Trump made at least $9.6 million from the Middle East while president

Donald Trump made at least $9.6 million from countries in the Middle East during his presidency, according to years of reporting and a CREW analysis of his tax returns. That means Trump pulled in at least six times his official presidential salary in side income from the Middle East alone during his time in office. The total is likely much higher, but public reporting only sheds light on the most high profile instances of profiteering, and he is only required to report certain types of income on his tax returns.

After Trump was elected president, he made the unprecedented decision not to divest from his business interests, and remained very much involved in the Trump Organization, creating an endless number of conflicts of interest by blurring the lines between the government and his businesses. The profiteering paid off, and Trump raked in tens of millions from international business interests during his time in office.

While he got patents for his dtr and made Kuskner a rich man, thanks to the Middle East.
You source is a who's who of leftist politicians and activists.

trump's company did not provide the weapons, intelligence, or israeli assistance to murder yemenis, not to mention the names of american assets and the "ok" for kashoggi's dismemberment.

does this guy take personal responsibility for anything?

"i am not responsible" trump
How is Trump responsible, moron?
He could have made $9.6 BILLION, from selling drugs and children to the Saudis and to various terrorist groups, and they wouldn't care.

They. Don't. Care.
So the fact that Trump never committed any such atrocities means he is guilty?

Biden accepted $50 million in bribes and you don't care.

You are truly a fucking moron.
There’s no limit to Trump’s corruption and criminality – it would be madness to support another disastrous Trump administration.
Exceeded by the corruption and criminality of the Bidens and Obamas, prior to and during their administrations. Both have acquired million$ on so-called "book royalties" and "speaking fees" while never selling enough books to actually cover paying those royalties nor having anything valuable enough to say to warrant speaking fees of hundred$ of thou$and$ per appearance.
I’ve noticed it IRL too. Anytime you comment on a failure of Biden’s, they immediately jump to “well Trump did…..” Then you become focused on explaining why Trump did NOT do whatever the lib claimed, and the original point - what Biden did wrong - is cast aside.

I try to return it to….whatever it was I expressed about Biden….and it always fails. They default to “well, what about when Trump…”

It never fails. And the parallels they try to draw are ridiculous.

Its like if you committed a murder, but then claim…..BUT OJ SIMPSON KILLED 2 PEOPLE!
Go get him. Take your time. If he broke the law, nail him.

Not a demand. If he broke the law, I support nailing him, even if it takes time.

Do you understand? Is that simple enough for you?
Thanks for wasting your breath ordering us to impeach Biden.

You are such a fucking idiot.
If the “honorable “ Claire McCaskell said Trump made money in the Middle East, it must be true. :auiqs.jpg:
any evidence of bribes or any malfeasance at all? Just making money is
not proof of misconduct
Evidence is necessary, Yet preference would be better if directed towards helping Americans,
as apposed to filling your own pockets, A familiar theme with self interested politicians

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