secretary of State Clinton’s memorandum of agreement with the Obama White House and contradicted information provided by Hillary to the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.

"Not only did the Clinton Foundation benefit from ties to Russia, Bill Clinton personally collected half a million dollars at about the same time for a speech made at a forum organized by a financial firm called RenCap, whose ranks were known to include ex-KGB types hand-picked by Putin.

"After his speech, Bill Clinton met with Putin. It was not the first time the two had visited."

It's Hillary, Obama who have boosted Putin's fortunes, not Trump
You are so ill informed it's laughable! Try fact checking before you make a fool of yourself again.

A False ‘Corruption’ Claim
Hillary Clinton Gave 20 Percent of United States' Uranium to Russia in Exchange for Clinton Foundation Donations?

Your "fact checkers" are a joke, as is your air of superiority:

"Having no formal background or experience in investigative research, is run by a married couple from California who assert their beliefs on controversial issues while pretending to “get to the bottom” of various issues in order to share facts with the public. There is no team of lawyers or public records being scoured here and there are no qualified researchers doing work behind the scenes. Snopes is nothing more than a very popular basement blog that takes on a front as a “fact checking” website."

Snopes ( - TruthWiki

When talking with Care, it's important to remember the following...she used to pretend to be a Catholic to lend more credence to her baby killing arguments. She's a liar and a hack. She will baldfaced lie to push her Marxist, baby killing agenda.

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