trump makes incoherent tweet about recent legal filings...

Trump is right...all of the meetings with anyone Russian went nowhere....Trump didn't collude to win he didn't have to...he won because we had enough of Obama style socialism and Clinton corruption and Bernie crazy......

Sorry but we have Russia offering "political synergy" as far back as 2015...and thy DID help...and Trump PUBLICLY asked them to release Clinton e-mails.

This mess just entered the White House
Trump is right...all of the meetings with anyone Russian went nowhere....Trump didn't collude to win he didn't have to...he won because we had enough of Obama style socialism and Clinton corruption and Bernie crazy......

Sorry but we have Russia offering "political synergy" as far back as 2015...and thy DID help...and Trump PUBLICLY asked them to release Clinton e-mails.

This mess just entered the White House
LMFAO...political synergy?...WTF is that?.....Trump made a joke to zing the media because the media had no interest in Hillary's email scandal....unbelievable!.....LMAO

Yeah, well he's a psychological liar. It's clear from release of Cohen/Manafort court documents today, that the criminality of this administration has expanded into 2017/2018. (in the White House) & not just during the campaign season and the transition period.

Cohen told them a lot, Manafort while in jail was still in communication with a Senior White House official, via his attorney's. Manafort was apparently contacting the White House in an effort to get a pardon, while breaking his plea deal agreement with Mueller, by continually lying to him.

We'll see how that strategy works out.

Trump is already complicit in 2 Felonies, regarding pay off's to Stormy Daniels & Karen McDougal.
Prosecutors Say Trump Directed Illegal Payments During Campaign

All the President's men are criminals and liars. They were the ones that surrounded Trump. Flynn, Manafort, Gates, Cohen, Papalopdus, all guilty, and there will be more. Roger Stone, Trump Jr. Jerad Kushner and more we probably don't even know about.

Every shoe that drops gets closer to Trump.
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Trump's tweets are hilarious entertainment at first, then it sets in that this crazy is president.
President Trump’s tweets just show us how unhinged the radical left are. He states a few obvious facts, and the left loses their minds and calls it a “raging tweet storm”.
at this point all Trump has left is to scorch the earth with his bullshit tweets.
I think it's time for Trump to double down on the leftist and establishment..............

Operation wet back.....2............Start raids all over the country starting in California and start deporting the illegals in MASS..........

Has nothing to do with this BS political hacking circus act.........but would enrage them........LOL

All their cheap labor, and bypassing the labor laws.........boot in their asses.......

Turn up the Heat.........

at this point all Trump has left is to scorch the earth with his bullshit tweets.
At this point the only path for the left is already known.............Years worth of investigations and an attempt to impeach in the House.


So Trump tried to build a hotel in Russia......when he's in that business.........

So a Porn star says she got laid by Trump........and tried to make a buck off of it.........


So far --- he's totally correct. The "campaign finance violation" charges would never be proven in court. They are just added concrete that Mueller wrapped around Cohen ankles to feed you rabid partisans.

And no -- I'm not discussing that here. There's an active thread on the topic. Read the latest pages of THAT thread.
the charges are enough to sentence Cohen to jail.

No they were not. See my comments in the OTHER thread on the campaign finance violations..

Trump has now been implicated in a federal crime Can't do that one HERE. Because there's already a thread on it. You folks need to stick to your Tweet discussion of whether that tweet was right or not..

Special Counsel loads up a FULL CART of horseshit to negotiate pleas.. Much of which would get trashed at trial. The poor private citizen has to plead guilty to the WHOLE wagonload of crap. Not just the things he might ACTUALLY be guilty of.

Damn, you leftists are getting the information shaft. You really have NO concept of how ANYTHING works.

Do you?
apparently you havent seen the sentencing document. Its a court filing, because there is actual evidence of illegal hush payments.

If you're making comparisons to Hillary's campaign, its just Trump's super-pac acussing her campaign of using the same loopholes that Trump's super-pac is using.

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