Trump made at least $9.6 million from the Middle East while president

Donald Trump made at least $9.6 million from countries in the Middle East during his presidency
LOL you realize Trump had BILLIONS invested in businesses all over the world. Actual businesses and real estate.

The Bidens...20 empty shell corps with no actual business other than bribes and influence peddling.

Here this is for you :itsok: and :auiqs.jpg:
Lets talk reality, The immigration issue is a mess, BILLIONS thrown at walls, Misdirection from both sides of the isle,
A very compilated issue muddied by political party's unwilling to work together.
Lets talk reality, The immigration issue is a mess, BILLIONS thrown at walls, Misdirection from both sides of the isle,
A very compilated issue muddied by political party's unwilling to work together.
The misdirection is all coming from the Democrat party, dumbass. Lie, lie, lie is all they do.
Trump built sky scrapers and golf courses and God only knows what. He made deals and made money before he was ever elected. Democrats went through his income tax returns with a fine tooth comb and found nothing. Biden on the other hand is a sleazy long time career politician who never made a dime that wasn't confiscated from taxpayers. Trump has a lot of equity to deal with. What does Biden have?
LOL you realize Trump had BILLIONS invested in businesses all over the world. Actual businesses and real estate.

The Bidens...20 empty shell corps with no actual business other than bribes and influence peddling.

Here this is for you :itsok: and :auiqs.jpg:

Trump borrowed billions. US banks won't touch him. He had to borrow from the Russians. Trump said he's the king of debt. Believe him.
Trump built sky scrapers and golf courses and God only knows what. He made deals and made money before he was ever elected. Democrats went through his income tax returns with a fine tooth comb and found nothing. Biden on the other hand is a sleazy long time career politician who never made a dime that wasn't confiscated from taxpayers. Trump has a lot of equity to deal with. What does Biden have?

Trump lost his shirt until he stopped building. Trump withheld his tax returns or have you forgotten that?
Trump borrowed billions. US banks won't touch him. He had to borrow from the Russians. Trump said he's the king of debt. Believe him.
That's prog propaganda. Progs make those claims all the time, but none of it has ever been proven.

Borrowing money is not a crime, dumbass.
Donald Trump made at least $9.6 million from countries in the Middle East during his presidency, according to years of reporting and a CREW analysis of his tax returns. That means Trump pulled in at least six times his official presidential salary in side income from the Middle East alone during his time in office. The total is likely much higher, but public reporting only sheds light on the most high profile instances of profiteering, and he is only required to report certain types of income on his tax returns.

After Trump was elected president, he made the unprecedented decision not to divest from his business interests, and remained very much involved in the Trump Organization, creating an endless number of conflicts of interest by blurring the lines between the government and his businesses. The profiteering paid off, and Trump raked in tens of millions from international business interests during his time in office.

While he got patents for his dtr and made Kuskner a rich man, thanks to the Middle East.

And his son-in-law was given $2 billion from the Saudis to manage a venture capital fund at a 2% management fee and 20% carry even though he had zero experience in venture capital. He will make hundreds of millions of dollars off it, even if he fails.

Anything Hunter Biden or Hillary Clinton did is chump change compared to how much the Trumps made off the US Presidency. It's funny when the rubes get their panties in a knot over such things.
Oh yeah, he was a friend of Osama bin Laden..
Muslim Brotherhood and wanted to overthrow the SAG.
He was also murdered by the Saudi crown prince, cut into manageable chunks, and smuggled out in a briefcase.
Apparently she believes taking a bribe is no different than earning an honest dollar.

Well--- it's all money right? And democrats just have so very little experience in actual earned income worked for instead of government handouts and bribery/extortion.
Its like if you committed a murder, but then claim…..BUT OJ SIMPSON KILLED 2 PEOPLE!
They don’t see their own hypocrisy.

How they aren’t alarmed by all the evidence that Joe Biden assisted, either directly or indirectly, in building a massive legacy for the Biden heirs by taking $20 million or more in bribes from foreign adversaries, and is now making policy decisions that advantage them to OUR disadvantage (like letting the Chinese spy balloon have unfettered access or the pipeline for Russia) is beyond me.

Only people who hate America would not be concerned with a compromised president making decisions that hurt our country and help our enemies.
The misdirection is all coming from the Democrat party, dumbass. Lie, lie, lie is all they do.
This kind of narrow thinking is why we are in this mess, The REPUBLICANS have had control just a little more times than the DEMOCRATES.
Yet you continue to Blame just one political party for all our ills, THAT MAKES ZERO SENSE & IS IMPOSIBLE.

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